near to Sawley, Derbyshire, England
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53 images
in grid square SK4531
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Bridleway to Draycott |
Waterworks Building between Sawley and Church Wilne
by John H Darch
Waterworks house at Sawley
This was built to house the operator of the waterworks next door, to which it is connected by a covered passage. The neighbouring building has "XXXX Corporation Water Works" above its front door (unfortunately a tree obscures the... (more)
The River Derwent
by Malcolm Neal
Taken from the steel footbridge that crosses the Derwent at this point allowing the footpath from Great Wilne to reach Church Wilne.
The River Derwent, not far to go now
by David Lally
Looking south from the footbridge by Wilne Lane.
The Derwent has just a couple of bends to go before it reaches its end and joins The Trent.
The longest river in Derbyshire The Derwent does in fact run virtually the entire length of... (more)
River Derwent and Wilne Road
by Mat Fascione
A muddy lane
by Malcolm Neal
Looking across the fields from a muddy single track lane near Church Wilne.
Leicester Corporation Waterworks building, Wilne Lane
There is no indication of the exact purpose of this building. It would be odd if it were simply another valve house so close to the one on the opposite side of the road Link , so perhaps it is a borehole... (more)
Life Buoy or Swing?
by David Lally
I walked along the banks of the Derwent just east of Derby a few times towards the end of 2008 and noticed that there was quite a few of these life buoys amongst the general detritus. I assumed that vandals had been removing them from... (more)
Flooded footpath
by Eric Foxley
The low-lying land near Great Wilne is often flooded ... and diversions are not easy to find!
Footbridge at Great Wilne
Looking south at the last bridging point of the River Derwent before it joins the Trent
Footbridge over the R Derwent at Church Wilne
by Colin Park
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