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Harness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "harness" Showing 1-11 of 11
Steve Maraboli
“Harness the power of today. Seize the blessings of today! Make something happen, enhance your life, make someone laugh, help a friend, love, love, love!”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Criss Jami
“One of the bigger mistakes of our time, I suppose, was preaching the demonization of all judgment without teaching how to judge righteously. We now live in an age where, apart from the inability to bear even good judgment when it so passes by, still everyone, inevitably, has a viral opinion (judgment) about everything and everyone, but little skill in good judgment as its verification or harness.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Glenn T. Seaborg
“People must understand that science is inherently neither a potential for good nor for evil. It is a potential to be harnessed by man to do his bidding.”
Glenn T. Seaborg

“My father considered himself fully weaponized, not only because he was a skilled fighter and in peak shape, but because he knew how to harness his will.”
Shannon Lee, Be Water, My Friend: The Teachings of Bruce Lee

“We each carry with us unique gifts, recognized and unrecognized. We long to harness those gifts in a way that gives life significance and helps us to matter more in the lives of others.”
Tom Hayes

Steven Redhead
“Harnessing change is the most valuable tool available for creating the reality that you clearly desire.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is Simply A Game

Olawale Daniel
“In most cases, you look for what you don't have. It limits and stagnates you. And unfortunately, you don't know know how to use what you do have. Yes, you've got your Brain, Google, and most importantly, you've got Youtube. Use'em to your advantage! They are powerful channels you can harness for maximum accomplishments in your life.”
Olawale Daniel

Cyrille  Mendes
“- J’aidais justement Ghezumi et Kassergh à bâter l’hypocras : du vin au miel avec de la cannelle et du gingembre mélangé à du musc, de l’ambre gris, de la cardamome, du poivre long, de la graine de paradis et de la fleur de muscade. On ne trouve cette variété qu’à Chaz.
- J’ignorais que les sujets de Sahr’Lim consommaient l’hypocras, avoua le hérisson géant.
- Ha ! Certes non, nous n’en buvons pas ! le détrompa Dazhirk d’un ton affable. Mais cela se vend bien dans l’empire de Tawag, demandez donc à votre compagne.
- Effectivement les gens de notre empire en sont friands, affirma Selamawit, et il arrive aussi que les sujets du royaume de Kambu l’achètent quand ils s’approchent de nos frontières.
- C’est pourquoi j’en transporte souvent, cela assure déjà les frais de caravane. Mais c’est très délicat au départ, confia Dazhirk avec un regard soucieux vers les lézards géants qui acceptaient docilement leur chargement.
- Comment cela ? questionna Nyssa.
- Il faut soigneusement sangler les lézards, jeune damoiselle, répondit-il après un silence pendant lequel il scruta attentivement la jeune fille. Ni trop lâche, ni trop serré avec ces reptiles dont le corps se gonfle une fois chargé. Puis, il faut équilibrer très exactement les charges, les envelopper dans une toile épaisse qui les protège de la lumière et de la chaleur, enfin ficeler correctement le tout. Cela fait, on peut alors accomplir des journées entières de voyage sans crainte de semer tout le chargement au long du parcours ou de le renverser, ce qui casserait les récipients et nous ferait perdre notre investissement.”
Cyrille Mendes, Les Épieurs d'Ombre

“Many people who could not give their best because they were denied the opportunity. We must harness the capabilities of each person to encourage
organizational success.” Ramesh Lohia and Pavan Lohia, Consultants, iSixSigmaKaizen
Published in Quality Quotes, Jun 7, 2016, Knowledge Center, ASQ [ AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR QUALITY]”
Ramesh Lohia and Pavan Lohia

“We can harness creativity in our lives; we do not have to be born creative.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

“Harness your anger, lest it harness you.”
Aloo Denish Obiero
