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Channels Quotes

Quotes tagged as "channels" Showing 1-10 of 10
“Stay upbeat and keep your head held high. There is no end to the power of positive thinking. I AM looking forward to all the wealth, success, and abundance speeding my way!”
Ron Barrow

James C. Dobson
“Let me leave you with this thought, written by my father before he died. If you incorporate it into your system of values, it will serve as a worthy guide to the management of your sexual energy: Strong desire is like a river. As long as it flows within the banks of God’s will—be the current strong or weak—all is well. But when it overruns those boundaries and seeks its own channels, then disaster lurks in the rampage below.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

Israelmore Ayivor
“It’s ridiculous to repeat costly mistakes because you believe there is always a next chance. Mistakes may flow, but you have all it takes to close the canals they used!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Olawale Daniel
“In most cases, you look for what you don't have. It limits and stagnates you. And unfortunately, you don't know know how to use what you do have. Yes, you've got your Brain, Google, and most importantly, you've got Youtube. Use'em to your advantage! They are powerful channels you can harness for maximum accomplishments in your life.”
Olawale Daniel

Christina Engela
“My ship – the Demeter, was a star-liner operated by the Red Star Line. I say ‘was’ because of the events you will read about in this account. This is a long letter, I know, but I had quite a long time to write it. You probably already know this, having seen the commercials running on all the major channels for the last twenty years or so, but the Red Star Line is the largest cruise operator in the known universe. Unless something has changed between now and by the time you read this, this is probably still true. In fact, customers of the Red Star Line get more quality, value for money – and smiles by Demeter than they do anywhere else. Okay, okay. It’s an old joke – corny for sure, but what the hell.”
Christina Engela, Space Vacation

Deyth Banger
“ is just nothing... if you think that you are going to learn something. You are here wrong, you wanna see the system?

It's in about

23 Channels as a start then increases... decreases... even with different topics in the end... they want you to recall the whole data from the 23 Channels as for Perfect, as For under Perfect Okay..okay... but still not perfect, as for Good... Just an Okay... and as for Middle... Little from there and little from there as for the last... Nothing at all.”
Deyth Banger, The Life Of One Kid

“Sometimes I feel that if I would be manage all channels at a time miracles will definitely happened on the internet.”
pranita deshpande

“Varies from repetitive disputes to toxic competitions, The Clash of Channels affects the company strategic growth, so rather than growing together as a team, teams members dilute the growth journey by personalizing outputs & focusing on the wrong things, withholding information, imposing their insecurities & surely bringing down workplace moral/ culture”
Sally El-Akkad
