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Hospitality and Service
Hospitality and Service
Hospitality and Service
Ebook206 pages1 hour

Hospitality and Service

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This book is a continuation of the study of service for beginning students of the subject and for persons that just want to know what it is. It is easy reading, suitable for a travel read or a beach read. It could serve as a source book for a person writing a bachelor’s thesis. It could be useful for a manager whose service employees are not performing up to par.
Millions of dollars are wasted every year by businesses, even though, they are first rate, their hospitality people act like unruly rascals. How do you start a service business? I wouldn’t like to start one or bring one back after the misery of the pandemic world we have experienced in the past few years. What about the next few years?
Politicians are constantly under fire, because they are perceived to be concerned with their own well being, instead of their constituency. What kind of service is the media providing, when they produce fiction rather than fact? Look at advertising and professional sports. Do you believe any of that stuff they produce in the way of news.
This book is for the youngster who asks what his mother or father does all day. Do they just push people around, or do they help people achieve their true worth to the business or organization they represent.
What about the car dealer that is constantly scrambling around for new business? What about some of the new stuff in business technology? Do we even know what we don’t know?
This book is for all of the above. I sincerely hope the book is a service to you.

The Author
December 17, 2020
Release dateDec 28, 2020
Hospitality and Service

Harry Katzan Jr.

Harry Katzan, Jr. is a professor who has written several books and many papers on computers and service, in addition to some novels. He has been an advisor to the executive board of a major bank, and a general consultant on Artificial Intelligence on which he has written several books. He and his wife have lived in Switzerland where he was a consultant and visiting professor of Artificial Intelligence. He is a avid runner and has completed 94 marathons including Boston 13 times and New York 14 times. He holds bachelors, masters, and docorate degrees.

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    Hospitality and Service - Harry Katzan Jr.

    Copyright © 2021 Harry Katzan Jr.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1577-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1579-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1578-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020925767

    iUniverse rev. date:   12/23/2020

    To Margaret






    Well, What is Hospitality?

    What does a hospitality person do?

    Hospitality at Home

    Hospitality in Business

    With Employees and Superiors

    Hospitality Precedes Service

    Hospitality is Structural (that is, it is Teamwork)

    Teamwork Problem Solving

    Team Processes

    Quick Summary

    Key Terms

    Selected Reading



    Service and Employment

    Service Characteristics

    Service and Organizations

    Business Service

    Differences between Products and Services

    Classification of Services

    People Processing Services

    Possession Processing Services

    Information Processing Services

    Characteristics of Services

    Quick Summary

    Key Terms

    Selected Reading



    Service Facilities

    The Service Factory

    The Service Shop

    The Service Portal

    Mobile Service Facilities

    Client Facilities

    Service Implementation

    Business Service Systems


    Information and Communications Technology

    Collaborative Services



    Outsourcing and Offshoring

    Transformational Outsourcing

    Mass Production


    Composite Services

    Service Process Organization

    An Organization Example – Retailing and Services

    Service, Service Providers, and Service Process

    Transitional Service Organization Model

    Quick Summary

    Key Terms

    Selected Reading



    Information Service Concepts

    A Personal Dimension

    Data versus Information

    Ordinary Mail

    Is Software a Service?

