near to Laneham, Nottinghamshire, England
We have
11 images
in grid square SK7975
We have
11 images
for SK7975
Laneham Fields
The harvest has now been gathered in from Laneham Fields and the remains rolled up into giant cylinders of straw. The chimneys in the background are at the now disused High Marnham power station.
Cottam power station in the distance
by roger geach
Rural road which leads towards Laneham, looking across the open fields, in the distance is Cottam power station.
Laneham Field Farm trees
Rural view from the bridleway to Laneham Field Farm
Crop field off Hoo Lane
by JThomas
Rain on the way
by roger geach
Looking west on this bright morning a front is fast approaching. Rural road near Laneham.
Laneham Field Farm
Bridleway to Laneham Field Farm
Hoo Lane (track)
by JThomas
Heading south.
A distant Cottam power station from Laneham, Notts |
Unnamed lane towards Laneham
Cottam Power Station in distance.
Field boundary
Stokeham in the distance.
On Long Lane
This section of the road is unfenced. Cottam Power Station provides the backdrop.