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Design Notes

February 25, 2022

Final Heroes Heart + Yokai New Year Rares

💖 Available until March 11, 2022 💖

Getting the sweet new Valentine’s Day gear will be as easy as falling in love! (Maybe even easier, since all you need to do is log in and open up the Featured Gear Shop in your game menu.) Find the final update of our 2022 Hero's Heart Day and Yokai New Year rare items this weekend, available until March 11th.* 

This week's shop update contains:

  • Enchanted Lady Lua armor + morph helm (color-customizable)**
  • Awakened Lady's Fan weapons  (color-customizable, tiger animation plays in combat)
  • Touch of Death gauntlets
  • The MatchMaker armor + accessories
  • The MatchMaker Ground Rune

All of our Yokai New Year and Hero's Heart Day Featured Gear Shop items will be available until March 11th.*

  • LuxTech Streamer armor + accessories
  • LuxTech HP Fuel + Power Gauntlet
  • Byakko Worshipper armor + accessories
  • Dominance Clouds ground rune
  • LOVEly ground rune

  • WhiteTiger Omnyogi armor
  • WhiteTiger Spirit Ears, Divinity Hats, Onmyogi Morph helms
  • WhiteTiger's Spirit Tail + Summoned Tiger Spirit capes
  • ULTRA Summoned Tiger Spirit Cape 
  • WhiteTiger's Khakkhara, Guqin, and Fans weapons
  • Umitora's Grandeur cape
  • Gothic Alchemist armor*
  • Gothic Alchemist Glasses + Hood helms

* Earlier Design Notes posts listed their leave dates as March 4th, but that has been extended.
** Regular (non-color customizable) versions of Lady Lua's gear is also available from Lady Lua's merge shop in /akibacny.

Tags: Alina,

February 25, 2022

Carnaval Returns This Weekend

Time to PARTY!

It's that time of year again! Beads, feathers, sparkly costumes, parade dancers, and lots of celebrating! Head in-game and talk to Beleen in /carnaval; the party's already started, and she needs your help to keep the fiesta going strong. Plus, replay our previous Carnaval events starting tonight, too, plus get the returning seasonal rare gear from Frevo's shop in /terradefesta. 

Event Maps

  • /carnaval
  • /terradafesta
  • /parades
  • /firebird
  • /darkfesta
  • /fezzini
  • danceguruto

Then battle through all our returning adventures. /join danceguruto help an aspiring dancer realize his dream of performing in the Lore-famous Carnaval parades. Avoid the tricks, perils, and pitfalls ahead as you battle alongside him to find and earn the Guru of Dance's favor! 

Battle the Boitata, a mystical, fiery snake that brings light to the entire land, to rekindle its fire, return the light to the land, and then get your PARTY ON! 

Don't Forget Your New Party Clothes

Carnaval is one of my most favorite events of the year -- I love the colors and decorations! To help you /party, we're bring back all your favorite Carnaval costumes and rewards, plus the new Frevo Carnaval and Carnaval Costume sets

Battle through our seasonal Carnaval zones and through this weekend's new event to collect all the party gear.

This Week's Class Balance Updates

The AQWorlds Class Balance team has been hard at work reviewing your feedback and the in-game performance our live classes. Just released: another round of class balance updates to help you get the most out of each battle!

Read more about our latest updates, balance changes, and improvements to another group of classes in this weekend's Class Balance Design Notes!

Updated classes:

  • MechaJouster
  • Legendary Hero

Like what you see? Want to share your thoughts with the team? Send a message to the Balance team and Alina_AE on Twitter or in our official Discord server.

Leaving Soon: mark your calendars

Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear! 

Monday, February 28th: Obisidian Samurai seasonal set leaves

Friday, March 11th: 

  • Carnaval holiday event + gear
  • Hero's Heart Day holiday event + gear

Daily Gift Schedule

Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark the Daily Gift page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.

Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!

Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.

Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.
Tags: Alina,

February 25, 2022

Football Frenzy + Dashing Mechanic

The Goal: Get your game on!

