Grid reference NY5803
near to Bretherdale Head, Cumbria, England
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4 images
for NY5803
Descending Winterscleugh
Winterscleugh throws out a weak little ridge on its east flank. Looking towards the Howgills. Hard to imagine the M6 motorway is less than 2 miles away in the deep Lune Gorge.
Blackley Gill
Waterfalls, Blackley Gill
A surprisingly rugged corner in this region of predominantly rolling moorland. A few hardy ash trees survive here, sheltered from the elements and the attentions of sheep and ponies. Let us hope they can survive the oncoming chalara spores.
Blackley Gill and the plantation around Corkham Beck
Most of the coniferous plantation has been felled in the valley of Corkham Beck, most recently on the south side below Summer Howe. New trees have been planted north of the beck leaving mature trees untouched at Corkham Wood. Blackley Gill... (more)