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Should Best Casino Partner be marked Predatory?

Should we mark BCP / CB as Predatory or Rogue?

  • Mark BCP as Predatory.

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Mark BCP as ROGUE.

    Votes: 15 45.5%
  • Leave them Certified.

    Votes: 12 36.4%

  • Total voters


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
WCD I understand the linking thing. I pointed out in my post already that they still link to the old domain.

The point is search engines treat the banner. subdomain as a totally separate domain from the www. subdomain. So any search engine benefit is almost zero because all the old links redirect to www which is not the same site as the old onlinecasino domain that ranks.

The only way this would not be the case is if they are doing a separate redirect for the search engines, in effect cloaking. Someone could try using the googlebot user agent and see where the redirect goes. If it does the same thing as our browsers then I can't see what the problem is.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Ok so I checked:

banner.onlinecasino does a "302 found" redirect to www. onlinecasinocentral with or without the googlebot user agent.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
from Matt Cutts:
The difference between a 301 and a 302 is that a 301 status code means that a page has permanently moved to a new location, while a 302 status code means that a page has temporarily moved to a new location.
from Matt Cutts:
Now let’s talk about off-domain 302 redirects. By definition, those are redirects from one domain to another domain that are claimed to be temporary; that is, the web server on could always change its mind and start showing content on again.
If a 301 redirect was used, then all PageRank would have been passed to the casino (which is what a normal casino owner would want) 302 redirects are often in question because of their use in page hi-jacking.

I also checked backlinks for and I show links like this:

now perhaps you recognize these affiliate links? they are affiliate links from Grand Riviera a CASINO BLASTERS brand that closed in 2006.

Guess what it is NOW? That's right! an affiliate portal !

In addition to that, I cross referenced many other suspicious looking links I found pointing to with Dominques blacklist page (sorry Dom but your page looked beefy and easy to search) (Clock Media) ( ( ( ( (

All of these sites are blacklisted CLOSED casinos.... and all link to


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
I was appalled when I found out that the two were the same.

I appreciate that there are those who are working with them and want to think the best but I would not be being honest with you if I said I thought at some point you weren't going to get screwed.

Just the opposite.

I don't know how many times over my going on 12 years in the industry that i have 1st read someone sticking up for a program with as shady rep as is found here: only to see that person a year, maybe two or three, coming back crying about how they'd been screwed by that company and of course what they don't add is that it was a considerable screwing because they didn't listen to the writing on the wall ... years back when they had the chance.

Please understand I have no wish to see anybody lose out, but rather am being this forward about this matter because as I see it you're going to lose, you want to lose little, or lose big?

I'm just wanting to point out that is the most likely conclusion and though it is true I could be wrong, I'd be willing to bet money on the fact that every person working with them now .... will at some point, some day, be crying about getting screwed, whether it is in one way or another I can't guess how, but i bet it will happen.

Remember the old saying, lay down with dogs and you will get fleas.

I can't say it better than that.


added disclaimer: In this case I didn't mean to say anybody was sticking up for the company in question, just an expression of words.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for the beginner's SEO lesson but I am familiar with the difference between a 301 and 302. Regardless of whether they are using a 301 or 302 from banner. onlinecasino to www. onlinecasinocentral - they get no benefit for www. onlinecasino. Can you not understand that? They have not magically doubled their linking power at the expense of affiliates.

WCD, its obvious you are very angry with these guys. But you seem to be unwilling to acknowledge that despite what they have or have not done with their domains, all affiliate links to online casino have been redirected to the new domain. So you did not have traffic stolen or players lost, as asserted at the start of this thread. Its factually incorrect. End of story. Its not up for debate.

I don't believe you or I have the right to dictate what they can or can't do with their own property as long as they honour their contract with us. Just as I would tell them they have no right to dictate what I do with my own sites. I am all for taking out rogue programs but you have utterly failed to convince me that your argument has any merit whatsoever.

The real valid issue I see here is the data sale/theft. This sort of thing is a big problem and it shows they don't have the right controls in place to prevent it which is worrying, as my personal info as an affiliate could be the next out the door.