Run fast. Play hard. And SCORE! The 2022 Major League Soccer season starts this Saturday, and the Brasilian Fútbol season has already begun. This weekend, we're celebrating one of the most popular games across the world... FOOTBALL!* We've got some football fanatics on the team and we know many of you in our player community are also super-fans. 

Starting tonight, /join goal to defeat the goalie and collect all his color-customizable 0 AC football-themed drops, available for all players. 

  • Football Uniform armor
  • Football Stripes Uniform armor
  • Striped Goalie armor
  • Football Goalie armor
  • Goalie Gloves

Plus, the Sneevil Goalie also drops...

  • Four Football Maces (regular, Good, Evil, and Chaos-themed)
  • member-only Four Football Pets (regular, Good, Evil, and Chaos-themed)
  • member-only Sneevil Goalie pet

Bonus Extras: /Football + /Chute maps

As an added fun extra release this week, we've taken several of our existing maps and minigames and given them "football" versions for you hardcore hooligans out there in Lore. /join football to run around the 50-player football-themed map

/join chute to try your luck at kicking a soccer ball 100 yards to unlock the "You /chute, you score" achievement. **

* Called "soccer" in America, because the US just does things differently sometimes.
** The Chute Game's soccer net is currently missing. O_O It will be added in ASAP.

Introducing the Stamina Bar + Dash Mechanic

Introducing... the SP bar! Since the PvP bug fixes update, the dash to target was removed for the sake of preventing movement desyncronization. After hearing player feedback to bring this back, we made it into a real in-game mechanic that won't cause movement desyncs!

We added a green bar under the mana bar called the SP (Stamina Points) bar. With a default keybind of SPACE (changeable in keybinds), you can dash to where you click. Be careful as dashing costs 100 SP. Treat the SP bar as a second mana bar. (/rest replenishes it faster!)

Before now, the game had it where if you double-clicked a target, you would go to that target with increased move speed. This mechanic lets you click on one spot with that same increased move speed. It can be used inside or outside PVP.

Tags: Alina,

February 24, 2022

Dark Boosts Now Available

Prepare for the Month of Evil... O_O

Happening now: get DOUBLE Legion Token reward boost on select quests + double drop rate on Binky's Dark Unicorn Rib in /binky through Sunday, March 6th! Log in each day for a new reward, boost, or other bonus at

Legion Token Quest Boosts

  • Spring Cleaning: x50 to x100
  • First Class Entertainment: x120 to x240
  • Legion Quest: Light vs Dark: x50 to x100
  • Coal for the Legion: x50 to x100
  • Hearts and Souls: x150 to x225*
  • Hearts and Souls (member): x200 to x250*
  • Legion Castle Quest: x20 to x50
  • Research Materials: x20 to x50
  • Suffering is Magic: x50 to x100

* x250 is the maximum quantity we can increase drop amounts to. For quests where the reward amounts are already very high, we have increased them as much as possible, even though we cannot 2X them.

Tags: Alina,

February 12, 2022

New February Holiday Rares + DOOM sets

💖 Available until March 11, 2022 💖

This weekend, we're continuing our Yokai New Year and Hero's Heart Day celebrations with even gear for all you real-life rare hunters! Tonight, log in and find 25 new items in the Featured Gear Shop in your game menu for AdventureCoins until March 11th.

For fans of all our Akiba New Year-themed gear, good news! you'll find even more holiday event gear next week.

This week's Featured Gear Shop update contains:

  • WhiteTiger Omnyogi armor
  • WhiteTiger Spirit Ears, Divinity Hats, Onmyogi Morph helms
  • WhiteTiger's Spirit Tail + Summoned Tiger Spirit capes
  • ULTRA Summoned Tiger Spirit Cape 
  • WhiteTiger's Khakkhara, Guqin, and Fans weapons
  • Umitora's Grandeur cape
  • Gothic Alchemist armor*
  • Gothic Alchemist Glasses + Hood helms
  • Gothic Alchemist Wings + Athame weapons

(Pictured: ULTRA Summoned Tiger Spirit Cape)

*The rare Gothic Alchemist set will be available until March 4th. A pink-and-white variant, the Dainty Alchemist, is now available as a 0 AC seasonal monster reward drop from the Agape boss in the /arcadia map. 

