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Choosing a Fish Safe Liner Material when Building a Fishing Lake
Flexible liners solve a lot of the challenges of lining a large fishing lake, but they’re not all equally qualified for the task.
Private vs Public Fishing Lakes and Ponds
Building a private fishing lake may seem like a big project just for something to share with friends and family.
Fertilizing for Fishing Lakes
If you’re used to fertilizing fields for bigger crop yields, you may have already heard of fertilizing ponds as well.
The Growing Value of Building New Greenhouses at State Prisons
State prisons across the country are focusing on ways to improve and reform the correctional experience, both for the benefit of the prison population and the community around each facility.
How is Produced Water Created at Wineries?
The winery that ships in bulk juice may not need irrigation water, but it still needs a steady supply of fresh water for sanitizing and cleaning every part of the fermentation system.
The Importance of Containment for Produced Winery Water
Wine may be safe to drink, but that doesn’t make it safe to release into water or soil.
Designing Produced Ponds for Wineries
Now that you’ve explored the challenges of storing produced water from wineries and some of the common sources of it, it’s time to consider specific design parameters.
Do Winery Produced Water Ponds Need Covers?
While it’s true that all produced water ponds on wineries need some kind of impermeable liner, the same can’t be said for covers.
Size, Shape, and Depth: Comparing Preformed Ponds to Flexible Liners
Preformed pond liners are often touted as the “answer” to many pond installation dilemmas and as an easy and affordable way to build a pond; however, their marketing claims often fall short.
Material Disadvantages of Preformed Ponds are Solved with Flexible Liners
It’s easy to look at a preformed pond and believe it to be sturdy enough to do the job.
Leaks and Repairs: The Disadvantages of Preformed Ponds are Overcome by Flexible Liners
With careful construction techniques and the right choice in liners, you will create a worry-free pond that won’t develop leaks for decades.
Disadvantages of Preformed Ponds vs. Flexible Liners for Longevity
An inexpensive preformed pond liner, purchased at a local hardware store, doesn’t come with a warranty. Unfortunately, that same pond liner is likely to be cracked and/or leaking within five to ten years after installation.
Changing a Preformed Pond vs Changing a Pond With a Flexible Liner
A pond is an investment that should last a lifetime, and with the proper planning, design, and installation, it can be made to do so.
Maintenance: Preformed Pond Liners vs. Flexible Liners
Maintenance is an important aspect of pond ownership. When done properly, it increases your enjoyment and the longevity of your pond.
Cost: Comparing Preformed Pond Liners to Flexible Liners
Calculating the cost of a pond goes beyond looking at only the design and installation costs.
How Construction Ponds Work
Construction ponds hold large quantities of liquid, generally water, in locations where water is not available or the cost to haul water is high.
What are the different applications for Construction ponds?
Constructions ponds have usage beyond construction projects. The use of these ponds helps construction companies and many other industries achieve their objectives.
Benefits of Construction Ponds
Construction ponds are ideal for water storage, such as in agriculture or construction sites where regulations aim to control air particulates.
Understanding Pond Liners and Geomembranes
Traditionally, many people attempted to use packed clay as a means of keeping water from leaking into or out of a pond.
Permitting for Pond Construction
It is very likely that you will need a permit, and sometimes several, to install a pond.
What is Light Deprivation?
All plants respond to light, but some of them respond a little differently than others.
What are the Potential Benefits of Light Deprivation?
If you’re spending a lot of money on premium greenhouse glazing in order to maximize light transmission or minimize heat gain, you’re likely wondering why you’d spend more just to cover it up.
Which Plants Benefit from Light Deprivation?
Some popular greenhouse crops have a long history of proven light deprivation treatment, while others are completely unknown.
Complete Light Control vs Use of Natural Light
After deciding that light deprivation is necessary for a specific type of greenhouse production, it’s necessary to choose between temporary and full-time light blocking.