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Retired Old Men Eating out (Romeo) Volume One
Retired Old Men Eating out (Romeo) Volume One
Retired Old Men Eating out (Romeo) Volume One
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Retired Old Men Eating out (Romeo) Volume One

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This book is a fun easy to read BEACH READ. A reader can pick it up and start reading. It’s sharable. It’s informative. It tells how old men really are. It is a way to get together and make friends.
Release dateJun 12, 2023
Retired Old Men Eating out (Romeo) Volume One

Harry Katzan Jr.

Harry Katzan, Jr. is a professor who has written several books and many papers on computers and service, in addition to some novels. He has been an advisor to the executive board of a major bank, and a general consultant on Artificial Intelligence on which he has written several books. He and his wife have lived in Switzerland where he was a consultant and visiting professor of Artificial Intelligence. He is a avid runner and has completed 94 marathons including Boston 13 times and New York 14 times. He holds bachelors, masters, and docorate degrees.

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    Retired Old Men Eating out (Romeo) Volume One - Harry Katzan Jr.

    Copyright © 2023 Harry Katzan Jr.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any reference to real people, organizations, products, and places are intended to give the work a sense of reality and authenticity, and are used in a fictitious manner. All names, characters, places, dialogue, and conventions in the book are the product of the author’s imagination, except where a name and attributes are established in the literature.


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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5357-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5359-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5358-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023910285

    iUniverse rev. date: 06/09/2023



    Main Characters in the Book

    Chapter 1 The General and Ashley Get Things Going

    Chapter 2 Ashley and Her New Hobby

    Chapter 3 The Queen and I

    Chapter 4 Things are Not Well in the UK

    Chapter 5 On to London

    Chapter 6 The Serious Meeting Takes Place

    Chapter 7 Knowledge is Good

    Chapter 8 The Solution and Afterwards

    Chapter 9 Deja Vu All Over Again

    Chapter 10 Sun City and the Romeo Club

    Chapter 11 Something Strange Happens

    Chapter 12 Things are Getting More Strange

    Chapter 13 The General Joins the Romeo Club

    Chapter 14 Thoughts on Sun City and the Romeo Club

    Chapter 15 The Green Room Restaurant

    Chapter 16 The General’s First Day at Romeo

    Chapter 17 After the Romeo Club Breakfast

    Chapter 18 What is Going On in Sun City?

    Chapter 19 The Rocking Chair

    Chapter 20 The Twin Sisters

    Chapter 21 The Story Next Door

    Chapter 22 Hands Across the Sea

    Chapter 23 Dr. Luther Kabelnoff at Oxford University

    Chapter 24 A Solution for Kimberly’s Situation

    Chapter 25 The Good Life

    About This Novel

    About The Author

    Books By Harry Katzan, Jr.

    For Margaret, my best girl, now and forever

    And Kathryn and Karen


    This novel, as in the previous stories in the series, involves Matt and the General along with others that go out of their way to help people; however this book involves the Romeo Club, an interesting group of retired men. Romeo stands for Retired Old Men Eating Out. What they do is go out to breakfast every couple of weeks. Most men work 30 years or so and retire, just like that. They are used to getting up early and from then on it’s go go go. Every day. Then just like that, it stops. But, there is another thing, once they are retired, they are all the same, regardless if they are generals, presidents, doctors, or professors. Home life is normally good, but not that good. They are used to doing things and helping people. That’s why this book is the first edition. If it goes, then we all go. Believe me, in a retired man, you will find a mountain of wisdom.

    This is a different kind of story. Read on and you will find out how and why. You never know with Matt and the General. As in the previous novels, Matt Miller, who has a PhD degree from a prestigious university, and uses mathematical thinking and solid logic, along with the organizational ability of General Les Miller, his grandfather, to solve several major problems, recognized by the President and the Intelligence Director of the United States, as well as two local problems that require the wisdom of the team.

    In this set of episodes, the action includes a communications situation in Great Britain, the problems within the Campus of Sun City, and some interesting local situations. Throughout, the activity uses the ability of Sir Charles Bunday, the General’s war buddy, and the knowledge and experience of General Mark Clark, and three important women including Ashley, who is Matt’s wife, Anna, who is the General’s wife, and a newcomer named Maya. Read on. Two additional persons are introduced, Kimberly Scott, an information specialist, and Maya Wilson, a good friend of the group. An outsider looking in from outer space would say it looked like an interesting team. The various stories can be read separately. There is no need to read the first chapter and then the last chapter to see if it is worth reading.

    The scene changes rapidly, but always in the scope of no violence, no sex, and no bad language. The book typifies the conventional beach read in that the subject matter can be read as collection of separate stories.

    This is the fourteenth book in the Matt and the General series. The characters assume their dynamic personalities as in previous tales.

    The Author,

    June 2023


    The General – Les Miller. Former military General and Humanitarian. P-51 pilot and World War II hero.

    Matthew (Matt) Miller – Professor of Mathematics. Grandson of the General. Sophisticated problem solver and strategist.

    Ashley Wilson Miller – College friend of Matt Miller. Former Duchess of Bordeaux. Married to Matt Miller. Receiver of the National Medal of Freedom.

    Marguerite Purgoine - Retired creative writing Professor and an associate of the team. Known as Anna for some unknown reason. Wife of the General.

    Sir Charles (Buzz) Bunday – P-51 pilot and Army Air Force buddy of Les Miller. Member of the British Security Service. Knight of the United Kingdom.

    General Clark – Mark Clark, Former Four Star General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Appointed to be U.S. Director of Intelligence.

    Kimberly Scott – The Intelligence specialist of the U.S. Has PhD degree and an extensive pubs record.

    Katherine Penelope Radford – Retired Queen of the United Kingdom and personal friend of the General.

    Adam Benfield – Iranian terrorist leader known as Atalus. Spy for the United States and England. Has PhD degree.

    Maya Wilson – Member of the Fab Five quilting group.





    "G ood morning, Matt, said the General. How about a round of golf at the Country Club? The weather should be excellent."

    Good morning yourself, Sir, answered Matt. I’m half awake. Do you know it’s 6:00 in the morning?

    I do, said the General. I just thought we should get back into our regular rounds of golf.

    How is your leg? Are you ready for 18 holes of golf? asked Matt.

    I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, replied the General. I’ve been at the driving range every day for the last two weeks, fourteen straight days.

    Okay, I’m in, said Matt. When and what time."

    How about today at 10:00? added the General.

    I’ll be there, replied Matt. I hope Ashley doesn’t have anything planned.

    Go back to sleep, answered the General. Call me if you can’t make it.

    Ashley rolled over and said, Who was it Matt?

    The General, said Matt. He wants to play a round of golf today.

    What time? asked Ashley, She was awake enough to get at the most important item, which is the time.

    "He said ten

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