    Enterprise Information Services

    Business Information

    Transaction Services

    Information Processing

    Client and Provider Input to an Information Service

    Interaction Services

    Service Bus


    Information Service Applications

    Pull versus Push

    Enterprise Service Constituents

    Information Service Model

    Scope of Electronic Information Services

    Electronic Commerce

    Electronic Business

    Electronic Marketplace

    Electronic Government

    Personal Information Services

    Chat Rooms

    Instant Messaging

    Front and Back Stages

    Internet Telephone

    Web Auctions

    User Generated Media

    Social Networking


    Quick Summary

    Key Terms

    Selected Reading



    Service Management Concepts

    Information Technology

    Domain of Service Management

    Service as a Business

    Service Componentization

    IT Services Sourcing

    IT Services Management

    Elements in the Service Lifecycle

    Service Strategy

    Service Design

    Service Transition

    Service Operation

    Continuous Improvement

    Constraint Management


    Virtual Workforce

    Value Nets

    The Pull Model for Service Agility

    Service Quality

    Client’s View of Service Quality

    Process View of Service Quality

    Enterprise View of Quality

    Utility Computing

    Quick Summary

    Key Terms

    Selected Reading



    Service Business Concepts

    Business Model

    Strategy and Mission

    Service Ecosystem

    Strategic Assets

    Service Context

    Service Perspective

    Service Systems Thinking

    Service Factors

    Provider-Side View of Service Provisioning

    Client-Side View of Service Provisioning

    Business Value Creation

    Availability, Capacity, Continuity, Security, and Risk

    Service Assets

    Service Portfolio

    Service-Level Management

    Availability Management

    Capacity Management

    Service-Desk Management

    Incident Management

    Problem Management

    Change Management

    Directory-Services Management


    Quick Summary

    Selected Reading


    Providing service is an important subject that most people should know about, because most of us provide services and use services in our daily lives. This book mainly covers what a service is and what it should be. Many persons are service providers, but refer to themselves with a professional a title, such as a doctor, dentist, or accountant. Of course, they are in fact service providers. Auto repair people are service providers. When we work for a company, we are providing service to it, while the company is providing an employment service to its employees. So, where does it start and where does it end?

    The service that provides the assistance to people that is actually as service, per se, is hospitality, one of the most outwardly focused activities in the world today. A hotel is a hospitality business that actually calls itself a hospitality business.

    Another consideration is what is achieved by the methods that enhance the process of providing hospitality by considering only how people work with guests and other forms of customers.

    Here is how the book is organized. It starts with a chapter on hospitality, followed by several on service.

    So let’s get started. The emphasis of the book is service, a new subject created as service science by IBM and accepted by more than 50 universities. Here is a short story to get the ball rolling

    Recognizing that more than 80% of the country’s GNP results from services and also that more than 80% of the workforce is employed in services, Sam Palmisano, CEO of IBM, initiated a corporate-wide program in Service Science that has transformed IBM and many other organizations. The cornerstone of the program is the fact that even though most of us are engaged in services, we really know very little about the subject. At the time, there was no academic subject called service science, no principles of service science, no theorems, and most importantly, there was no set of best practices. Palmisano has changed all of that. An important aspect of the IBM initiative is that it has enabled academic participation in the development of the subject matter through the establishment of a field called Service Science in a similar manner to the way IBM assisted in the development of academic programs in Computer Science, three or four decades ago. Responding to this situation, the IBM Corporation initiated a project in the years 2004-2007 to develop a science of services. The project has resulted in a tidal wave of activity within the business and university communities to study the subject and develop academic programs. With Service Science, we are interested in the underlying principles that define the subject matter and demonstrate its relationship to other disciplines.


    In ordinary everyday language, a service is an activity that one entity provides for another entity, such as auto repair or dental work. The entity performing the service is called the service provider and the entity receiving the service is called the service consumer, even though different names usually apply. Services are important to people in business, government, education, health care and management, religion, military, scientific research, engineering, and other endeavors that are too numerous to mention. The subject is important to providers and consumers of services, alike. In fact, most service providers – be they individuals, businesses, governments, and so forth – are also consumers of services during the course of everyday life. A sage has said that in reality, everything is a service, because a consumer – when receiving an activity of some sort - is actually providing a service to the provider. Think about it. Even a person with an MD degree is actually not a service provider unless he or she has patients. This is a subject for another chapter or even another book.

    Today, most of us are employed in performing a service of some kind. Typical examples are doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, entertainers, news people, dry cleaners, and maintenance workers. Actually, this should not be a surprise, since much of what we do in everyday life involves using a service. A service activity is characterized by the fact that the result is usually intangible, meaning, in this instance, that an artifact of some sort is not produced as a result of the service experience, as in the manufacture of a product. Most people never think about the many aspects of a service engagement. Therefore, basic concepts and some service definitions are definitely in order.

    A service is a client/provider interaction that creates and captures value for both participants, and a service system is a system of people and technology that adapts to the changing value of knowledge in the system. The study of service is actually the study of service systems.

    To be more specific, a service system is a socially constructed collection of service events in which participants exchange beneficial actions through a knowledge-based strategy that captures value from a provider-client relationship. The inherent service strategy is a dynamic process that orchestrates or coordinates components, employees, partners, and clients in the co-production of value. Based on a theoretical framework for creating economies of coordination, research on service incorporates a microanalysis of various and diverse service events, so as to develop a view of the services landscape.

    The study of service is an

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