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Service Design: From Insight to Implementation
Service Design: From Insight to Implementation
Service Design: From Insight to Implementation
Ebook443 pages4 hours

Service Design: From Insight to Implementation

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Service Design is an eminently practical guide to designing services that work for people. It offers powerful insights, methods, and case studies to help you design, implement, and measure multichannel service experiences with greater impact for customers, businesses, and society.

Release dateMar 13, 2013
Service Design: From Insight to Implementation

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    Service Design - Andy Polaine


    If you have a job and live in a city, you may be sheltered from evidence that profound change is under way. But things you can’t see can be all too real. City centers bustle, restaurants are full, and shop windows sparkle, but like ghost images on the television, other realities impinge—eerily empty railway stations, newly built malls that never open, well-dressed people lining up at soup kitchens.

    These small signs are the visible evidence of a global system under extreme stress. One cause of that stress is the amount of energy needed to keep it all going. A New Yorker today needs about 300,000 kilocalories a day once all the systems, services, networks, and gadgets of modern life are factored in. The difference in energy needed for survival in the preindustrial era and our own complex lives is 60 times—and rising.

    Another cause of stress is the remorseless drive for growth. When the new Italian prime minister, Mario Monti, gave his acceptance speech to the Italian Senate at the end of 2011, he used the word growth 28 times and the words energy and resources zero times. This supposed technocrat neglected even to mention the biophysical basis of the economy that had been put in his charge. He did not see fit to discuss the fact that cars, planes, and freight; buildings and infrastructure; heating, cooling, and lighting; food and water; hospitals and medicines; and information systems and their attendant gadgets all depend on a continuous flow of cheap and intense energy. And this flow is under a duress that can only intensify.

    Could economic growth be decoupled from energy growth and expand to infinity that way? Why not grow a service-intensive economy of high-priced haircuts, storytelling, and yoga lessons? This would be a pleasing solution—Service designers save the world!—were it not for one thing: multiplying money always expands an economy’s physical impacts on the Earth somewhere down the line. Indefinite GDP growth on a fixed energy income is not going to happen.

    Rather than wait for a global switch to renewables that is not going to happen either, a multitude of communities are exploring how to meet daily life needs in ways that do not depend on the energy throughputs that we have become accustomed to in the industrial world. For every daily life-support system that is unsustainable now—food, shelter, travel, health-care—alternatives are being innovated. These innovations can all benefit from service design expertise.

    In the radically lighter economy whose green shoots are now poking above the ground, we will share all resources, such as energy, matter, time, skill, software, space, or food. We will use social systems to do so, and sometimes we will use networked communications. Local conditions, local trading patterns, local networks, local skills, and local culture will remain a critical success factor—and so will service design.

    This book is timely and welcome for all these reasons. It will be invaluable for practicing professionals—but also, one hopes, for clients everywhere. Service design is a collaborative activity; everyone involved can benefit from the skills and insights in the pages that follow.

    —John Thackara

    Marseilles, France, October 2012

    Author, In the Bubble: Designing in a Complex World


    Insurance Is a Service, Not a Product

    Consumer Insights

    Company Insights

    Putting Insights into Practice

    Experience Prototyping the Service

    The End Is Just the Beginning

    Insurance rarely comes to mind as an industry that provides a rewarding customer experience. The only time people find out whether their insurance company is actually any good is when they are at their most distressed and vulnerable. When they find out their insurance is awful, there is nothing they can do about it. They are at the mercy of small print they either did not read or did not understand, and they may end up spending hours on the telephone or filling out more paperwork. There should be insurance against mistreatment by insurance companies.

    For many insurance companies and the people working for them, the lofty goal is to be the least awful with the minimum effort possible. The insurance market has ended up in a race to the bottom, competing only on price because customers do not understand their complex policies, hence the proliferation of insurance price-comparison websites.

    Part of the problem is that insurance is complicated, involves multiple stakeholders and channels, and is a classic example of a service that is often sold as a product. The mix of complexity, human experience, multiple stakeholders, and delivery channels, combined with customer dissatisfaction with an industry stuck in its ways, makes insurance a perfect candidate for disruptive service design.

    In 2009, Norway’s largest general insurer, Gjensidige (pronounced yen-SEE-dig-ah), decided they had had enough of competing in this toxic marketplace on the same level as their competitors. As a financial group with a 150-year history, Gjensidige had a solid position in the market, but they had a strong drive to improve the quality of service they were offering their customers. CEO Helge Leiro Baastad decided that customer orientation should be a main strategic focus and a key competitive advantage for the firm.

    A major challenge was a structural one. Gjensidige was organized as a chain of activities from product development to sales, with expert staff working in silos. This industrial model made it difficult to orient the silos to work together to deliver a unified experience to customers. Because Baastad wanted the change to be driven from the heart of the business, he asked marketing director Hans Hanevold and brand director Kim Wikan Barth to leave their jobs for two years to run a company-wide change program called Extreme Customer Orientation. Both Hanevold and Barth had long track records with the company, enjoyed the respect of their colleagues, and knew how to engage the organization.

