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The Sacred Scriptures of Love
The Sacred Scriptures of Love
The Sacred Scriptures of Love
Ebook216 pages2 hours

The Sacred Scriptures of Love

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The Sacred Scriptures of Love have been brought to me by God to deliver to You in this the divine time upon the Earth. These scriptures are all about the sacredity of who You are, where You have come from, that what it is all about and the reason for all. You are of the divine template here upon Earth to shine and illuminate Love and Light. Where there is Love there is Light and where there is Love and Light there is God. The time has come in the now to realize who we are. We are now allowed the totality of access to know the grand and Almighty plan of God. In this is the Becoming of the full expression of who we are and the awakening of the universal and multidimensional consciousness. In the greatest of moments of this cycle upon Earth we are, and in this is Celebration as we move unto that of the realm of the higher dimensionality vibration of pure love and all faith and joyousness. Here is the creation of heaven and the beyond essence on Earth and all Bliss in this. And whence our Holy mission is complete thereafter is the promise of returning home to all gloriousness and the Nirvanic Paradise.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 13, 2014
The Sacred Scriptures of Love

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    The Sacred Scriptures of Love - Victoria of Light

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    The Sacred Scriptures of Love

    Victoria of Light



    The Beginning – The Genesis

    I Am That I Am


    You Are Of The Divine You Are Divine

    The Great Cycle

    The Sacred Sounds And Languages

    The Finding Of One Another

    Come Home With Me

    LOVE And JOY Upon Mount Sinai


    A Story Of An Ancient One

    Travel with Me to Lifetimes ‘Before’

    Remember The Christ Lifetime

    A Visitation

    Be Your Divine Brilliance

    The Light Scale

    Come Now Beloved One…

    You As A Divine One, An Ancient Soul


    We are a Team The Great Reconnection Reminding you again of YOU

    We Are Co-Creators Of LOVE And Light

    A Divine Soul In A Yellow Cab

    More Divine Reconnections

    Soul Twins

    A Soulmate, Divine Partnership

    Our Mission Here On Planet Earth

    The Holy Refinement

    Turn To The Light

    Be The LOVE

    Our God Connection

    Our Oneness With Gaia

    The Butterflies

    The Birds


    In Faith All Is Possible

    It Is The Time, The Time Is Now

    2011, 2012, 2013…

    After This Lifetime We Go To Paradise

    The New Children

    Hallelujah Rejoice Celebration

    Times Of Revelation

    The Prophets

    We Are Spiritual Beings

    When I Look At You I See You When I Look At You

    Thy Physical Temple

    Thy Ethereal Temple

    The Heart Essence Of Feminine LOVE

    The Divine Unfoldment Is Here

    One Way

    A Message To You

    All Is Now Forever Changing

    Be Present


    O Divine And Beautiful One

    An Angel Has Appeared…

    Blessed BeLoved One…

    All Richness And Beauty

    The Dawning Of The New Consciousness

    The Holy Manifestation…

    I LOVE Myself

    The World Order Anew

    A New Star Is Born

    The Seeding Of 13th Dimensional LOVE


    Ascension To Paradise


    Blessed Art Thou

    Sacred Sounds

    Sacred Sounds Of Worship

    Sacred Sounds Of The Stars

    Sacred Sounds Of Love

    Salvation The Sacred Songs

    The Hathor Song

    The Sacred Message Of The Intergalactic Light Council

    The Sacred Requiem Of The Last Walk

    The Keys to Freedom


    …A nd the warmest of Greetings to you. This work has been scribed to me to share with you. This has been written only whilst elevated in the great skies above Mother Earth.

    Upon aeroplanes flying from ‘work place’ to ‘work place,’ paper and pen has been given to me and writing begins.

    This is given to you as it was given to me. This is an expression of that of what spirit does wish to be shared with you and for you to know at this time. It is unchanged or ‘corrected’ into the framework of a literary human edited state.

    In its original energetic state this is. If these words are not for you put it down and move away – maybe you will return to its message, maybe you will not.

    This work is for those upon Mother Earth of celestial heritage who have reached the passage way to soul, LOVE and God.

    In pure light and LOVE.




    The Beginning – The Genesis

    I have been shown much. Veils have lifted. I have been ‘reconnected’ with the All is. I have been given access to that what is the beyond.

    That I see is beyond the visible, beyond that what is seen with the human eyes or touched with the human hand. I have been gifted with the sight to see beyond the human physical experience, to that place where to touch or be touched is an experience of the soul, not that of the hand.

    I have been given access…

    I invite you to come with me, to share my experience with you, to awaken you to that of what I have been shown and ‘know’. You read these words and messages and experience the energy within, because it is time that you are able to ‘know’. You are now ready to receive this message, and from the message and energies contained within it, you will journey forth into that elevated state of beingness and greater understanding.

    I LOVE you and I am beyond appreciative and humbled that you are ‘ready’ to receive, to be reminded of that which you already know and able to allow yourself to step outside the human worldly paradigm, to be of and come with me.

    It is my great honour to journey with you through these messages which are entwined with the energy of Light and LOVE.

    God Bless you, we are of the same, we are of the oneness, the LOVE and light creation energy and we are journeying on the sacred pathway to our God self, to God, Truth and LOVE.

