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Coronavirus Quotes

Quotes tagged as "coronavirus" Showing 1-30 of 788
Erik Pevernagie
“When the whole world is entrenched in the bunker of physical and often emotional isolation, only flexibility and ingenuity can revive us to remain grounded and imbibe the bolstering sunlight piercing through the canvas of chaos. (Because the world has corona)”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“The global Corona conflict has rammed people into trenches. Invisible, lethal, viral weapons have replaced visible whistling bullets and thunderous bombs. As we don’t know who is calling the shots, it is difficult to tell how we can call a truce with imperceptible enemies. (“What do they hide behind their dirty aprons”)”
Erik Pevernagie

Amit Ray
“In every crisis, doubt or confusion, take the higher path - the path of compassion, courage, understanding and love.”
Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power

“We have a chance to do something extraordinary. As we head out of this pandemic we can change the world. Create a world of love. A world where we are kind to each other. A world were we are kind no matter what class, race, sexual orientation, what religion or lack of or what job we have. A world we don't judge those at the food bank because that may be us if things were just slightly different. Let love and kindness be our roadmap.”
Johnny Corn

Amit Ray
“The world needs huge positive energy to fight against the negative forces. Go to the center of your inner begin and generate that positive energy for the welfare of the humanity.”
Amit Ray, World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird

David Lynch
“These so-called bleak times are necessary to go through in order to get to a much, much better place.”
David Lynch

Steven Magee
“COVID-19, are you going to be naughty or nice to me?”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Smart people learn from the experiences of others.”
Steven Magee, Long COVID Supplements

Steven Magee
“I am filled with energy on my Long COVID supplements!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“You will not find my nutritional supplement research on COVID-19 and Long COVID on the internet, as it has only ever been published in my books.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It took several months of high dosing with vitamin D to raise my levels from the low to high end of the medical testing range.”
Steven Magee, COVID Supplements

Steven Magee
“There is little information available on the role of vitamin E to treat COVID-19.”
Steven Magee, COVID Supplements

Steven Magee
“Low calcium is characteristic of COVID-19.”
Steven Magee, COVID Supplements

Steven Magee
“Iron dyshomeostasis and anaemia are common after COVID-19 infection.”
Steven Magee, COVID Supplements

Steven Magee
“Higher magnesium levels are associated with better COVID-19 outcomes.”
Steven Magee, COVID Supplements

Steven Magee
“Energy drinks may have an application in treating COVID-19.”
Steven Magee, COVID Supplements

Steven Magee
“Optimal hydration is part of the treatment for COVID-19.”
Steven Magee, COVID Supplements

Vanessa de Largie
“Artists always shine brightly in times such as these. During any tragedy or economic crisis throughout history, creative communities have always thrived in solidarity. And it will happen again. As the world crashes around us, we will get out our paints and pens.”
Vanessa de Largie

“Economic pressure will force governments to look into ways to bail out state owned entities and possible ways to avoid sovereign debt default”
David Sikhosana

James O'Brien
“The lies are of a scale and of a nature that in modern political life I think you can only compare to Donald Trump. I don't think anybody has lied or can lie as casually and as cooly and as completely as Boris Johnson does - accept Boris Johnson. We have learned over the last few weeks that his closest colleagues thought he was diabolical. The cabinet secretary that Boris Johnson appointed because he would prove to be, or he was believed to be, a soft touch has described Boris Johnson as being utterly unfit for the job. The advisor that he brought in as a sort of mastermind - having overseen Brexit - Dominick Cummings has described Johnson in terms that you would reserve for your worst enemies. These are the people working closest by him. The only person who's had anything vaguely warm to say about him is Matt Hancock and let me tell you why. They've shaken hands on it. I'd bet my house on some sort of gentleman's... let's rephrase that... I'd bet my house on some sort of charlatan’s agreement behind the scenes that they won't slag each other off because everybody else is telling the truth about them - about Johnson and about Hancock. Hancock's uselessness facilitated and enabled by Johnson's uselessness, by Johnson's moral corruption effectively. And now the lies begin. 5,000 WhatsApp messages. ‘No idea. No, no, no, no idea. Don't know. Don't know technical people. Uh... factory reset. Don't know. Bleep, bleep.’

And then the classic: the flooding of the Zone. With so much manure that it's hard to know where to start. ‘We may have made mistakes’ is one of the latest statements to come out. Turns up 3 hours early so that he doesn't have to walk the gamut of people congregating to remember their lost loved ones and to share their feelings with the man that they consider to be partly responsible for their death. Absolutely extraordinary scenes, truly extraordinary scenes. How does he get away with it? Hugo Keith is a much tougher inquisitor than Lindsay flipping Hoyle, the Speaker of the House of Commons. He's a much tougher inquisitor than any of the interviewers that Boris Johnson deigns to have his toes tickled by on a regular basis. He's a much tougher interviewer or scrutineer than the newspaper editors who have given him half a million pounds a year to write columns or already published articles about why he's the real victim in this story. Philip Johnston in the Daily Telegraph today writing an article before Boris Johnson has given a single syllable of evidence, claiming that Boris Johnson is the real victim of this. I'd love him to go and read that out to the Covid families assembled outside the inquiry. And remember it was Daily Telegraph columnists and former editors that convened at the Club with Jacob Rees-Mogg and others to launch the Save Owen Paterson Society after another one of these charlatans was found to have breached parliamentary standards. Their response of course was not to advise their ally to accept the punishment that was coming his way but to attempt to get him off the hook and rip up the rule book under which he'd been found to be guilty.”
James O'Brien