    Hanevold and Barth began by identifying change agents in every business unit within the company. The underlying principle was that customer orientation should be grown from the inside out rather than being driven by outside consultants, and that the activities should be funded by the business units themselves. To support these activities, they created a company-wide training program, then set about identifying what ultimately amounted to 183 concrete actions to improve customer experience. For some projects, the business units required specialist expertise to fulfil their ambitions, and service designers were hired to help design a better service experience.

    Gjensidige embraced service design as a way to help bridge the gaps across the silos and develop their services in more customer-oriented ways. Service design methods helped them create a complete and shared picture of what really provides value to the customer, as well as processes to join up the experiences.

    As a lead-up to their change program, Gjensidige employed service designers to challenge their thinking about what the ideal insurance service would look like. The initial task was very broad—Gjensidige wanted to find out about people’s behaviors, motivations, and relationships to insurance. It was important, however, not only to understand the mindset of Gjensidige’s customers, but also of staff.

    The actuaries—the mathematicians and financial wizards who come up with the complex products on which insurance is based—belonged to the Product Group. The name of this department was a clue to the shift that was required in the company’s internal culture. What the company is really selling is a service. Customers cannot hold insurance in their hands, and their experience of their insurance policy is made up of the service interactions they have with the company. When customers buy a physical product, they can inspect it for build quality, flaws, or damage. It is much harder to do that with services, especially ones that are essentially a contract based on the chance of a future event, such as insurance. Many people buying insurance do not really know what they are buying, and only find out what is covered at the worst possible moment—when disaster strikes. This is not the time to begin haggling over contract details.

    Consumer Insights

    The approach taken in the Gjensidige project is an example of classic service design—insights research, workshops, service blueprinting, service proposition development, concept sketches and presentations, experience prototyping, testing, and delivery. A fairly small sample of users was involved in the research, but the research went deep. The design team visited and spoke to three people working in Gjensidige’s call centers and offices, as well as six customers, to look at both the delivery side and the recipient side of the service. To people used to working with larger data samples, nine people might not sound like enough, but Gjensidige already had a great deal of quantitative information. This information didn’t have the detail of the qualitative research needed for an innovation project, however. Quantitative methods are good for creating knowledge and understanding the field, but they are not very useful for translating knowledge into action and helping organizations do something with it. Qualitative studies are very good at bridging this gap.

    Five different areas were researched with the participants: insurance in general, social aspects, choices, contact, and tools for staff. What Gjensidige and the service design team discovered were some important differences between what people say and what they do. Some of the insights that were uncovered are described below. Many are questions and needs, and one can see how this kind of research immediately gets the problem-solving juices flowing.


    Insurance is built on trust. When customers pay their premiums, they trust that they will get value for money—and that the insurance company will still exist when they need it. But trust is very fragile. It takes some time to build up and is quickly broken. All the small glitches in delivery—letters sent to the wrong address, billing errors, problems with communication, customers having to repeat details multiple times—damage people’s trust in an insurance company. They wonder whether similar chaos happens behind the scenes. Fixing the small glitches can have a big impact on the level of trust.

    Comparison and Purchasing Criteria

    People say they make insurance purchasing decisions based on quality, but they find it hard to do this in reality. It is very difficult to compare what is inside different insurance policies and make a rational choice. People feel that insurance is not very transparent, especially with regards to quality, so it is easier to compare on price, because money is a fixed variable. This means designers cannot simply trust what customers say they want, but have to work smartly around price and quality issues.

    Of course there is room for quality in the market, but with online price-comparison engines, the quality aspect of insurance has completely dropped out of the conversation with customers and all that is left is price. For customers, quality means, Am I covered? Do I get a rental car when my car is being repaired? Am I actually covered for the things I think should be covered?

    With most other services and products, customers can easily see the differences between the premium version and something cheaper, but not with insurance. Customers are really asking what quality means—that is, the difference between the premium and budget products. This raises many other questions, such as what is actually covered and when, how much are the out-of-pocket expenses, and so on. It soon becomes complicated.

    As with much service design, the challenge is to make the invisible visible, or to make the right things visible and get rid of the noise in the rest of the offering. In the Gjensidige project, then, one of the key challenges was to develop a service proposition that eliminated price as the key deciding factor.


    People expect an insurance payout when something happens, and they expect help. This is another issue related to quality. Customers who buy a cheap insurance product get money but will not get much help, whereas Gjensidige has a very good system for taking care of people when something happens. For example, when customers have damage to a car, they just take it in for evaluation and Gjensidige issues a rental car and takes care of everything else. This fact needed to be made visible as part of the service proposition.

    Employment and Public Benefits

    Gjensidige believe they provide all the insurance people might need, but in Norway many people are also covered by some kind of insurance from their employer or union. It is very difficult for people to tell whether they are covered because there is no way for them to see all of this information in one view, all in one place. The challenge is to achieve this in a transparent and trustworthy way for customers.

