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Should Best Casino Partner be marked Predatory?

Should we mark BCP / CB as Predatory or Rogue?

  • Mark BCP as Predatory.

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Mark BCP as ROGUE.

    Votes: 15 45.5%
  • Leave them Certified.

    Votes: 12 36.4%

  • Total voters


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
What they did at GoldenCasino is a totally different thing and the issues are not married together which is what you are doing in order to form an argument with me. You keep saying: "they redirected them here which is what you're complaining about them NOT doing at golden casino" - but you are wrong. I am arguing about bait-n-switch at and I'm arguing about not redirecting affiliate links from Golden Casino - these are TWO DIFFERENT TOPICS which you FRAME as a single topic to make me APPEAR to be contradicting myself.

You have an increasingly annoying habit of misquoting me then accusing me of doing the exact thing that you are doing. Apparently I "keep saying" that but I just read back through all my posts in this thread and the only line I can see (that occurs once btw) is this:

They did exactly what you are criticising them for not doing!

No mention of Golden Casino at all. I said my piece on GC about 3 pages ago and that's it. I am trying to correct the misinformation in the first post of this thread that you keep repeating - which is only about the links, traffic and "juice" being supposedly "stolen" from Online Casino. That is it.

Again naughty, naughty, stop inventing things that I didn't say.

Why are you claiming that they have stolen affiliates' traffic and not tracked players sent to Online Casino?

:mad: In regards to this rather bold face misinformation about the CasinoBlasters issues and, please point me to where I ever said this. You are making this up or I've been posting while asleep.

;D ok then since you asked...

1. Your original post where you kicked this whole thing off.

So apparently which used to be an online casino is now a portal!, still has my links up all over my site, and probably quite a number of places - so here they feasted on our link juice for years and years and years. Then they made it into a portal, changed the casino name to! -- what a marketing team!!!

This is blackhat SEO guys, getting our links and tricking us into thinking we are promoting their product and this switching them out.

.. snip ..

This is theft pure and simple, and I move for Casino Blasters/ Best Casino Partner to be rogued.

2. More from the same thread:

This is bait-n-switch and PURE THEFT.... its not a "Scam" which would indicate you had to "fall" for something. This is purely hijacked traffic unless they told us what was going on, and even then its quite debatable. :mad:

It's a very good example of a thief.

Clearly the repeated use of the words stolen, thief and theft implies something has been stolen from affiliates, which once again has been shown many times now to be untrue.

3. how about here:
This program has also used bait-n-switch on their casinos which robs affiliate of their traffic.

Its "robbing" now.

4. or here where Guard Dog said in the 1st post in this thread: - Was a casino many of us promoted. Changed to a portal and anyone who did not change their links is basically giving them both link juice AND traffic for FREE.

To which I replied:

I don't like other things that they have done but to be fair this is not correct. In fact read the bit that you quoted from the rep right underneath that statement that contradicts what you said.

Then you said: (bold added by me)

With all due respect: Casino Blasters operated an online casino called Without telling anyone about it they changed to and created a portal on the casino site that affiliates were sending TRAFFIC to. I see nothing wrong with the way Andy put that.

Must be a lot of "posting while asleep" going on. :rolleyes:

Anyway I have made my point, too many times now, for which I must apologise to everyone else. It is clearly the correct one, and I'm done wasting time trying to explain something to someone who won't listen and refuses to admit they are wrong. Best of luck with your crusade.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
None of my posts mention anything about TRACKING in regards to This is what you accused me of - read your own post:
Why are you claiming that they have stolen affiliates' traffic and not tracked players sent to Online Casino?
Not one quote you reference has me stating anything about TRACKING. Naughty, naughty - please stop putting words in my mouth. The passive aggressive and condescending attitude is not really nice, Vladi.

The other topic about "what constitutes traffic" - is where we differ in opinion. To me, traffic is what comes from my site and goes to another site. I put up links and point them to particular landing pages - if the program makes an alteration and has my traffic go somewhere else they need to let me know about it. Instead they made no moves to notify anyone and the original domain affiliate links were pointed to has become a vehicle to compete against them.

I know you don't like it when people have a different opinion than you, but you're gonna have to learn to live with it.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I must admit I grudgingly admire the way you totally ignored the mountain of evidence I provided you in answer to your challenge (as you have done repeatedly over the course of this train wreck) and instead chose to focus on one word. You would make what some people call a "good" politician. But enough derailing! I am nothing if not fair, so I am happy to admit it if I am wrong so I apologise profusely for paraphrasing and not quoting you exactly, as I have done everywhere else in this discussion. Serves me right for being lazy.

However in the interest of fairness, perhaps you could enlighten me as to the difference between on the one hand saying these "thieves" have "stolen", "hijacked" and and "robbed" you of your traffic, but you have no complaints about the tracking (i.e. I'll take the logical leap and assume this is your way of confirming that it still works)?

They are mutually exclusive statements. If the traffic has been stolen then the tracking would no longer show any clicks or players, but if the tracking works then clearly your traffic cannot have been stolen.

So while you may not have used the word "tracking", and for that I once again apologise, I stand by my statement as being a fair interpretation and logical conclusion to what you have repeatedly been saying.

