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Top Questions about Algae and Weeds in Fish Ponds
What is the Best Way to Manage Algae Blooms in My Fish Pond?
Is Energy Use and Waste Disposal in Commercial RO Sustainable?
There are several options for removing salt from natural sources like ocean water
Is Seawater a Sustainable Resource?
As the global demand for limited resources of fresh water increases
Brine Management Options Part 2
In certain circumstances, low concentrations of brine can be used in agriculture for irrigation.
Brine Management Options Part 1
In dealing with brine that has gone through a desalination process, there are several options for disposal
Secrets of Highly Successful Brine Ponds
The rate of evaporation is the key factor affecting efficiency in a brine pond.
How Do You Construct Brine Ponds? Part 2
All brine containment ponds must be constructed with an impermeable, chemically resistant liner
How Do You Construct Brine Ponds? Part 1
In calculating cost factors for evaporative ponds, there’s a common assumption that larger ponds equal greater efficiency
Questions about Brine Evaporative Ponds
Evaporation ponds are an ancient technology used around the world to produce salt for human usage
Best Practices for Storing Brine Safely
Brine is a solution of water and some amount of salt(s) in varying concentrations.
What Kinds of Desalination Are There?
Single phase desalination processes always keep the source water in a liquid state.
What is Desalination?
Simply put, desalination is any process that removes salt and minerals from water.
What is Water Scarcity?
It’s a startling statistic, but only about 1% of the world’s water is fresh.
What’s the Best Irrigation System for a Commercial Greenhouse?
Plants grown in greenhouses are entirely dependent on artificial irrigation to meet their growth needs
5 More Useful Questions and Answers for New Greenhouse Professionals
Even aggressive ventilation may be inadequate to keep temperatures at safe levels
5 Useful Questions and Answers for New Greenhouse Professionals
A greenhouse business is far more than growing beautiful plants.
What Commercial Greenhouse Structure is Best?
Very generally speaking, there are three basic types of greenhouses suitable for commercial use
What Materials are Best Suited to Commercial Greenhouses?
Rafters are the primary vertical supports of a greenhouse.
How Do You Manage a Greenhouse?
Managing a commercial greenhouse requires a two-pronged approach.
What Else Should I Know About Greenhouse Businesses?
Are my greenhouse structures configured to easily accept changes like blackout curtains or even thermal blankets?
How Do I Make a Greenhouse Profitable?
Those black 3-gallon pots all look the same, no matter who ships them to you
Are Commercial Greenhouses Profitable?
Plants are continually in demand, so there is always a potential for profit in the greenhouse industry.
How Do I Start a Greenhouse Business?
Your business can only succeed if you’ve chosen the right location and right setup.
How Do I Create a Business Plan for a Greenhouse Business?
Horticulture is the art of cultivating plants for food, medicinal purposes, and ornamentation