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Welcome SlotsVendor as an AGD Certified Program


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Thanks for the info Bernie,

Your link to the other thread wouldn't work for me. Just in case I'm not the only one, try this

https:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/vegas-tech-back-t4635.html
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 5, 2011
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I think its taken me about 30 minutes to read all of these posts and threads lol :) I have absolutely no idea whether or not to try out this new casino, but I guess only time will tell if they are decent and trustworthy. This industry has become a bit shady after Black Friday, it's very hard to trust anyone anymore (besides the top and most reputable casino brands e.g. Affactive and Mainstreet). Hopefully in the future things will be much better than this, and the industry will become official and regulated.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
This is quite confusing for me and I am guessing any other new affiliates that read this thread and This One they are both to the contrary.

I am fairly new in the affiliate game (2 years maybe), cannot even remember if I was part of Casino Coins.

But in that "Vegas Tech is Back" thread the owner/moderators of this forum where all over this and showing disgust in the whole situation and calling for heads. Now in this thread it is a different story, but with nothing at all that shows any evidence that the things posted in the other thread were not true or didn't happen. So your satisfied 100% its not the same people? they didn't take affiliates players from Casino Coins and email them to join their casino?

So I want to know, Whats changed?

What was put forward to you guys, to say.. hang on a minute this is not the same group, they didn't get players from Casino Coins etc.

TBH I loved the software back then and would love the chance to play there again, but its to much of a risk for me as a player and an affiliate.

Thanks Matt


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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Bonusstreak wanted: to confront the "ass clowns" and thinks the site looks like it "was designed by a 12 year old."

That statement was made when I assumed and heard rumors that this was CC in operation again, I was pissed as everyone else was BUT after listening to what Nick had to say to me about the owners are not the same, they are another company that has been in the biz for several yrs, they need to stay private because they are not wanting to end up like ummm Calvin Ayre..... I changed my mind. Programs do redeem themselves now & then you know....

So after speaking with Nick and trusting him I decided to give the program a try but I will say AGAIN that AGD does nothing but read the terms people it is up to you to decide if you want to promote them.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2008
Reaction score
Understandable Cristine,

They did mail our old Vegas Technology players with offers, you got one yourself. I have a huge problem with any program that does that. We also know that these mails came directly from Liberty and not a spamming affiliate because they didn't have an affiliate program then.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I know a lot of folks are frustrated with our decision and pointing out that previous thread. It's understandable, IMO. I will say that back then it was a different story... I did not feel it was CC putting up Liberty Slots, but felt something shady was going on for sure.

When their affiliate program came online, we had to put them through certification eventually. Their terms are good and from what I understand - the company is not the same, just the AM. I only have people's 'Good Word' on this at this point and am working hard to get more information.

In the meantime, we are discussing internally how to deal with this.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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Maybe now players are happy no but when problems surface some day they have no point of contact as the casino is not licensed publically.

This is not a good thing, anyone should know this. When certifying a program this should be considered mandatory not optionally.

Trusting an affiliate manager is the same as trusting a car sales man.........

just saying


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Still waiting for casinomeister to publish the records on my PAB with casino coins that is supposed to clear, Nick Yap's name and Casino Coins name and show everyone how delusional bryan says I am.

By the way bryan.. you have gone on and on about the measley $350. And how I should get over it...
Even though I have explained ad nauseam here and elsewhere that, that was not all that was owed to me.

Let me ask you bryan bailey just how much money has to be stolen before it becomes a real theft to you?

Oh ya I especially like the part where bryan bailey says that Nick Yap an affiliate manager that worked with known crooks for years and years screws a lot of people, fades away and then suddenly appears and lies about his "NEW" casino Libertyslots having a license and lies about libertyslots poaching players from casino coins.. is more credible than me.
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Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
This is quite confusing for me and I am guessing any other new affiliates that read this thread and This One they are both to the contrary.

I am fairly new in the affiliate game (2 years maybe), cannot even remember if I was part of Casino Coins.

But in that "Vegas Tech is Back" thread the owner/moderators of this forum where all over this and showing disgust in the whole situation and calling for heads. Now in this thread it is a different story, but with nothing at all that shows any evidence that the things posted in the other thread were not true or didn't happen. So your satisfied 100% its not the same people? they didn't take affiliates players from Casino Coins and email them to join their casino?

So I want to know, Whats changed?

What was put forward to you guys, to say.. hang on a minute this is not the same group, they didn't get players from Casino Coins etc.

TBH I loved the software back then and would love the chance to play there again, but its to much of a risk for me as a player and an affiliate.

Thanks Matt

If it had been Coins coming back, it would have meant that they pulled the same thing as Grand Prive, now called Bet Grand Prive. These guys shut down the program, kept the casinos open with all our players and ceased to pay us. Several months later, they reopened with new software, taking the players with them and refusing to pay us for the money they made with them in the interim.

However, the software Coins had was sold and Liberty is a new outfit. So it is a different story.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
However, the software Coins had was sold and Liberty is a new outfit. So it is a different story.
That is not proven at all.

