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Shadow Magic: The Way of Rao, Magic of the Children of Juru
Shadow Magic: The Way of Rao, Magic of the Children of Juru
Shadow Magic: The Way of Rao, Magic of the Children of Juru
Ebook238 pages8 hours

Shadow Magic: The Way of Rao, Magic of the Children of Juru

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Deep within you is a center of power so potent and strong it defies imagination. It is within this dark place where you can tap into and harness your magick and be among the Children of Juru (Witches of the Night). The Valley of Juru in Kryptonian myth is an allegory of the shadow realms within the subconscious, it is here where your magic power resides. It is here at this new depths and places many people fear to go. Deep within our psyches, the unconscious holds our forbidden feelings, secret wishes, and creative urges. Over time, these "dark forces" take on a life of their own and form the shadow―a powerful force of unresolved inner conflicts and unexpressed emotions that defies our efforts to control it. By applying the teachings, one can harness this hidden realm and master it. The use of black magick can be applied to the real world to fulfill your dreams.
Release dateApr 11, 2019
Shadow Magic: The Way of Rao, Magic of the Children of Juru

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    Shadow Magic - Gev-Da

    Shadow Magic: The Way of Rao, Magic of the Children of Juru

    Shadow Magic

    The Way of Rao



    An Illuminated Publications Book

    Published by Illuminated Publications

    Copyright © 2018 by Gev-Da

    ISBN 978-0-359-58532-8

    1st Edition

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast.


    Journey through the progressively transcendent levels of consciousness with Russo’s classic introduction to the realm of magic, located in Juru (Shadow Realm).

    Juri Magic: The Way of Rao reveals how to do shadow work by entering the realm of the subconscious for better health, greater personal power, and expanded awareness.

    Explore what makes you tick

    Use your inner demons and angels to achieve your goals

    Increase personal power and energy.

    Emulate the power of Rao through compassion

    It is easier to be a beacon of light in the dark, what about being a beacon of dark in the blindness of light. This book here covers that.

    Dedicated to all those who want to know

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1  Valley of Juru

    Chapter 2  Fountains of Lilith

    Chapter 2  SaReT is the Fuel for Magic

    Chapter 3  Beacon of the Dark

    Chapter 4  Worldkillers

    Chapter 5  Demons of Juru

    Chapter 6  Yuda Kal before Rao

    Chapter 7  The Magi

    Chapter 8  The Seven Powers

    Chapter 9  Sorcery

    Know them by their Shadow

    The Nine Types



    The Enchanted targets

    How to Sell Anything

    Demonic Power of Words

    Chapter 10 The Science of Sorcery

    Hypnosis and Placebo

    Chapter 11  Torquasm-Vo and Torquasm-Rao

    How to do Torquasm-Vo


    Chapter 12  The Way


    Soh / Truth:


    ucavÁ /Synergy:

    ZguZö /Imagination:


    täO/ Justice

    :jaGa / Restraint

    SaReT / Hope

    gaZRyg/ Industriousness

    ükynon / Altruism

    Traditional Core Virtues

    Figure 1: glyph of Juru

    Figure 2:Nightwing/Flamebird

    Figure 3: The Magician

    Figure 4: Three Personalities

    Figure 5: Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types

    Figure 6: Torquasm-Vo showing the Prithvi Mudra

    Figure 7: Prithvi Mudra

    Figure 8: Kara’s hand gesture related to the Vajrasattva mudra.

    Figure 9: Seven Powers (chakras)

    Figure 10: Nightwing first meet Flamebird

    Figure 11: eight winds by Dr.Shen Hongxun

    Figure 12: Kryptonian Alphabet

    Figure 13: The 9 Kryptonian Vowels

    Figure 14: Kryptonian Tree of Life with Girod

    Figure 15: Alphabet of desire


    What is Juri magic? What is Shadow magic? In the Kryptonian myth, there is a place called the Valley of Juru. The Valley of Juru is an allegory of the shadow realms within the subconscious. There were a group of people who tapped into the mystic arts who lived in that Valley. The magi were skilled in Juri magic. The Orbs of Juru was like the Book of Rao and the Crystal of Knowledge. The teachings of the Orbs were called the Way of Rao. This book is about the use of magic or magick that can be applied in the real world based on the Girod which the 11 virtues that were created by Val-Zho aka Darren Doyle. Remember that magic is everywhere and for success; it must first take place in your head.

    Within the Valley of Juru demons roam, these are the impulses that are in the subconscious that I will discuss later in this book.

    Juru is the Realm of Shadows where shadow work takes place. The shadow is a psychological term for everything we can’t see in ourselves. Exploring your shadow can lead to greater authenticity, creativity, energy, and personal awakening. This introspective process is essential for reaching mature adulthood.

