near to Mosstodloch, Moray, Scotland
We have
43 images
in grid square NJ3360
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images taken from NJ3360 [2]
A sample of 12 photos from 43
for NJ3360
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James Jones Timber Yard
by Ann Harrison
Harvested field near Stynie
by Peter Moore
Speymouth Parish Church
Known as The Red Kirk, this is a category B listed building which was built in 1733.
Mosstodloch Sawmill
Logs on the infeed deck to the sawmill with timber lorry and loader in the background
Moving meander on the Spey
Shifting west as it erodes into the river cliff on the far side.
New Houses
by Anne Burgess
Some of the new houses under construction here look as if they are nearing completion.
Mossmill Park
by Anne Burgess
A 1970s housing development on the north side of Mosstodloch.
Speymouth Parish Church (The Red Kirk) |
Speymouth Parish Church
by Ralph Greig
Styne Road, Mosstodloch
by JThomas
Heading north.
Mossmill Park
by Anne Burgess
The entrance to this late 20th century housing development.
New Pool
by Anne Burgess
This pool is the result of the spates of winter 2020/2021 gouging out channels from the shingle. The photographer position is from GPS, and shows how much the river has shifted since the maps were surveyed.
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