A charm of goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis)
by Rob Farrow
for square TQ0207
Four goldfinches peck at food in a bird-feeder at Arundel Wetland Centre,... (more)
Mallard (Anas platyrhyncos)
by Anne Burgess
for square NT2676
Two Mallard drakes making rapid progress on the Water of Leith.
White Tailed Sea Eagle flies to its nest with fish
by Rob Farrow
for square NG5142
Category: Birds
Sea Eagle with fish
by Rob Farrow
for square NG5142
Category: Birds
This White Tailed Sea Eagle had just dived to pluck this fish from the sea off... (more)
Lunch for a little bird
by Gerald England
for square SJ9594
This little bird seems to have caught a tasteful morsel in the form of a... (more)
Guillemots (Uria aalge)
by Anne Burgess
for square NO7047
I was quite shocked to see how few birds are nesting on the cliffs around Red... (more)
White Tailed Sea Eagle overhead off Udairn
by Rob Farrow
for square NG5142
Category: Birds
I photographed this magnificent bird as it flew near our boat just before... (more)
Jackdaws in the garden
by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
These small members of the Crow family [Corvus monedula] are by far the most... (more)
Sea stack at Ardmore Point
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square NM4759
This wall-like stack on the coast of Mull at Ardmore Point is host to an almost... (more)
Black Guillemot, Bangor
by Rossographer
for square J5082
Black guillemot in winter plumage (although the wing feathers appear to be... (more)
Tern, Lagan Weir, Belfast - August 2015 (2)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The Birds! - Topsham
by Chris Allen
geograph for square SX9687
These three were attracting a good many birds with food whilst people stood back... (more)
Sea Eagle prepares to dive for fish
by Rob Farrow
for square NG5142
Category: Birds
Not fantastic focus and admittedly no geographical information in this photo,... (more)
Squatting Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
by Rob Farrow
for square SW9339
This little robin (Erithacus rubecula) was quite bold as he (or she) nibbled at... (more)
Moorhen nest in August, Adel Dam nature reserve
by Rich Tea
for square SE2741
We had been watching the water from the hide on the south side of the Dam for... (more)
Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3461
This was one of several birds perching on boulders in the River Spey.
Shags, Belfast harbour (November 2018)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3576
Shags (or possibly cormorants) off the Alexandra Wharf. After watching this... (more)
Swans and Wigeon
by Anne Burgess
geograph for square NJ2860
Whooper Swans (Cygnus cygnus) and Wigeon (Anas penelope) are mainly winter... (more)
View from the Peter Scott observatory
by M J Richardson
for square NY0565
At feeding time at Caerlaverock - yellow bills are Whooper Swans, while the... (more)
The Whooper pond at Caerlaverock
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NY0565
Whooper and Mute Swans, Canada Geese, and ducks - Mallard and Wigeon.
Lesser black-backed gull, Donegall Quay, Belfast - June 2014(1)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
Definitely qualifying as a “Laganside bird”, this lesser-black back was on the... (more)
Ruddy Turnstone on Southend Pier
by Oast House Archive
for square TQ8983
Category: Birds
Hundreds of these birds are found along the pier, but not seen near the seafront.
A feisty and fearless pheasant!
by Neil Owen
for square ST7357
A photo of a particularly fine fellow by the Wellow Brook. This one had an... (more)
Turnstone and Purple Sandpiper at Whitburn
by Robert Graham
for square NZ4161
Birds on the rocks below the coastal cliffs. Turnstone on the left and Purple... (more)
Carrion Crow (Corvus corone)
by Anne Burgess
for square NT2570
Normally crows are fairly timid and it's hard to get close to one, but the... (more)
Starling at the bird feeder
by Stephen McKay
for square SP4774
A starling eyes up the fruity suet pellets in the bird feeder - a food that... (more)
Caerhays Castle - Gulls and a cormorant (or shag)
by Rob Farrow
for square SW9741
I can't tell whether the black bird with its wings outstretched is a... (more)
Birds in action [2]
by M J Richardson
for square NT2470
Wading birds on the beach at Whitburn
by Robert Graham
for square NZ4161
These birds are all Bar-tailed Godwits.
Dead Bird
by Anne Burgess
for square HY5909
It was a Pink-footed Goose. We didn't touch it, just in case it had died of... (more)
Waxwing, Bangor
by Rossographer
for square J5081
Waxwing feeding on berries at Ward Park. An uncommon winter visitor to Bangor,... (more)
Waxwing, Bangor
by Rossographer
for square J5081
Waxwing feeding on berries at Ward Park. An uncommon winter visitor to Bangor,... (more)
Waxwing, Bangor
by Rossographer
for square J5081
Waxwing feeding on berries at Ward Park. An uncommon winter visitor to Bangor,... (more)
Waxwing, Bangor
by Rossographer
for square J5081
Waxwing feeding on berries at Ward Park. An uncommon winter visitor to Bangor,... (more)
Turnstone, Bangor
by Rossographer
for square J5082
Turnstone on the sea wall at the Seacliff Road in Bangor.
Robin (Erithacus rubecula) at Stirling Castle
by Rob Farrow
for square NS7994
This little fella was hopping around on the stonework next to the wall-walk on... (more)
Oystercatchers by the Kelhope Burn
by M J Richardson
for square NT5157
These lovely, and vocal, birds were plentiful along the whole valley. For a... (more)
A sad sight
by M J Richardson
for square NT6656
A dead Barn Owl [Tyto alba] at The Watch, presumably stunned after flying into... (more)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3459
A brood of seven ducklings on the lake at Gordon Castle.
Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3561
Kingfisher, Bangor
by Rossographer
for square J5082
Female Kingfisher on the sea wall at the 'Long Hole', Bangor harbour.... (more)
Kingfisher, Bangor
by Rossographer
for square J5082
Female Kingfisher on the sea wall at the 'Long Hole', Bangor harbour.... (more)
Sand Martin Colony
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3360
The fine layer near the top of the cliff at Essil is occupied every summer by a... (more)
Parakeet on bird feeder, North Acton
by David Hawgood
for square TQ2081
The bird feeder is "pigeon-proof" with apertures small birds can get... (more)
Pied Wagtails (Motacilla alba)
by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3461
Two of the birds perching on boulders in the River Spey
Red Grouse in burnt heather by Lochindorb
by Des Colhoun
for square NH9634
This is regarded as the Scottish national game bird and universally acknowledged... (more)
Bournemouth: a bird’s lunch in Old Christchurch Lane
by Chris Downer
for square SZ0891
It is 12:20pm and this crow has found his lunch – in the form of a dead rat – in... (more)
Puffin (Fratercula arctica)
by Anne Burgess
for square HY2115
This bird obligingly posed close enough to get this portrait using a zoom lens.
Black guillemots, Donegall Quay, Belfast - July 2018(2)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The two black guillemots, present today between the bridges, at Donegall Quay.
Black guillemots, Donegall Quay, Belfast - July 2018(1)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The two black guillemots, present today between the bridges, at Donegall Quay.