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Attaining Unity Consciousness (Oneness) -Part IV of: Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions

A discussion is presented that explores the reason as to why humanity has been seemingly condemned to lurk within the low-consciousness dimension of the 3rd for such a long time without having expanded much in consciousness. In fact, it may easily be deduced that humanity has merely begun to advance its state of consciousness for the past few centuries, which has only been accelerated in the past century. It has been suggested by the author elsewhere that the consciousness of humanity was jump-started only within the last century via our space brethren that include the Arcturians, Pleaidians, Sirians, Andromedans, etc. by a way of giving us new technologies. The list of such technologies that include laser, acoustics, communication, computers, internet, photography, movie and television, holography, among others, has mostly been to facilitate our understanding of ourselves and the nature of our reality and consciousness. In particular, these technologies have led to a better understanding of the nature of crystalline light that is coherent and precise much like our light of consciousness; the discrete nature of frame-by-frame movie making via the advent of photography that mimics the quantum and discrete nature of our consciousness; the projection and broadcast of live and pre-recorded programs via television that is reminiscent of the multidimensional nature of our reality; holography that explicates the nature of our vision and tangible physical reality deciphering ALL THINGS; vibration mechanics that aids the process of understanding our sequential jumping into the parallel dimensions; communication via sound and light frequency that sheds some light into the nature of our genetics; the advent of computers that resembles the nature of our neural network functioning as a quantum holographic bio-computer; etc. It is further explicated herein that our matrix of reality is geared to what transpires within our Consciousness Grid in the Omni Earth. It is further elucidated that these programs of reality that have formed the matrix of the majority’s collective consciousness are very much dictated by our ego that, in essence, binds us to this 3rd dimension of consciousness. It is further elucidated that ego, in turn, is driven by a belief system that is governed by the grid’s matrix of reality, that is the result of collective consciousness of the majority. And, this matrix of reality has been particularly manipulated by a horde of malevolent entities for at least the past 13 millennia to persuade and accentuate separateness arising from fear, a futile sense of survivalism, and from greed, envy, competition, selfishness, outrageous concern for self-indulgence, lust, etc. These traits leading to extreme separation from our true SELF and all other sentient beings, have encouraged such other highly deterrent maladies to humanity such as prejudice, rage, conflict, wars, etc. Finally, it is elucidated herein that the path to acquiring consciousness expansion is to abandon our current stale matrix of reality, and instead, replacing it with a new one that subscribes to unity consciousness governed by adopting the Unified Field that reflects the vibrations of the Divine Mind of our Prime Creator. It is achieved by forsaking separateness, and by adopting the science of unconditional love and compassion. It is initiated by abandoning ego and our stale belief system. It is made possible by going WITHIN, and self-reflecting, while being attuned to this Zero-Point Field of consciousness within the NOW moment, dispensing with the past, and avoiding the anticipatory anxiety of the future.

Attaining Unity Consciousness (Oneness) – Part IV of: Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions By Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D. Abstract A discussion is presented that explores the reason as to why humanity has been seemingly condemned to lurk within the low-consciousness dimension of the 3rd for such a long time without having expanded much in consciousness. In fact, it may easily be deduced that humanity has merely begun to advance its state of consciousness for the past few centuries, which has only been accelerated in the past century. It has been suggested by the author elsewhere that the consciousness of humanity was jump-started only within the last century via our space brethren that include the Arcturians, Pleaidians, Sirians, Andromedans, etc. by a way of giving us new technologies. The list of such technologies that include laser, acoustics, communication, computers, internet, photography, movie and television, holography, among others, has mostly been to facilitate our understanding of ourselves and the nature of our reality and consciousness. In particular, these technologies have led to a better understanding of the nature of crystalline light that is coherent and precise much like our light of consciousness; the discrete nature of frame-by-frame movie making via the advent of photography that mimics the quantum and discrete nature of our consciousness; the projection and broadcast of live and pre-recorded programs via television that is reminiscent of the multidimensional nature of our reality; holography that explicates the nature of our vision and tangible physical reality deciphering ALL THINGS; vibration mechanics that aids the process of understanding our sequential jumping into the parallel dimensions; communication via sound and light frequency that sheds some light into the nature of our genetics; the advent of computers that resembles the nature of our neural network functioning as a quantum holographic bio-computer; etc. It is further explicated herein that our matrix of reality is geared to what transpires within our Consciousness Grid in the Omni Earth. It is further elucidated that these programs of reality that have formed the matrix of the majority’s collective consciousness are very much dictated by our ego that, in essence, binds us to this 3rd dimension of consciousness. It is further elucidated that ego, in turn, is driven by a belief system that is governed