near to Marygold, Scottish Borders, Scotland
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18 images
in grid square NT7961
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Winnybrae Plantation and the A6112
The road is heading north, from Duns to Grantshouse.
Drakemire Strips
by Richard Webb
Woodland leading to a cross made of stripwoods. To the right (south) is Aikeyside Wood, which is partially old oakwood.
The A6112 heading through the Berwickshire countryside
by James Denham
Aikyside Wood
This oak woodland on the east side of the A6112 is a wonderful wildlife habitat where old trees are left to decay. There are some Scots pine trees in the wood. For a wider view of the wood, see NT7961 : Aikyside Wood.
A6112 beside Aikyside Wood
by JThomas
Heading north west.
Gate off the A6112
by Richard Webb
A short track leads through woodland to farmland beyond.
Rosebay Willowherb
Rosebay Willowherb is a perennial plant which spreads and colonizes easily especially on land after a forest fire. It was also known as bombweed as it rapidly colonized bomb craters in the second world war. In North America it is known as... (more)
Gnarled trunk of a Beech tree
A track-side tree at the edge of a small mixed plantation
Big fields, Drakemyre
by Richard Webb
Arable land in the Lammermuir Hills.
Aikyside Wood
This oak woodland on the east side of the A6112 is a wonderful wildlife habitat where old trees are left to decay. There are some Scots pine trees in the wood.
Farmland at Drakemire
A mixture of grazing and arable land in the Lammermuir Hills
Aikyside Wood
This oak woodland on the east side of the A6112 is a wonderful wildlife habitat where old trees are left to decay. There are some Scots pine trees in the wood.
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