6 - 10 Newport Road
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TG4916
1950s housing on Newport Road, viewed across the junction of Newport Road with... (more)
Three-legged Dalek on duty, Newport Road, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9222
This is one of three portable intruder detection (PID) units protecting this... (more)
Terraced housing on Newport Road, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
Numbers 127 to 131 Newport Road. The terrace of five houses nearest the... (more)
The Hayes, Newport Road, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
A uninterrupted view of The Hayes after several mature trees were removed. The... (more)
Entrance to gated housing estate, off Newport Road Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
This is the first gated housing estate in Stafford. It was built in 2008. The... (more)
Former Edwardian house on corner of Newport Road and Deanshill Close, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
The house has been converted into offices
The White House, Newport Road, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
The White House was originally the offices of Stafford Rural District Council... (more)
Beech House and Bickley House
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TG4916
Pair of houses on Newport Road.
Lychgate to St Mary's Church, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
The lychgate is situated on the north side of the A518 1.8 kilometres (1.1... (more)
Boundary post on A518 Castle Church Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9022
The post is on the north side of the A518 west of the lychgate to St Mary's... (more)
St Mary's church, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
View looking north-west from the churchyard. The Boulton Monument (Grade II) can... (more)
St Mary's Churchyard, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
A view of St Mary's church and churchyard taken from the south-east corner... (more)
Boulton Monument, St Mary's Church, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9022
The monument commemorates several generations of the Boulton family, which are... (more)
Churchyard Cross, St Mary's church, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9022
The churchyard cross is mid to late 19th century. It is grade 2 listed. The... (more)
The tower of St Mary's church, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
The tower is 15th century and is the oldest part of the church, the nave and... (more)
Snowdrops in St Mary's churchyard, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
A large display of snowdrops covers the ground of the churchyard. A grade 2... (more)
Ancient tree in Churchyard of St Mary's, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9022
This tree is a Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) and is recorded in The Tree... (more)
South porch of St Mary's Church, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9022
The south porch was built in 1844-5 as part of the rebuilding of the church. The... (more)
Footpath to St Mary's church, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
The view north along the footpath from the lychgate to the south porch of St... (more)
Stafford Castle from the south-east
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
The castle sits on its motte (the raised area). Evidence of the defensive... (more)
South-east side of Stafford Castle
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
A castle was originally built here by the Saxons. It was replaced by a wooden... (more)
South-west facing wall of Stafford Castle
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9022
A castle was originally built here by the Saxons. It was replaced by a wooden... (more)
Entrance to former Highfield Manor grounds
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
Highfield Manor was built in 1880 and demolished in 1967. It was built for David... (more)
NSCG training centre Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9222
The newly converted Newcastle and Stafford College Group (NSCG) Construction... (more)