by the grid’s matrix of reality, that is the result of collective consciousness of the majority. And, this matrix of reality has been particularly manipulated by a horde of malevolent entities for at least the past 13 millennia to persuade and accentuate separateness arising from fear, a futile sense of survivalism, and from greed, envy, competition, selfishness, outrageous concern for self-indulgence, lust, etc. These traits leading to extreme separation from our true SELF and all other sentient beings, have encouraged such other highly deterrent maladies to humanity such as prejudice, rage, conflict, wars, etc. Finally, it is elucidated herein that the path to acquiring consciousness expansion is to abandon our current stale matrix of reality, and instead, replacing it with a new one that subscribes to unity consciousness governed by adopting the Unified Field that reflects the vibrations of the Divine Mind of our Prime Creator. It is achieved by forsaking separateness, and by adopting the science of unconditional love and compassion. It is initiated by abandoning ego and our stale belief system. It is made possible by going WITHIN, and self-reflecting, while being attuned to this Zero-Point Field of consciousness within the NOW moment, dispensing with the past, and avoiding the anticipatory anxiety of the future. Introduction: Anchoring Consciousness to the 3rd Dimension • We have traditionally been domiciles of the 3rd dimensional layer of consciousness [1]. • As light beings [2], we are fragmented into different ‘Aspects’ of our SELVES [3-5], each experiencing a different program of reality [6-9], giving rise to its own life sojourns. • We receive the programs of reality via our planetary grid [10-11]. • It is at the planetary consciousness grid that the programs of reality are further separated and are projected onto its different facets that form our parallel sub-dimensions [12-13]. • As the already fragmented entities, and being separated from our SELF and everything else [14-15], our reality is, obviously, most closely geared to what is projected onto the particular facets of our planetary consciousness grid. • Defining density as the conscious energy mass per unit of fragmentation, clearly, the greater the fragmentation, the lower is the density of consciousness energy. • Infinite fragmentation is the result of fragmentation of the infinite consciousness mass to form a finite consciousness mass, as it experiences separation. • And, this is often carried out as to be commensurate with the density of the 3rd dimensional existence. • However, remember that although we are anchored to the consciousness of a particular dimensional space-time [16-19] within the innerspace of the Cosmos [20-21], life is dynamic in nature [2242]. • And, as such, we are not permanently anchored to our particular dimensional layer of consciousness. • In fact, as it has already been elucidated, we are privy to vibrate within space-time layers of the innerspace, and most appropriately • • • • • • • within the two most adjacent main layers (e.g., 2nd and the 4th dimensions). And, these are, indeed, the aforementioned parallel sub-dimensions. Although the programs of reality are received as consciousness energetic waves of probabilities that are projected onto a curvilinear space-time [43-47] that, in essence, is of a two dimensional nature, through a holographic imaging procedure [48-49], the sojourns of life are experienced as three dimensional (volumetric) imaging and in color, to enhance our spiritual educational experience. Holographic imaging is comprised of a mechanism that involves interferential patterns of energetic waves emanating from two sources (one involving the original signals and one emanating from the separated signals) onto a parallel plane, which gives the illusory impression of three-dimensionality. And, physiologically, our 5-sensory perception is pre-designed to discern what transpires as such. And, it is through experimentation in space-time that we learn. Note that although a Soul Aspect possesses a 3rd dimensional density of consciousness, it is privy to vibrate beyond its anchored dimensional state within the 4th dimensional parallel space-time planes [50-56]. We are currently striving to reach the upper 4th and 5th dimensional consciousness [57], blending our individuality that is geared to subtle linearity within a collective consciousness reality to upshift into a non-linear space-time that includes multiplicity and conscious multidimensionality [58-59]. Ego and Duality: The Culprit Jailers of the Low-Consciousness Matrix of Reality • Actually, the way that we are anchored to the consciousness of the 3rd dimensional space-time plane is through the advent of ego [60]. • Ego often reacts based upon a set of beliefs that are often reflective of what transpires and is dictated by our local planetary grid. • More specifically, our ego is a manifestation of what transpires within the matrix of reality emanating from our particular facet of our planetary grid. • In fact, ego often acts adversarial to what we receive via the program of reality from the divine mind of the Prime Creator [61-62]. • Ego is what anchors us to our particular (the 3rd) dimension of consciousness. • Ego is purposeful, yet gives us a false sense of identity while we are separated from the SOURCE, and even further fragmented and function as Soul Aspects within the parallel sub-dimensions of the space-time. • It is the fundamental venue by which our captors and controllers mind control amd manipulate us [63-78] • The 3rd dimension of consciousness is characterized by what we refer to as the University of Duality. • Duality supposedly teaches us spiritually via experimenting with myriads of life sojourns. • Yet, it is invented by the negative aliens as to make the concept of evil a tangible counterpart to good [79-80]. • The overall objective of life, as may be epitomized by the sole directive of the SOURCE to us as sentient beings [81-83], is to expand our consciousness [84-90] via attaining spiritual education. • Physical Duality is the 3rd density manifestation of consciousness fragmentation and wave probability polarization. • The 3rd dimension possesses a very low propinquity, light