Grid reference SK7876
near to Stokeham, Nottinghamshire, England
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Stokeham seen from Wranglands Lane
St Peters Church, Stokeham Notts
A 12th Century church, restored in 1881.
Drayton Road heading south
Old circular AA Sign in Stokeham
Old AA Sign in Stokeham, 6 miles southeast of Retford. Stokeham parish.
This is the circular, village name on black band, no Motor Union symbol or name type, dating from 1923, and showing distances Retford 6½ Tuxford 5 London 142. Now... (more)
Barn at Stokeham
Stream between Laneham and Stokeham: aerial 2024
Church of St Peter, Stokeham
The interior of the church seen through the east window. What can be seen is essentially the result of the 1928 restoration. Listed Grade II*
St.Peter's church
Stokeham Church Tower
Farmland south of Stokeham
St Peter's church, Stokeham
Grade II* listed and mostly dating from 13th Century,it contains a Norman font.
The church was ruinous at the beginning of the 20th century, but was restored in 1928.
St Peter's Church, Stokeham, near Retford
Benchmark at the base of this corner buttress