Anyway that's enough I have said my bit, tried to be objective. People make up your own minds! Merry xmas all.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
I did not come in here to debate SEO, you took it upon yourself to do this. I'm going to answer every question you raise. You keep trying to frame this into a "single issue" but the larger picture is looking right at you.

I have pointed out that these guys have MANY backlinks from rogue casinos that have been closed down.

They have what appear to be affiliate back-links from a Casino Blasters brand that has been dead for 6 years. Yet you claim there is no SEO value and they are not taking traffic. That's not what it looks like to me.

Vladi, you claim is dead and therefore passes no PR. But it is NOT dead. Look for yourself. Here are links that are still working and even show as back-links.


The casino download even works.

In addition they have backlinks from hundreds of misspelled Casino Blasters properties: Golden Palace, Casino Blasters, AllStarAffiliates, FlamingoClub, 24ktGold, etc... all pointing to a previous online casino that they switched to a portal in the middle of the night without even emailing affiliates.

They (and I'm afraid you, too) want us to believe this is the work of a single casino owner who "can do what they want" - but many people here have eyes to see through this bull.

I wonder if this "single casino owner" also own Casino Blasters? Why do they want the PageRank to go into a blackhole as you suggest rather than 301 redirect which would actually transfer the PageRank to the casino - do they want their own casino to fail? These are not the actions of an ethical or concerned casino owner - and certainly not of any partner.

Obviously (by the very fact that they switched onlinecasino into an affiliate portal) proves the owner is an affiliate. Does he participate on this board? Is it one affiliate or many acting as a group? Why will the owner not speak up but instead has the affiliate program talk for them - but just enough to claim "it was the owners decision" we can't do anything about it.

Well then, whose decision was it to point the GrandRivera affiliate links to him? who gave them links from all the other misspelled casino blasters domain names? Who is he talking to in order to get links from rogue online casinos? Obviously some pretty powerful "affiliates" are behind this group.

I seriously beg your pardon that it's "not up for debate" - I found that somewhat insulting. I've always appreciated your "objective" point of view, now luckily I can use it as a compass. SEO is always a debate. :mad: It is easy enough to see the intention here!
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
First, WCD, sorry if I offended you. I have no wish for a flame war. Just to stick with facts that we can verify.

I have pointed out that these guys have MANY backlinks from rogue casinos that have been closed down.

Looks like smart link buying or domain acquisition for a link network. The casinos no longer exist and the sites are completely different. How does this hurt you as an affiliate? Are casinos not allowed to operate link networks or buy links? There isn't an online casino in existence that isn't doing that.

They have what appear to be affiliate back-links from a Casino Blasters brand that has been dead for 6 years. Yet you claim there is no SEO value and they are not taking traffic. That's not what it looks like to me.

I have not said anything of the sort. Stick with facts. Thanks.

I make the assumption that they still own the Grand Riviera domain. Imagine you owned several casinos and shut one down. Would you just throw out the domain and all the backlinks pointing to it? I wouldn't. So why would you expect them to do it? As for whether they informed affiliates when that one shut down, I have no idea as I was not an affiliate of them then. Ironically they may have done with Grand Riviera what they have been wrongly accused of doing with Online Casino this time in the past! :eek:

Vladi, you claim is dead and therefore passes no PR. But it is NOT dead.

No. I never said the domain was dead - I stated that all affiliate links are being redirected. Ergo there is no harm done to you or me. That is all.

As a sidenote our sites all use a central click logging and redirection script which is nofollowed and not indexed so we never give any SEO link juice to any casino, so either way it wouldn't affect us, but I realise not all affiliates do this.

As for link juice / pr / whatever you want to call it, like I said a banner. subdomain is different to a www. subdomain. So the old affiliate links to banner.onlinecasino do not benefit the new portal at www. onlinecasino. Do you see?

Look for yourself. Here are links that are still working and even show as back-links.

The casino download even works.

You have circled 2 links which are clearly not affiliate links. What is the point exactly? How is any affiliate harmed by the continued existence of these links? So what if the download works? They probably never bothered to delete the file, or maybe it downloads and still works - they have only changed the casino domain, the software probably works fine.

