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Towards Higher Consciousness and Higher Dimensional Existence Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D. Abstract It is indicated that we have reached an era in human history that logic and physical consciousness through utilization of brain alone no longer serves humanity. It is time to open one’s heart and polish one’s intuitive senses so that one can self-reflect by connecting to one’s HIGHERSELF or I AM presence inhabiting in higher dimensions of consciousness. This will provide the best avenue to access the higher dimensional consciousness pool of TRUTH and knowledge that is classified under the Akashic Records. It is further explicated that fear is the most devastating enemy of humans, an instrument of the captors of the humans within this duality-infested matrix of reality, which we are imprisoned in, presently. As the age of Ascension is upon us, it is of utmost importance that humanity, once for all, abandons fear all together in search of one’s true inner divine identity. And, a prerequisite to Ascension is the clearing and cleansing of karma which will ultimately lead to the reactivation of the human’s 12/6 genetic DNA/RNA strands, giving rise to the activation of the gene of compassion that leads to human’s crystallinity through achieving impeccability and spiritual mastery. The role of human’s divine endocrine glands of pineal, pituitary, thymus, and hypothalamus, in attaining crystallinity is briefly discussed. Finally, the futility of religion through propagation of superstition and hypocrisy as may be identified as the concepts of “sin,” “judgment day,” “Armageddon,” “heaven,” and “hell,” as a tool for human’s bondage and retention within an artificially controlled matrix of reality is explicated. Indeed, human is divine and is endowed with an inner conscience that serves as the sole guide and the counsel to monitor and judge the workings of one's sojourns upon earth, with no need for an outside judge, jury and executioner. The principle function of the Cause and Effect is to keep humankind at bay, close to the ALL MIGHTY, as to decrease malice. This will necessitate humanity’s strive to correct the wrong and achieve the right until full cleansing of the soul is attained so one may return HOME, which is within the higher dimensions. Traditionally, this has entailed accomplishing this task during the course of a single reincarnation, or numerous reiterations unless all is good, all is benevolent, conforming to the requisite of acquiring full compassion and fully comprehending the science of unconditional love and SERVICE TO ALL. • • • • • • • Introduction: Intuition or Logic? As we become more ‘wise’ or ‘intellectual,’ we find that the indulgences of 3-D life progressively satisfies us less and less, and is certainly, not fulfilling. We begin to embark on a journey of self-discovery, being plagued more and more by such questions as to ‘who we are,’ ‘where we come from,’ and ‘where we are heading for.’ As we consult our rational, logical brain, we find less and less answers [1]. We find our active or conscious mind not so useful to provide us with definitive responses. The contradictory and sometimes even, illogical, scientific research results add confusion and further frustration to our quest. As we discover that the frequent chatter of the conscious mind is not enlightening, and in fact, creates more mayhem, chaos, and adds unbalance to the equation of self-discovery, we decide to take a step backward quieting our too active and busy mind [2]. Suddenly, we find we are endowed with a gift of intuition, one that has provided us with precise and definitive answers before, ‘right out of the blue,’ at times virtually saving our hide from slaughter. • With this newly found sense of tranquility, and security, we embark on a journey to validate our inner intuitive sense and perhaps seek to discover its successful mechanism of operation. Advent of Frequency Downloads • Within the past three decades or more, we have been provided with downloads of knowledge regarding spirituality, faith, etc., which have been classified as ‘channeling.’ • While some of these so-called “channeling” are the work of charlatans and self-indulgent individual who embark on building personal empires for themselves through mass deception, some are legitimate, particularly those that come from HIGHERSELF, and our benevolent space brethren [3-5]. • Such communications are highly purposeful as we are approaching the end of a major cycle and the incipient point of starting a new one. • And, I am referring to the phenomenon of Ascension [6-28], or more precisely, resurrection. • The reason for such open and intense communications is to prepare us for the upcoming Ascension and to raise our consciousness [29], and thus, frequency of vibration [30-31] in order to resonate and be able to sustain the higher frequencies of the higher dimensions, at least that of the 5th dimension [32], also known as ‘heaven’s door step.’ • These downloads or communications from higher dimensions of consciousness primarily come from the deity as may be classified as the ‘changelings’ of the Ascended Masters [33], Angelic Oraphims and other Crystal Star family members, who tell us that they are our ancestors and forefathers. • And, not to complicate things too much, some messages come from “ourselves,” or our HIGHERSELF [34], Beings from the ‘future’ [35-36] and alternate aspects and expressions of our ‘SELVES’ residing in parallel-antiparallel dimensions [37-39] or higher planes of consciousness [40-41]. Journey of Self-Discovery • We now know that we are only a small fragment of our totality. • Furthermore, we are apprised of the fact that we have a Higher SELF or an ‘I AM Presence,’ who resides in planes beyond our level of consciousness, who serve us as our guardian angel, adviser-teacher, and our benefactor. • All we need to do is to connect with higher expressions of our SELF, and we shall be able to find all the answers to our questions, obtain the best guidance and advice, and live in total prosperity, enlightenment, and fulfillment on Earth. • Of course, this needs some efforts, dedication, and industriousness. • We need to abandon all our negative energies, which act as sinks, and are nothing but dissipative energy mechanisms leading to futility. • Instead, we need to concentrate on positive thinking and emotional traits, which incite productivity and creativity in us. • No matter how closely we resonate with all these information at first, the very fact of discovering some validity regarding the phenomenon of intuition is most encouraging. • Therefore, we feel we have made a breakthrough in the discovery that our SELF WITHIN could hold all the answers. • Not only it is enriched with a cumulative knowledge of our former ‘SELVES,’ we are given the assurance that, indeed, we are the very spark, the offspring of the Godhead Creator [42-44], having inherited a modicum of HIS/HER vast and unimaginable mega consciousness [45-48]. • We are told that we are the creator of our own reality [49], and indeed, the co- creator of the cosmos. • With such insightful and heartening notion for a promising and comforting Self-discovery, we embark on a journey to enter WITHIN and explore our ‘innerspace’ [50-51], the true domain of our existence. • The first thing that we learn is to not pay attention to the “logical” mind, and instead, concentrate on our heart. • This instinct is further repudiated and affirmed by the downloaded message as well as recent scientific discovery that heart is more complex and better equipped to handle our neurological impulses. • And, so we focus on our spiritual quest of Self-evaluation, and Selfdiscovery, where spirituality insinuates not only God but our SELF [52], as “we are made in HIS/HER image.” Role of Fear in Consciousness • Fear is the root of all low-chakra energy dissipation mechanisms [53]. • Almost every negative emotion and thought energy stems from fear. • It is fear that makes the inner child of ego [54] insecure, and begins to throw temper tantrum. • It is fear that destroys the sense of tranquility, serenity, and comfort within. • It is the primary culprit for separation from inner super consciousness [55]. • Fear either drags one to total retreat and colossal stagnation and unproductivity; or denial and abandonment of inherent sense of responsibility as a defensive measure and concern for survivability, culminating in victim consciousness and karma [56-57]. • Whether fear causes ‘giving up,’ or Self-deception, the problem does not disappear by itself. • The most fundamental concern for fear and its eradication must be its fateful blockage from humankind’s gift of multidimensionality [58-60]. • In order to reach the higher planes of consciousness one needs to traverse the dreaded realm of Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension [61-63], the very intense domain of humanity’s dark emotions and the toxic dumping ground of potential “hellish” sojourn. • And, this must be accomplished by carefully avoiding the Law of Attraction to trigger in and activate humanity’s embedded gravitation of inner victim consciousness and karma towards the strong magnetic field of negativity, the very highly dissipative mechanism for energy. Clearing and Cleansing a Pre-Requisite of Multidimensionality and Ascension • The primary pre-requisite to multidimensionality is the process of