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Rpg Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rpg" Showing 1-28 of 28
Cory Doctorow
“Most of the people you see going to work today are LARPing (live-action role playing) an incredibly boring RPG (role-playing game) called "professionalism" that requires them to alter their vocabulary, posture, eating habits, facial expressions--every detail all the way down to what they allow themselves to find funny.”
Cory Doctorow, In Real Life

Tetsuya Nomura
“The heart may be weak. And sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out!”
Tetsuya Nomura

Charles Stross
“Bob loses saving throw vs. shiny with a penalty of -5. Bob takes 2d8 damage to the credit card.”
Charles Stross, The Fuller Memorandum

Alexei Maxim Russell
“Just like the notion of "Internet natives", who have never known a world without Internet access, we, who have lived our entire lives with video games, can be known as "video game natives.”
Alexei Maxim Russell, The Classic Gamer's Bible

“Sometimes everything you know in the world turns out to be a lie. But at the end of the day the lie isn’t what matters, it’s what you do after you tell it. If you work hard enough you can make it true.”
Hope Estheim

Devin Grayson
“You know what's so cool about gaming? The whole collective consciousness thing! Like when you tap into your own knight in shinning armor, you're tapping into all knights in shinning armor. All these archetypes, you know, are we're all of them, and you have to learn to honour and acknowledge them inside you."
"Plus, you get to be people you're not."
"Um. True. And people you are.”
Devin Grayson, User, Book 3

“The purpose of the referee is to present obstacles for players to overcome as they go about seeking their goals, not to constantly make trouble for them. This is a subtle distinction, and one that many beginners have trouble with.”
Marc W. Miller, Marc Miller's Traveller
tags: rpg

Sorin Suciu
“You learned a lot by playing RPGs, although not all of it was useful, or real for that matter – unless you really believed that wolves normally carry seven gold pieces, a flawed garnet, a scroll of ice storm, and a lock pick somewhere about their person.”
Sorin Suciu, The Scriptlings

Emma   Mills
“There's something soft in his expression that I don't know what to do with, so I take another drink and then say, 'There's also this wizard we really want to fight'.”
Emma Mills, Foolish Hearts

Leah Rae Miller
“No gaming outside of the venue without a sanctioned game master.”
Leah Rae Miller, The Summer I Became a Nerd

Steven Erikson
“The closest I ever got to Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms was when I bought the box game set for the latter (I think this was before the novels came out). I well recall this—we were living in James Bay, in Victoria. We opened the box up and took out the maps while sitting in a Mexican restaurant. Ten minutes later I was as close as I have ever been to publicly burning someone else’s creation…What bothered us was the reworking of every fantasy cliché imaginable, all in one package now, and none of it made sense.”
Steven Erikson

“We are all transformed by stardust, say both the wisest and most unhinged scholars of our day. Therefore, if one could be transported to the stars, one could reform her body and her mind and become a person different than the flawed wretch she currently is. It is a risky proposition, trusting the fickle cosmic winds to better a terrestrial, mortal body, but what is magic if not a declaration that one no longer cares?”
James Edward Raggi IV, Vaginas Are Magic!

“Aside from a few minor quibbles, the Codex Celtarum is simply an amazing book. It’s not just one of the bestCastles & Crusades sourcebooks ever, but it’s something that ANY fantasy game setting can pick up and use/adapt, especially if they are looking for a Celtic flair for their homebrew world and stories. There is so little in the way of mechanics, that you won’t ever have to do that much converting, especially if you already use an OSR system. As usual, the new Celtic content line for Castles & Crusades continues to impress.”
Alexander Lucard

Michael P. Williams
“The plot is deceptively simple. Condensed even fur- ther, it might read as a personal ad in some questfinder’s forum: Unlikely hero to save world from cataclysm. Seeks motley assortment of companions. Sidequests guaranteed.”
Michael P. Williams, Chrono Trigger

Michael P. Williams
“Is Lavos a selfish conqueror of the world, or a planetary farmer simply following its instincts? How sentient is Lavos, and if it can speak to us, why won’t it? Do apiarists palaver with their bees, or do they just mind the hives and collect the honey? It’s painful to imagine our species as insects, as fodder for something bigger, more powerful. Something that could plummet from above and ruin us in the blink of an eye.”
Michael P. Williams, Chrono Trigger

Michael P. Williams
“Frog speaks in a “Ye Olde Englishy” dialogue that is as charming as it is grammatically suspect. No one else in 600 AD talks like Frog. Not even Glenn, the boy Frog used to be.”
Michael P. Williams, Chrono Trigger

