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Heavenly Lessons: Things to Know for the New Age
Heavenly Lessons: Things to Know for the New Age
Heavenly Lessons: Things to Know for the New Age
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Heavenly Lessons: Things to Know for the New Age

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This book is for those people that are looking for a better explanation about why the world is going through such dramatic changes. It, also, offers those that are seeking a better way to live their life. It is my wish to share my experiences and visions of the future in a hope that it will trigger others to awaken to a fuller and more enlightened state.

Love and happiness should be the goal of every individual on this planet. These truths show us that we no longer need to allow those few individuals with extreme greed to dominate our empowerment toward the future. In this time, the possibilities are there for all of us to create new realities based on respect and understanding. What are these new realities, and how are these concepts of creating new ways of being? We are no longer divided by race or religion; of course, only time will tell as we change.

This book is designed to awaken, prepare, and help you to begin the process. For those who are here to be of service, time is no longer a luxury. We must all awaken to our individual dharma and do what we are here to do. As the world changes, are we going to change with it, or are we going to wallow in the fear that nothing will ever change? The choice is yours! Follow Heavenly Lessons in your spiritual life to continue on the path. Be blessed! Be loved! Be happy!
Release dateMay 30, 2019
Heavenly Lessons: Things to Know for the New Age

Paul Billins Henington

Mr. Henington has served on the various councils of the Spiritual Hierarchy since age 19 in this lifetime. He has worked tirelessly as a healer and guide to others for over 30 years. A strong disciple of the Christ Consciousness, he hopes to bring stability and balance to all those who seek a deeper understanding of the 5th dimension and beyond. He is also a representative of the Galactic Federation and he is here to help everyone that is ready to move into a 5th dimensional vibration.

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    Heavenly Lessons - Paul Billins Henington

    © 2019 Paul Billins Henington. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  05/28/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1344-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1342-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1343-6 (e)

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    Who I am

    1    What is this all about? The Aquarian Age, the Transition Period, and the New Morality.

    2    Getting Started

    3    The Psychic Abilities and Their Seven Levels

    4    The Seven Levels of Soul Development

    5    Extraterrestrials and the Spiritual Hierarchy

    6    Love and Laughter



    I have often found myself wondering what amazing and exciting times we live in at this time. It was during my adolescent years which exposed me to the meaning behind these tumultuous events. I call this time when I was out-of-body my time in the intergalactic classroom because I was in a classroom like setting with other individuals from across the planet. Even though my physical body was in bed during these times, I had astrally projected to the classroom every night. I learned that the planet and everything on it goes through periods of change known as Ages. These Ages are represented by astrological signs and have periods of time in between which are called transition periods. We moved into the Aquarian age on March 21 st , 1981. What we are experiencing now is transition between the Piscean Age and the Aquarian Age.

    The transition has brought many changes such as wars, famine, weather disruptions, planetary destruction, and global warming are common events during this time. Beyond this external chaos, we experience an inner chaos as well. Dramatic changes in life are occurring in many people these days as they clear the way for the new paradigm. This book will strive to Enlighten those that need to bring Order out of the Chaos. Our world is getting smaller with each passing day via the Internet and a global economy. The result is we must learn to cooperate with each other in order to survive.

    What is the Intergalactic classroom? It consists of my personal experiences growing up in the classroom. From 12 to 18, I spent my nights astrally projecting and attending a classroom with 24 other individuals from across the planet. We were taught by several ascended masters and other extraterrestrial entities that have walked this planet throughout the ages. This book provides the basic information that was provided the first year and a half of my training in the Intergalactic classroom. The basic theme is we are all human beings striving to find the basics of happiness, love and security. This book will delve into ways in which we can better understand each other in order to end the hypocrisy of hatred and indifference. We are evolving into what it means to be a human being and a human race. Now is the time we can better understand what has left many people confused and uncertain about anything from any source.

    We can find the answers we need during this planetary change. We will have to work harder towards understanding and peace.