quotient, and frequency [91-94], giving rise to a low state of consciousness. • The SOURCE emanates energetic light waves of consciousness via a fabric of Cosmos that is crystalline-electric [95]. • These waves are transmitted through a plasma that contains anions (negative ionic charge) as well as cations (positive ionic charge). • The two ionic charges create a potential gradient that gives rise to the advent of crystalline electricity. • This is somewhat analogous to electromagnetism [96-98], only in essence, it is not polar. • Our thought forms, however, function under the auspices of rationalization driven by binary-based logic, which in essence, are polar in nature. • Thus our brain transforms the crystalline consciousness energetic form [99] originated in the divine mind of the Prime Creator into polarity as a manifestation of duality. • And, duality operates through ego, which becomes exacerbated via the calamity of negative ego that gives rise to such things as fear [100], anxiety [101], anger [102], doubt [103], egotism, narcissism, or psychopathy [104-107], etc. • Thus, unfortunately, ego as an ever adversarial source to the crystalline consciousness energy, could turn crystallinity into polarity based upon acquired belief. • Another aspect of our quantum consciousness is the illusory perception of linear time [108-109]. • Linear time is a perceived inherent characteristic of 3rd dimensional duality. • It may be further explained in terms of low curvature (high radius) of space-time within the 3rd dimension. • Clearly, as propinquity is low, so is the curvature of time (frequency of vibration as well as light quotient). • And, the linear illusory perception of time within the 3rd dimension is a phenomenon that gears us to the false sense of the past and the future, while clearly all programs of reality are simultaneously • • • • • • • • projected in real time referred to as the perpetual NOW moment [110]. Note that belief is a product of two impulses: 1. What the state of norm is, as dictated by the matrix of our reality, as already reflected by our planetary grid. 2. A state of desire or expectation, and anticipation, as to what should transpire in the future. Clearly, the way our quantum consciousness [111-113] operates is that if we could release our SELVES from this ego, whose purpose is to merely safeguard us from harm and evil to act as an alarm clock each time we are faced with peril, we are then free to explore what is available in the NOW moment, and within the higher dimensions of Consciousness. In this regard, if we ‘allow’ to be steered upon a path that we chose for our SELVES prior to our incarnation, by allowing to tap into the infinite oceans of possibilities out there, and in particular, those which are commensurate with our level of consciousness, carefully pre-selected by us, we can dispense with the stale imagery of the past or futile false expectations of the future, dictated by our belief system. This way, we give our SELVES the propensity of experiencing more of what has been ordained by the SOURCE, adding to our spiritual education, culminating in our consciousness expansion. And, dispensing with our current matrix of reality, and our stale belief system, gives us the added shot in the arms in terms of already raising our level of frequential consciousness, giving us the propensity to be able to tap into higher dimensions of consciousness. Thus, it will serve as to not being so enamored by our physical existence, confined to a contaminated or negative matrix of reality. • Instead, we can live as ethereal beings [114-116], mostly existing within the higher dimensions of consciousness, with endless possibilities to explore and to grow into. • It is then that we begin to appreciate the divine nature of our existence as beings of light, entangled [117] with higher dimensional beings as well as the SOURCE, being privy to expand our horizon by way of tapping into higher frequencies of consciousness, furthering our consciousness expansion. • • • • • • • • • • • Accessing the Creative Matrix of Energy Devoting time to quiet sacred self-reflection helps us remember. We can more easily sense the oneness rhythm while becoming an observer to everything else. Illusions naturally drop away. It is a simply a matter of being constantly focused towards and tuned into the creative matrix of energy which permeates our awareness. Becoming more tangible now, this all-encompassing field of energy is what propels seeming miracles and unexplained demonstrable phenomenon in these evolutionary times. This is what is referred to as the ‘Unified Field’ [90], or alternatively, the ‘Zero-Point Consciousness Energy Density Field’ [118], which in essence, describes the Unity Consciousness or the divine mind of the Prime Creator. "Tuning in" to this Field, is making contact with the information that's already present and has always been available. We become one with it through vibration and harmonic resonance. And, what gets in the way of our ability to tune in is our physical consciousness that is constantly trying to figure it out! What we call "thinking" is mostly linear and rational. However, this energy field works much differently as no thinking effort is required. • Profound "knowing" and awe moments come in an unprecedented fashion, when we are automatically tuned in without trying or forcing our way into the energy. • • • • • • • • • • • • Locking in the New Vibration One can now sway in and out of this quantum field, accessing it mostly through meditation and random intuitive experiences. However, it easily slips away when the attention spans into the mundane affairs of the daily life. Lock in the vibration and master the ability to be in this new field of energy, every moment! And, constantly access the feel of ‘knowing’ and create spontaneously as to form a bridge of understanding, serving as a beacon of light or a wayshower for others. And, how can we lock in this new vibratory Field? This is different for everyone as each of us will have our own unique way of raising our light quotient supported by the Group Force of our collective consciousness field and our combined electromagnetic cohesion. The most important thing right now, is that we place