Eateries on the ground floors of the Staffordshire County Council HQ Buildings
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9223
The ground floors of the two blocks of the Staffordshire County Council HQ house... (more)
The two blocks of Staffordshire County Council HQ
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9223
These blocks were opened in 2011 replacing 17 other buildings in Stafford. The... (more)
Bell-cote from St George's Hospital chapel, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9223
The bell-cote was taken from the hospital chapel and rebuilt at ground level... (more)
Double-aperture post box on Greyfriars Way Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9123
A double-aperture post box. The aperture on the left is for stamped mail and... (more)
Stafford RUFC stand awaiting demolition
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
Stand of Stafford Rugby Union Football Club, Castlefields, Stafford ST16 1BG... (more)
Entrance to Old Club House - Stafford RUFC
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9122
Club House of Stafford Rugby Union Football Club, Castlefields, Stafford ST16... (more)
Old Club House - Stafford RUFC
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
Club House of Stafford Rugby Union Football Club, Castlefields, Stafford ST16... (more)
Pillar Postbox, The Green, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9222
A postbox from the reign of George VI (1936-1952). The postbox was manufactured... (more)
The White House, Newport Road, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
The White House was originally the offices of Stafford Rural District Council... (more)
Pillar Postbox, Foregate Street, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9123
A postbox from the reign of George VI (1936-1952) with attached stamp machine.... (more)
Three cottages, The Square, Great Haywood
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9922
These cottages are on The Square which bisects Main Road. The middle cottage is... (more)
Terraced housing on South Street, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9123
South Street is part of Castletown, an area of Victorian terraced housing in... (more)
Stafford Box on the corner of Marston Road and Wogan Street
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9224
The building was opened as a shoe factory in 1862 by Richard Podmore & Sons.... (more)
Principal entrance to former Stafford General Infirmary (SGI)
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9123
The SGI closed in 1996 and has been converted into offices and medical clinics... (more)
Rear of former Stafford General Infirmary (SGI)
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9123
The SGI closed in 1996 and has been converted into offices and medical clinics... (more)
Nos 26-29 Eastgate Street, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9223
No 26 is the building on the left containing the solicitors Frisby and Co (now... (more)
A line of concrete spheres
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9223
The spheres line part of South Walls preventing vehicles from entering the... (more)
Nos 39 and 40 Eastgate Street - Grade II listed
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9223
Nos 39 and 40 are the pair of white buildings with dormer windows. They are... (more)
A business at the junction of Eastgate Street and North Walls
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9223
This bicycle and outdoor equipment business has been renamed as Mammoth since... (more)
Eastgate Street on a quiet Sunday morning
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9223
Eastgate Street runs in a north-west direction from the old East gate in... (more)
St Mary's church, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
View looking north-west from the churchyard. The Boulton Monument (Grade II) can... (more)
St Mary's Churchyard, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
A view of St Mary's church and churchyard taken from the south-east corner... (more)
Boulton Monument, St Mary's Church, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9022
The monument commemorates several generations of the Boulton family, which are... (more)
Churchyard Cross, St Mary's church, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9022
The churchyard cross is mid to late 19th century. It is grade 2 listed. The... (more)
Snowdrops in St Mary's churchyard, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
A large display of snowdrops covers the ground of the churchyard. A grade 2... (more)
Ancient tree in Churchyard of St Mary's, Castle Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9022
This tree is a Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) and is recorded in The Tree... (more)
Cartouche on Mottram Shelter, Victoria Park, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9122
The inscription commemorates the presentation of the shelter by Alderman Mottram... (more)
Mottram Shelter in Victoria Park, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
The Shelter was presented by Alderman Mottram, Mayor of Staford in 1905. It was... (more)
Stafford Castle from the south-east
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
The castle sits on its motte (the raised area). Evidence of the defensive... (more)
South-east side of Stafford Castle
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
A castle was originally built here by the Saxons. It was replaced by a wooden... (more)
South-west facing wall of Stafford Castle
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9022
A castle was originally built here by the Saxons. It was replaced by a wooden... (more)
Tractor tracks in field of winter cereal
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9022
The image was taken in the spring; the trees have yet to take on their covering... (more)
Frost-topped Heritage Fund logo in Victoria Park, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9222
Stafford Borough Council received National Heritage Lottery Fund funding to... (more)
Playground equipment reflected in River Sow, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9123
A bright crisp morning with a cloudless sky. There is frost on the roof of the... (more)
New housing on Burleyfields
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9023
Burleyfields continues to develop with at least three developers building... (more)
New houses on Martin Drive, Burleyfields, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9023
Some the houses here are show homes. The developer is Charles Church. Building... (more)
Steel frame for Burleyfields Primary School
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9023
The school is due to open in September 2025. The school will offer only nursery... (more)
Newly built houses on Martin Drive, Burleyfields, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9023
The houses were built by David Wilson Holmes. Other houses on the estate were... (more)
New buildings of Stafford College
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9123
The view is taken across the River Sow which is in flood. These buildings were... (more)
Institute of Technology across balancing pond, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9123
The Institute of Technology is nearing completion and is due to open in March... (more)
Closed footpath and cycle track by River Sow, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9123
The shared footpath and cycle track are closed owing to the recent heavy rain... (more)
View across churchyard to West End of St Mary's Church, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9223
The nave and aisles date from the 13th century and are the oldest part 0f the... (more)
Open 8 days a week
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
This "distressed" sign is outside the newly opened Hickory's... (more)
Newly-opened Hickory Smokehouse, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9122
The smokehouse has been rebranded from the former King’s Horse pub and carvery... (more)
Nos. 5-8 St Mary's Grove, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9223
These four buildings are each Grade_II listed. They are all occupied by firms of... (more)
One of the last in Stafford Market
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9223
A market stall in St Johns Indoor Market aka Stafford Market. The doors of... (more)
No more customers - the last minutes of Stafford Indoor Market
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9223
The image shows a deserted market stall in St Johns Indoor Market aka Stafford... (more)
The final Thank You
by Rod Grealish
for square SJ9223
The doors of Stafford Indoor market were closed for the last time about 15... (more)
Last day of St John's indoor market, Stafford
by Rod Grealish
geograph for square SJ9223
The market closed for the final time within 30 minutes of this image being... (more)
New houses, Stafford
by Robin Stott
geograph for square SJ9322
The developer of this new estate, 'The Fairways', is offering 1, 2, 3,... (more)