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J2765 : Hilden Village, Hilden (March 2016) by Albert Bridge Hilden Village, Hilden (March 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
New houses under construction on the southern side of Bridge Street. Described... (more)
J2765 : Hilden Village, Hilden - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge Hilden Village, Hilden - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
Mill Street, looking towards Glenmore Park with Bridge Street on the right.... (more)
J2765 : Hilden Village, Hilden - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge Hilden Village, Hilden - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
Another phase of the development, at the eastern end of Bridge Street, close to... (more)
J2865 : Former Hilden national school, Hilden (October 2016) by Albert Bridge Former Hilden national school, Hilden (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
Still standing, vacant and boarded up but almost hidden behind vegetation –... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
Part of the northern side of the site seen from Bridge Street. There is... (more)
J2765 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(1) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
Mill Street, Hilden with the derelict Barbour’s mill in the background. The... (more)
J2765 : Railway speed limit signs, Lambeg/Hilden by Albert Bridge Railway speed limit signs, Lambeg/Hilden by Albert Bridge
for square J2765
Two signs between Lambeg (left) and Hilden. The “70” (up line) refers to the... (more)
J2865 : Former Hilden national school (1) by Albert Bridge Former Hilden national school (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
Category: School (disused)
Originally provided by the Barbours J2865 : Barbour Threads Factory Complex at Hilden, in the early 19th century, for... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
Complete absolute and utter dereliction – part of the western side of the site... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(6) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(6) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
The eastern side of part of the derelict mill buildings, at the north eastern... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(5) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
The northern side of part of the derelict mill buildings seen from Bridge Street.
J2765 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(4) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(4) by Albert Bridge
for square J2765
See J2765 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(3). Ironwork detail. Foundry unknown.
J2765 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(3) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(3) by Albert Bridge
for square J2765
This area (middle bottom in J2865 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(2)) is the only part of the premises... (more)
J2865 : Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(2) by Albert Bridge Former Barbour's mill, Hilden - March 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
The western side of part of the derelict mill buildings seen along Mill Street.
J2865 : Tullynacross name sign, Hilden/Lambeg (August 2016) by Albert Bridge Tullynacross name sign, Hilden/Lambeg (August 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
A townland name sign, mounted parallel to the Tullynacross Road, opposite the... (more)
J2765 : Lambeg drum poster, Lambeg/Hilden (March 2016) by Albert Bridge Lambeg drum poster, Lambeg/Hilden (March 2016) by Albert Bridge
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A poster, at Queensway between Lambeg and Hilden, referring to the Lambeg drum... (more)
Tags: AdvertisingX   Advertising HoardingX   place:Hilden   place:LambegX   Norn IronX   subject:PosterX   PosterX   top:Sport, LeisureX  
J2765 : The "Enterprise", Hilden (October 2014) by Albert Bridge The "Enterprise", Hilden (October 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
The 10.00 Belfast Central – Dublin “Enterprise” (9004/231) approaching the... (more)
J2765 : Railway signal, Hilden/Lambeg by Albert Bridge Railway signal, Hilden/Lambeg by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
A three-aspect colour light signal (CL 141), beside the down line, between... (more)
J2865 : Passing place, Sandy Lane, Tullynacross (August 2016) by Albert Bridge Passing place, Sandy Lane, Tullynacross (August 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
A passing place, at the south western end of the single-track Sandy Lane.
J2765 : The "Steam Enterprise", Hilden (October 2014) by Albert Bridge The "Steam Enterprise", Hilden (October 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
Steam locomotive no 85 LinkExternal link... (more)
J2765 : Steam locomotive no 85, Hilden (May 2014) by Albert Bridge Steam locomotive no 85, Hilden (May 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
No 85 LinkExternal link passing Hilden... (more)
J2765 : The "Enterprise", Hilden (2013) by Albert Bridge The "Enterprise", Hilden (2013) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
The 10.35 Belfast – Dublin “Enterprise” (9002/231) negotiating the reverse... (more)
J2765 : Train, Hilden (2013-1) by Albert Bridge Train, Hilden (2013-1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
C3K set 3008 departing Hilden with the 10.15 Portadown – Bangor.
J2865 : Green rose hips, Tullynacross, Lambeg/Hilden (August 2016) by Albert Bridge Green rose hips, Tullynacross, Lambeg/Hilden (August 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
Unripe green rose hips beside the Tullynacross Road.
J2865 : Red rose hips, Tullynacross, Lambeg/Hilden (August 2016) by Albert Bridge Red rose hips, Tullynacross, Lambeg/Hilden (August 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J2865
Red and ripe rose hips beside the Tullynacross Road.
J2865 : Speed limit sign, Sandy Lane, Tullynacross (August 2016) by Albert Bridge Speed limit sign, Sandy Lane, Tullynacross (August 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2865
A 40mph speed limit sign, for the duration of the work building the new service... (more)
J2765 : Mobile road sign, Hilden/Lambeg (March 2016) by Albert Bridge Mobile road sign, Hilden/Lambeg (March 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
A mobile road sign, powered by a solar panel, warning of pipe laying at... (more)
J2765 : The Lagan canal and towpath, Lambeg/Hilden - January 2014 (1) by Albert Bridge The Lagan canal and towpath, Lambeg/Hilden - January 2014 (1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
The disused Lagan canal (left), full after recent heavy rain, and the towpath... (more)
Tags: Canal DisusedX   top:CanalsX   place:Hilden   Lagan CanalX   Lagan TowpathX   place:LambegX   top:PathsX   TowpathX  
J2765 : Macnaughton manhole cover, Hilden (October 2016) by Albert Bridge Macnaughton manhole cover, Hilden (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J2765
A Macnaughton Link (Craigavon)... (more)
Tags: type:Close LookX   Foundry ProductX   place:Hilden   top:IndustryX   Manhole CoverX  
J2765 : Setts, Hilden (October 2016) by Albert Bridge Setts, Hilden (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J2765
Surviving setts, at the entrance to commercial premises in Mill Street, opposite... (more)
Tags: type:Close LookX   EntranceX   subject:EntranceX   paving material:Granite SettsX   place:Hilden   top:Roads, Road TransportX   SettsX  
J2765 : Vacant warehouse, Hilden (October 2016) by Albert Bridge Vacant warehouse, Hilden (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
Tags: top:Derelict, DisusedX   type:GeographX   place:Hilden   subject:WarehouseX   Warehouse (Vacant)X  
J2765 : Vacant warehouse, Hilden (March 2016) by Albert Bridge Vacant warehouse, Hilden (March 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
A former joinery workshop, at 71-73 Grand Street, currently vacant and offered... (more)
J2765 : Trees, Glenmore, Hilden - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge Trees, Glenmore, Hilden - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
Trees to the north west of here J2765 : Trees, Glenmore, Hilden - October 2016(1).
Tags: type:GeographX   place:Hilden   Open SpaceX   ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   top:Public Buildings and SpacesX   subject:TreeX   TreesX  
J2765 : Trees, Glenmore, Hilden - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge Trees, Glenmore, Hilden - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2765
Trees, in the public open space, at the northern end of Glenmore Park – an area... (more)
Tags: type:GeographX   place:Hilden   Open SpaceX   ParkX   top:Park and Public GardensX   top:Public Buildings and SpacesX   subject:TreeX   TreesX  
J2865 : Field gate, Sandy Lane, Tullynacross (August 2016) by Albert Bridge Field gate, Sandy Lane, Tullynacross (August 2016) by Albert Bridge
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A field gate, on the north western side of Sandy Lane, becoming overgrown with... (more)
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