In addition they have backlinks from hundreds of misspelled Casino Blasters properties: Golden Palace, Casino Blasters, AllStarAffiliates, FlamingoClub, 24ktGold, etc... all pointing to a previous online casino that they switched to a portal in the middle of the night without even emailing affiliates.

So they are smart enough to buy up misspellings of their own domains and use them in a link network. Again what is the problem with that?

They (and I'm afraid you, too) want us to believe this is the work of a single casino owner who "can do what they want" - but many people here have eyes to see through this bull.

I wonder if this "single casino owner" also own Casino Blasters? Why do they want the PageRank to go into a blackhole as you suggest rather than 301 redirect which would actually transfer the PageRank to the casino - do they want their own casino to fail? These are not the actions of an ethical or concerned casino owner - and certainly not of any partner.

Yes single owner(s?) with multiple casinos, multiple domains, multiple link network sites. Of course they own casino blasters. Who said otherwise? Everyone knows that CB and BCP are one and the same.

Not using a 301 means the juice is not transferred to onlinecasinocentral. 302 means the juice stays at banner.onlinecasino. So no benefit for www. onlinecasino which was the major point made at the start of this thread - all the old links would be giving google juice to the new affiliate site on the old casino domain. That is simply wrong.

Why are they doing it? I don't know. As its only the affiliate links being redirected to the new domain, perhaps they are using a script. Languages like php or asp use a 302 as the default redirect code. Maybe thats it, or maybe it isn't. Either way it isn't evidence of whatever you think it is. In fact I would say what they are doing is sub-optimal as google doesn't like 302s.

Obviously (by the very fact that they switched onlinecasino into an affiliate portal) proves the owner is an affiliate. Does he participate on this board? Is it one affiliate or many acting as a group? Why will the owner not speak up but instead has the affiliate program talk for them - but just enough to claim "it was the owners decision" we can't do anything about it.

Well then, whose decision was it to point the GrandRivera affiliate links to him? who gave them links from all the other misspelled casino blasters domain names? Who is he talking to in order to get links from rogue online casinos? Obviously some pretty powerful "affiliates" are behind this group.

Isn't it obvious that the same group owns all these domains apart from goldencasino? I never thought otherwise. Golden casino is the only domain they have claimed to have sold as far as I am aware. Do you have some evidence that there is another different owner in the mix?

I seriously beg your pardon that it's "not up for debate" - I found that somewhat insulting. I've always appreciated your "objective" point of view, now luckily I can use it as a compass. SEO is always a debate. :mad:

I think you are reading far more into that one statement that what I intended. Read what I wrote again.. I'll quote myself this time:

Valdi said:
all affiliate links to online casino have been redirected to the new domain. So you did not have traffic stolen or players lost, as asserted at the start of this thread. Its factually incorrect. End of story. Its not up for debate

I humbly suggest that as I have in fact shown with real evidence that affiliate links to banner.onlinecasino are being redirected to OCC that the claim made in AGD's first post is in fact false, and it is not up for debate. AGD really should alter the first post in this thread to remove this claim. A more suitable statement would be something like "CB exhibited poor communication and judgement by switching the domain of a casino without emailing affiliates. All links were and are still being redirected so affiliates have not lost players or traffic."

The thing is even if I had been emailed about it and told that we did not have to update our links, I would have thought thats great good on them for saving me a minute or two's work. I remember discovering the change months before you raised it here, was annoyed at first, then went into the affiliate program and found that the link was still the same and still worked. I thought nothing of it and moved on. Apart from not telling anyone via email they did exactly what I would expect of them.

It is easy enough to see the intention here!

Que? Why am I even bothering arguing this? I don't know. I don't really care that much for this program. I don't know our affiliate manager's name. I could count on 1 hand the number of people in this industry I would go into bat for, and these guys aren't up there. But when I see the mob being stirred with claims that are wrong it annoys me. This program has done some poor stuff, no doubt, but there is so much FUD being flung around here without any evidence to back it up that the real problems - data leaks and poor communication - are being lost in the confusion.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Apart from goldencasino there is newgoldencasino why has this one not been turned into a portal you think?