our highest priority and singular group focus upon this grand opportunity before us, which is ascending to the 5th or higher dimensions. Following are some suggestions for locking in the expanded experiences of this quantum field: 1. Through Centering and Remembering that all that Counts is Oneness: Staying centered, remaining in balance and allowing what is developing to come forward, which is the reflection of the ONE. Start each morning with allowing the Divine Will to flow through you and strive to merge into Oneness. There should be no engagement of the physical conscious mind in this regard. Just allow the inner knowing open your mind into what is the truth WITHIN. • Through focus, you are able to access the Pineal Gland as a connecting center to the SOURCE and being present with your fully realized HIGHERSELF. • Feel a resonance in your pineal gland that mirrors what is transpiring in your heart, allowing for an expanded sense of the Heart-Mind to mutually function together. • There is no need for rituals or praying. • Just Being, Knowing, and Remembering, is all it takes. • All the aspects of our I AM from every lifetime on this planet are all lining up right now and are all being integrated into one whole. • So, all imbalances must now be cleared. • 2. Through Love and the Rhythm of the ‘ONE:’ by locking in the vibration of love. • Love and forgiveness are the (new) energies that must now be exercised. • Keep being focused and breathe in silence and consciously attune to the benevolent and loving rhythm of ‘ONE’ as to experience a new reality, abandoning what is stale and does not serve. • The importance of Silence cannot be overemphasized. • Silence is what builds rhythm in the Oneness. • Tune into this new field of energy and stay in its vibration. • Experience oneness with the telepathic connection via the heart, and by dismissing the binary (logic) vibrations of the physical mind. • Keep locked in this vibration. • Go deeper, ‘letting go,’ and recreate more alignment to the SOURCE by giving more love. • 3. through Self Responsibility and Constancy of Focus: • Remember that there is now an interesting perception shift in progress. • And, that, YOU ARE the Architect of the New Earth! • Remind yourself that you no longer have to connect "outwardly" to the Grid, and to what is stale and an old paradigm. • Remind yourself that there is only HERE and the NOW, and all that counts is oneness. • You must look WITHIN, and merge in oneness with the vibrational resonance of the unity field. • You must have discipline and consciously remain in these alignments at all times. Try to develop a greater constancy of FOCUS to really stretch yourselves beyond your comfort zones and what is familiar. • Make a permanent move into this newly discovered quantum Unified Field of consciousness. • This next phase upon us will produce even more radical shifts in our consciousness and will greatly reflect in our lives and lifestyles. • Make a serious effort to remain constantly focused on what we are becoming and to the authentic nature of our existence. • Nothing else matters right now. • There is nothing to gain from the old paradigm. • Place all of your focus on this birthing into the new reality of peace and harmony within, allowing the quantum field around you and this source energy to sustain your every movement. • 4. Through Visiting and Listening to Nature: • You can make a radical departure from staying attached to the familiar collective consciousness grid. • Move into nature to have a more intimate connection with Mother Earth. • Spending quality time in nature assists deeper contemplation and self-reflection, helping one to appreciate the rhythms. • Observe the elements, the ecology, the weather, the animals, the trees, the plants, and the flowers, and really listen to the rhythms of the nature and its messages. • The plants and animals are also evolving with us, but they have the added distinction to us as they are locked in perfect vibration to oneness. • This is a trait that we have forgotten by over engaging our physical consciousness via application of ‘logic’ and thoughts. • However, when you are in nature, you are in a timeless matrix that pulses this so called "new reality," in oneness with the SOURCE; yet it has always been there! • • • • • • • • • • • • Ascension and the Zero-Point Field Recently, the Unified Quantum Field of energy has been emerging with a completely different pattern. This is the age of Aquarian that reemerged ever since 1987 that is referred to as the dawn of the Harmonic Convergence era. It is nonlinear. Its benevolent pulse is constant and most loving and uplifting. When we enter into its rhythm, everything of a stressful nature quickly drops away as if nothing ever mattered anyway. No praying is required because it simply knows. It is of another consciousness level. It is also referred to as the Zero-Point Field [118]. As we make passage into this deeper atmosphere of consciousness, some of us are experiencing a type of slowing down and de-spiraling on the inner realms. It is a creative stream of energy that allows for spontaneous manifestation, yet, not through our thoughts but through a destined and willed Akashic force. If you commit to scientifically and spiritually educate your fellow man free of charge and without any expectation or entitlement for any returned favors, you will find that you SHALL soon become attuned to your HIGHERSELF, and indeed, to the divine. Soon thereafter, you start to receive unprecedented inspirational thoughts regarding the nature of man’s existence, including your energetics [119-121] and genetics [122-127], morphogenetics [128], nature of consciousness [111-113] as well as you begin to progressively understand the true account of creation [129-131] that includes discernment about the nature of your body-soul-spirit [132- • • • • • • • • • • • • 135], ascension [136-141], conscious vibration [21-41] at large, and about the mechanics of the Cosmos [142-145]. But, first, you must attain a certain level of compassion and unconditional love [146] as may be exemplified through a ‘labor of love’ commitment to do what seems best for ‘the good of all.’ In return, you will to realize that the divine Cosmos is, indeed, awake and is paying attention. This is when you acquire a strong and added sense of his attunement to the divine, and in particular, to your own HIGHERSELF. As such, his intuitive/inspirational power [147] will increase many folded by leaps and bounds, as you begin to appreciate the nature of your Clarion Call to educate your fellow human spiritually [148], helping them to ascend to the higher dimensions of consciousness. At this juncture you find you are undoubtedly charged with the task of expending the divine energies anchored within your lightbody to SERVE God and humanity, and for the ‘good of all.’ The Law of Attraction, as we have known it, becomes null and void. As you advance our consciousness, you become more sensitively attuned to this Quantum Field of Divine Potential. Through your expanding intuitive and telepathic capabilities from the developing right brain, you are more easily connecting to this Field and living harmoniously attuned to the rhythm of ‘one.’ Abandoning the Collective Consciousness Grid, Going WITHIN, and using Intuition There are a host of bad events transpiring on Earth. It is the result of the contaminated matrix of reality controlled by a horde of soul-less entities. It is also allowed as a part of experiencing the duality, creating a School of Hard Knox on Earth. But, try to cut yourself OFF the matrix and do not dissipate precious divine energies. • It will protect your aura from futile sympathy and diminishing your vibrational frequency of consciousness. • Instead, go WITHIN and connect with your HIGHERSELF. • This way, you connect to the United Field, the mind of the Creator. • It will sharpen your intuitive-inspirational skills and leads you to uplift your frequency leading to consciousness expansion, which is your only directive as a FREE Willed sentient being. • Then you will find you do not need to anchor yourself to the stale planetary grid of this Omni Earth [10] and the collective consciousness it projects. • With more people doing the same eventually the consciousness grid will change. • Its frequency will be upgraded and no one (or at least only the minority) will subscribe to its low-consciousness doctrines that include separation from the SELF [14-15] and the divine, greed [149150], conflict [151], war, vanity, selfishness and such [105-107]. • You can be a special person and can be a lightworker. • This is the way to do it: through the application of compassion and unconditional love, working as a lightworker. • And, you can only do that by PULLING AWAY FROM THE STALE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE GRID and resorting to your inner SELF. • There is a whole Cosmos out there that is governed by the divine mind of the Prime Creator. • Subscribe to it. • It is what I the author has referred to as the ‘Cosmological World WILD Web.’ • Others call it the Zero Point Density Field, the Unified Field, and such. • Go WITHIN and find your HIGHERSELF. • It will steer you towards it. • • • • • • • • • • Summary and Conclusion Within the low-consciousness realm of the 3rd dimension there seems to exist an apparent inconsistency existing between oneness and separateness (us). In this respect, based upon the ego personality, we seem to consider ourselves as to have a unique identity as perpetrated by having specified names or a unique social security number. While, in reality, we are all a constituent part of the WHOLE, the Prime Creator, who is solely endowed with having a unique identity. The 5th dimension entails the concurrency of space and time, accompanied by the non-linearity of space-time. Within the 4th-5th dimension one can combine non-linearity with subtle linearity, culminating in the concurrence of multiple timelines. This energetic band can retain the individuality of the self, integrated with the collective consciousness of the whole, to form a way of combining individuality with collectiveness. Ego represents the 3rd the Density anchor for fragmented consciousness to maintain the immersive experience of duality through an illusory identity (mind) that keeps it polarized from all that is not identity. Moreover, beliefs are learned expectations (conditions) equated with ego identity from which each NOW moment (what is) is judged against, resulting in a state of non-peace that motivates its closure. And, the answer to all this is to ‘surrender,’ an unconditional allowance and acceptance of what results through the dissolution of beliefs, resulting in obtaining closure with respect to possibility of non-peace and full integration of duality with the advent of consciousness expansion. Through consciousness expansion one acquires consciousness evolution that, in turn, describes the re-integration of fragmented • • • • • consciousness, culminating in integration of each “now moment,” which in essence, describes ALL THAT IS. Thus, the wave energy potential is no longer fragmented as consciousness transforms it into particularized matter. In this respect, based upon the ego personality, we seem to consider ourselves as to have a unique identity as perpetrated by having specified names or a unique social security number. While, in reality, we are all a constituent part of the WHOLE, the Prime Creator, who is solely endowed with having a unique identity. Skills of expanded consciousness includes greater sense of perceptions, telepathy, energy transferences, receiving and decoding the languages of light, multidimensional communications, to name a few. Lastly: Go into meditation, connect to the Crystalline Grid, and simply receive and SERVE as a crystalline human portal in both receiving codes of higher consciousness ultimately from the Unified Field of the Divine Mind of the Prime Creator, and transmitting the proper codes of reality to your fellow man. References (updated 5/20/22): 1. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XII: The First Harmonic Universe _of_Creation_Part_XII_The_First_Harmonic_Universe 2. We are Beings of Light! 