New Wheel of Doom Merge Shop Gear

New for 2022, the House of Miko presents: theTiger Hoodie! Look fierce as you ROAR into battle or stalk down the catwalk in Akiba. Our newest Wheel of Doom merge shop set is now available. /join Doom and click to spin the Wheel of Doom. EVERY time you spin, you will receive:

  • 10,000 gold 
  • Treasure Potion
  • 1 hour EXP Boost
  • A chance for a bonus prize

Use the Treasure Potions in the Wheel of Doom Merge Shop to unlock our newest set: the Tiger Hoodie.

Find all of the set gear in the Wheel of Doom merge shop:

  • TigerClaw Hoodie armor
  • 10 Tiger's Idol + Tiger Claw Hoodie helms
  • 2 Tiger's Idol capes
  • TigerClaw Talon sword + daggers
  • Tiger's Fang Gauntlet (single + dual wield)

Wheel of Doom: Bonus Prize Drops

Each time you spin the Wheel of Doom, in addition to the gold, EXP boost, and Treasure Potion you receive, you'll have a chance to get a bonus prize. These equippable items include Doom versions of some of the game's earliest "Unassigned" rarity items and many items created exclusively for the Wheel. We'll continue adding new sets to the Wheel of Doom's merge shop in the coming months.

To see a list of what bonus drops are currently available, talk to the Carnival vendors to see the Prize Preview shop. For more information, check out the Wheel of Doom FAQ.

Get your Free Spins

Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why everyone in AdventureQuest Worlds will get at least one free spin on the Wheel of Doom per week.

  • Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
  • All players get one free spin a week. 

Spin the Wheel, Collect Treasures, Choose Your Prize 

Each time you spin the Wheel of Doom, you'll get a Treasure Potion to spend in the Doom Merge Shop. Save up 1,000 and you'll be able to buy a Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness. Each WIoDA lets you choose a rare or valuable item* straight from your account manager.

How to Claim your Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

Redeem IoDA tokens to get even MORE bonuses

For each of the first six eligible IoDA tokens you receive , you'll get a FREE Bonus IoDA. The eligible tokens are the Ultimate, Epic, Platinum, Wicked  and Golden tokens. After that, you'll get a free Bonus IoDA for every 3 eligible IoDA you redeem, with no maximum stack. So if you have that dream set of gear you want to create... now you'll be able to.

After you redeem your...

  • 1st IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
  • 2nd IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
  • 3rd IoDA, you'll unlock 1free bonus IoDA
  • 4th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
  • 5th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
  • 6th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA

Then, for every 3 IoDA you redeem, you'll unlock another free bonus IoDA.

After you redeem your...

  • 7th, 8th, and 9th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
  • 10th, 11th, and 12th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA

And so on. The 3:1 bonus IoDA ratio starts after you get your first 6 free BIoDA, regardless of when you received them. (Example: if you've redeemed a total of 21 IoDA tokens, you'll unlock 11 BIoDA total. The first 6 BIoDA at a 1:1 ratio, and then 5 more at the 3:1 ratio.)

* Exceptions include staff personal items, custom weapon contest prizes, HeroMart items, etc

Tags: Alina,

February 12, 2022

Darkon's Saga VI: Spring Overture

This weekend: Darkon's Elegy of Madness continues

Log in for nightmares, mayhem, and... Darkon's origin story?! O_O as we continue his Saga with an all-new chapter in /eridanipastBefore you can help bring the tragedy of Astravia to an end, you must understand how Darkon's journey began. With the help of two envoys of the Arcana, your hero will battle AS Darkon in a quest to gain answers to your questions about Drago and the symphony of madness that would soon resound throughout his land. 

To help you bring the pain to any enemies you encounter in battle, Darkon and Arxx crafted a series of wicked new rewards and shop items for you to collect and equip! 

