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The Cure: Life Alignment The Soul’s healing journey
The Cure: Life Alignment The Soul’s healing journey
The Cure: Life Alignment The Soul’s healing journey
Ebook151 pages2 hours

The Cure: Life Alignment The Soul’s healing journey

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The Curetells the story of the healing journey of the soul, namely the path of awareness and liberation that every human being must take. A journey that can lead us to understand the essence of who we are, through a quantum leap of consciousness. A journey within ourselves that can heal the wounds of our soul and restore the power of knowing our place as co-creators of our lives.
The author tells of her own personal healing journey and of her encounter with Life Alignment, which is a vibrational energy healing technique but also a way of life. An idea of reality that goes beyond the illusory veil of our mind and leads to the truth of our being and our nature, and to the purpose of or soul.
Myriam writes about her personal growth but also about her professional experience as a researcher, psychotherapist, and Life Alignment practitioner. She describes how the Life Alignment system brings together and converges the latest discoveries in physics, genetics, and medicine with a philosophy, with what psychology once was, and with the wisdom of oriental medicine.
Release dateFeb 20, 2020
The Cure: Life Alignment The Soul’s healing journey

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    Book preview

    The Cure - Myriam Laruffa

    Myriam Laruffa

    Life Alignment

    The Cure

    The Soul’s healing journey

    5- CoScienza olistica

    A series of studies on the mind, body and soul

    directed by Myriam Laruffa

    Laruffa Editore

    CoScienza Olistica

    A series of studies on the mind, body and soul

    directed by Myriam Laruffa

    Translation David MacFarlane

    Original title: Life Alignment, La Cura, il viaggio di guarigione dell’Anima.

    First italian edition, april 2017, Laruffa Editore S.R.L.

    Graphic designer Demetrio Micalizzi

    A special thanks to Francesca Chiarmetta for proofreading the text.

    A.D. 2020

    © Laruffa Editore Srl

    Via dei Tre Mulini, 14

    ⁸⁹¹²⁴ Reggio Calabria

    Tel.: 0965.814954 -

    ISBN: 978-88-7221-894-5

    To my Guides


    We are presently living in a world of great uncertainty and chaos, where many have lost confidence in the way the world is being governed. We are beginning to realize that we have to discover our own sense of confidence and trust within ourselves.

    This book is for all those who aspire to understand the underlying principles of our true reality which transcends the outer chaos and who want to learn to live a more deeply fulfilling, meaningful and purposeful life.

    Life Alignment offers the possibility to release the programs, traumas and belief systems we have held on to - but which can prevent us having an experience of ease and flow. As we do so, we are no longer governed by external circumstances, but become the Master of our own life with a synchronistic co-creative relationship with our true essence. This allows us to restore true joy into our lives.

    Global healing too can only occur when we acknowledge that the very things we abhor out there also reside within ourselves, and when we proactively take responsibility for their release. When working with Life Alignment in a personal or group setting, the issues that are identified are generally connected to the collective field. It is as if those that guide the process take the opportunity to work with the global field through the individual - the macrocosm reflecting the microcosm and vice versa.

    Soon, as we walk the path of Life Alignment, we become acutely aware of our interconnectedness with all of life and it is this interconnectedness that Life Alignment embraces and works with - the healing of our inner and outer worlds.

    We also discover that we are not alone in the world, dissolving the illusion of separation that has been the cause of such deep suffering for so many of us. We begin to feel the immense support and love that is offered to us consistently by the Universe and to trust our connection with all that is. We learn too that when we are surrendered to that support, guidance and inspiration that is always present, life becomes a profound and magical experience. We can finally be fully present with what is.

    Myriam Laruffa has spent many years gaining personal experience of this reality – I have witnessed such a dramatic transformation occur in her due to her dedicated inner work. So she writes from a truly authentic place and gives us an understanding of the scientific as well as philosophical background to this work. She truly provides a balanced perspective, integrating body, heart, mind and spirit in coherence, calling to remembrance the truth of who we really are. And just as Life Alignment itself has been a guided process to help us move into alignment with our soul’s true purpose, so too has Myriam been guided and inspired to be the scribe to bring this awareness to the world.

    She has surrendered to this task with selfless dedication and with a focused discipline that she embodies in her own life. She does this with an open and loving heart. This is so evident in her writing and it is these qualities that permeate and even transcend the words to share the deeper teachings of this extraordinary and powerful healing system.

    Life Alignment, as Myriam portrays so beautifully and wisely in this book, is a way of life and one that is now shared by many across the planet bringing us together as part of a global family. This burgeoning collective field of light has a profound impact on human consciousness as a whole as it emanates the transformational quality of love. And how vital this energy is at this time in helping us to move into a dimension that transcends the fear and horror that permeates our society and to bring a deep and lasting healing into the troubled and angry heart of humanity.