    We are journeying home, we are family.

    I Am That I Am

    W ho am I – that I am. I now know that I am of a divine energy upon the Earth Mother and signatured with that. I am of the stars, star seeded and have been contracted to be upon the Earth planet at this time (and many times before) to do the work of God (Allah, Yahweh, Jah, Jehovah, Atua, source, the creator, the universe, the supreme power…).

    I have come as a messenger, formulated and signatured with a sacred blueprint and of the God code hologram DNA RNA structuring which allows the ‘holding onto’ the light codes and higher frequency of beingness…the Holy matrix template, that of what you too, are created of.

    Of multi-dimensional creation energy I am.

    Though in this world of planet Earth, Gaia, Terra for the great intergalactic concordance in this era, not of this world am I.

    Part of a masterpiece of spirit, an instrument in the Holy Attunement of the ALL, I do knoweth here upon this planet, my ‘life’ so not to be of my own but to be a work in progress and to be of God, for God… and to be of LOVE… for us it is all about LOVE.

    I am from Lyra, the 12th Dimension of Enlightened Christed Beings. I have however travelled extensively through the Galaxies and have knowingness of the other realms and dimensions and can access the energy, essence and ‘speech’ of them.

    This is who I am.


    You Are Of The Divine

    You Are Divine

    Y ou as I were chosen, then chose to come to the Earth planet in the beginning. You as I then experienced the transmutation, recalibration and ‘training’ for our Earth and Heaven existences and there were to be many. We knew it to be a sacrifice but also an honour and immense privilege to be invited on such a mission. We knew it to be the work of God. As you, I also had knowledge that this commission had ramifications to be of such divine and universal consequence to all… it was not going to be easy, but for the greater good of all and as part of the creation and Enlightenment of the all and everything, you as I said Yes… ultimately

    a new light star would be born.

    With this Yes came much, the making of a sacred contract, an oath of divine vows made thence, the coming to the Earth planet to play out the great Almighty divine plan, as integral parts of that we are.

    From the Beginning we did indeed knoweth our divine and commissioned duties, our sacred parts to play, our role upon the Earth and so it all began. Each one as important as the other, each creative one holding a key, a sacred note… and conducted by God all is.

    To planet Earth you as I did come.

    You as I have had many incarnations upon the Earth cloaked in the garment of physicality. Most lifetimes I am now allowed to know. You now may have knowledge of your lifetimes before, for into the full consciousness of all we are becoming.

    This is part of the sacred access that has now been made available, for now we must know, now we must remember. The pieces of the divine design, the sacred puzzle are now being given… only when we are ready and able to receive them, only when the divine is ready for us to be in receivership of another piece, it will be given.

    What are we to remember?

    You as I are a divine soul upon the Earth planet. You as I were commissioned from your star galaxy to cometh to Earth for the great mission of God.

    You as I are star seeded and have come as a representative from a Christed star system of the 12 dimensional cosmic hologram, to be-eth present upon planet Earth, to do the Earth work of God. You as I, came near the beginning and said Yes to the invitation, for this God and Universal Commission to maketh the great difference – to bring about greater Goodness and Light and LOVE to everything, everywhere and everyone, who can be in acceptance and receive this.

    You as I have cometh to the Earth planet to raise the vibration and energies of this planet to that of a higher frequency, to that of greater light and in that light is LOVE and in that LOVE is God and the return to this, to all.

    Yes, this is who you are and why you are here. You are part of the chosen Christed star seeded God team, to be and walk upon the Earth, to shine out brightly and lightly, to walk in example as a God coded enlightened being, to bringeth about the greatest of change, to raise the Earth planet and ‘human’ being vibration to that of greater light, to LOVE and to God.

    You are an ambassador of God.

    You are a God disciple.

    A beacon of light you are and in the state of illumination you will be more.

    Ahhhh – how beautiful this is.

    I can feel the smile upon your ‘human’ face. I can feel the warmth in your heart and soul as you are remembering whom you are, what you are here for and that what it is all about.

    What relief it is now, you can re-become that sacred unconditional heart LOVE again, that which you knew and were of in the beginning. In the greater understanding, the freer you do become.

    It is now permission time to allow yourself to become the passionate flame, and for this to ignite. O thank you for this.

    You can sense the light and know what you are here for. A great sigh of relief does cometh from your mortal coil dear One.

    You as I have travelled upon the Earth plane (the 3rd dimension) many many times.

    You as I have left Earth many times and ‘gone’ to Heaven (4th dimension) where you have been in preparation to return to the Earth to do the Earth work. The glorious news I have for you (and also said by my divine son), is that this is your last lifetime on Earth. After this lifetime you are free and will ascend to Paradise. Yes, it is the end of the cycle now. We are near completion time. We have reached the time of Regenesis.

    You as I do not have to return to the Earth planet ever again. You as I are now in the transcension process where we are in readiment and preparation, recalibrating and transmutating into the light embodiment state to ascend to the 5th dimension and beyond, to that of Paradise.

    Yes, the transitioning phase we are now in and yes, the Nirvanic Paradise is near.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you God.

    The Great Cycle

    L et me take you ‘Back’ to the Beginning after

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