3. Our Inner Cosmos: A Reader’s Digest of exactly what and who we are igest_of_Exactly_What_and_Who_we_are 4. The Reality of Soul Aspect, Soul Expression, and Oversoul (HIGHERSELF), and the Illusory Notion of the “Past, Present and Future” _Expression_and_Oversoul_HIGHERSELF_and_the_Illusory_Notion_of_the _Past_Present_and_Future_ 5. On the Quantum Reality of having the Status of a ‘Soul Aspect,’ ‘Soul Expression,’ ‘Oversoul (Monad),’ ‘Avatar,’ and becoming an ‘Ascended Master,’ ‘Guardian-Founder,’ and Beyond ing_the_Status_of_a_Soul 6. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part IV: The Time Program Server of Reality on_of_the_Phenomenon_of_Time_Part_IV_The_Time_Program_Server_of_ Reality 7. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part IV: The Space Time Programs of Reality on_of_the_Phenomenon_of_Holographic_Universe_Part_IV_The_Space_Ti me_Programs_of_Reality 8. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VIII: The Holographic Universe and the Concept of Parallel Reality _of_Creation_Part_VIII_The_Holographic_Universe_and_the_Concept_of_P arallel_Reality 9. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part IX: On the True Nature of the Holographic Programs of Reality _of_Creation_Part_IX_On_the_True_Nature_of_the_Holographic_Programs _of_Reality 10. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part II: ‘Omni Earths,’ ‘Grids,’ and ‘Time-Gate Vectors’ on_of_the_Phenomenon_of_Holographic_Universe_Part_II_Omni_Earths_ Grids_and_Time_Gate_Vectors 11. A Tale of the Two Suns: Part IV: On the Nebadon’s 12D Grid and Harmonic Universes _On_the_Nebadons_12D_Grid_and_Harmonic_Universes 12. Parallel and Alternate Dimensions, the NOW, and the Holographic Nature of Time and Space ons_the_NOW_and_the_Holographic_Nature_of_Time_and_Space_and_Rea lity 13. Parallel Dimensions 14. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part II: The Illusion of Separation 15. We are ALL Connected: The Principle of Local and Non-local Entanglement 16. A Unified Model for Depiction of the Twelve Physical Time-Space Continuums 17. Further Insights on Depiction of the 12 Physical Time-Space Continuums 18. A Tale of the Two Suns: Part III: On the Main (Cosmological) Dimensional Structure of the Nebadon Universe I_On_the_Main_Cosmological_Dimensional_Structure_of_the_Nebadon_Un iverse 19. On the Current and Soon Changing Structure of our Nebadon Universe ging_Structure_of_our_Nebadon_Universe 20. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XI: The Innerspace and the Dimensional Aspect of Consciousness _of_Creation_Part_XI_The_Innerspace_and_the_Dimensional_Aspect_of_C onsciousness 21. Further Insights into the Concepts of Time, Space, Innerspace, and Frequency of Vibration 22. Life: A Vibrational Existence 23. A Unified Theory for the Creation of Cosmos and Vibration of all that it contains 24. Interdimensional Physics: Concepts of Time, Space, Dimensions, Quantum Consciousness and Sentient Vibration epts_of_Time_Space_Dimensions_Quantum_Consciousness_and_Sentient_ Vibration 25. Consciousness Quanta of Energy, Matter-Antimatter and Consciousness Vibration within the Innerspace of Space-Time Dimensions 26. On the Nature of Time Progression and its Relevance to Conscious Vibration sion_and_its_Relevance_to_Conscious_Vibration 27. The Fundamental Laws Governing Creation, Dimensional SpaceTime, Matter-Antimatter, Conscious Vibration, and Entanglement ing_Creation_Dimensional_Space_Time_Matter_Antimatter_Conscious_Vi bration_and_Entanglement 28. Human Consciousness, Vibration, and Genetics 29. Multidimensional Vibration 30. A Mathematical Model for the Quantification of Consciousness [Soul Animation] ntification_of_Consciousness_Soul_Animation 31. A Mathematical Model for the Physical Vibration [Animation] of an Ageing Sentient Body Physical_Vibration_Animation_of_an_Ageing_Sentient_Body 32. A Unified Theory for the Conscious Vibration of a Sentient Light Being 33. Mathematical Models for Vibration of Multiple Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects: Soul Aspects Vibrating as a SDOF Ensemble 34. A Mathematical Model for the Vibration of Two Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects: Soul Aspects Vibrating as a MDOF System 35. A Critical Review of Vibration of Multiple Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects 36. A General Formulation for Multidimensional Coupled Vibration of Multiple Mutually-Aware Soul Aspects 37. Dynamics of Sentient Vibration, Karmic Response, and Sequential Jumping of Souls into Parallel 38. The Interconnection of Vibration, ‘Consciousness Expansibility,’ ‘Soul Compliance,’ and Karma and their Relevance to Consciousness on_and_Consciousness 39. Sentient Vibration: Concept of Soul Entropy and the Principle of Positive Entropy Production Rate oul_Entropy_and_the_Principle_of_Positive_Entropy_Production_Rate 40. Further Insights into the Phenomenon of Sequential Jumping and Soul Entropy Production Caused by Sentient Vibration omenon_of_Sequential_Jumping_and_Soul_Entropy_Production_Caused_b y_Sentient_Vibration 41. The Mechanics of Cosmos – Part II: Cosmic (Quantum) Consciousness and Sentient Vibration _II_Cosmic_Quantum_Consciousness_and_Sentient_Vibration 42. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time Part III: Multidimensional (Quantum) Consciousness on_of_the_Phenomenon_of_Time_Part_III_Multidimensional_Quantum_C onsciousness 43. The Time-Space Continuum 44. The Space-Time Fundamentals 45. Space-Time-Revisited 46. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of ‘SpaceTime 47. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part III: The Fabric of Space-Time _of_Creation_Part_III_The_Fabric_of_Space_Time 48. The Holographic Nature of our Existence: The Total Story _Existence_The_Total_Story 49. On the Quantum Energetic Mechanics of Creation: Microcosm to Macrocosm and the Concept of Hologram-within-Hologram 50. A Model for the Graphical Depiction of Dimensional Time Space Continuum 51. Graphical Depiction of Dimensional Time Space Continuum – Revisited 52. Dimensions of Consciousness Dimensions_of_Time_or_Space_Time_Dimensions_ 53. Further Insights in Deciphering the Dimensional Space-Time of the Cosmos g_the_Dimensional_Space_Time_of_the_Cosmos 54. Fundamentals of Interdimensional Physics nal_Physics 55. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part I: ‘Dimensions’ and the ‘Parallels’ on_of_the_Phenomenon_of_Holographic_Universe_Part_I_Dimensions_an d_the_Parallels 56. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions -Part I: Fundamentals of the Dimensional Time-Space Consciousness and Reality 57. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XIII: The Second Harmonic Universe _of_Creation_Part_XIII_The_Second_Harmonic_Universe 58. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, A Course in Multidimensionality, Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Press, 2012. 59. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part V: Multidimensionality on_of_the_Phenomenon_of_Holographic_Universe_Part_V_Multidimensio nality 60. Ego 61. The God-SOURCE: The Prime Creator and the Foundation of Divine Creation eator_and_the_Foundation_of_Divine_Creation 62. The Prime Creator 63. Who are Negative Aliens? Short Essay 64. Who are the Negative Aliens and what do they Represent? [partial manuscript of Negative Aliens and their Nefarious Agendas and Strategies: A General Overview] rious_Agendas_and_Strategies_A_General_Overview 65. On the ‘Common’ Characteristics of the Negative Aliens s_of_the_Negative_Aliens 66. What led the Negative Aliens to be What they are and why they became Parasitic-Vampiric? o_be_What_they_are_and_why_they_became_Parasitic_Vampiric 67. Negative Aliens and their Entropic Gestalt of Consciousness 68. Negative Aliens (Draconian) Purported Spreading Misinformation Regarding Falsehood of the Golden Age of Gaia and Ascension 69. War over Human Embodied Consciousness: When will the Problem with the Negative Aliens End? nsciousness_When_will_the_Problem_with_the_Negative_Aliens_End 70. Negative Aliens’ Soul Capture Technology 71. Negative Aliens and our Failure to Exercise our Inherent Right of Free Will 72. Negative Aliens and Ultimate Cosmic Retribution for their Actions 73. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Technology: Circumventing Mind Control [Full Manuscript] ousness_NARC_Technology_Circumventing_Mind_Control 74. Negative Aliens and their different Mind Controlling Tactics Short Essay 75. Negative Aliens and their Nefarious Agendas and Strategies: A General Overview [Full Manuscript] rious_Agendas_and_Strategies_A_General_Overview 76. Negative Aliens and their Archetype Mind Control 77. Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC) Gender Archetypes Mind Control Programming: An Overview ousness_NARC_Gender_Archetypes_Mind_Control_Programming_An_Ove rview 78. Programmed to Embody a Seductress Female Archetype eries_Programmed_to_Embody_a_Seductress_Female_Archetype 79. On the True Meaning of Evil and the Distinction between Good and Evil nd_the_Distinction_between_Good_and_Evil 80. Transcript of a Conversation with a Soul-Seeking Member of our Soul Family Regarding Channeling Good and Evil 81. Essays on Humanity – Part II: Sentience ntience 82. Essays on Humanity – Part V: Living as Sentient Beings ing_as_Sentient_Beings 83. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VII: The Mechanics of Sentience 84. On Quantification of Consciousness ness_Coefficient_of_Consciousness_Expansibility 85. Consciousness Expansibility 86. Consciousness Studies 101: Getting Prepared for a New Age of Expanded Consciousness ting_Prepared_for_a_New_Age_of_Expanded_Consciousness 87. Towards Higher Consciousness and Higher Dimensional Existence _and_Higher_Dimensional_Existence 88. Syntropy and the Cosmological Law of Consciousness Expansion and ORDER _Law_of_Consciousness_Expansion_and_ORDER 89. DMT and Consciousness Expansion 90. Unity Consciousness: Its Quantum Nature, Dissemination and Expansion um_Nature_Dissemination_and_Expansion 91. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X: Consciousness _of_Creation_Part_X_Consciousness 92. Consciousness 93. Consciousness – Revisited: From 3-D Brain-Based Theories to understanding the TRUTH of Non-Local Aspect of Cosmic Consciousness 3_D_Brain_Based_Theories_to_understanding_the_TRUTH_of_Non_Local_ Aspect_of_Cosmic_Consciousness 94. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part I: Light of Consciousness _of_Creation_Part_I_Light_of_Consciousness 95. The Electro-Crystalline Cosmos 96. The Foundation of Electric – Magnetic Energetics gnetic_Energetics 97. On the Quantum Mechanics of Creation of the Electromagnetic Cosmos Creation_of_the_Electromagnetic_Cosmos 98. Further Insights on the Quantum Energetics of the Cosmos m_Energetics_of_the_Cosmos 99. Crystalline Consciousness and the Dawn of Ascension the_Dawn_of_Ascension 100. Fear: Mankind’s Worst Enemy 101. Anxiety The Three Brains and their Roles in Processing Anxiety, Fear, or Dread, Part V of: Organic Life Experience and its Distortion or Reversal les_in_Processing_Anxiety_Fear_or_Dread_Part_V_of_Organic_Life_Experi ence_and_its_Distortion_or_Reversal 102. Frequency of Anger, Part VIII of: Organic Life Experience and its Distortion or Reversal f_Organic_Life_Experience_and_its_Distortion_or_Reversal Anger-Rage: The Beckon Call for Being Subject to Energetic Parasitic Attack and Feeding, Part IX of: Organic Life Experience and its Distortion or Reversal r_Being_Subject_to_Energetic_Parasitic_Attack_and_Feeding_Part_IX_of_O rganic_Life_Experience_and_its_Distortion_or_Reversal_ Controlling and Overcoming the Self-Destructive Thoughts and Impulses of Anger, Part of X of: Organic Life Experience and its Distortion or Reversal e_Self_Destructive_Thoughts_and_Impulses_of_Anger_Part_of_X_of_Organ ic_Life_Experience_and_its_Distortion_or_Reversal 103. On the Specter of Doubt, to be published 104. Setting Boundaries with Egotistic-Narcissistic Bullies and Control Freaks and Manipulating, Destructive, Energetic Vampires: A Real Case Study _Setting_Boundaries_with_Egotistic_Narcissistic_Bullies_and_Control_Fre aks_and_Manipulating_Destructive_Energetic_Vampires_A_Real_Case_Stu dy_Mohsen_Paul_Sarfarazi_Ph_D 105. Narcissistic-Psychopathic Tyrants in Service to Self Only, Part I of: Leadership or Chaos Effectuated by Avaricious Desire for Tyrannous Manipulation and Control? nts_in_Service_to_Self_Only_Part_I_of_Leadership_or_Chaos_Effectuated_ by_Avaricious_Desire_for_Tyrannous_Manipulation_and_Control_Moder n_new_Psychology_101_Series 106. Narcissistic-Psychopathic Manipulation, Part II of: Leadership or Chaos Effectuated by Avaricious Desire for Tyrannous Manipulation and Control? pulation_Part_II_of_Leadership_or_Chaos_Effectuated_by_Avaricious_Des ire_for_Tyrannous_Manipulation_and_Control 107. True Leadership vs Self-Serving Narcissistic-Psychopathic Tyranny, Part III of: Leadership or Chaos Effectuated by Avaricious Desire for Tyrannous Manipulation and Control? g_Narcissistic_Psychopathic_Tyranny_Part_III_of_Leadership_or_Chaos_E ffectuated_by_Avaricious_Desire_for_Tyrannous_Manipulation_and_Cont rol 108. Linear Time and the NOW 109. On the Concept of Time and the Notion of “Past, Present, Future” e_Notion_of_Past_Present_Future_ 110. A Higher Dimensional Perception of the Phenomenon of Time – Part V: The Local and Absolute NOW Moment and the Advent of Torsion Waves on_of_the_Phenomenon_of_Time_Part_V_The_Local_and_Absolute_NOW_ Moment_and_the_Advent_of_Torsion_Waves 111. Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Consciousness s_of_Consciousness 112. Further Insights into the Mechanics of Flashing Consciousness anics_of_Flashing_Consciousness 113. Mechanics of [Discrete-Quantum-Multidimensional] Consciousness um_Multidimensional_Consciousness 114. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The Physical and Ethereal Worlds 115. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation: The Physical and Ethereal Aspects of Existence _of_Creation_The_Physical_and_Ethereal_Aspects_of_Existence 116. A Higher Dimensional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: The Physical versus the Ethereal States 117. Quantum Entanglement 118. Zero-Point Field: A Slide Presentation 119. We are ALL Reservoirs of Energy gy 120. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part II: The Human Bio-Plasmic (Etheric) Field, Eden magazine, January 2017 121. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part III: The Inner Cosmos (Aura, Chakras, Nadis), Eden magazine, February 2017 122. Introduction to Human Genetics 123. On the Genetic Structure of Earth Humans: The Fable of “Junk Genes” 124. On the Elusive Nature of Earth Human Genetics 125. On the Physical Structure and Quantum Nature of Earth Human Genetics 126. The Role of Quantum Entanglement in Maintaining the Integrity of Double-Helical Structure of DNA 127. Humanity’s 12-Strand of DNA and Who Created its Structure 128. Theory of EVERYTHING: Dark Matter Manifestation Body and Morphogenetic Template Matter_Manifestation_Body_and_Morphogenetic_Template 129. Fundamentals of Mechanics of Creation Creation 130. Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Creation: THEORY OF EVERYTHING s_of_Creation_THEORY_OF_EVERYTHING 131. On the Creation of the Cosmos and the Advent of Light _and_the_Advent_of_Light 132. Essays on Humanity – Part I: A Critical Look at our Existence ritical_Look_at_our_Existence 133. Further Insights on the True Nature of Our Existence ature_of_our_Existence 134. Essays on humanity – Part III: The Essence of Man he_Essence_of_Man 135. Essays on Humanity – Part VI: The Process of Life e_Process_of_Life 136. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ascension Earth 2012, Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Press, 2012. 137. Who are the Guardian Hosts? – The Updated Ascension Program (Plan B) he_Updated_Ascension_Program_Plan_B 138. Individual versus Collective (Planetary) Ascension anetary_Ascension 139. Who are the Fallen Melchizedeks – Part I: Coerced to Cooperate with the Negative Aliens ks_Part_I_Coerced_to_Cooperate_with_the_Negative_Alien 140. Who are the Fallen Melchizedeks – Part II: The Astral Plane Connection ks_Part_II_The_Astral_Plane_Connection 141. Who are the Fallen Melchizedeks – Part III: The False Ascension (5D) Matrix ks_Part_III_The_False_Ascension_5D_Matrix 142. An Overview of Cosmos 143. The Mechanics of Cosmos – Part I: The Edifice of Cosmos _I_The_Edifice_of_Cosmos 144. On the Quantum Mechanics of Formation of the Edifice of Cosmos Formation_of_the_Edifice_of_Cosmos 145. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part II: Cosmos- The “Above” and The “Below” 146. Unconditional Love On the Provisions of the Law of One - Unconditional Love, SERVICE, Compassion, Empathy, Unity Consciousness, and Interconnectedness: A Slide Presentation of_One_Unconditional_Love_SERVICE_Compassion_Empathy_Unity_Consc iousness_and_Interconnectedness_A_Slide_Presentation Unconditional Love: A Slide Presentation esentation 147. Essays on Humanity – Part IV: Emotion-Intuition versus ThoughtLogic motion_Intuition_versus_Thought_Logic 148. Foundation of Spiritual Science 149. Money: The Root of All Evils 150. The Concept of Artificial Time and Artificial Anti-Energy Epitomizing Unconsciousness (Money) (Full Manuscript) 151. The Effects of Interpersonal Communications and Behavior on Auric Integrity Further Reading Materials Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part III: The Mechanics of Collective (Unity) Consciousness nsciousness_Part_III_of_Ascending_to_the_5_th_and_Higher_Dimensions On the Provisions of the Law of One - Unconditional Love, SERVICE, Compassion, Empathy, Unity Consciousness, and Interconnectedness: A Slide Presentation e_Unconditional_Love_SERVICE_Compassion_Empathy_Unity_Consciousness_a nd_Interconnectedness_A_Slide_Presentation Unity Consciousness: A Slide Presentation tation The Relevance of Unity Consciousness to Ascension and Vice Versa: A Slide Presentation ess_to_Ascension_and_Vice_Versa_A_Slide_Presentation The Proverbial End of Days and Dawn of Unity Consciousness: A Slide Presentation wn_of_Unity_Consciousness_A_Slide_Presentation The Consciousness and Spiritual Science Institute (Formerly Institute of Spiritual Science) Publishing 2017. This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a SERVICE to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for the sole purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their condemnation to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’ It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or any public forum. It is expected that when it is re-blogged or displayed, it is carried out without changing its content, preferably in its entirety, and without any paltering intent, and only if its content is not disseminated for the purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service to self only.’