Monster drops:

  • Suki's Seraphic armor
  • 3 helms
  • Suki's Sword
  • Darkon's statue house item

Merge shop:

  • Aurola's Casual armor set
  • Darkon's Casual armor set
  • Astravian Secretary + Royal Secretary sets
  • Suki's Seraphic Sword

Plus, /join Arcadia and battle Agape to collect the pieces of the 0 AC Dainty Alchemist, a sweet new set* from AQW hero and guest artist, Vennetrix!

*This seasonal set will be availale each year when the Hero's Heart Day events return. A rare black and red variant, the Gothic Alchemist, is available from your Featured Gear Shop until March 4th.

This Week's Class Balance Updates

The AQWorlds Class Balance team has been hard at work reviewing your feedback and the in-game performance our live classes. Just released: another round of class balance updates to help you get the most out of each battle!

Read more about our latest updates, balance changes, and improvements to another group of classes in this weekend's Class Balance Design Notes!

Updated classes:

  • Archpaladin
  • Chaos Shaper

Like what you see? Want to share your thoughts with the team? Send a message to the Balance team and Alina_AE on Twitter or in our official Discord server.

Leaving Soon: mark your calendars

Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!

Monday, February 28th: Obisidian Samurai seasonal set leaves

Friday, March 4th: 

  • Hero's Heart Day + Yokai New Year events leave
  • Hero's Heart Day + Yokai New Year sets in the Featured Gear Shop leave
  • SpellFrost set, Unnecessarily Ornate Weapon, LightGlaive Ordens, and Debris Appendages items from the Featured Gear Shop

Daily Gift Schedule

Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark this page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.

Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!

Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.

Download the Artix Games Launcher at  and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.
Tags: Alina,

February 11, 2022

This Weekend: Superbowl LVII

Half-time is /Punt time!

Join us this Sunday at during the SuperBowl half-time show to /punt Twilly, battle the Undead Defender, get new gear, and /cheer for your favorite team as the Akiba Tigers face off against the Swordhaven Satyrs.

When the Akiba Tigers* face-off against the Swordhaven Satyrs, all of Lore goes CRAZY! So, football fans, kick your puntin' foot into high gear tonight, because once half-time begins, we're opening the /punt map! Score a field goal AND a rockin' character page badge by punting Twilly across the field and into the end zone!

Tigers vs Satyrs!

When: During the Super Bowl half-time show (around 8:30 PM EST)

Who: Tigers, Satyrs, the AQW Team & YOU!

Where: Right here... in-game!

What: /Cheer for your favorite team!

LoreBowl LVI Gear

The half-time shop sports a stock full of returning fan favorites and an all-new Diabolical team spirit outfit! So grab your pompoms and /cheer for your favorite team! Plus, battle the Undead Defender** monster (That's right... we're adding a monster to the /punt map so you can farm for new gear! O_O) to collect all the Lorebowl House Pennants.

You'll also find the Galactic Cheerleader set dropping from Twilly's Treasure Chests in Battleon starting this Sunday!

* Congratulations to making the big game, Tigers! We're excited to a see a new team in the roster.

** Also will drop the Cheer Lover Set in addition to Void Nation Cheer Leader.

Tags: Alina,

February 11, 2022

Heroes Heart + Yokai New Year Rares

💖 Available until March 11, 2022 💖

We've got a full inventory's worth of new gear to help you get your love-game on! Find all-new 2022 Heroes Heart Day and Yokai New Year rare items in the Featured Gear Shop in your game menu starting tonight. 

We'll be releasing new holiday event rares in your Featured Gear Shop all month long.

This week's shop update contains:

  • LuxTech Streamer armor + accessories
  • LuxTech HP Fuel + Power Gauntlet
  • Byakko Worshipper armor + accessories
  • Dominance Clouds ground rune
  • LOVEly ground rune
Tags: Alina,

February 11, 2022

Log in for LOVE this weekend!

Our 2022 Heroes Heart Day Event is HERE

In the real world, Valentine’s Day is a holiday full of emotion -- most people either love the hearts, the pink decorations, and the cheerful cheesy romance... or they love to rebel against the idea of it all.  This weekend, log in and get ready to slay your way through (friend)zones full of unloved undead, disgrunted draconians, and long-lost loves as we bring back all our seasonal Hero's Heart Day events.

