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Be Respectful to Others

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
EVERYONE (no particular finger pointing here):

Over the last month I've noticed more and more negative posts here at AGD and a lot more 'attack' style posts. I have also had a record number of people approach me about this. Many great affiliates come to AGD for the simple fact that we act professional towards one another and produce very helpful threads and topics. These are the type of webmasters that we should all want to surround us, keep us on track, and share great ideas with.

Here are some of the excerpts of comments I have received over the last 3 weeks time:

'It's simply not worth posting anymore if people are going to bash me and anything I discuss'

'The members at AGD are not allowing communication of many topics and it's frustrating me!'

'I'm done with AGD. Tired of being thrashed. Sorry.'

'People are iritating the hell out of me, I request my account be closed'

Those are only a select few of the nicer comments, BTW, and only from some very highly regarded webmasters :( None are from today or even this week - I will not publish those, it's too soon to do that and make the webmaster feel like they have been 'sold out'.

The reason I even publish the ones above is to let folks know that it is time for me to step in and simply not allow this.

I am creating a plugin for vBulletin which will notify you when you are out of line.
It will come with privilege decreases and eventually banning if the attitude isn't changed.

Sorry to be so direct, but I added forums at AGD in order to be able to have a nice community of very qualified/serious webmasters and a level of discussion not seen everywhere these days.

It's time to treat everyone as if you are standing in front of them - with RESPECT!

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Well, I guess the first warnings are given without the vBulletin MOD.

Thanks to Simmo and Arkyt, they are now both set up with limited privileges. Sorry if this irritates people, but I want AGD to be the professional board we should ALL hope to have here.



Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
Arkyt, YOU are a good ole boy. You've been around for a long time. Probably longer than most that are here.


Calling it like I see it.
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
Arkyt, YOU are a good ole boy. You've been around for a long time. Probably longer than most that are here.

I ain't a part of any clique! Sure I've been around longer than most 9+ years, the last 7 years I been doing this full time, but I have always been the primary oponent of the cash cow affiliates sites and fraudsters alike always more than willing to tell it exactly how I see it never holding a punch back!


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Hi All,

I was going to make a completely different post. However doing so would amplify the reason this thread exists. Granted it would be ironic, it may have produced a few sh#ts and giggles but it would definitely be counter productive.

I'm all for everyone being professional and maintaining a forum that is not a hot spot for flames and generalised stupidity.

However I don't think anyone should lose sight of the fact the AGD catch cry is "Protecting Affiliates Interests". Does this only mean this forum exists to enlighten affiliates about aff programs changing their T&C's. I certainly hope not.

Or does it also include a means for affiliates to watch each others backs!

If it includes the latter, there will be times when threads of this nature become passionate and heated - never lose sight of the fact people's income and livelihood are always at stake.

I agree snide & or personal attacks degrade not only the person on the receiving end but also the forum that allows it. However I'm also a strong believer in shooting from the hip.

As a member of AGD I'm willing to embrace what's been pointed out by the OP. On the same token though, it needs to be one rule for all. These need to be clearly defined and laid out - set in stone if you like!

Having experienced being publicly chastised for hijacking a thread, only to see others get away with the same actions, makes an ass out of anyone who uses this hit & miss doctrine.

In closing, forums bring together people not only from different cultural backgrounds but also people with different values. Combining these into a medium like this and your bound to get misinterpretation which are likely to fuel heated discussion.

Maybe it's time for some more Mods to be added.




Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I agree, Dave. Rules should apply to all.

I try very hard not to interfere with threads no matter who derails it. I've done that for quite some time and there have been few cases where I have intervened. Maybe there should be more interventions, but I prefer to let things ride unless they become counterproductive.

I'll work on that part, that is my own cross to bear, but certainly admit I have not *in all cases* stepped in.

Will there be disagreements, yes. But should we allow the anonymity of the web allow us to say things we wouldn't normally say... NO. And should we beat down people into silence... NO.

I stand by the reason for above, but agree that I will have to be more fair in the future. In the first offense mentioned above, I was as fair as fair can be.

and.... if there is an 'ole boys club', I have not been invited.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 12, 2010
Reaction score
Thumbs up for ensuring that important things like these - that can bring a community closer together or make it fall apart - are being addressed head-on and do not fall through the cracks.