The other topic about "what constitutes traffic" - is where we differ in opinion. To me, traffic is what comes from my site and goes to another site

I certainly don't, indeed its hard to see how anyone could differ with that "opinion" (sounds more like a definition to the pedantic side of me).

I love differing opinions, no problems there. I have tried very hard to stick to facts here though, not opinions. Don't make the mistake of thinking that every opinion is a valid one and should be given equal credence. For example, as we know that none of your affiliate link tagged traffic has ever ended up on the new portal, your opinion that they have "stolen" from you doesn't pass the common sense test.

You reached the point a while ago where you are just arguing any point you can think of because you're annoyed with me and your blood is boiling, and you're saying increasingly nonsensical things. You have probably forgotten by now, but way back at the start I actually agreed with some of the things that have been said in this thread, particularly re the data leak and lack of communication issues. However this Online Casino "hijacked and stolen traffic" claim is complete and utter bunk. Suck it up, and admit that you were mistaken (even if its only to yourself, I don't need to hear it or read it).

You could spend your time more productively finding out from these guys why their customer data was leaked, or why they didn't email anyone about the domain change, or programming a centralised link database so the time it takes for you to change a link (if you ever have to) becomes so small that its not even worth complaining about.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Most affiliates know the difference between tracking and traffic. I was wondering how you were going to respond to being so clearly wrong after accusing me in bold over sized letters.

First you claimed I didn't read the "mountain of evidence," then you "profusely apologize" for "not quoting me exactly" -- must I also explain to you the definition of "quote" ?

Second, in the "mountain of evidence" you claim to have provided, NOT ONE TIME did I make any statement indicating isn't tracking, yet this is exactly what you incorrectly accused me of.

You claim that I'm naughty and misquoting you?!
You have an increasingly annoying habit of misquoting me then accusing me of doing the exact thing that you are doing. Apparently I "keep saying" that but I just read back through all my posts in this thread and the only line I can see (that occurs once btw) is this ...snip....
You said it on 12/23 - " exactly the thing you are blasting them for not doing with the onlinecasino domain above. " and:
You said it on 1/6 - "They did exactly what you are criticising them for not doing!"

Important thing when quoting people is that they actually said what you are accusing them of. When you quote me there are no such results because there is not one instance in which I reference tracking in regards to

It will be up to you to see your own mistake at this point. It seems that you have an agenda or a personal problem with me.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Yes I made a mistake (see it's not hard to admit it). I did not see the first quote when re-reading everything. Geez its a long, horrible thread full of inaccuracies and derails by yourself. I tried my best, but I failed. My mistake. Apologies.

But hang on! You know what I just noticed? You said "you keep saying ... blah blah ... golden casino". One of those statements refers to Golden Casino. One does not. Therefore "keep saying" is wrong and I was right, luckily for me. Chalk another one up for irrelevance and childishness, you have taught me well!

More importantly what does any of that have to do with whether your traffic has been stolen? The claim you have made several times that has been proven false and you keep ignoring? And somehow in your mind you have come to a point where you think that traffic that is being tracked at the new domain is being stolen? Incredible.

You can't justify the claim of theft. You. Are. Wrong.

I tire of this. My 4 year old daughter makes a more coherent argument at times. So for the last time (really this time I promise) farewell and good luck. Enjoy having the last word ... you know you can't resist. :D
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
I've been working with Best Casino Partners and before that Casino Blasters for years. With an aggressive focus still in the US gaming space myself I have to say that there is no other like BCP.

In terms of player conversions and retention they're fantastic and moreover unlike other affiliate programs they pay on time and within a reasonable amount of time from the beginning of each new month.

Most affiliate programs to though these issues where there's some uncertainty or lack of clarity pertaining to an agenda. I wholly beleive and know though my own experiences that they are pretty much as legit as they come and am very happy to deal with them.

I'm in agreement with statements made by PPC Wizard. Most affiliates want to make money as do I which is why I prefer to send traffic to groups and brands I know convert, have adequate expereince in processing payments and payment solution redundancy.



Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
I've been working with Best Casino Partners and before that Casino Blasters for years. With an aggressive focus still in the US gaming space myself I have to say that there is no other like BCP.

In terms of player conversions and retention they're fantastic and moreover unlike other affiliate programs they pay on time and within a reasonable amount of time from the beginning of each new month.

Most affiliate programs to though these issues where there's some uncertainty or lack of clarity pertaining to an agenda. I wholly beleive and know though my own experiences that they are pretty much as legit as they come and am very happy to deal with them.

I'm in agreement with statements made by PPC Wizard. Most affiliates want to make money as do I which is why I prefer to send traffic to groups and brands I know convert, have adequate expereince in processing payments and payment solution redundancy.

Seems a strange post to make just a few weeks after BCP shut up shop... :confused:



New Member
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
Well obviously you didn't pay attention to the date of that post. My post in question and what you're describing was in January. Maybe you're living in the past but now it's June pal 5 months after January surely you can count.



New Member
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score

I dont want to scare anybody but an customer agent from told me that they will close in about 2 months if thing dont get better for them. :(

Best Casino Partner

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  7. T&C updates not emailed:



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