(Happy endings not guaranteed... but at least you can get some sweet loot out of the deal.)

Event Maps

  • /love (event hub town)
  • /chateau
  • /wheeloflove
  • /fezzini
  • /lovelockdown
  • /necromance
  • /wubbles
  • /wubblevania
  • /arcadia (new this year!)

And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.

Heroes Heart Day 2022: Tournament of Love

Log in for our newest Heroes Heart Day event: Big Mama’s 💖Tournament of Love💖! This weekend, you'll be transported to farm from your home on Lore to a mysterious new realm where LOVE rules. But on this adventure, YOU aren't the only Hero on the quest... winning a date with you is also the quest REWARD for Sepulchure, Gravelyn, and Vampire Queen Safiria!* 

Now that her most honored guest / Grand Prize is here (that's you!), the final round of Big Mama's tournament can begin! /join arcadia to start your adventure!

* Oooooh yeah, this event's outside the normal canonical time. But the interactions between Gravelyn and Sepulchure make up for ANY oddities.  

Sweet New Event Rewards

Getting the sweet new Valentine’s Day gear will be as easy as falling in love! Find all-new and returning Valentine's themed gear when you talk to NPCs in the /love and other holiday event maps.  Plus, talk to Big Daddy in this /arcadia after you finish the story event to find the merge shop full of even MORE holiday gear.

New boss monster drops:

  • Ethereal Wanderer armor + accessories
  • HeartStreamer's helms
  • HeartStreamer's LED wall items

New merge shop items:

  • Charming Couture armor + accessories
  • Fancy Finery armor + accesories
  • Ethereal Wanderer's ground rune
  • Heart Streamer's armor + accessories
  • Heart Streamer's Power Gauntlet

More Seasonal Yokai New Year Gear returns

The Yokai calendar is cyclical, and repeats every 12 years. But having to wait TWELVE YEARS for seasonal gear to return is a bit much to ask. So this week, Yoshino hunted down all of the seasonal Yokai New Year gear that hasn't been available, and we've loaded up the shops for you.

This weekend, log in and /join Akibacny. Talk to Miko to get the seasonal gear you may have missed out on before now.

Yokai New Year Merge Shop additions

  • Year of the Rabbit Warrior armor + accessories
  • Cerise / Ebony / Cerulean / Sakura Dragon Spirit armors + accessories
  • Legendary Dragon Spirit gear 

Yokai New Year AC Shop additions

  • Chinese New Year Rabbit
  • Tiger Skin
  • Paper Tiger Helm
  • White Tiger pet
  • Chibi Tiger pet
  • Tiger Cannon
  • White Tiger Cannon

Yokai New Year House Shop additions

  • Year of the Rooster scroll + fireworks
  • Year of the Dog scroll + fireworks
  • Year of the Boar scroll + fireworks
  • Year of the Rat scroll + fireworks
  • Year of the Ox scroll + fireworks

This Week's Class Balance Updates

The AQWorlds Class Balance team has been hard at work reviewing your feedback and the in-game performance our live classes. Just released: another round of class balance updates to help you get the most out of each battle!

Read more about our latest updates, balance changes, and improvements to another group of classes in this weekend's Class Balance Design Notes!

Updated classes:

  • Evolved Leprechaun
  • Elemental Dracomancer / Love Caster
  • TimeKiller / TimeKeeper
  • Guardian

Like what you see? Want to share your thoughts with the team? Send a message to the Class Balance team and Alina_AE on Twitter or in our official Discord server.

Leaving Soon: mark your calendars

Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!

Monday, February 28th: Obisidian Samurai seasonal set leaves

Friday, March 4th: 

  • Hero's Heart Day + Yokai New Year events leave
  • Hero's Heart Day + Yokai New Year sets in the Featured Gear Shop leave
  • SpellFrost set, Unnecessarily Ornate Weapon, LightGlaive Ordens, and Debris Appendages items from the Featured Gear Shop

Daily Gift Schedule

Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark this page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.

Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!

Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.

Download the Artix Games Launcher at  and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.
Tags: Alina,

February 04, 2022

Yokai New Year Returns

Celebrate the Year of the Tiger in AQWorlds

Happy Lunar New Year, Heroes! This weekend, we're celebrating with Empress Miko in Akiba once again. She's got a special guest this year, the Lady Lua and her prized tiger, the Umitora, for a performance and tournament to celebrate. Log in and battle to unlock new reward gear, then revisit all our previous seasonal Akiba New Year bosses!

This weekend, log in and /join Akibacny. Talk to Miko to get the seasonal gear you may have missed out on before now.

Yokai New Year Merge Shop additions

  • Year of the Rabbit Warrior armor + accessories
  • Cerise / Ebony / Cerulean / Sakura Dragon Spirit armors + accessories
  • Legendary Dragon Spirit gear 

Yokai New Year AC Shop additions

  • Chinese New Year Rabbit
  • Tiger Skin
  • Paper Tiger Helm
  • White Tiger pet
  • Chibi Tiger pet
  • Tiger Cannon
  • White Tiger Cannon

Yokai New Year House Shop additions

  • Year of the Rooster scroll + fireworks
  • Year of the Dog scroll + fireworks
  • Year of the Boar scroll + fireworks
  • Year of the Rat scroll + fireworks
  • Year of the Ox scroll + fireworks

Yokai New Year Locations:

  • /akiba - Classic Chunin Class
  • /akibacny - Ai No Miko’s Merge (Akiban Hanfu) 
  • /akibacny - Go 1 Screen Up (Umitora) 
  • /dragonkoiz - Imperial Chunin Class
  • /shadowfortress - DragonSoul Shinobi Class
  • Account Manager - Bonus Pack (Imperial Tiger Forces)

New Lunar New Year Gear

Battle the Umitora to get reward drops + merge shop resources to create the Tidal Tiger armor and select accessories. Then return throughout the rest of the month for even more Year of the Tiger daily drops. Additional Yokai New Year armor sets will also be added to the Featured Gear Shop all month long! 

Umitora Boss Drops:

  • 1 armor
  • 2 helms
  • 1 cape
  • 8 weapons
  • 1 pet
  • 2 house items

Lady Lua's Merge Shop

  • 3 armors
  • 5 helms
  • 17 weapons
  • 1 cape
  • 1 pet

February Class Balance Updates

The AQWorlds Class Balance team has been hard at work reviewing your feedback and the in-game performance our live classes. Just released: another round of class balance updates to help you get the most out of each battle!

Read more about our latest updates, balance changes, and improvements to another group of classes in this weekend's Class Balance Design Notes!

Updated classes:

  • Star Captain
  • Infinity Knight
  • Eternal Inversionist
  • Chronomancer
  • Ranger / Master Ranger

Like what you see? Want to share your thoughts with the team? Send a message to the Class Balance team and Alina_AE on Twitter or in our official Discord server.

Leaving Soon: mark your calendars

Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!

Friday, February 11th: Nulgath 2022 collection chest + shop

Friday, March 4th: SpellFrost set, Unnecessarily Ornate Weapon, LightGlaive Ordens, and Debris Appendages items from the Featured Gear Shop

Daily Gift Schedule

Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark this page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.

Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!

Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.

Download the Artix Games Launcher at  and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.
Tags: Alina,

February 03, 2022

Imperial Tiger Forces Upgrade Bonus

Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets

To join the Emperor's Imperial Tiger Force, you must take on the qualities of the tiger: Strength. Bravery. Unmatched ferocity. Get the Imperial Tiger Forces upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock 60 items and a character page badge.

After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager

Pack Details

 Choose the Imperial Tiger Forces Upgrade Bonus Set to unlock the full pack. 

