Grid reference SE4048
near to Wetherby, Leeds, England
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Castle Gate, Wetherby during the 2020 pandemic shut down
Taken at 11am on a Wednesday morning. This street would normally be full of traffic and shoppers but today it is eerily quiet. Government advice during the Coronavirus pandemic is to stay at home as much as possible. Just a few people are... (more)
Law Close - Templar Gardens
The Wharfe at Wetherby
Looking west from the Jubilee Gardens, with reflections of buildings on Westgate.
Ask on Market Place, Wetherby
Ask stands for brothers Adam and Sam Kaye who own the chain, and Jonathan Kaye their cousin owned the Garfunkels restaurant chain.
Church of St James
Direction Sign – Signpost in The Engine House, Wetherby
Fingerpost finial displayed on an interior wall of The Engine House PH, York Road Industrial Estate, in Wetherby parish.
Milestone Society National ID: YW_SE4048
Band stand concert in Wetherby
A concert takes place every Sunday afternoon. This week was the Unite the Union Brass Band from Sheffield. The whole concert can be viewed here: Link
St James church, Wetherby
An Anglican parish church, built 1839-42 by JB and W Atkinson. Listed grade 2 (list entry 1313467).
Cottages on Walton Road
These limestone built cottages have a distinctly rural look about them, and at one time would have been right on the edge of the town. 20th century development now stretches well beyond and is only limited by the presence of the by-pass.
Wetherby, St Joseph's church
There is a benchmark cut into the south facing wall of the church, and at the left hand corner. The mark is cut into the painted wall of the church.
Scott Lane #1
The blue plaque.
Riverside at Wetherby
Looking in the other direction, upstream, from SE4048 : Riverside View. It's a glorious Easter Bank Holiday Monday - rather better than forecasts led us to believe - and plenty of people are out and about. This was taken from the Ebor Way which... ( more)