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Design Notes

June 28, 2024

Scorching Summer Collection

The super-hot 2024 Summer Collection Chest is Here

Whether you head to the beach to cool down or get your surf on... beat the heat this weekend with the super-cool gear in our Scorching Summer 2024 Collection! Unlock over 125 rare and seasonal event items when you get the chest for 10,000 AdventureCoins or buy individual items from Quibble in Battleon.

  • Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs or
  • Buy individual items from Nibble's Rares shop in Battleon 

Plus, find even more items arriving in the chest in July!

Now Available: Scorching Summer Collection

The color-customizable, hero-sized Scorching Summer Collection Companion Pet is in Quibble's Shop for 10,000 AdventureCoins now!

  • Click it to open the collection shop full of 0 AC versions of Quibble's rares
  • Automatically unlock any future items added to the collection
  • Find the Savage Scavenger Zorbak pet w/ quest for an exclusive character page badge

New Sets This Weekend

  • Chaotic Beach Lounger gear + Chaotic Gaze Surfboard
  • Dark Summer Lounger gear, Shadowball Pet, Crawling Darkness Surfboard
  • Justified Summer Lounger gear + Justified Dragon Surfboard
  • Hollowborn Beach Lounger gear + Hollowborn's Will Surfboard
  • Aquataine Chanteuse armor set
  • Aqua Glacies Staff, Whip, Gauntlets
  • Gothic Beachwear Armor + Umbrella Armor
  • Lunar Gothic Beachwear Armor + Umbrella Armor
  • Wavy + Sleek Gothic Beach Locks + Shades helms

Enchanted Marine Dragon Set
All items in the set are rare & color-customizable 

  • Majestic Marine Dragon armor (unique pose)
  • Marine Dragon armor
  • Male Morph + Hair helms
  • Female Morph + Hair helms
  • Enchanted Marine Dragon Guardian cape
  • Enchanted Marine Dragon Tail cape
  • Enchanted Marine Dragon Spear

Red Tide Dragon Set
All items in the set are seasonal, not color-customizable.

  • Majestic Red Tide Dragon armor (unique pose)
  • Red Tide Dragon armor
  • Male Morph + Hair helms
  • Female Morph + Hair helms
  • Red Tide Dragon Guardian cape
  • Red Tide Dragon Tail cape
  • Red Tide Dragon Spear

Sea Guard Diver & Gunner Set
All items in the set are rare & color-customizable 

  • Sea Guard Diver armor
  • Sea Guard Gunner armor
  • Sea Guard Diver Hair + Ponytail
  • Sea Guard Diver Morphs (male + female)
  • Bay Watcher + Bay Whistler Twig pets
  • Beachball Pro Twilly pet
  • Beach Scavenger Zorbak pet
  • Beach Comber Quibble regular + Bank Pet
  • Sea Guard Pulse Gun (single + dual-wield)
  • Sea Guard Ripple Gun (single + dual-wield)
  • Sea Guard Flotation Board (single + dual-wield)

Casual Wayfarer Set
All items in the set are rare & color-customizable 

  • Prepared Casual Wayfarer armor (unique pose)
  • Casual Wayfarer armor (regular pose)
  • Styrofoam Take-Out Sneevil Morph helm
  • Casual Wayfarer Shaded Hair + Locks
  • Casual Wayfarer Shaded Sunhat, Hair + Locks

Evil Underworld Lounger Set
All items in the set are rare 

  • Evil Underworld Lounger armor
  • Male + Female Morphs + Hairs
  • Underworld Lounging Buddy helm 
  • Ghostly Wisps cape
  • Underworld Fury Blaze Companion Blade pet
  • Underworld Fury Blaze Blade (single + dual-wield)
  • Legion Wave Slicer Surfboard
  • Blazing Underworld Blade house item

Nulgath Nation Lounger Set
All items in the set are rare 

  • Nulgath Nation Lounger armor
  • Male + Female Morph helms
  • Fiend's Inception Companion Blade pet
  • Fiend's Inception Blade (single + dual-wield)
  • Fiend's Ego Surfboard
  • Fiend's Inception Kiln house item

ShadowScythe Empire Lounger Set
All items in the set are rare 

  • ShadowScythe Empire Lounger armor
  • Male + Female Morph helms
  • Shadow Dragon Revolution cape
  • Shadowscythe Emblem Surboard

Available Next Month

Collection Chest items scheduled to release in July include:

  • Scorching Summer Hero set (unique pose)
  • Solar Summer Lounger set (regular pose)
  • Lunar Lounger set
  • Grim DungeonMaster Lounger set
  • Summer Beach houses
  • Lae x Snowvers' Water Elf set (art preview)
  • And more!

Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive Scorching Summer Collection Companion Pet and Savage Scavenger Zorbak pet, all of the gear contained inside the Collection shop will also be available individually in Quibble's Summer Event Shop.


June 21, 2024

Scorching Summer Collection

The super-hot 2024 Summer Collection Chest is Here

Whether you head to the beach to cool down or get your surf on... beat the heat this weekend with the super-cool gear in our Scorching Summer 2024 Collection! Unlock over 125 rare and seasonal event items when you get the chest for 10,000 AdventureCoins or buy individual items from Quibble in Battleon.

  • Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs or
  • Buy individual items from Nibble's Rares shop in Battleon 

Plus, find even more items arriving in the chest next week and in July!

Now Available: Scorching Summer Collection

The color-customizable, hero-sized Scorching Summer Collection Companion Pet is in Quibble's Shop for 10,000 AdventureCoins now!

  • Click it to open the collection shop full of 0 AC versions of Quibble's rares
  • Automatically unlock any future items added to the collection
  • Find the Savage Scavenger Zorbak pet w/ quest for an exclusive character page badge

Available on Friday, June 21

Enchanted Marine Dragon Set
All items in the set are rare & color-customizable 

  • Majestic Marine Dragon armor (unique pose)
  • Marine Dragon armor
  • Male Morph + Hair helms
  • Female Morph + Hair helms
  • Enchanted Marine Dragon Guardian cape
  • Enchanted Marine Dragon Tail cape
  • Enchanted Marine Dragon Spear


Red Tide Dragon Set
All items in the set are seasonal, not color-customizable.

  • Majestic Red Tide Dragon armor (unique pose)
  • Red Tide Dragon armor
  • Male Morph + Hair helms
  • Female Morph + Hair helms
  • Red Tide Dragon Guardian cape
  • Red Tide Dragon Tail cape
  • Red Tide Dragon Spear

Sea Guard Diver & Gunner Set
All items in the set are rare & color-customizable 

  • Sea Guard Diver armor
  • Sea Guard Gunner armor
  • Sea Guard Diver Hair + Ponytail
  • Sea Guard Diver Morphs (male + female)
  • Bay Watcher + Bay Whistler Twig pets
  • Beachball Pro Twilly pet
  • Beach Scavenger Zorbak pet
  • Beach Comber Quibble regular + Bank Pet
  • Sea Guard Pulse Gun (single + dual-wield)
  • Sea Guard Ripple Gun (single + dual-wield)
  • Sea Guard Flotation Board (single + dual-wield)

Casual Wayfarer Set
All items in the set are rare & color-customizable 

  • Prepared Casual Wayfarer armor (unique pose)
  • Casual Wayfarer armor (regular pose)
  • Styrofoam Take-Out Sneevil Morph helm
  • Casual Wayfarer Shaded Hair + Locks
  • Casual Wayfarer Shaded Sunhat, Hair + Locks

Evil Underworld Lounger Set
All items in the set are rare 

  • Evil Underworld Lounger armor
  • Male + Female Morphs + Hairs
  • Underworld Lounging Buddy helm 
  • Ghostly Wisps cape
  • Underworld Fury Blaze Companion Blade pet
  • Underworld Fury Blaze Blade (single + dual-wield)
  • Legion Wave Slicer Surfboard
  • Blazing Underworld Blade house item

Nulgath Nation Lounger Set
All items in the set are rare 

  • Nulgath Nation Lounger armor
  • Male + Female Morph helms
  • Fiend's Inception Companion Blade pet
  • Fiend's Inception Blade (single + dual-wield)
  • Fiend's Ego Surfboard
  • Fiend's Inception Kiln house item

ShadowScythe Empire Lounger Set
All items in the set are rare 

  • ShadowScythe Empire Lounger armor
  • Male + Female Morph helms
  • Shadow Dragon Revolution cape
  • Shadowscythe Emblem Surboard

Available June 28th

Collection Chest items scheduled to release next week include:

  • Swordhaven Summer Lounger set
  • Chaotic Beach Lounger set
  • Dark Summer Lounger set
  • Hollowborn Summer Lounger set
  • Lae x Aciel's Gothic Sun Beach set (art preview)

Available Next Month

Collection Chest items scheduled to release in July include:

  • Scorching Summer Hero set (unique pose)
  • Solar Summer Lounger set (regular pose)
  • Lunar Lounger set
  • Grim DungeonMaster Lounger set
  • Summer Beach houses
  • Lae x Snowvers' Water Elf set (art preview)
  • And more!

Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive Scorching Summer Collection Companion Pet and Savage Scavenger Zorbak pet, all of the gear contained inside the Collection shop will also be available individually in Quibble's Summer Event Shop.


May 07, 2015

Nulgath's Chaotic Fiend Rares

Nulgath the ArchFiend Embraces Chaos to Create New Gear

If you love evil but are not a fan of the Undead Legion, then you might just enjoy the new gear crafted for you by one of Artix Entertainment's darkest artist-animators - Nulgath the ArchFiend, Lord of the OverSoul! Nulgath took time from his work on the mobile and OverSoul teams to bring his newest, most chaotic gear to AQWorlds!

free rpg mmo nulgath chaotic fiend

Find the Chaotic Fiend armor, wings, and blade PLUS the Nulgath's Motorcycle Pet and Battlepet in the Chaotic Rares shop in your game menu starting tonight! The gear will only be available until June 5th, so get your gauntlets on it now if you don't want to miss out!


September 30, 2013

Week of OMG!!!

We Have SO MUCH For You This Week

I'm going to keep this short, because the team has got a LOT of work to do if we're going to get everything out on time! Make sure to check out the current Reminders Design Notes post to stay up to date.

Can't handle the chaos... or so many releases!

Monday, September 30th

That is TODAY!

  • Later tonight, the limited time gear in the Wheels of Doom and Destiny merge shops will be leaving... permanently. If you haven't gotten your "Skulls and Doom" or "Ancient Skulls and Doom" blades yet, now's the time!

Merge your Fortune Potions from the Wheels to create these blades! 

  • Check out our Pumpkin Carving Contest! Read Beleen's Design Notes for more information.
  • Our Friday the 13th maps become Legend-only until December, when we have another Friday the 13th event!

Tuesday, October 1st

5th Upholder begins! Upgrade your account to get a sweet character page badge, access to FIVE Star Swords, and all the Legend-only perks you always get! (Like a free spin on the Wheel of Doom or Destiny, pets, exclusive storylines, and more!) If you already have an upgraded account and the upgrade will be active - or expires - on November 1st, then congratulations, you're already a 5th Upholder!

Legion Star Sword not pictured.

If you were an Upholder before and lost access to your Star Sword, never fear! You'll be able to go into your Book of Lore Upholder badge and access the shop to get it once more! We've had a LOT of people ask us to do this over the years, and now it is finally happening!

If you supported AQWorlds from the start as a Founder, you'll be able to access ALL of the Founder dragon pets... including this year's Green Armored and Galactic Armored Dragon pets! 

Wednesday, October 2nd

Treasure Map time! Talk to Cleric Joy in Battleon to purchase a Treasure Map. Then use the clue in the item's description to find the location of the treasure hidden somewhere in-game.... and access ALL of the gear we've EVER added to the shop, plus the new Royal Dragoon set!

X marks the spot for treasure beyond measure!

Thursday, October 3rd

Run around corraling the server hamsters desperately trying to flee from the Friday insanity!

Friday, October 4th

Hang on to your helms, it's going to be a BIG release!

  • Quibble's Talk Like a Pirate Day shop leaves! Last chance to get all of his awesomely piratical gear!

  • The Blood Shadowcaster set arrives with the 3 month membership! If you purchase this package in October, you are automatically a 5th Upholder!
  • All the previous year's Mogloween events return! Get your trick or treat ON!
  • BattleMage Class releases! Memet will do a skills writeup later this week.
  • Chaos War rares shop leaves... forever! (The Chaorrupted Locked Blades will NOT go rare.)
  • We continue the Swordhaven Chaos Saga where we left off last week. If you haven't caught up yet, DO IT NOW! The cliffhanger ending was EVIL!

July 19, 2013

Calling all Legendary Heroes

Help the Druids Defeat the Void Invasion!

