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Guard Dog
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  • Hi, i would like to place my affiliate program here, contact form at bottom does not work
    Hi Andy .. when its the best time to catch you ? i wanted to discuss one of the rogue listed oiperators with you ?

    i have added you on skype : gaming247affiliates

    thanks a lot
    Hi Guard Dog, I just wanted to point out that on your Top Dog Logo for your profile, that you've 'Misspelt'

    Yours says ''

    Take care now and have a good trip.
    Sorry for not replying to any of these messages. I clearly do not know how to use this feature. If anyone still needs answers, please contact me at: [agdemail][/agdemail]
    Hi Andy,
    Still waiting for you to reply to my emails, if you don't want to help me please let me know so I can make other arrangements, the poo is about to hit the fan so need something done sooner rather than later

    Hi Andy,

    Hope your well.

    Can i ask what is the procedure I need to take for you to approve us? and make that approval public?

    My name is Steve Salewski. I posted the thread about 400 Affiliates and Rival. I have more information.

    I have talked to other Rival aff mgrs - Rak, Paul at Superior and Tristan at Irish Luck. It appears the deduction is a Rival wide thing. However, it seems that only 400 is making the deductions at the end of the month.

    Paul said the deductions are made in real time, not at the end of the month.

    Tristan said there are settings in the affiliate software that allow the aff program to turn on or off both the deduction from the affiliate commissions and the credits due to the affiliate for previous contributions to the progressive slot pool should one of their players win.

    You can reach me at 972-517-4432, email at or skype at stevesalewski if you need any additional information or would like me to clarify anything.
    Hello Guard Dog:

    Is it possible ti still get into a mentorship program with you?


    Hi guard dog.
    Left a message on the forum. I'm very keen to get started with your program if there is still space?
    Hey Andy,

    Did you see the last message I left you on MSN when you were offline? :)
    Hi Andy

    I am finally back up and running. The move is over, we are now in a new place. thank you.

    We moved to an entirely new town, and that means new internet provider, i had sbcglobal, now i have comcast...well, global deleted my account with them before i was able to transfer my address book, or save all of my important emails!!!!!

    i am sooooo screwed, all my affiliate emails with passwords, important updates, etc are gone, all my contact emails..gone!!

    i have also lost your email to, so could you please send it to me.
    I will try to make up for the past week of not finishing your spreadsheet, do you want what i have? its so close to being done, and then i will send the rest in a day or two and i promise if you ever hire me for anything else, it will not take this long!! it was just at a bad time for me right now, and finally its over!! but iwth no internet there was nothing i could do. sorry. god i hate moving, it took us 13 hours to move with two pickup trucks, and it sucked!!

    please send me your email addy and let me know what you want me to happened at cap? i missed it all, just started reading the thread this morning, and all i can say is, stick to your guns, your work is very much appreciated, and its not paid for!

    here is my new email

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