FWIW : the banner on for golden palace has this redirect :


maybe this rob(ert) smith owns this portal.


WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Looks like smart link buying or domain acquisition for a link network. The casinos no longer exist and the sites are completely different. How does this hurt you as an affiliate? Are casinos not allowed to operate link networks or buy links? There isn't an online casino in existence that isn't doing that.
To me it "looks" to me like this was not a wise "network acquisition" but more like they actually operated or owned the accused rogue casinos...

Casinomeister's Online Casino and Poker Forum - The Archives

In this article by Spearmaster you can also see Golden Palace was founded by Jack Strulovitch. Casinomeister's Online Casino and Poker Forum You can see that he is the same guy here: Competition Bureau - Telemarketing Operation Fined a Record $300,000 Under the Competition Act For Scamming Thousands of Victims

Summary by money.CNN:
"There's Jack Stroll, for instance. A marketing whiz from Montreal, Stroll founded Golden Palace, considered the second-largest Web casino, in Antigua in 1997. In the mid-1990s, Stroll (a.k.a. Jack Strulovitch) ran a boiler room that promised respondents fabulous prizes that turned out to be near-worthless junk, Canadian authorities say. He pleaded guilty in 1999 to "deceptive telemarketing," and he and his firm paid a then-record $300,000 fine. "

I also thought this quote by CasinoMeister was also interesting
To everyone, Golden Palace was the reason I started the "rogue" section here at Casinomeister. I felt everyone should be made aware of the scams and ripoff con artists. Golden Palace has a notorious history at this site. The reason you won't find any of it in this forum's archives is that I removed all the negative posts last year when certain people were being threatened with physical harm.
And finally a quote by dorrex I found slightly ironic
If you guys want to stop GP you should tell sites like and to stop advertising them.
You will have to draw your own conclusions, and I mine. If Andy wants to reword the complaint I'm fine with it - For right now I'm taking a time-out from this thread.


New Member
Dec 23, 2010
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BCP is Solid

Never had any of these Issues with BCP. We convert very well with them. Plus player value is very good. I have to ask why promote if you dont like dealing with them. My x wife is great in bed but too difficult to deal with day in and day out. So I found someone new and I dont really have to time nor energy to deal with her nor talk about her. If you find a casino that doesnt work with you or biz model why stay there?????


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
In addition to that, I cross referenced many other suspicious looking links I found pointing to with Dominques blacklist page (sorry Dom but your page looked beefy and easy to search) (Clock Media) ( ( ( ( (

All of these sites are blacklisted CLOSED casinos.... and all link to

Wow, then this goes back years, and the connection to these old places is mind boggling.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
@ PPCWizard: To answer quickly was sold to another company several months ago. In the contract I told buyers I'd leave links up for one year. There may be a few stray links on that I have not gotten yet but I've looped most links back to my articles. So traffic has been cut by me. I have close to 200+ websites and this is one reason that programs changing links around etc, doesn't sit well with me - especially under cover of night without emailing affiliates. This sort of thing most affiliates want to be alerted to. The old casino website we all send links to is now competing against us as a portal.

@ Dom: for me the more I looked the sicker I grew ... with no transparency, we have no idea who is in charge over there anymore or who owns it. Is it still Jack Stroll? if it was, I would not want to promote the properties anymore regardless of all these other complaints.


My new years resolution is to be 1000x more diligent when signing up with programs...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I have close to 200+ websites and this is one reason that programs changing links around etc, doesn't sit well with me - especially under cover of night without emailing affiliates. This sort of thing most affiliates want to be alerted to. The old casino website we all send links to is now competing against us as a portal.

Why do you keep repeating this bit of misinformation? It is simply wrong, as has been explained by more than 1 person in this thread.

No affiliate links to Online Casino were changed "under the cover of night", in fact the links are still the same now as they were before the domain changed. Your old affiliate links redirect to the new domain, not the portal. You did not lose any traffic and you did not pass on any mystical google link juice to the new portal unless you were linking to onlinecasino .com without an affiliate tag out of the goodness of your heart.

You are obviously on the warpath against these guys, fair enough if you have your own issues with them. But at least be honest enough to stick to the facts.