Travel back into the past to battle alongside the Druids of Greenguard Forest as creatures from deep inside the Void flood into their territory! The Loremasters know little of what happened, and hope that Lore's Legendary Heroes can find out more! 

Upgrade to unlock this new tale in Greenguard!

Talk to Loremaster Lydia in Greenguardwest, or /join Druids to begin the adventure! Lydia's quests require Rank 3 Loremaster Rep in order to begin; talk to Loremaster Maya in Battleontown to begin training that... and someday YOU will be the master of lore on Lore!

Each of Lydia's quests has a chance to drop elemental-themed weapons, too!

Elder Ironwood's Druid Rares Shop!

All heroes can access Elder Ironwood's Druid Rares shop from their Game Menu! Take on the appearance of an Elk Clan Druid and be at peace with the forest. All of this gear will go rare in a few weeks, so make sure you grab it now or you'll miss your chance to battle au nature-al!

Horns + helm = headgear AND weapons in one!


May 21, 2013

Artist Showcase Shop: Nulgath

OverSoul infects AQWorlds!

Tuesday is here—and that means an all-new Featured Artist Showcase Shop has arrived!

Artist Showcase Shop online adventure games

If you couldn’t tell by my glaringly obvious Design Notes title, this week is dedicated to everyone’s favorite Archfiend of Oversoul, Nulgath! As the mortal enemy of Dage the Evil, Nulgath has unleashed his own collection of ALL-RARE killer armors, weapons, capes, and more to show Dage where the REAL artistic talent lies.

Nulgath's Shop includes:

Nulgath fantasy games armor set

  • Duality of Nulgath set - 600 ACs
  • Celestial Evolution Staff - 150 ACs
  • Fiendish Face - 75 ACs
  • Serene Countenance - 75 ACs
  • Bright Wings - 100 ACs
  • Fiendish Wings - 100 ACs

Broodfiend of Nulgath armor

  • Prime Bloodletter Blade of Nulgath - 2,000 ACs (color-custom)*
  • Dual Vital Bloodletters of Nulgath - 250 ACs
  • Vital Bloodletters of Nulgath Cape - 100 ACs
  • ArchFiend's Sneer Helm - 150 ACs
  • Icy Predator Pet - 300 ACs
  • Double Stealthy Crossbow - 200 ACs
  • Golden Rune Cape - 100 ACs

* Includes a quest to farm Diamonds/Uni 13s/weapon.

Rare weapons and capes of Nulgath

  • Broodfiend of Nulgath armor - 45,000 gold (Member only)
  • Vital Bloodletter of Nulgath - 25,000 gold (Member only)
  • Light's Defender Spear and Shield - 20,000 gold (Member only)
  • Valiant Defender Battle Pet - 25,000 gold (Member only)
  • ArchFiend's Sneer Helm - 15,000 gold (Member only)
  • Stealth Crossbow - 17,500 gold (Member only)
  • Ruby Rune Cape - 5,000 gold (Member only)
  • Golden Rune Cape - 5,000 gold (Member only)
  • Victor's Dual Glory Blades - 20,000 gold (Member only)
  • Fiendish Spy Pet - 15,000 gold (Member only)

Bask in the glory of browser games gear

  • Victor's Glory Blade - 15,000 gold
  • Undead Gutter - 15,000 gold
  • Emerald Rune Cape - 5,000 gold 
  • Sapphire Rune Cape - 5,000 gold

All of the items in Nulgath’s Artist Showcase Shop will go permanently rare—they will NEVER be offered again—so if you wanna own a piece of history (or like 27), you better stock up today!

Nulgath Revealed

As the former Master to Dage the Evil, Nulgath is the General of the Great Abyss, looming over the battle-hungry souls of OverSoul. Nulgath has appeared in many forms under many names, but his current evolution is quite pleasing to him …even if his appearance does strike fear into all those who gaze upon him!

Nulgath NPC character

Outside AQWorlds and OverSoul, Nulgath’s real-world artistic inspirations stemmed from Conan the Barbarian book covers and fantasy art at an early age/level. Back then, Nulgath was known as “Miltonius” and was contacted by Artix about doing a short film for DragonFable. That movie, Artix vs. The Undead, is AMAZING and incredibly popular and ZOMG if you haven’t seen it you NEED to right now!