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
There isn't any old boys club - just a bunch of old timers who all got to know each other over the years and who post in various forums and exchange ideas there. And Arkyt and Andy and Simmo and Webscaz and Dave and King and Christine and and and....dozens more are all part of it.

We are all very different people with different backgrounds, live all over the world and sometimes perceive things very differently, but we have one thing in common: this industry.

Sometimes we have different outlooks and opinions - but that is what makes message boards useful in the first place.

I wish everyone would just sit back and accept others the way they are and focus on what we are all here for - to make this industry a better place for affiliates and players.

The issue is not derailing threads (can't think of anyone who hasn't done so at one time or another) or presenting opposing opinions - the issue is personally attacking one another. Once that starts, it goes round and round and sooner or later everyone feels attacked. Reminds me of kids throwing sand at each other in a sand box - soon it will get into everyone's eyes and everyone cries.

That sort of thing helps no one. We got work to do here, and we are a community, a family. We need to get over the differences and focus on our goals, and then we will rock.


Feb 5, 2010
Reaction score
Oh wow. I have not been here to much the last week. Working hard and trying to get ready for XMAS and all.. but i am feeling sort of off with the closure of the two accounts..

Were all valuable members! if things were better in the industry and we didn't have all these predatory programs, the shaving, processing confiscation, closures, hit and runs, and all the stuff that hurts us i feel we would not be in this position.

I think webmasters here should sit back for one second and understand most of this is caused out of sheer frustration and anger at whats going on.

I do agree we need to be respectful and maybe need a couple more mods.. I am not sure an automated plugin is needed for this as were all adults. I will admit I sometimes can be pretty rude with comments and for that i am sorry.

I really value everyone here - I do respect the two posters who have now asked for their accounts to be closed. I ask them to please come back and lets all discuss this...

I left GPWA about a year ago - December 15th after feeling terribly frustrated. I joined back 2 months ago and really felt good to be back. I know some people missed my presents while others may have liked the fact i was gone...

Anyways the point is if people start to leave we loose voices. We need all the voices we can get to fight the industry problems. We got to stick together no matter sometimes how we feel about each other.

Were webmasters and were in the fight of out lives now! And i mean that in a serious way - we got to stick together while also taking care of ourselves.

Lets try and work together and not take things so personal even if people irritate you or do things you find offensive.. within reason of course.

But all these threats of I will leave and count me out, and close my account - please everyone remember by doing that - you alienate yourself from this special place, and you make our cause weaker. We need everyone together.

Everybody stick around!! Everyone counts!


Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
I think this a good move Andy. Addressing these issue before they become a problem is important.

Personally, I haven't witnessed too much bashing or disrespect lately like I have on other forums. Generally, it's the new guys who don't understand the professional attitude and comradery we share.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Keeping a forum alive for the owner is a thankless task . The topic of the forum doen't matter.
Most people only write, if something goes wrong in life, with programs.

Only a few are posting about wonderful moments in the forrest, while writing romantic gambling content surrounded by old trees or when they buy 33 scented roses from their earnings for the wild redhead next door.


For me it's no problem. I am writing for the audience (too), but ... give and receive

And a thankless task switch to a smile in the heart. Without posts a forum is an empty, lonely place without sponsors, without any help or strange posts like this one.


Who feels happy by writing, should do it public.


Stan Rogers

New Member
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Why create a mess out of such a simple thing? It should be as straightforward as that – get those who use abusive language ortry to insult other members thrown out.If we still let them be around, they’ll keep taking things for granted and behave in the same manner.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Is this your site Stan?

Checked out your About Us page, it's a habit of mine :)

Stan has been in the online gaming industry for over 10 years having worked to bring online slot game content to casino operators and on the slot game product development side.

So which casino software producer(s) have you worked for?
Last edited:


Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
rtg? i remember someone in winnersonline with tons of info on slot payouts %


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
Hello to everyone!
I'm a new one in betting and I interested in good affiliate programs.
Maybe someone can give me a pice of advice?

I'm fed up with this kind of offtopic spam messages of new members asking questions in completely the wrong topic or just spam.


Affiliate Program Representative
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
Agreed. Why bring up such an old thread also. Reported


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2011
Reaction score
...and the dude behind this account call himself "Anastasia" :D.