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You Have Only One Life Make It Count
You Have Only One Life Make It Count
You Have Only One Life Make It Count
Ebook76 pages1 hour

You Have Only One Life Make It Count

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Did you know that: You are the prophet of your own destiny? You decide what becomes of your destiny based on your choices, decisions, personal and mind investments, work ethics, skills and character. All you need do is to take a look at the choices you make daily because the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Your every choice is leading your life in a particular destination! Your choices determine your destiny! Success consists of little daily efforts and failure consists of little daily neglects!! Right Choices Lead To Good Decisions And Wrong Choices Lead To Bad Decisions. Therefore, decide to make the right choice today. Don’t just count the hours but make every hour count. Every time-waster is a potential failure or a hard toiling worker in old age! Your future depends on many things but mostly on you. So invest your time wisely! Robert Schuller said: ‘There will never be another now, so make the best use of today.’ There will never be another you, so make the best of your life! Your life is a reflection of your actions and life will always give back whatever you give it! If you keep doing what you have always done in the past, you will still get what you had always gotten. That’s why Albert Einstein defined Insanity as: ‘Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’

Release dateApr 21, 2020
You Have Only One Life Make It Count

Michael Hutton-Wood

Michael Hutton-Wood is the Senior Pastor of House of Judah (Praise) Ministries, with a mandate to raise generational leaders to impact nations, President of Michael Hutton-Wood Ministries (The Hutton-Wood World Outreach Ministry), with a strong apostolic mandate to set in order the things that are out of order. He is also the Founder of Generational Leadership Training Institute (The Leaders' Factory) where leaders are developed and released into greatness and the Director of Leaders Factory International, an international leadership training organisation with a driving passion for organising and holding city-wide, nationwide and international conferences and seminars on leadership development, human capacity building and wealth creation. He is also the founder and CEO of the newly founded DEBT-FREE ARMY with a strong apostolic mandate to declare WAR ON DEBT and get the church (body of Christ) out of debt through heavenly-downloaded wisdom, ideas, concepts, strategies, biblically proven principles plus practical common sense practices. He is a leadership coach, mentor, a worship leader, an author, a prolific writer, pastor of pastors, a humorous and sound preacher and teacher of the Word and in great demand as an international conference speaker and motivational speaker. His TV program LEADERSHIP SECRETS airs thrice a week on KICC TV in Europe and Africa. He is married to Bernice, also a minister of the gospel and they are blessed with two grown up children who arealso actively involved in ministry.Hutton-Wood Publications

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    Book preview

    You Have Only One Life Make It Count - Michael Hutton-Wood


    ISBN 978-1-912252-10-7

    Copyright © May 2017 by Michael Hutton-Wood

    Hutton-Wood publications

    Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural references are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    All rights reserved under international copyright law. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book with the exception of brief excerpts in magazines, articles, reviews, etc.

    Published & Distributed by:

    Hutton-Wood Publications

    In the UK write to:

    Michael Hutton-Wood Ministries

    1st Floor, 387 London Road, Croydon. CR0 3PB

    Or Call:

    020 8689 6010 / 079 568 15714

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    Chapter One:

    Answering The Cardinal Question - Why Was I Created?

    Chapter Two:

    60 Questions That Those Who Make Their Lives Count Ask Themselves Daily

    Chapter Three:

    Biblical and Contemporary Examples of Those Who Made Their Lives Count

    Chapter Four:

    Every Problem Is A BUSINESS: Mind Your Own Business

    Chapter Five:

    Dare To Dream (Of Onions, Travelators and Zuckerburg)


    Your Greatest Investment

    - Greatest Gift

    - Other Books by the Author

    - Partnering with a Global Ministry within a Ministry

    The Mandate

    ‘…Set in order the things that are out of order and raise and

    appoint leaders in every city.’

    - Titus 1:5


    Releasing Potential

    - Maximizing Destiny



    Raising Generational Leaders

    - Impacting Nations




    Equipping, Empowering, Coaching, Mentoring

    And Providing Covering For Pastors, Ministers

    And Leaders Across The Nations!


    To all who want to make a difference,

    add value to others and make their lives count.


    One of the major characteristics of those who make their lives count is: They CHASE THEIR PASSION AND NOT THEIR PENSION. They are people who have a definite sense of purpose and mission and follow it through as an addiction. They live by this philosophy: DESTINY IS NOT DECIDED BUT DISCOVERED.

    God did not create you to be a wandering generality but a meaningful specific. It is time to: Let the earth know that you are here and to let those who come after you’ve finished your assignment on earth know that you were here.

    Zig Ziglar said:

    "Don’t become a wandering generality.

    Be a meaningful specific."

    We were not birthed to be a wandering generality but a meaningful specific. We must be equipped to do the work of ministry and to fulfil destiny, not to sit. (Ephesians 4:7-16)

    Until we individually and collectively do what we were born for and created for, we will never feel fulfilled in life. God created you for a reason far bigger than just living or making a living. You were born to make a difference and make your life count. Contrary to what many believe: You were not created to make a living but to make a difference; to make impact everywhere you go. The Good News is:



    It’s never too early or too late to succeed or fulfil destiny. You are only old if you think you are. The best way you stay young is to keep your mind young through addiction to information, revelation, wisdom and insight and staying passionately occupied through diligence i.e. hard and smart work in your field of calling.

    Denis Waitley said:

    ‘Chase your passion not your pension.’

    It’s time to Chase your passion not your pension. It will help you generate

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