    This book looks at the shifting morality and the daily dilemmas that we all face as we enter into the Aquarian Age. The shifting realities bombard our value systems. Therefore, our choices become more difficult. Sorting out the difference between right and wrong, Good and Evil can only be solved by going within ourselves to find the answers.

    The decline of the Patrician religious systems on our planet only exacerbates this dilemma of shifting morality. Their dogmatic approach to morality alienates most people. Thus, many people find themselves guided to deeper spirituality, a sense of self-knowing that is based upon the respect and love for all life on the planet.

    In the early chapters of the book, I establish the foundation of deep spiritual training that encourages people to remain solid and grounded in their sense of self. In chapter 1, I discuss what the Aquarian Age means and why the transition is so important. In Chapter 2, I discuss the basics things everyone should know how to do. In Chapter 3 I discuss the psychic aspects and how it relates to your psychic abilities. In Chapter 4, I discuss the seven levels of reincarnation. In Chapter 5, I discuss the social hierarchy and the nine major extraterrestrial races. In Chapter 6, I discuss the eight aspects of love and how it and laughter are so important in this New Age. All Life is a circle and everything thought lost can and will be found again to the betterment of everything on this planet.

    This book is for those people that are looking for a better explanation about why the world is going through such dramatic changes. It, also, offers those that are seeking a better way to live their life. It is my wish to share my experiences and visions of the future in a hope that it will trigger others to awaken to a fuller and more Enlightened state.

    Love and happiness should be the goal of every individual on this planet. These truths show us that we no longer need to allow those few individuals with extreme greed to dominate our empowerment towards the future. In this time the possibilities are there for all of us to create new realities based on respect and understanding. What are these new realities and how are these concepts of creating new ways of being, We are no longer divided by race or religion, of course, only time will tell as we change.

    Humanity’s first big hurdle in the process is happening now through terrorism and fear. This book is designed to awaken, prepare, and help you to begin the process. For those who are here to be of service, time is no longer a luxury. We must all awaken to our individual Dharma and do what we are here to do. As the world changes, are we going to change with it or are we going to wallow in the fear that nothing will ever change? The choice is yours! Follow the Heavenly Lessons in your spiritual life to continue on the path. Be Blessed! Be Love! Be Happy!


    I want to acknowledge the following people that have been on my team to make this book a reality.

    Annette Tyo, Suzanne Mitchem, Julie Gliszinski, Juels Yaklin, Kandi Lewis, Corrine Feinberg, Alda Lee, Melda Henry, Evrim Kaya Orucoglu, Barbara Burk, Marie Davis, Cyndi Feilder, Suzzanne Moore, Grace Divine, EJ Smith, Alfredo Oliva, Amy Ponfick, Gina Weisling, Rita French, Moreen DeLong, Sylvia Toenjes Belli, and Erin York thank you for reading my book and helping me to get it out there to the people.

    Special Thanks goes to Joumana Massoud for taking your time to edit the transciption from the original manuscript. To Joe Boni and Marion Wallsten for being my rocks and sounding boards. I love you all and I am truly blessed to have you all in my life!

    Who I am

    T o understand my perspective, I should explain my background because my soul journey is closely tied to my family. I was selected to participate in the Intergalactic Classroom before my birth by myself and the Spiritual Hierarchy. My life growing up was fairly ordinary in fact my family wasn’t so very odd. We have been reincarnated together as a family for many lifetimes. Albeit, they are not my original family but they are mine and I love them. On both sides of my family there is a strong connection to the spiritual side of life. Therefore, most my family is driven by a desire to serve others.

    Here is a short version of my story to help you understand me better. Several billion years ago a star exploded. The star dust created from that explosion helped in my formation. I was born on April 20th 1969 at 9:03 p.m. (my mother still reminds me). The most important people in my young life were my paternal grandmother and great Aunt. They were known as Guardians and they protected various portals to other dimensions. They taught me to sort out the difference between the Unseen and the Seen. For example they taught me the basics of utilizing my gifts to communicate with the deceased. They also helped me by providing a deep connection to the spiritual side of life.

    At puberty everything started to coalesce for me. Several things happened that led to my involvement in the Intergalactic classroom. First my next door

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