After the world(wideweb) was blown away by his film, Miltonius joined forces with Artix in February 2006. Miltonius started off as a Game Clerk, leveled up to Animator, and completed his evolution into Nulgath the OverSoul Game Developer. Nulgath praises the positive enthusiasm Artix Entertainment brings to every project and looks forward to another 7 years of awesome developments for an awesome game development company =D

Feed Nulgath’s self-esteem by giving him a shout-out on his Twitter!

And now, get your Gear On in Battleon’s Featured Artist Shop!


October 10, 2012

Last Call for VoT Class

Play AQWorlds' 3rd Birthday Event with TMBG...

Before it goes rare FOREVER! The entire TMBG event leaves this Friday, October 12th when we release the AQWorlds 4th birthday event. Now is your last chance to blast through the bounds of Space and Time with titanic musical guests They Might Be Giants to take down the Collector, the deadliest rare-item hunter of them all!

One of the highlights of the 3rd Birthday event is the Vindicator of They Class, which you can either purchase from Itzachi in Battleon for 2,000 Adventure Coins or through saving up Tokens of Vindication.



/Equip your most Collectible gear  and play before this epic event is gone for good:

  • The Vindicators of They AC and Token sets!
  • Tokens of Vindication Merge Shop!
  • Super-Fan Swag Merge Shop!
  • It Might Be A House Item Shop!
  • A 1 Hour EXP Boost!
  • 3 awesome cutscenes!
  • 10 storyline quests!
  • Many side quests and hidden quests!
    (Be sure to click ALL over the map to find these secret quests!)
  • 5 member-only bonus quests in the Member-only Lab map!
  • Member and non-member daily quests!
  • Quests for EVERY FACTION released before the event. (Rewards 5,000 Rep each!)
  • Character page and Book of Lore achievements!
  • And TWO ALL-NEW TMBG song written JUST for AQWorlds!

March 04, 2011

Nythera’s Wedding Event!

Nythera is to wed Ryuuji the Half-Dragon Elf… and you’re invited!

Love is in the air! Nythera the Half-Dragon Purple Mage is tying the knot in real life and in game!

Nythera and Ryuuji

This is a very special release for everyone here at the lab and all of our friends… including you! We couldn’t possibly be more excited to see the head of AE Player Support getting married to her life-long friend, Ryuuji. Morale is at an all time high!

Although their love is ever-lasting in real life... Nythera in game isn’t exactly excited about the marriage… because it was pre-arranged by her parents from birth! During tonight’s release, it will be up to you and your friends to save the big day and become part of AQW History!  

Void battle

Travel deep within the Void to never-before-seen areas and help Nythera find a loophole in her wedding contract. Brand new Void monsters can be found patrolling this unexplored landscape along with bunches of new quests, new zone music, amazing cutscenes, and—of course—new items!

Did you say... NEW ITEMS!?!?!!

Not only are the Void baddies loaded with drops, the Event Rare shop in the Void Temple has some of the most AWESOME items we’ve ever seen! Some are Member only, some are ACs, and some can be obtained by everyone who joins (or crashes!) the wedding ceremony!    

nythera event rares

There are 18 Event Rare Items in the shop that are up for grabs. Dage the Evil, Xyo, J6, and Lodarazs really went above and beyond making these spectacular armors, helms, capes, and weapons for you to show off during Nythera’s special day. As Event Rares, these items will only be available for a limited time, so make sure you get these items before the Event closes next Friday!

Speaking of Limited Time…

Dage the Evil’s birthday was on Wednesday! He has a special shop in Battleon that is selling some of his personal items, including that Dark Caster Armor that EVERYONE loves!

Dark Casters unite

This shop will be leaving this Monday, March 7th, so make sure you get these items before they go RARE. And since Dage IS evil… I don’t think he’ll be releasing these items ever again.

On behalf of the Team...

The entire Staff at Artix Entertainment wants to wish Nythera and Ryuuji many happy years of eternal bliss! Our warmest wishes go out to the newly-wedded couple… and also to you! We want to thank you for making AdventureQuest Worlds possible!! =D

Really, it is because of you that we are able to create this game and host one-of-a-kind events like this one. Whether you helped by upgrading to Member, making suggestions, supported us by getting AdventureCoins, squashed bugs, clicked on ads, tested new features, or helped your fellow players on the forums -- you are the reason this game is online for everyone to enjoy!

Thank you! And Marriage ON!      

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