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The Huguenot Arch
Transposed here when the current library was built in Westgate, the arch has a keystone inscribed with the date 1827.
In full, the inscription reads "Love your neighbour as yourself - said the Evangalist. 19th January 1827".
The arch is linked to the refugees who fled France when Protestantism was banned in 1658, many of whom brought their weaving skills and wealth to England. it is thought that the two houses in West Street that were joined by the arch were built by descendants of such refugees.
In full, the inscription reads "Love your neighbour as yourself - said the Evangalist. 19th January 1827".
The arch is linked to the refugees who fled France when Protestantism was banned in 1658, many of whom brought their weaving skills and wealth to England. it is thought that the two houses in West Street that were joined by the arch were built by descendants of such refugees.
by Bob Harvey
Created: Fri, 25 Sep 2020, Updated: Fri, 25 Sep 2020
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