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Growing Up
Growing Up
Growing Up
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Growing Up

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Most of my life I deceived myself by thinking that I was Godly because I was a good kid. And yet, as the apostle John wrote, If we claim fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. I walked in that darkness for quite a while, but my life has been a journey out of that, a journey into the light of Jesus Christ. My parents named me Troy, which means warrior. In a way, this book is about the battles I have faced physically, emotionally and spiritually. This is the story of my personal growth, and my hope, my sincere prayer, is that it will help you grow, too.
Release dateNov 25, 2009
Growing Up

Troy Langos

As a young man, Troy Langos was a Rennaissance man – a good student, a successful athlete, a budding musician – and he was popular with the ladies. Upon coming to Christ as an adult, Troy realized how empty and meaningless that life had been. Later he was a successful teacher and coach, a devoted father and husband. And then, struck with a career-ending illness, Troy found new fulfillment and joy in serving the Lord and his fellow man.

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    Growing Up - Troy Langos

    Growing Up


    Troy Langos

    Edited by Glenn Pettit


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    First Edition © 2009 Troy Langos. All rights reserved.

    Second Edition © 2012 Troy Langos. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 5/17/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-8739-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-8740-8 (e)

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    All Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.




    Chapter 1

    In the Beginning…

    Chapter 2

    The Rebellious Jock

    Chapter 3

    Jesus Becomes My Lord

    Chapter 4

    God’s Grace is Sufficient for Me

    Chapter 5

    The Music Man

    Chapter 6

    Troy Langos: the CD

    Chapter 7

    For Better and For Worse

    Chapter 8

    A Bittersweet Surrender

    Chapter 9

    With or Without God?

    Chapter 10

    Wait on the Lord


    The first and foremost ingredient of growing up as a child of God is to feed on the Word of God daily and develop that intimate relationship with God as our Abba ~ Father. It is an absolute dependence on Him just as a child leans on his / her dad. One will never discover a meaning in life without instilling one’s mind with God’s truth. As it is written in Psalm 119: 105 ‘Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path,’ which articulates this fact.

    The second phase of growing up is getting into the real battle field where one experiences God’s presence and His Hand upon one’s life through situations that come about in your life through people, failures, mistakes, defeats and victories. These situations make us to realize how weak and lonely we are without Christ. It is through this phase of breaking, molding and melting we get to the point where we know we are not on our own. There is someone in control of our lives and that is God Himself who created this universe for us to live in.

    Suffering plays a major role in our growing up as Christians. This is a bitter truth to admit. Suffering is one of the ways that God shapes us and molds us to His likeness. To suffer in itself is not the point; it is what it does to us. It somehow hollows us out and on the other hand ripens us. No one really knows what is going on in the soul of an afflicted person with the inner ripening that takes place through the process of suffering and pain. All we know is God is Sovereign; He is Almighty, Amazing and Awesome. When we go through pain and sorrow, the presence of God, like a warm comforting blanket, can shield us, protect us, and allow the deep inner joy to surface even in the most devastating circumstances.

    It is amazing to see the work suffering does when we don’t let our trials go to waste and our pains go in vain. Apparently they shape us and make us into people who are a true reflection of Jesus Christ. Our pain can take us to the highest level of understanding who God is. Pain and trials are infernos by which our soul is forged. Troy’s life is a powerful example of a man fighting a fierce battle in a real scenario of spiritual warfare. It gives me great joy and encouragement to see him grow day by day to what God wants him to be even though he faces pain and trials. I encourage and pray blessing for every reader that this book will accomplish God’s purpose to help you grow more and more in Him even though you may be experiencing the worst patch of your life. Knowing that there is hope in His everlasting promises in Christ our Lord. Our hope is not in the present but in the things that are not seen and a future that is ordained by God.

    But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength;

    They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

    They shall run and not be weary,

    They shall walk and not faint.

    [Isaiah 40: 31 NKJV]

    Maureena Prakash


    If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. – 1 John 1:6

    If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. – James 1:26

    You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that – and shudder. – James 2:19

    Most of my life I deceived myself by thinking that I was Godly because I was a good kid. I did not drink or do drugs growing up and I was not promiscuous. The passages cited above from 1 John 1:6 and James 1:26 describe the spiritual journey that I was on for the majority of my life, and James 2:19 describes the relationship that many of my friends have had with God Almighty. I was once a nominal Christian and I think that most Christians still are.

    In my professional life as a high school teacher, I had the pleasure of working with professors from the University of Iowa, India University, and the University of Georgia to help teachers from several former Soviet Union countries write a democratic Social Studies curriculum. I helped teachers from Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, and the Republic of Georgia write curricula. I recall Ashot, a teacher from Armenia, saying that they should have Christian dogma throughout their curriculum. The university professors cautioned Ashot about the concept of separation of church and state. Ashot went on to claim that it would be alright in Armenia, where 99% of Armenians are Christian. Later, Ashot explained that although he did not believe in God, he was undoubtedly a Christian because everyone in Armenia was. Ashot plainly believed that he inherited his faith, rather than having to do or believe anything – not unlike a lot of Christians and others in America. I was thinking that believing in God, believing that Jesus Christ was His Son, and that Jesus died and was resurrected on the third day were the major tenets of Christianity. Thus, when asked if I am religious or a Christian I respond by saying that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. Truly, the words religion and Christian mean different things to different people. Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ, not just going to Church and thinking that one is a good person – and certainly not simply being born into a believing household in a country that is mostly Christian.

    In various surveys from the early 1990’s, over 80% of Americans claimed to be Christians. More recent surveys place that number at about 76%. We have taken the Bible and prayer out of public schools and the United States is suffering the repercussions of that. I was listening to Primerica on my car stereo about a year ago. The topic was the infamous word tithing. Primerica claimed that statistics show that only about 4% of Americans truly tithe – i.e. give 10% of their gross salary to the local church that they attend. When I think about what it really means to be a Christian, I think that 4% may be closer to the amount of true Christians in this country, rather than the roughly 80% who claim to be.

    My parents named me Troy, which means warrior, because they thought that was a neat name and meaning for me to be associated with. In a way, this book addresses the battles that I have experienced – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This is the story of my personal spiritual growth, and my hope is that this story will help you grow, too. My intention with this book is not to judge others, but to simply address scriptural truths that I have experienced in my life.



    Chapter 1

    In the Beginning…

    How can you love God? You used to wrestle, coach and be a weight lifter. I wanna know how you can now sit there in that wheelchair and be so upbeat?

    I have heard questions like these a lot in the past few years, and my answer is simple and requires very little thought. I usually reply, Jesus is the reason! People around me are typically the negative ones that tend to bring me down. Jesus is the only one who continually gives me peace and joy. Occasionally, my response will lead to deeper discussions and great witnessing opportunities, which is why I welcome such questions. I can easily relate my

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