    Carl Jung has been credited for this term, though he didn’t create this as many believe. In all the ancient pagan traditions that talk about the netherworld, underworld used allegories to describe this. In Greek myth, the deities such as Hecate, Hades, Nyx, and other dark deities were symbolic of the shadow and the archetype of nature such as winter, night and rest. In Greek myth, Hades was the god of the underworld and also the place. This same pattern is also in Sumeria when it comes to the goddess Irkalla who is also known better as Ereshkigal. The place that she dwells is also called Irkalla which was a dark, dreary cavern located deep below the ground which was a shadowy version of life on earth. In the Bible, the angel called Abaddon resides in the place called Abaddon. In Greek, he is called Apollyon.

    None of these are actual places with actual beings, these represent the shadow within. Deep within, all of us carry demons inside us. Sometimes we catch fleeting glimpses of them, sometimes we witness them in full frontal chaos, but for the most part, we ignore and bury their existence either out of fear, guilt or pure shame. However, discovering and owning our demons is a vital part of our journey to awakening.

    Author and psychotherapist Steve Wolf noted: Beneath the social mask we wear every day, we have a hidden shadow side: an impulsive, wounded, sad, or isolated part that we generally try to ignore.  The Shadow can be a source of emotional richness and vitality, and acknowledging it can be a pathway to healing and authentic life.

    Therefore, the Shadow isn’t just the wounded part of us, but it is also the path towards a more authentic and fulfilling life. In order to repair, heal, and grow on a mental, emotional, and psychological level, we need to practice Shadow Work.

    Shadow Work is a practice that helps us to become whole again. It works on the premise that you must 100% OWN your Shadow, rather than avoiding or repressing it, to experience deep healing. Our upbringing has taught us to repress and reject parts of ourselves. It is these parts that split into the shadow.

    The Valley of Juru is also a dark dreary realm with mountain peaks, a forest shrouded in mist cannot be pierced. Juru is also called the Dark Valley which is an alternate dimension occupied by a valley containing a dark wooded area, which is like the Kryptonians valley of Juru, a land sacred for the Children of Juru, witches of Krypton. This alternate dimension is where the Worldkiller personae reside when their human counterparts are conscious. The Worldkiller personae are also the shadow within. Those with Dissociative identity disorder shadow are so repressed where when one persona comes forth, the other is totally unaware of the other personae.

    When our shadow is repressed it takes over as a power of its own. The difference between the average people who struggle than someone who suffers from Dissociative identity disorder is the average person is aware of their actions and just lacks the will to stop what they are doing.

    Within the Dark Valley roams Kryptonian demons that are there to take that persona away leaving one lost to that aspect of themselves. This is symbolic and the Fountains of Lilith can restore energy to the persona or weaken it.

    The demons are only destructive when we repressed by ignoring them. To ignore them makes them hungry ready to devour anything. Seek within and allow the shadow to work for you to bring about the results of your magic. 

    Figure 1: Glyph of Juru


    In the last book The Teachings of Rao: The Spiritual Avatar of the Red Sun, I have covered the 11 Girod (Virtues) and the Kryptonian Tree of Life. The foundation of the Tree is Home/Unity/Belonging, what is required to really belong? Most people, especially in the west, are indoctrinated to neglect parts of ourselves.  We are told to look outside ourselves for answers, so we wind up becoming blind to what’s going on inside us. This book Shadow Magic: The Way of Rao is to show what makes us tick. Why do we long to belong? Why is it important?  The monsters we create symbolize the fears we have about our self. We were all born whole. That wholeness is short-lived because we are relationally dependent as children. Being born relationally dependent into families that indoctrinate into us of what aspects of ourselves are acceptable and others are not. What is acceptable versus unacceptable depends upon the perspective of the family and society we are born into.

    The aspects of ourselves that are seen as unacceptable, both positive and negative, are rejected by our families, and the aspects that are seen as acceptable are not. So, being relationally dependent in the name of survival, we do anything we can to disown, deny, or suppress those aspects in ourselves that are disapproved of. This creates a split within a person which is called the conscious and the subconscious. This self-preservation instinct of dividing ourselves into conscious and subconscious is, in fact, our first act of self-rejection.

    In the 20th-century psychologist, Carl Jung was studying with Freud, and they together noticed that people had a conscious aspect and a subconscious aspect. This means an individual can have aspects of themselves they are aware of, and aspects they are entirely unaware of.

    Consciousness has long been referred to as light. To become aware of something, you have to be able to see it in the same way that you might see something that is suddenly illuminated in light. When something is unconscious, you can't see it, because you are unaware of it. The same way that you are unaware of something that might be in a dark room because the darkness is there, you can't see it. So, what Jung began to do is refer to the aspects of a person that they themselves are unaware of or unconscious of as the shadow. So, the human shadow is any aspect of a person that is not exposed to the light of their own consciousness. 

    Freud speculated that there are parts of the unconscious one can never know about, this is not so, the parts we don’t know, are caused by the split, the split that can be united by purging the indoctrination we have been influenced by since childhood. 

    The reason that the hidden shadow aspects of us contain mostly what we would consider negative things is that most of us tend to deny, suppress, disown, or reject aspects of ourselves that we feel are negative. The truth is that all those things we think are negative are not. Many of the aspects that are rejected are truly positive. This is definitely true with those who struggle with shame and low self-opinion of themselves.

