Waste handling facilities at Millerhill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3270
The Millerhill food waste treatment plant in the foreground, and the Edinburgh... (more)
Wymet Gardens, Millerhill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3269
New housing on Old Craighall Road, in a development area now also known as... (more)
Millerhill Carbon Tower
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3269
Looking north to the original Millerhill cottages.
Millerhill Carbon Tower
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3269
The centrepiece of a new housing development at Millerhill.
Millerhill Carbon Tower
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3269
In the 'Village square', and with more development taking place beyond.
Edinburgh & Midlothian Recycling & Energy Recovery Centre
by M J Richardson
for square NT3270
Under construction, beyond the Millerhill Waste Treatment Plant.
Construction at Millerhill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3270
The framework of the Edinburgh & Midlothian Recycling & Energy Recovery... (more)
Edinburgh & Midlothian Recycling & Energy Recovery Centre
by M J Richardson
for square NT3270
Under construction at Millerhill, and seen from across the fields at Woolmet, near Newton.
Millerhill Carbon Tower
by M J Richardson
for square NT3269
Detail - miner at the coal face.
Millerhill Carbon Tower
by M J Richardson
for square NT3269
Detail - miner in action.
Millerhill Carbon Tower
by M J Richardson
for square NT3269
Detail - with horse drawn coal wagon.
Millerhill Carbon Tower
by M J Richardson
for square NT3269
Detail towards the base - a fossil crinoid from the coal measures, and colliers,... (more)
Millerhill Carbon Tower
by M J Richardson
for square NT3269
Explanatory plaque.
Edinburgh & Midlothian Recycling & Energy Recovery Centre
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3270
Progress after 7 months, since February. The structure is now more... (more)
Edinburgh & Midlothian Recycling & Energy Recovery Centre
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3270
Progress after 7 months, since February. The structure is now more... (more)
Edinburgh & Midlothian Recycling & Energy Recovery Centre
by M J Richardson
for square NT3270
Detail of the framework in February sun.
Edinburgh & Midlothian Recycling & Energy Recovery Centre
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3270
The framework takes shape.
Edinburgh & Midlothian Recycling & Energy Recovery Centre
by M J Richardson
for square NT3270
What it might look like when finished.
The Borders Railway at Millerhill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3268
Looking across to the course of the new line as it will head to Millerhill from... (more)
The Borders Railway at Millerhill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3271
The Borders Railway at Millerhill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3169
Looking south from the bridge and new road between Millerhill and Newton... (more)
Shawfair Station
by M J Richardson
for square NT3169
The platforms are in place; looking towards Millerhill.
New houses at Millerhill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3269
Wymet Gardens, a recent development, still in progress, on the site of Longthorn Farm.
The 14.55 from Edinburgh [Waverley] to Tweedbank
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3271
A Borders Railway train passing south under the bridge at Millerhill carrying... (more)
Millerhill railway sidings
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3270
Part of the marshalling yard and electric train depot.
The start of the Borders Railway
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3271
The northern end of the line, where it leaves the lines from Edinburgh to the... (more)
The Borders Railway at Whitehill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3271
Heading south towards Shawfair, just after branching off the main lines to the... (more)
New bridge and road alignment for the Borders Railway
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3169
Looking west between Newton Village and Millerhill.
Crow step gables
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3269
Two gables and a wide entrance arch on derelict farm buildings at Longthorn,... (more)
Longthorn farmhouse
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3269
A derelict farmhouse at Millerhill.
Derelict farm at Millerhill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3269
Shawfair Station and car park
by M J Richardson
for square NT3269
Now almost finished, ready for the September opening of the Borders Railway.... (more)
Borders Railway at Shawfair
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3170
Part of the car park and the bridge carrying the access road to the station from... (more)
Railway line sleepers and ties
by M J Richardson
for square NT3271
On the new line for the Borders Railway at Whitehill Road. Perhaps somebody... (more)
The Borders Railway at Whitehill
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3271
Looking south from Whitehill Road. The single line curves away right from the... (more)
New roundabout at Newton Village
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3169
Part of the road realignment associated with the Borders Railway construction.
The Borders Railway at Newton Village
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3169
Looking north to Shawfair Station, with concrete sleepers ready to be moved on... (more)
Longthorn farm buildings
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3269
All that remains of what was once a fine and extensive set of farm buildings.
Shawfair Station under construction
by M J Richardson
for square NT3169
With the houses of Newton Village beyond.
The Borders Railway taking shape at Shawfair
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3170
Sleepers being laid, and a new bridge carries the road to Shawfair.
New bridge for the Borders Railway
by M J Richardson
for square NT3170
From a lane that has been upgraded into a road that will lead to Shawfair Station.
Vacated construction yard
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3170
Used by BAM as a base for constructing this part of the Borders Railway. Now... (more)
Dyer's Rocket at Shawfair
by M J Richardson
for square NT3269
Also known as Weld [Reseda luteola], this is a common weed of disturbed ground... (more)
Shawfair Station and car park entrance
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT3269
Nearly finished - due to open in September.