Grid reference SP0793
near to Kingstanding, Birmingham, England
Explore gridsquare SP0793
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Golden Hind pub
. . . on the corner of Kingstanding Road and Greenholm Road
Dyas Road Birdbrook Road Island Kingstanding
St Matthew's C of E church, Perry Barr
How has no-one else photographed this church for the site before now?
This is an early 1960s construction, designed by the Maguire & Murray, built of buff brick and concrete in a modern style, and Grade II listed... (more)
Not a conventional geograph maybe, but our street (Blenheim Way, Birmingham 44) is much more interesting when there are people about. Great Barr School on the skyline.
Birkenshaw Road
A cold afternoon with the sun setting. New Year 2025.
Shops on Kingstanding Road
Kingstanding Road heading south
Over to Warren Farm Road - Kingstanding, North Birmingham
A view taken from Hawthorn Road to the south-east of its junction with the B4138 Kingstanding Road. This is looking eastwards into Warren Farm Road. This area shares its name with the hamlet of Kingstanding in Wychwood Forest, Oxfordshire.... (more)
Burford Road Playing Fields
This 12.6 acre open space used to be playing fields but is now just grass. Access for local people is not convenient as the main vehicle entrance (seen in this view) off Kingstanding Road is locked and the entire boundary is completely... (more)
Closed Woolworths, Hawthorne Road Kingstanding
Now closed, this Woolies stood in a parade of shops by the Hawthorne Road Kingstanding Road crossroads.
Around Goodway Road
The housing in this grid square makes up the southern part of Birmingham's Oscott ward.
Hawthorn Road in Kingstanding