  • 8 armor sets
  • 18 helms
  • 8 capes
  • 2 bows
  • 10 daggers
  • 4 gauntlets
  • 10 swords
  • and a character page badge

Four of the above sets are fully color-customizable:

  • Enchanted Akiban Shogun
  • Enchanted Tora Daimyo
  • Enchanted Tora Warrior
  • Enchanted Akiban Warrior

Once you've chosen the Imperial Tiger Forces Upgrade Bonus Set on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore. 

12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:

  • ALL the Imperial Tiger Forces Upgrade Bonus Set gear
  • 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts 
  • 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
  • and a character page badge

Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.

2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:

  • ALL the Imperial Tiger Forces Upgrade Bonus Set gear
  • 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts 
  • and a character page badge

Don't miss our other upgrade bonus sets

Maybe you prefer a less "heavy combat" Akiban theme. We've got you covered. Check out the Akiban Blademaster bonus set! You'll find it now in your Account Manager.

Akiban BladeMaster Upgrade Bonus

Akiban BladeMasters can walk even the most dangerous streets without fear. No opponent is too deadly, and no challenge too great.  Get the Akiban BladeMaster upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock 32 new color customizable items (including a bank cape) and character page badge.

After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager

 Choose the Akiban BladeMaster to unlock the full armor set. 

  • 4 color customizable armors
  • 14 helms
  • 3 capes
  • 1 bank cape
  • 10 weapons
  • and a character page badge
Tags: Alina,

February 01, 2022

February 2022 Calendar

Upcoming Game Events: February 2022

February is a month of celebration... from the SuperBowl /party all the way to Hero's Heart Day and Yokai New Year! Log in all month long for new holiday events, stories, and gear.

February 1 February Obsidian Samurai Seasonal Set returns

February 2 GroundHorc's Day quests + gear return

February 4 Year of the Tiger Umitora Boss + previous Yokai New Year events return

February 11 Big Mama's Tournament of LOOOOOVE + our seasonal Valentine's events return

February 13 Lorebowl LVI Half-time Shop + Punt Map opens 

February 15 Pancake Day! Oishii returns to Yulgar's Inn with sweet dessert gear

February 18 Darkon's Elegy of Madness saga continues with Chapter 6

February 25 Carnaval celebration! Log in to /party + find new quests + event gear


Release time: Gold, Rep, Class Points, and XP boosts are scheduled to begin at 12:01 AM EST (server time). Farming resource boosts and item drops do not have a set release time.

Rare drops released between:

  • February 1 - 19 leave February 28
  • February 20 - 28 leave March 18

Previous Daily Gifts

Want to see some of the previous daily gifts? 

Tags: Alina,

February 01, 2022

Unlock the Obsidian Samurai Set

Available every year from February 1st - 28th

February is a month of celebration... from ringing in the Yokai New Year to the SuperBowl /party all the way to Hero's Heart Day! To help ALL our heroes get in the spirit, this month's seasonal set features a new set straight out of Empress Miko's royal Yokai Court: the Obsidian Samurai.

February Set: Obsidian Samurai

Starting Saturday, February 1st at 12:01 AM EST (that's server time), unlock the Obsidian Samurai armor and all its accessories!

There are two ways to get the gear:

1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD 

2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.

The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 5,400 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Obsidian Samurai pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 3,400 ACs).

The set includes:

  • Obsidian Samurai armor
  • Samurai's Shadow Cape (glow is color-customizable)
  • Obsidian Samurai Banners cape
  • Obsidian Samurai's Helm and Masked Helm
  • 4 Obsidian Samurai hair helms
  • 5 weapons (including dual-wield katanas, nodachi, and naginata)
  • an exclusive character page badge

Seasonal Set Details

Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year. 

Seasonal Sets
January: ArchFiend OverLord
February: Obsidian Samurai
March: Legion Warseeker
April: Bio-War Cultist
May: Lord of the J-Sixth + Lightning Lich Lord
June: ShadowZard Mount + Rider
July: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner
August: Urban Assassins
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus? 

Upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages; new bonus gear comes out roughly every month. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.

This set will return EVERY February, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in upcoming years.

What if I just want ONE of the items?

You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through February 29th.

Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?

You'll find it in your Book of Lore.

Tags: Alina,
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