    Jeff Levin


    I knew the time would come when I would actually put pen to paper and write this book. It is something I have always felt, as if I were somewhat aware that it was part of my soul’s purpose to tell you about its journey. To share with you the assumptions of my awareness that have enabled me to look where I was unable to see before; the love I have found for myself; and The Cure, The Soul’s Healing Journey.

    I would like to tell you about Life Alignment. It is an energy -vibrational system, a way of life, a vision of reality that goes beyond the veil of illusion leading to the truth about our being, our nature and our soul’s aim on earth.

    Life Alignment is an energy, a high vibration, full of awareness and love.

    Life Alignment for me personally has been knowledge, transformation and rebirth. It was a gift that came into my life at a moment when I really needed it and which has changed my existence completely.

    It has enabled me to see things with different eyes, giving some sense to my profession as a psychotherapist and allowing me to become what I had always wanted ever since I was a child, a psychologist in the literal and original sense of the word. Someone who teaches people to listen to their own soul and its purpose in life and who, after having taken the path is able to point the way to others.

    This emotional and overwhelming journey was revealed to me by Doctor Jeff Levin, a bio architect and doctor in natural medicine and the creator of the healing system Life Alignment.

    Life Alignment takes a Holistic approach to the human being, as a union of body, brain and soul in continuous interrelation with the exterior and as part of a Whole. The micro is part of the macro.

    Life Alignment is a system because by using different techniques and procedures, it works on all aspects of our lives: the environment, our eating habits, our spaces such as our houses and offices, considering every dimension of our existence, intrinsically linked to all the others.

    With this book, I have chosen to consider in depth the aspect connected to the individual, the path toward the evolution of the soul, the meeting with our inner child, the co-creative sense of emotions, and the transformation on an epigenetic and quantum level, which is what happens during the Life Alignment process.

    I have chosen to talk about the paradigm that Life Alignment contains in itself, which unifies the latest discoveries in the field of physics, genetics and medicine with philosophical thought, with what psychology has been ever since its origins and with the wisdom of oriental medicine. This paradigm explains and motivates the Cure intended as a journey that every one of us should take at soul level. It is an overwhelming journey that leads to getting rid of the illusion of our acquired and limited thoughts so that we can tend to the wound in our souls. Only then are we able to tend to the deeper wound which afflicts humanity, that of separation which leaves us feeling isolated or far from God, leaving us impotent and alone. Life Alignment brings us back to unity with the Whole, to full awareness of the power of our choices and our emotions so we can fulfill our soul’s purpose. Life Alignment leads us to the cure as in the healing of our being.

    Life Alignment is the journey towards the healing of the soul, which is itself, in its flow, the Cure, the journey of Pysche to reach Amor, the soul travelling towards unconditional love that rises from the union with the Whole. It is a journey of the soul that goes through pain, fear and nonsense to reach a meeting with our being; a quantum leap of the conscience that enables us to lift the veil of illusion. It is a journey of knowledge, truth, forgiveness and freedom; a journey within ourselves that leads to God and invites us to live every moment to the full.

    I feel privileged to have met Jeff Levin and his system of technique and healing on my journey.

    I have delved deep into my interior and continue to work hard and I have come to understand the constructive sense of our suffering together with a profound feeling that we have the right to be happy. I have experienced such a transformation in my life! And only after having found the sense for myself, did I acquire an effective way to help others.

    I have discovered God, the power inside me, the compassion and empathic comprehension. I have discovered the sense of the journey and have become aware that loving myself is the first mission in my life.

    Jeff has taught me to look from the perspective of love and humbleness and I have written this book keeping this in mind with the purpose of communicating the magic of the Cure and celebrate divinity which is intrinsic in each and every one of us. I wrote it knowing that my small contribution will give strength to a greater purpose and that the love each single person will find for themselves and others, will contribute to global healing.

    Who is Jeff Levin

    After having grasped what was transmitted to my conscience, I had the strong sensation that it was something far better that went beyond my mental comprehension (…). My greatest challenge was having to trust what went beyond my grasp and accept the fact that it was enough to know, through my observations and acquired experiences, working with my clients, that ‘all this’ simply worked.

    Jeff Levin

    Doctor Jeff Levin is the creator of the healing system Life Alignment and a guide for many people all over the world.

    Jeff embodies the figure of the teacher, a true teacher who becomes one by using his own life experiences, his own personal suffering and makes them a source of inspiration toward himself and the Universe.

    He is a man who does not hide his humanity and humbleness distinguishes him. However, he never puts his great soul on show.

    Jeff celebrates life in all its shades and colours, and has always shown a deep love for his family and his wife. He met Merle in 1969. She came into his life when they were very young; she has a soul close to his own, a partner and constant strength on her demanding earthly journey. Jeff has dedicated

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