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Ignite Your Magnificence: the MQformula or Discovering Passion, Purpose and Power IN YOUR LIFE
Ignite Your Magnificence: the MQformula or Discovering Passion, Purpose and Power IN YOUR LIFE
Ignite Your Magnificence: the MQformula or Discovering Passion, Purpose and Power IN YOUR LIFE
Ebook154 pages2 hours

Ignite Your Magnificence: the MQformula or Discovering Passion, Purpose and Power IN YOUR LIFE

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About this ebook

“Our task is to sweep away the clutter of other people’s beliefs and find our own truth about ourselves. Once we accomplish this, our head and heart align with one another. This is the ultimate path to true happiness."

In this practical guide to aligning your head and heart, the author moves beyond the importance

Release dateNov 9, 2018
Ignite Your Magnificence: the MQformula or Discovering Passion, Purpose and Power IN YOUR LIFE

Z Newell

Z Newell's unique personal history, life, spiritual and work backgrounds make him uniquely qualified to help other's see life in a way that will shift them to a better understanding of themselves. His interest in philosophy and psychology stem back to his undergraduate and graduate school days, and combine with his training as a Life Coach, Passion Test Facilitator and Consultant to create a powerful and practical framework for people to step into personal transformation. He has participated in over 40 powerful men's transformational retreats over the past 16 years and is committed to helping people become their most empowered and authentic selves. Z's second book "Ignite Your Magnificence" is, in a sense, the non-fiction version of his first Visionary Fiction novel "BRINK: Don't Go Back to Sleep." In both, Z manages to spin tails of how our head and heart co-exist, and the practical method by which we can learn to better understand the power of both of these. His introduction of the concept of our Magnificence Quotient (MQ) is a direct and simply framework for understanding how we can move beyond IQ and even EQ (Emotional Quotient/Intelligence) to remove the clutter of our minds and follow our "heart-sourced vision." Z Newell currently lives in Lexington, Kentucky, known as the "Horse Capital of the World," with its beautiful pastoral setting, thoroughbred horses, as well as its famous bourbon. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Clark University in Worcester, MA with a major in Philosophy and Psychology, and attended Northwestern's PhD Program in Philosophy, with an emphasis on Existentialism, Phenomenology and Eastern Religions. He now attends a New Thought Center for Spiritual Living in Lexington, is a member of the Visionary Fiction Alliance, and is available as a professional Inspirational Speaker, with the aim of inspiring others to become more magnificent in their lives. Z's Personal Mission: "I co-create a vibrant world by inspiring people's magnificence."

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    Book preview

    Ignite Your Magnificence - Z Newell


    "There is no such thing as an enlightened person…

    only a person having an enlightened moment."

    -Byron Katie

    Right after my twenty-seventh birthday, I became an interesting statistic—one of approximately twenty people per year in the U.S. (that’s one in ten million)¹ who fall victim to Clostridium Botulinum, more commonly known as botulism—the deadliest toxin on Earth.² Once the toxin set in fully, communication between my muscles and nerves was severed and complete paralysis resulted within a matter of hours. I was fortunate enough to survive while my friend, who also absorbed the same toxin, died. (More details in Chapter One.)

    My recovery eventually led to a pivotal experience profoundly shifting my view of life, as well as my gratitude for living. From this single magnificent aha moment the concept of the Magnificence Quotient (MQ) was—unknowingly, at the time—born. Simply put, MQ represents our ability to manifest the Magnificence contained within each of us.

    Although my personal exploration began because of a major catastrophic event in my life, this book isn’t about facing major challenges. Rather, it’s about dealing with those small individual moments arising in our everyday lives. By learning to approach those lesser moments in a new way, we’ll be prepared when more major struggles show up.

    Turning adverse situations, small or large, into healthy growth opportunities isn’t always easy. Often, we get distracted by the drama and daily details of our human condition. Yet occasionally we get lucky and have certain lucid moments—known as aha moments—a reference now found even in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary.

    What was I thinking? I never saw it that way before. It was in front of me all along, but for some reason I was blind to it. These magnificent moments, as I refer to them, may be small realizations. However, they can change our perspective and dramatically shift the direction of our entire lives. These experiences range from something as simple as an I’ll never do that again awareness (which we often repeat anyway) to an epiphany or profound spiritual experience impacting our whole life.

    It’s in our aha moments that the world shifts

    and suddenly gives us clarity.

    Ask yourself:

    What if there was a way to increase our receptivity to such moments? To train ourselves to be our own best friend, rather than saboteur?

    Can we capture and experience more of these moments, rather than them escaping us?

    What if there were tools we could use in our daily living to invite in more of these aha moments?

    What if there was a clear method to effectively integrate the use of our heads and hearts to arrive at our most empowered state of action in the world?

    Try as we might, we can’t control all the external circumstances around us; but we certainly do have the capacity to change the way we incorporate and respond to the world as it unfolds and confronts us. By mastering the small moments, we can unlock the key to dealing with the more major challenges in life. That’s where the MQformula comes into play.

    While MQ represents our internal Magnificence Quotient, the MQformula is the process by which we manifest our highest potential and MQ.