I note that Guard Dog's original post still has not been corrected to remove this wrong claim:

Changed to a portal and anyone who did not change their links is basically giving them both link juice AND traffic for FREE.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
I'm not repeating, I'm answering someone’s question about why I didn’t just drop the program – (which I did)

"no one changed links" - this is total bull. The new link to the old casino is now "", it's no longer "", please stop overlooking the obvious. If no link changed, then why do links to now go to a site I had no idea about? Because the link was changed.

On many occasions this group had the opportunity to operate in ways that affiliate traffic is preserved for the affiliate that sent it. Instead they chose to profit. Here are two instances that are clearer for those who don’t want to have the SEO debate with Vladi.

- They operated a site called which closed. Instead of acting in the best interest of their "partners" they sold it and made a profit instead of directing our “partner” links properly which they could have easily done. Insult to injury some of us were told now that the reason our revenue is dropping is because of these “stray links” we still have out.

- They owned or operated which also closed and again instead of redirecting the affiliate links to another brand so "partners" would still profit from their efforts it seems to me they used affiliate links to send TRAFFIC and LINK JUICE to and indeed some are showing up in backlinks (nothing mysterious about it in this case).

I’ll also point out for those who cannot point it out because they have passed on or have become disabled, that changing links for these people can be quite a trick. I am 36. My wife got brain cancer when I was 30. Everyday life is a struggle sometimes. When a company can easily send the “partners” traffic to an appropriate place, but instead sell it off and put the burden on the affiliate (dead or alive) to get richer themselves – I am going to ask why.

This company has a very shady past in regards to marketing techniques including interrupting professional sporting events to gain traffic, etc. To me they seem to be out for profit at others expense even when it’s not professional and the audience isn’t theirs to begin with.

Just because there is easy traffic to take advantage of doesn’t obligate you to take it! You’re certainly far from a “best casino partner” when you do. Clearly a best casino partner would be doing what they could to protect the traffic we provide especially given what affiliates are having to deal with these days with unfair cross-promotion of our players and database theft/sales!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I am sorry but you are completely and utterly wrong about the online casino links.

For the last time ...

Here is my own quote from 23rd December in this very thread:

I just checked a link in our database which is still like this:

It redirects properly to onlinecasinocentral and it always has done.

I also attached a screenshot I pulled up just now. The affiliate links have not changed. Do you see that? The links still go to the same place they have always gone (i.e. old banner. subdomain) and then the visitor is redirected to the new oc central domain. Again this is not a point of debate. It is a fact.

You can't say "they changed the links and never told anybody and stole our traffic" because it simply didn't happen.

Yes they moved to a new domain but they made sure you didn't have to update anything. What they did is a good thing as it ensures that we don't lose any traffic. They did exactly what you are criticising them for not doing! I can't explain it any more simply, I can't make it any more obvious.

I already explained to you before why they are not getting any "link juice" out of it due to the use of the banner. subdomain, and I can't be bothered again. Suffice to say that your outrage on this point is again misplaced.

The other stuff you say has merit but you tarnish it by making and repeating this wrong claim in your attempt to drum up outrage. You also undermine your own credibility as it appears you don't understand the difference between a link, a domain, and a subdomain, and don't understand redirection. There is already enough to be critical of with these guys without embellishing things.


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WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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I am glad it's the last time you will explain it your way. Because I'm tired of this. You're (to me) ignoring the obvious issues and then using semantics to deal with only one issue and then (whether intended or not) seem to be framing the entire vote into this .... that is why I keep arguing with you. If anything is dragging us away from the points here its you arguing with me every step of the way.

(url/link) semantics .... URL is the destination, link is the way you get there.... but you can't have one without the other... Change the link you won't get to the right place, change the URL and you are at a different place. By their differences they are inherently connected. In fact the only difference is the words. You can't change one without changing the other. Link and URL are often used interchangeably in communications - I am answering a guy about why I didn't have these guys off my sites, not teaching people about the technical difference between a URL and a link. You're simply attacking words which is a shame.