As a matter of fact there are a lot of reasons to believe that casino coins and liberty slots are one and the same, owners,management,software,employees.
They just thought they would be a little smarter than Grand privy and just rebrand the casino templates, change the name and then try to come back.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Just thought I would point out that everyone that is insisting that casino coins and liberty slots are not the same, all have one thing in common... they are taking Nick Yap's word for this.

Nick Yap... the same guy who says libertyslots has a secret license...
oops let me correct that... What Nick Yap actually said was that Libertyslots had a license...but they were not going to tell anyone about it... lol
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
I just got banned at casinomeister for pointing out that brian has not posted the records of the PAB that I filed against casino coins like he said he would. And for pointing out that bryan has a very dismal record of choosing the casinos he puts on his 'approved' list. Not really all that upset about being banned, after I said I would not return... I though it was rather funny in a spiteful kind of way... lol

According to Bryan publishing the records from my pab was going to PROVE that Nick Yap and Casino Coins were innocent of stealing from me... Fat chance of that. He even failed to note that I asked for him to publish the records, before he threatened me with publishing them... So just publish the records bryan.

Bryan called me names and banned me... reminds me a lot of of how Lou Fabaino used to act.

That bryan b. What a guy... Says loads bryan is supposed to one of most respected people in this business... Much like Lou Fabiano used to be... lol

A lot of dirt been dug up here... and now we get the silent treatment... Par for the course.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 24, 2010
Reaction score
Liberty Slots is now "Highly not recommended" at CM due to the "secret license". Libertyslots - No Licensing - Not Recommended

IMHO this issue should also prevent this program from being certified here. I know this site is all about the T&Cs of an affiliate program being good or bad, and not about player issues, but something as serious as this should be taken into consideration.

I would never send a player to a casino that doesn't give players a place to file a complaint. What is the point of being licensed if you're going to keep it a secret? Hell for all we know, they could be licensed by some homeless guy they found on the street.

Maybe when considering certifying a program, you should just ask yourself, "Would I play there myself?" or "Would I send my traffic to them?". If you answer no to either of those, I think that should play a part in your decision to certify the program. That is one of the first things I ask myself when considering promoting a casino/group.

For all intents and purposes they should be considered an unlicensed operation, because whatever license they have is useless if nobody knows who gave them one.

I know this issue of player safety vs T&Cs has been discussed here before, and it is a lot of extra work to consider the player side of things for every program, but this issue should be an easy one to make a decision on. In my opinion, they should not be certified because they are partnered with (as far as I'm concerned) an unlicensed casino.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
I think the real issue here is not if liberty slots has a license or not...

I think the the real issue with liberty slots is that liberty slots AM(Nick Yap) obviously lied about them having a (secret)license in the first place.

Anyone can buy a license for around 40k in any of several 'lose' licensing jurisdictions.
Only some really shady operation, would lie about having a license...
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
I have no idea why your addressing Bryan on this forum, he is not a member here even if he was he would not talk about what is happening on his forum on another forum. Please take your issues up with Casino Meister elsewhere this thread & forum is not the place to do it!!
I'll bet you really do know why...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 7, 2009
Reaction score
Nick or not, I don't believe GamTrak will look at promoting these guys until they have been in the industry for atleast 12 months.

As far as the "old" program.....we were never paid what was due to us either even after promises from the "contact". He just stopped replying to emails and disappeared.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
I hadn't yet made a decision on promoting Liberty Slots. Based on a combination of several factors, I have decided not to promote this casino. I'm staying the heck out of the rest of the mayhem.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
As much as a few folks just want this thread to go away there are two things that I wanted to say.

We have received responses from the licensing authorities about libertyslots/slotsvendor.
1. Cauarco... No License (already discussed this one).
2. Costa Rica... No License
3. Panama... No License
4. Antigua... No license

We still have not heard from a couple of places like Latvia, but I think we have covered this issue.

It has become very obvious that Nick Yap from libertyslots was lying when he said that liberty slots had a license but they were going to keep their license a secret.

If he were not lying... why has Libertyslots or slotsvendor not come forward by now to set the record straight?


The second issue, I would like to discuss is that Bryan Bailey (Casinomeister) said he was going to publish the records of my pitch a bitch with him to “clear Nick Yap and Casino Coins names.

casinomeister said:
but to make libelous statements about Nick Yap based on your personal sour grapes ($350! ) is unprofessional and downright ridiculous. You are delusional - and I'm prepared to publish the docs we have concerning your PAB (to include your colorful comments) to clear CasinoCoins' and Nick's name.

Bryan has not done what he said he would... No surprise to me. As his statement that the records were going to clear their names is just not true...

However, I am sure that Nick Yap and the former owners of Casino Coins(current owners of libertyslots...??) are very disappointed that their name's have not been cleared by Bryan.
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Nobody said the thread should go away... you are talking to yourself on that one :)

As far as the rest, Perc has made a valid point. Our certification requires that the casinos are not on the ROGUE list at CM. But a 'Not Recommended' list is similar. As such, I will have to find a new home for the program at AGD.

It does NOT belong in the ROGUE section, but belongs somewhere. However - that is for me to determine, not anyone else.

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