near to Marygold, Scottish Borders, Scotland
We have
62 images
in grid square NT8059
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images taken from NT8059 [2]
A sample of 12 photos from 62
for NT8059
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Road to Bonkyl Church
by Richard Webb
The rough road is accompanied by a small burn, swollen with snow melt.
Grazing off the B6438
by JThomas
A pastoral view from Bonkyl churchyard
Sheep grazing across the road from the church at Bonkyl.
Grassland, Bunkle
by Richard Webb
The castle is just off shot to the right.
Bunkle Kirk
by Iain Lees
Bench Mark, Bonkyl Church
The Ordnance Survey cut mark with bolt is to be found on the north face of the church. For a wider view of the church NT8059 : Bonkyl Church and for further information on the bench mark and others in the area Link
Arable land, Bunkle
by Richard Webb
Arable land with a burn running away from the camera towards Bonkyl Church.
Farmland at Bunkle
This field was viewed from the B6438. Bonkyl Church is in the background.
Bonkyl churchyard and apse
Memorials, and the remains of the earlier church.
Gravestone at Bunkle Church
by Lisa Jarvis
Gravestone in Bunkle Parish Church that lies South of Duns on the Auchencraw road. Hellen Peacock obviously lived to a grand old age as did her husband.
A large grave monument in Bonkyl Parish Churchyard
This mural monument is dedicated to the Turnbull family. The inscription panel reads as follows:
In Memory of
who after a short life of virtue and piety
Died on 11. October 1761
Also his... (more)
Apse of Bonkyl Old Kirk
The original church was demolished in 1820 and much of the material was used to build the new church. All that remains of the old kirk is the semi-circular apse and chancel arch which dates from the 11th century.
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