My point is that CHANGES were made that affiliates were not emailed about that are rather drastic. You land on a different website - NOT the one you pointed a LINK at. Can you please live with that? It's simply the truth. You cannot visit my link and land at the same URL I pointed it to because of CHANGES that were made by CasinoBlasters. That's my point.

For my part, I will agree with the fact that the URL DESTINATION was changed without our knowledge. But if that's the case then obviously our LINKS are not working properly anymore due to the CHANGES that were made.

I think you need different tact (imho) because your post to me came out like a big defense of these guys and an attack on me. In fact had you PM'd me and asked if I agreed that it would be more accurate to use different words then I probably would have changed them for you because in no way does the alter the actual argument. From my perspective through this entire thread I've felt attacked by you and I don't allow people to knock me over with semantics or arguments over what words I used when the final outcome is the same.

The other point you are trying to make about SEO value is a theory. Same as DMOZ links being "godlike" or just quality links. There could be a whole thread on this and I personally don't think the voting thread is the place to argue SEO.

I hope you stick to your word, and I will mine, because each day I see you in here I cringe at the time we are both wasting. Sorry we got into this in the way we have. Happy New Year.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Very sorry but wanted to reply to this:
Yes they moved to a new domain but they made sure you didn't have to update anything. What they did is a good thing as it ensures that we don't lose any traffic. They did exactly what you are criticising them for not doing! I can't explain it any more simply, I can't make it any more obvious.
I think you are confusing my arguments.

In regards to / : I feel this is wrong because of not-alerting affiliates and employing what appears to be bait-n-switch. And as Simmo! rightfully asked, "why is the program still feeding out the wrong links" ? which no one seems to have any answer for

I think the question is especially relevant when they appear to have used affiliate links from another casino they "closed" to point to ... with no credit given to affiliates.

With a 302 redirect they can change the purpose of these links later, where is a 301 google is supposed to remember and pass the PR properly.

Affiliate links in the exact same format from are now backlinks to - so obviously they understand how to manipulate these links at later date to do what they want.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Yes I said for the last time so I won't explain the basics of links, domains, and redirection again as it seems to be pointless.

(url/link) semantics .... URL is the destination, link is the way you get there.... but you can't have one without the other...

I agree that "URL" and "link" can be interchangeable. That is a valid but irrelevant observation seeing as I never used the term "URL" in my post. Link/URL is not interchangeable with "domain" or "subdomain" (the words I actually used). That is not semantics.

My point is that CHANGES were made that affiliates were not emailed about that are rather drastic.

Once again you are arguing against things that you have only imagined that I have said. In my first post here I commented on their bad communication. I agree that it was poor form not to email anyone and tell them.

But suggesting that the only point you are trying to make is about not being emailed is more than a little revisionist don't you think?

You land on a different website - NOT the one you pointed a LINK at. Can you please live with that? It's simply the truth.

You cannot visit my link and land at the same URL I pointed it to because of CHANGES that were made by CasinoBlasters. That's my point.

You land on a different domain. Not the same one as in the affiliate link. You do know that previously, those banner.onlinecasino affiliate links redirected to www .onlinecasino .com, but now they redirect to www .onlinecasinocentral .com right? Why didn't you complain when you first signed up with them that your banner. affiliate link ultimately ending up at a www. subdomain? Its the same thing.

The point is you never controlled where the visitor ended up and you never will. The affiliate program gave you the link and when clicked it redirects to their casino, wherever they choose to host it. Like it still does now.

For my part, I will agree with the fact that the URL DESTINATION was changed without our knowledge. But if that's the case then obviously our LINKS are not working properly anymore due to the CHANGES that were made.

The visitor still ends up at the casino and the tracking works. How is that "not working properly"?

I think you need different tact (imho) because your post to me came out like a big defense of these guys and an attack on me. In fact had you PM'd me and asked if I agreed that it would be more accurate to use different words then I probably would have changed them for you because in no way does the alter the actual argument. From my perspective through this entire thread I've felt attacked by you and I don't allow people to knock me over with semantics or arguments over what words I used when the final outcome is the same.

No it is not a matter of semantics or attack or defence, and I can't control how you feel. It is a matter of being truthful. You are asking people to vote on something that could affect the reputation of the program and people working there, and you are basing it on a mistake and/or bad assumption or (hopefully not) a lie that you made and repeated.

