Southwards on Sutton Oak Road - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0896
Looking southwards on the B4138 Sutton Oak Road at its junction with Bakers... (more)
Over to Lloyds and Iceland - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0794
View taken from the eastern end of Dunedin Road in Kingstanding. Looking across... (more)
Bakers Lane and Sutton Oak crossroads - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0896
Looking south-east from the bus stop on Bakers Lane, Streetly to the shops at... (more)
Rough Road from the Circle – Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0895
Rough Road leads off from Kingstanding Circle – on the left is the Kingstanding... (more)
Kingstanding Road eastern side - North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0795
A view uphill on the eastern side of Kingstanding Road. This is the B4138 road... (more)
Cooksey Lane and Norbury Road join here - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0895
This view is looking southwards on the B4138 Kingstanding Road where it joins... (more)
George Frederick Road - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0895
A view south-east along George Frederick Road from its junction with the B4138.... (more)
George Frederick Road junction - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0895
A view northwards from the junction of George Frederick Road and Sutton Oak... (more)
Across Kingstanding Road - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
for square SP0795
A view across the dual carriageway that is Kingstanding Road, more formally the... (more)
Hawthorn Road New Year's Day - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0793
A view taken looking south-east on Hawthorn Road near its junctions with Warren... (more)
Over to Warren Farm Road - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0793
A view taken from Hawthorn Road to the south-east of its junction with the B4138... (more)
Bakers Lane westwards - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0896
A view westwards on Bakers Lane, Streetly at its junction with the B4138 Sutton... (more)
For takeaways and groceries in Bakers Lane - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0896
Here at the junction of Bakers Lane and the B4138 Sutton Oak Road stand the... (more)
Sutton Oak Road northwards - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0896
A view northwards on Sutton Oak Road, Streetly. On the right-hand side of the... (more)
From Donegal Road northwards - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0896
View looking northwards across Bakers Lane, Streetly along the B4138 Sutton Oak... (more)
Donegal Road to the crossroads - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0896
A view from Donegal Road, Streetly to the crossroads at the meeting of Bakers... (more)
Donegal Road and Sutton Oak Road junction - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0896
Looking along Donegal Road towards its junction with the B4138 Road, Sutton Oak... (more)
Facing north at The Circle - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0795
A view northwards along Kingstanding Road taken from the north side of... (more)
September sunshine on Sutton Oak - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
for square SP0796
A view over the landscape taken from the junction of Sutton Oak Road with George... (more)
The Cooperative Store closer view - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
for square SP0895
A view of Kingstanding Cooperative Store taken from the central reservation of... (more)
The Cooperative Store - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
for square SP0895
A view of Kingstanding Cooperative Store taken from the central reservation of... (more)
Uphill to Sutton Park - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0795
A view uphill, northwards, on Kingstanding Road - the B4138 which, as Thornhill... (more)
Southwards on Kingstanding Road - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0793
A view looking southwards on the dual carriageway B4138 - Kingstanding Road -... (more)
Grey day at the junction - Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0896
A grey sky and cold January day, waiting to cross Bakers Lane at its junction... (more)
Hawthorn Road shops east side - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0893
Looking along Hawthorn Road north-west in the direction of the Cooperative Store... (more)
Three roads meeting - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SP0793
A view looking northwards on the dual carriageway of Kingstanding Road to its... (more)