James O'Brien
“And of course, [Boris Johnson will] never get questioned like this over at the BBC while the political editor remains a fully paid-up member of the Boris Johnson Admiration Society. So how does he get away with it? Andrew points out that factory resets obviously weren't covered in the technology lessons that Boris Johnson received from Jennifer Arcuri. Again, it's a funny joke. It's a good line, but he was the Prime Minister, and everyone knew he was a liar. Is it all about that guy that rang in when Donald Trump was here. That I always remember saying ‘but you must know he's lying’. Donald Trump was giving a speech in London about the size of the crowds outside the building he was in. And we had a camera outside the building he was in. We were looking at no crowds. And that simple juxtaposition of rhetorical claim by a politician with observable reality was chilling. It was spine tingling. I can claim that there are huge crowds, huge crowds, the biggest crowds, the greatest crowds outside this building. And I said, ‘how does it work? How does that happen?’ And someone rang me and said, ‘I know he's a liar, but it really upsets people like you and Sadiq Khan.’ And at the time I laughed but maybe that's all there is. Maybe your life - and sorry this is going to sound quite rude - but maybe your life is so weird, and your personality is so twisted that you find the frustration of people who care about the truth the closest you ever get to feeling joy. Is that it? Nadine Dorries watches Boris Johnson lie and claims that he's the most trustworthy person on the planet. What is wrong with her? It's not really a question about what's wrong with him; what's wrong with her?

Whatever transpires at this inquiry or whatever emerges during these hours of evidence, I can tell you this: there will be a significant number of people who think that Boris Johnson has done nothing wrong or that he is somehow the victim of another witch hunt. You remember? It was a witch hunt when he was caught banged to rights by a parliamentary committee containing a majority of conservatives after even Chris Bryant had stepped down to avoid any accusations or allegations - false allegations – really, of impartiality. And they still called it a witch hunt. It would have been a witch on unless the committee consisted entirely of 14 Nadine Dorries clones. That's the only circumstances in which those people would have claimed that he could receive a fair trial.

Where do you even begin today? Do you begin with the 5,000 WhatsApp messages that a man who was in charge of the nuclear code somehow doesn't understand and can't find? I don't know. So, what is your theory now because I don't think I've got one any more. I watch him now, and I feel something very new, very different to what I thought when he was in power because when he was in power there is an urgency to the situation. There is a desperate need to share with the population the awfulness that they apparently can't see. Just now that he's not in power any more, it's almost as if I've allowed the full horror of what he represents to bubble to the surface. It’s now that he can't actually break anything, it's a retrospective reflection upon the abject awfulness of him. I mean the unbelievable awfulness of this man, the things that he's done. You can begin with Brexit. The lies that he's told, the damage that he's done. The contempt in which he holds all the things we're raised to believe are important: rules, obligations, standards, behaviours, fidelity, honesty, kindness, friendship, loyalty, all of these things we teach our children matter. And Boris Johnson teaches us that you can become the most powerful person in the country by treating all of those things with absolute contempt.”
James O'Brien

Steven Magee
“The reality of the COVID-19 pandemic is you are likely getting daily exposures to the virus during peak outbreaks.”
Steven Magee

Jack Freestone
“Before Covid most people may have been aware that our politicians are not our friends, but Covid taught us that politicians are not only our enemies, but they are also actively trying to enslave us and kill us.”
Jack Freestone

Jack Freestone
“When Covid hit the headlines, all they needed to do was take down the internet for a short time. With a deadly disease spreading via the mainstream media, the people would have panicked and flocked to get their poisonous injections on mass. It would have been game over for humanity. But there was a problem with that plan. The internet is a key part of their long-term plan, the New World Order with one government and one army. To take down the internet may have negatively affected peoples’ decisions to embrace AI, especially implanted computer chips for shopping and freedom of movement, plus a central bank digital currency.”
Jack Freestone

Steven Magee
“It is clear in some people that COVID-19 is comparable to a lobotomy.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I started to see a serious decline in health in high altitude professional astronomy. Most noticeable was the onset of constant fatigue, memory issues and confusion. The condition progressed during my time in the commercial and utility solar industry where I started falling asleep at work and developed hot skin. The doctors tested me and said I had shift work disorder in 2008 and vitamin D and Vitamin B12 deficiencies in 2011. In 2015 I had a COVID-19 like sickness that made everyone in the family really sick. I never recovered and this started regular visits to the doctors. They diagnosed severe sleep apnea and mental illness and prescribed a CPAP machine. Under the care of the doctors I became much sicker on their prescription drugs and treatments. I eventually got smart and figured out I was not going to recover under their care and they may actually kill me! In 2021, moving to Hawaii island revealed that I had ‘Altitude Hypersensitivity’ and a high altitude commuting disease called ‘Magee’s Disease’. By the end of 2023 I had developed the treatments for these conditions and made a reasonable recovery. There is no cure for either condition. They are life-long illnesses. I now have to live well below 1,000 feet near sea level and take the treatments for the rest of my life. I documented the conditions in the books ‘Toxic Altitude’ and ‘Magee’s Disease’. The treatments for the hypoxic high altitude damage appeared transferable into COVID-19 and Long COVID and these are documented in the books “COVID Supplements” and ‘Long COVID Supplements’.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“COVID-19 has greatly increased the numbers of people that have lost their mental functioning skills.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I will always remember you as the person that tried to kill me by infecting me with COVID-19!”
Steven Magee

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