Lydia Millet
“The gun is mightier than the pen, was our true opinion, and the RPG is mightier still.”
Lydia Millet, Mermaids in Paradise
tags: gun, pen, rpg

Michael Witwer
“Hadn't Gary Gygax simply invented a game, and an esoteric one at that? It was hardly a footnote in the increasingly fast and complex information age that we live in. What was all the fuzz about? The reason for all the fuzz among those who understood his work was simple. Gary Gygax and his seminal game creation, Dungeons & Dragons, had influenced and transformed the world in extraordinary ways. Yet, much of his contribution would also go largely unrecognised by the general public. Although it is debatable whether D&D ever became a thoroughly mainstream activity, as a 1983 New York Times article had speculated, referring to it as the great game of the 1980's, D&D and its RPG derivatives are beloved by a relatively small but dedicated group of individuals affectionately known as 'geeks'. Although the term 'geek' is not exclusive to role-playing gamers, the activities of this particular audience have often been viewed as the most archetypal form of 'geekiness'. Labels aside, what is notable is that the activities of this RGP audience were highly correlated with interests in other activities such as early computers, digital technologies, visual effects, and the performing arts. In this way, these geeks, though relatively small in number, became in many instances the leaders and masters of this era. With the advent of the digital age, geeks worldwide found opportunity and recognition never previously available to their predecessors. Icons and innovators such as George R. R. Martin, Mike Myers, Richard Garriott, Vin Diesel, Tim Duncan, Anderson Cooper, David X. Cohen, John Carmak, Tim Harford, Moby, and the late Robin Williams, to name just a few, were all avid role-playing gamers in their younger years. The list of those who include D&D as a regular activity while growing up is both extensive and impressive.”
Michael Witwer, Empire of Imagination: Gary Gygax and the Birth of Dungeons & Dragons

“Nobody should ever feel good knowing there’s a Magic-User, and people should be in a panic whenever they know where one is.”
James Edward Raggi IV, Vaginas Are Magic!

C.A. Tedeschi
“Gronyar grunted with satisfaction. His belly bulged. There was nothing better than eating your enemies, except maybe shitting them out.”
C.A. Tedeschi, Lion Knight saga: The Knights of the Brotherhood

C.A. Tedeschi
“It was the savagery of their territory that diminished the clan of humans, like an old blade worked over too many times with the file. Ground down, but still razor sharp. They had lost wives, and daughters, and sons to illness, or some other malady. They lost strong men too. Men they’d known their whole lives, and ridden with for decades, were dead and buried, or at least dead, because they had stood side by side together against one savage brute or another. Worse yet, there was a time when bandits hid out in the bedrock. Human scum. They were the dregs, the cruelest kind of monster, devious and cunning, with a preference for deception.”
C.A. Tedeschi, Lion Knight saga: The Knights of the Brotherhood

Andrzej Sapkowski
“A las gente le gusta inventarse monstruos y monstruosidades, entonces parecen menos monstruosos asi mismos”
Andrzej Sapkowski, The Last Wish

“Necromancers, known for their social inadequacy, often find themselves having to make friends.”
Daniel Sell, Troika! Numinous Edition
tags: magic, rpg

“Should we follow her? She's weird. She just scraped penguin poop into a test tube and she speaks like she's been smoking it."
"You're a tree-foot-tall adult with an unhealthy addiction to imaginary horse pies. And I'm a six-foot-tall regenerating lizard with a lightning-imbued hammer. Let's not point too many fingers at weirdos.”
R.P. Jones, Evolution

“Empires have a tendency to crumble, and sometimes through no fault of their own. Emperors get buried under the rubble.”
Sarp Duyar, The City of Crescent

Mehmet Onur Kart
“A whisper is sometimes louder than a thunderstorm. Between the lips of the Haseki Sultan rest the storms that sway an empire.”
Mehmet Onur Kart, The City of Crescent

“Should we follow her? She's weird. She just scraped penguin poop into a test tube and she speaks like she's been smoking it."
"You're a three-foot-tall adult with an unhealthy addiction to imaginary horse pies. And I'm a six-foot-tall regenerating lizard with a lightning-imbued hammer. Let's not point too many fingers at weirdos."
"Point taken.”
R.P. Jones, Evolution

Aesop Rock
“Zelda was created by Shigeru Miyamoto, a total genius of a game designer. I have found very few other action/rpg’s really match up to the immersive experience that the Zelda games offer.”
Aesop Rock