    Instead of becoming overwhelmed or disrupted by events, this three-part process, practiced regularly, creates an internal shift leading to inner peace and, yes, even joy. Utilizing the MQformula process prevents us from stepping into life’s pitfalls and losing touch with the vision emanating from our hearts. It’s in our hearts that our true passion lays; yet our fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs hold us back from living our true heart-sourced vision fully. Using the MQformula we become grounded in the moment and aspire toward our truest vision.

    At the core of this very human struggle is the ever-present dilemma between our head and our heart.

    To which do we listen?

    How can we undo the voices in our head that often plague us with negativity, or into believing what we think we want?

    How can we make sense of listening to our heart and deeper passions without guilt or confusion?

    Is it possible to move through—or let go of—our fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs?

    Which do I listen to … my Head or my Heart?

    The journey of learning to use the MQformula process is an exploration of head and heart. We’ll take a much closer look at how these two tools function best together to keep us on our path of passion and purpose, and address questions such as:

    How will I know which to follow and when?

    What’s keeping me from my own Magnificence?

    Where did my fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs originate, and how can I break through or let go of them?

    Am I using eachof these in the most effective way, both individually and in relationship to one another?

    By describing and learning to use these tools fully, we clear the clutter and confusion of our thoughts and emotions. Combining the clarity of self-awareness with the passion deep in our hearts, we’ll step into powerful, intentional action in the world. The result is a deeper vision connected to our heart source, from which our Magnificent spirit comes to the surface in our everyday life.

    Since the time of my extreme paralysis experience over thirty years ago, I’ve come to better understand how to face life’s adverse circumstances. I’ve worked through major relationship, financial, career, and personal challenges. The MQformula is a framework for understanding what happens to us in these situations of challenge, and about how we can push through our own unique struggles to become more Magnificent.

    If you are a seeker of more in life—a person who desires to grasp a richer experience of your time on this earth, or a deeper spiritual experience—the MQformula and its tools is a means to this end. Even if this approach allows you to experience only one shift moving your life and a way of being in a better direction, the impact on yourself and those around you can’t help but improve the world. And I’ll thank you for helping me to move one step closer to accomplishing my mission of creating a vibrant world by inspiring people’s Magnificence.

    Two important author’s notes:

    This is not a self-help or self-improvement book, although you may have found it categorized as such. I don’t care for either of those terms; they imply there’s something within everyone that needs help or improvement. This subtly leads to believing something within us is bad, wrong or not enough. We’re all perfect exactly as we are. The problem is that we don’t realize this. This journey is one of self-realization or self-actualization of that Magnificence already inside each of us waiting to manifest or be revealed.

    The Magnificence Quotient (MQ) and the related MQformula process opens your awareness to receive these magnificent moments as they present themselves. It’s a guideline pointing us in the direction of shifting our perceptions and opening our hearts to another way of Being—not to become enlightened in some permanent transformative state, but instead providing a running start at raising our level of conscious everyday living.

    So, now we start this journey to uncover the Truth and Magnificence inside you.

    CHAPTER 1:

    From Paralysis to Magnificence

    (My Bout with Botulism)

    What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside you.

    - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    One morning, as I sat staring out the kitchen window, looking over my one-acre organic garden in rural Michigan, I had no idea a deadly toxin was creeping through my system. My draft horse was expecting me out in the barn for his daily grain, but for some reason I could not muster the energy and I was taking things slowly. Little did I know that my active country life was about to turn into months of lying helplessly in intensive care, depending on a ventilator to keep me alive.

    The day before was my 27th birthday and despite the prospect of being too tired for work the next day, I had celebrated heartily with my friends. That morning, my wife Fran had nudged me and asked if I was feeling well enough to go to work. My job at the time was as cook at a local camp. I shook my head and rolled over to go back to sleep. Since we were job-sharing this cook’s position, she went in to cover the breakfast meal.

    So, there I sat with my coffee, staring out the window. Our three-year old daughter Autumn was still asleep upstairs when I heard a knock at the kitchen door. It was John and Claudia, a married couple I hadn’t seen in quite some time, stopping by to drop something off. By coincidence both happened to be registered nurses. Some might say there is no such thing as coincidence, and they were really angels in disguise. Whatever the case, looking back, I’m grateful for their timely appearance.

    I waved them in as they proceeded to rattle off the typical How’s it going? greeting.

    Wa-bah-da-bu-dah, I replied, a completely incoherent jumble of sounds spilling from my mouth. They looked puzzled, at first probably thinking I was joking. John more closely looked me in the eyes and did a few simple tests, waving his finger back and forth for me to follow and asking some questions. After exchanging a long serious glance with Claudia, she picked up the phone and called a neurologist whom they had worked with at Muskegon General Hospital. A second call was made to the camp to alert Fran, who immediately returned home, and quickly we were on the long thirty-five mile ride to the nearest hospital. My mind was spinning and reeling as I lay helpless in the back of our 1969 Volkswagen camper van.

    I don’t recall anything about the conversation with the neurologist. My vision was becoming more and more unfocused by the minute, and by that point I couldn’t speak except for completely slurred utterances. My world was crashing around me, and I was losing control of the

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