It reflects badly on the credibility of this site and its community if we start witch hunting based on misinformation.

And as Simmo! rightfully asked, "why is the program still feeding out the wrong links" ? which no one seems to have any answer for

For all I care, they can redirect it off as long as the tracking works. Who are we to say their links are "wrong"? Perhaps they keep the same links so they don't have to do more unnecessary work? Who knows, more importantly who cares and why is it important seeing as the link gets redirected to the right place in the end?

I think the question is especially relevant when they appear to have used affiliate links from another casino they "closed" to point to ... with no credit given to affiliates.

This is valid point in that they could choose to redirect these links elsewhere later. They could still do that even if they changed the affiliate links to use a new subdomain first like you seem to think is necessary. So could any casino that issues affiliate links. So protect yourself, centralise your links so that you only have to change them in one place. Then it won't be an issue for you.

Finally this is the giant white elephant standing in the room and you keep ignoring it:

Why are you claiming that they have stolen affiliates' traffic and not tracked players sent to Online Casino?

This is not an "agree to disagree" situation. Your error has been explained countless times here yet you keep asserting that it is true. You have the audacity to wrongly say things like what I have said is "a load of bull", and try to twist this into an argument about semantics, even going so far as to argue against things I never even said - when it is actually about the fact that you (and guard dog in the initial post to be fair) made a mistake but you can't or won't accept that you are wrong.

While obviously nobody enjoys being publicly corrected, I have stuck to the truth. I have addressed exactly what you have actually said each time, and have not resorted to straw man arguments. I would appreciate the same courtesy in future.

I promise to stop correcting you as long as you stop misrepresenting the truth and what I have said.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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Visitors do not land on the casino site that I signed up to promote and the domain was changed without alerting affiliates in the most basic way. My links now send visitors to a different site without my knowledge. The original site that affiliates helped to build and brand is now a portal - this is BAIT-N-SWITCH! Why do you think they didn't alert anyone?

I clarified my point here:
My point is that CHANGES were made that affiliates were not emailed about that are rather drastic
Then you said:
Once again you are arguing against things that you have only imagined that I have said.
I am not arguing with you. I am re-stating my point - it's not my fault you keep twisting my point around to create an argument. That's on you buddy. If anything, you're arguing about statements that in no way are directed at you.
The visitor still ends up at the casino and the tracking works. How is that "not working properly"?
Visitors now land on a different domain than the one we agreed to promote and the casino has a new name that we weren't told about. Then they turned the old casino and old domain name into a portal which competes with us: "" and they are using affiliate sites to BRAND their PORTAL plain and simple - this is completely wrong, blackhat, and as I've said bait-n-switch. They did this without our knowledge. (cover-of-night)
But suggesting that the only point you are trying to make is about not being emailed is more than a little revisionist don't you think?
You seem to be suggesting this, but I've made a number of points here. In regards to Casino Blasters not emailing us, YES, this is my main point (bait-n-switch) - they did not INFORM us and affiliate sites are now BRANDING their new affiliate PORTAL which competes against us. This was done without alerting us!!!

What they did at GoldenCasino is a totally different thing and the issues are not married together which is what you are doing in order to form an argument with me. You keep saying: "they redirected them here which is what you're complaining about them NOT doing at golden casino" - but you are wrong. I am arguing about bait-n-switch at and I'm arguing about not redirecting affiliate links from Golden Casino - these are TWO DIFFERENT TOPICS which you FRAME as a single topic to make me APPEAR to be contradicting myself.

Why are you claiming that they have stolen affiliates' traffic and not tracked players sent to Online Casino?
:mad: In regards to this rather bold face misinformation about the CasinoBlasters issues and, please point me to where I ever said this. You are making this up or I've been posting while asleep.


New Member
Dec 23, 2010
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Since this first post I have driven over 225 players to BCP. My focus is to drive the most traffic to the best converting casino. Just think if all the time wasted here was focused on driving traffic to provide income to your business. VLADI i agree with you 100%. Just redirect your links if they dont go where you want them too. Do you not check on your Business daily?

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