    Here is an example of how something that is not negative ends up in the hidden shadow within the subconscious. A girl is born with a sense of self, she knows who she is, she knows what she likes, she is attracted to other girls, she knows exactly what she doesn't like and she for sure speaks her opinion. Her family she came from think little girls should not be seen and not heard, and only be with boys of her own race. She feels to get the love and acceptance from her family, is to be this sweet little girl who doesn’t speak her mind. The aspects of herself that are assertive and confident are not accepted by her family, not only that, she is told it’s wrong to attracted to other women, especially those outside her race. Therefore for the sake of survival, so she can fit in, she will begin to learn to reject those aspects of herself. In order to get love as an adult, she winds up being this sweet obedient girl who dates only men of her race. Her life will be painful because she has exiled that part of herself, she is divided.

    She may eventually come to the realization what she was indoctrinated with was not right and discover her feelings, beliefs, or memories are part of her subconscious and discover that she is in fact, assertive and confident and attracted to women of a different ethnicity than her own. When she reclaims that part of herself, she can be confident, assertive and happy as she accepts who she really is, through self-acceptance and date whomever she wants.

    Here is an example of how the negative aspects end up in the hidden in the shadow. A child feels anger and they are born in a family that says anger is wrong and a sin. So now when that child feels anger, they are shamed for feeling that emotion and punished for it.

    Now that child grows up and tries to dissociate themselves from that anger in every way that they can, but the anger doesn't go away, one just consciously denied it, and it becomes repressed and in the subconscious. As an adult, this person will most likely not have any awareness that he has any anger in him at all. He will not and cannot see himself clearly because he has denied that aspect of himself. So, when people tell him, Man, you're really angry, I can feel the anger in you, he will not relate to that at all. He will probably relate to himself as easygoing. Meanwhile, his anger may be turned inward as depression. Inside he is very angry, because he was shamed for having anger, he holds things in and doesn’t express himself. Therefore he doesn’t get his needs met due to poor communication which feeds his anger. That anger is turned inward wearing the mask of depression.

    If he works with someone to discover the feelings, beliefs, and memories that are part of his subconscious, he may discover that he truly is angry, and that anger has been coming all along in passive-aggressive ways that are hurting himself and those around him. He also finds out that his depression is also anger. If he addresses the anger directly, his passive-aggressive behavior will cease to exist and his human relationships will become more enjoyable.

    When we deny, disown or suppress something it doesn’t disappear, it just fades from our conscious awareness into the world of blindness which is the subconscious. This is the real reason why most people do so many things in life that they don't understand what they are doing. It's why most people are still completely out of control of themselves.

    The reason why people reject facing those hidden parts is that to acknowledge something that you have suppressed in your subconscious mind because you have rejected and denied it, you must come face to face with the pain of having to fracture yourself and lose an aspect of yourself for the sake of being loved.

    What caused the pain of rejection originally will come up every time you do inner work to bring light to the dark. In other words, it will bring up the same feeling of rejection that we were met with the first time around from our parents and caregivers, and so it makes us feel like we are going to be exiled or punished again. It sets off survival mechanisms and thus makes us feel like we are literally going to die. It's no wonder self-awareness is not so easy to attain. Many who are still caught up in duality concept of I versus others will use the excuse it’s too dark and that they rather stay in the light. This dualism causes one to lean toward literalism and the beliefs in absolute evil and good. With this attitude what’s in the dark, will remain in the world of blindness, as it subconsciously continues to control us.

    Every human in existence that was ever socialized, which is pretty much everyone on earth, has gone through this process of splitting themselves into parts, splitting themselves into conscious and subconscious. This self-rejection is the birth of self-hatred, and the emptiness that we feel is the remainder that's left over of those aspects of ourselves that we have suppressed.

    Humans will be presented with every single opportunity to see the aspects of themselves they have denied. We will be provided with every single opportunity to confront our demons. So, it matters not how far we run, or try to hide, our shadow will keep chasing us until we are willing to do the work that must be done with it. This is to do the work of bringing light to that which was hidden in the shadow.

    Unfortunately, facing the dark has become a rather controversial process, because it is painful. It is true that self-awareness does not come naturally to those who make a practice of avoiding pain, because to become aware of those aspects, you must stop trying to escape the pain and emptiness within you where those missing parts should be. Trying to avoid this reality is what causes that eternal hunger, the hunger that the hungry ghost realm symbolizes. Facing the dark is the key to a consciously aware and free life.

    Wanting to belong to be loved, is the human animal instinct that drives us to do irrational or irrational decisions. As social animals, Unity and Belonging are important and gives us a sense of security, a feeling of being Home (zehdh).

    Chapter 1

    Valley of Juru

    Every culture has a mythical place where the dead goes or a place where life and magic began. The Greeks have Hades. In Rome its Pluto or Dis Pater (Rich Father). In Sumeria, it was called  Irkalla which means Lady of the Great Earth. In

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