Virchand Gandhi
in Mahuva, Gujarat, India
August 25, 1864
August 07, 1901
Mahavira, Jinasena, Moncure Daniel Conway, Vijayanandsuri
More books by Virchand Gandhi…
“This is my country, that is your country; these are the conceptions of narrow souls - to the liberal minded the whole world is a family.”
“…the designation of wife in India, of the Hindu wife, is higher and grander than that of Empress. She is called Devi”
“We preach and practice brotherhood — not only of man but of all living beings — not on Sundays only but on all the days of the week. We believe in the law of universal justice — that our present condition is the result of our past actions and that we are not subjected to the freaks of an irresponsible governor, who is prosecutor and judge at the same time; we depend for our salvation on our own acts and deeds and not on the sacrificial death of an attorney.”
― The Monist
― The Monist