    Social and Cultural Interactions

    Many invisible social touchpoints affect the entire service experience. The police, for example, might give insurance advice by saying, Oh, your cell phone was stolen? Don’t even bother contacting your insurance company. Customers who contact Gjensidige do in fact receive a new phone, but people tend to trust that the police are knowledgeable about such issues.

    The researchers discovered that many different people were giving advice about insurance who should not be. For example, friends and family were frequently believed to be the best source of insurance advice. People trust their father to give them good advice about an insurance policy more than they trust an insurance agent. (By agent here, we mean a representative of Gjensidige because there is very little in the way of an insurance brokerage market in Norway.)

    The challenge, then, is how to work together with all of these invisible touchpoints. Insurance originally dates back to a time when people in a small community would pool their money to pay for an accident, such as someone’s barn burning down. This stimulated thinking about bringing back this social aspect, because insurance had evolved from a collective effort into these machines that customers don’t trust.


    From an insurance specialist point of view, the more options you have the better you will be covered. Covering certain items, such as a new bike, but not others, such as an old PC, allows people to have insurance tailored to their needs.

    At the same time, customers want simplicity. The paradox discovered in the insights research was that customers want very simple products, but they want to feel like they are making a choice from an array of complex products. The underlying need here is that they do not want to have to choose from lots of options, but they want the experience of having made their own choice.


    When it comes to reading insurance papers, one of the typical quotes from interviewees was, I just can’t do it. This connects back to the issue of trust. On the one hand, customers do not read the details of their insurance policies, which means they blindly trust the insurance company to be right. On the other hand, customers do not trust the insurance company because they do not know the details of their policies.

    Insurance companies produce enormously long documents, which is the main reason customers do not read them. Customers were saying, Can’t we have just one document and could it be on one page? but what people actually wanted and needed was a What if? structure they could study—one to explain that if this happens, the customer will get that from the insurance company.

    Customers also had no idea where they kept their insurance papers. They know the papers are important and some people said they had them securely filed away, but when researchers asked to see them, the papers were in a complete mess. Interviewees would say, Yes, they’re just over here, but it would turn out to be a policy from two years ago and the latest one was still in a pile of papers somewhere. This means that customers have no clue about what they are insured for or what they are even paying.

    Another reason people did not know what was in their documents is that most of the text is written by lawyers in legalese. Over the years, more and more text had been added to these documents without much serious thought about what was still needed. To counter this, Gjensidige reduced the size of their insurance policy documents by 50% to 60% just by taking out extraneous words and simplifying the language as much as legally possible. It took a team of four people a year and a half to do this, but they have done a brilliant job. Gjensidige also gained a small side benefit from reduced printing costs, but the big benefit has been in customer experience.

    Company Insights

    Filling In the Gaps in Public Benefits

    In Norway, people assume that if something bad happens to them, they will be covered by the state, but they have no clue about what actually would be covered and what they should cover themselves. Customers need this information and they need people to talk to who can give them good advice, not just salespeople who are more interested in selling an insurance product than in what customers need.

    As in many organizations, the underlying issue is hard targets for sales quotas and organizational structures that actually discourage customer service representatives from taking proper care of people. Gjensidige needed to change the way they measure performance internally so that the benefit could be experienced externally, which meant an internal culture change. Since this change was implemented, everyone’s primary measure is customer satisfaction on an individual basis. Customer-facing staff at Gjensidige get daily reports on their own customer satisfaction scores. The main data is gathered by sending customers an e-mail asking if they want to rate their experience after every customer contact by telephone or at a branch office. This feedback is added to a mix of other metrics to make up a comprehensive customer experience measurement system.

    Being Personal

    When it comes to customer relations, people see straight through things that are meant to be personal but actually are not. Humans are so well attuned to interpersonal interactions that communications such as personalized form letters can come across as almost creepy. Worse still, these kinds of faux personal communications are prone to simple glitches, such as old data or typos, leading to personalized life insurance letters being sent to dead relatives, or Mr. Jones being addressed as Dear Mrs. Jones. There is only one type of personal, and it is to be genuinely personal. For that to happen, of course, the company culture must be one that encourages it and one in which employees feel happy working. Grumpy, stressed people have grumpy, stressed interactions.

    Consistent Communication Channels

    Respondents wanted Gjensidige to stay on their channel, meaning that if they telephoned, they wanted the company to call them back, not send an e-mail or a letter. If they sent an e-mail, they wanted an e-mail back. Gjensidige made the strategic decision to keep all of their channels open, which is more costly because it is more complicated to manage, but the company believes it is worth the expense because it creates a better customer experience.


    Laypeople (customers) really do not understand the language of insurance. A lot of people thought a premium was actually a prize, for example. As such, Gjensidige needed to be careful that the insurance language that is clear to them actually means the same thing to their customers across all communication channels.

    Formalizing Personal Routines

    When researchers visited Gjensidige’s offices to interview staff, they saw a lot of sticky notes on salespeople’s desks and on their computers (Figure 1.1). Many people had created their own routines for more efficiently dealing with customers. The insight here was

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