clearing and cleansing unresolved emotional issues deeply buried within mankind’s ethereal body. • Clearing and cleansing of the ethereal body has the added advantage of jumpstarting the process of Realignment, Re-connection, and Activation (RRA) of our initially erroneously perceived “junk” DNA [64] by our genetics scientific community. • It is common knowledge that about 97% of our DNA within our physical body remains unplugged, and therefore, dormant ever since the Fall of Atlantis. • This coincides with the time when initially the Sons of Belial of the Island of Aryans in Atlantis, and thereafter, their cohort, the Annunaki, embarked in a genetic devolution endeavor in order to create a docile, less conscious, race of humans who could be ruled upon by their narcissistic, potential monarchs and dictators, who fancied their genetics to be superior to all others. • Successful RRA requires spirituality as may be exemplified by Impeccability, Crystallinity, Polarity Integration [65], among others. Our Divine Physiognomy • Fortunately, humanity possesses a physiognomy that remains undamaged permanently. • We are endowed with a gift of endocrine system, which has rendered highly unappreciated up to now. • These include the Divine Glands of Pineal, Pituitary, Thymus, and Hypothalamus. • Among these, the former is often referred to as the ‘seat of soul,’ which constitutes our ‘third eye.’ • The Pineal gland is perhaps the most important endocrine organ in our physical body, at least as long as multidimensionality and consciousness are concerned. • Also, hypothalamus, as our ‘universal translator,’ plays a significant part in our multidimensionality, as it is responsible for interpreting verbal message into pictorial depictions that could be readily understood by us and, vice versa. • Thymus works closely with our heart, the most prominent organ in our physiognomy, which is now being understood by our scientists to be of a much higher complexity in terms of a neural network system, and possesses much more capability than our over-heroic perceived brain. • Thymus represents the foundation for our gene of compassion, our most unique characteristics in the universe for having been blessed with the widest possible range of natural frequencies contained in a single emotional stimulus. • And, unconditional love [66] through compassion is the single mechanism for transmuting fear and all its low-chakra dissipative energy mechanism that are culprits for diminishing our consciousness expansion and deterrents to spirituality. True Spirituality versus ‘Religion’ • The form of spirituality of concern here is much unlike the biblical sense of being religious, as religion is an artificial concept speciallydesigned to serve the deceitful agenda of a few tyrants through propagation of fear and superstition. • Fear originated from the dread of “being judged” by the ALL MIGHTY for our “sins” on that terrifying “Day of Judgment” and for being “condemned” to be cast to “Hell.” • And, of course, none of these concepts are valid in their biblical sense of interpretation. • There is of course, a very proper, highly intelligent way of safeguarding against abuse of the fellow human. • It is called ‘Light quotient’ or alternatively ‘natural frequency of vibration.’ • Indulging in cruel exploitation of others is synonymous with diminishing one’s light quotient/vibration rate, which means regressing to the bottom depths of consciousness and working your way up again, and again [67-70]. • The more ‘corruption’ and the more mistreatment of others, the more depths of abyss to descend, the more separation from the light, and the denser environment to endure. • Of course, for some this becomes a way of life; pain, agony, low quality of life, more violence, aggression, and discomfort, these all are often accepted without any impetus for discernment and strive for ‘relief.’ • Such is the difference between intelligence and foolishness, such is the distinction between high and low consciousness. • Furthermore, “judgment” is carried out WITHIN. • It is the very responsibility of the ‘conscience.’ • Conscience works in harmony with the discernment function of the Divine Pineal Gland with aid of the Pituitary. • No Selfish, Ill-intended request of the conscious brain ever get projected to the Divine Mind for approval and manifestation. • These are commonly and consistently weeded out through the discernment of the Pituitary and the Pineal and never get the endorsement or support of the Thymus as viable or valid creations for manifestation. • Such are the functions of the Divine Glands: two regulate our thoughts, and the other our emotions so desperately needed for validation prior to manifestation. • As for “Hell,” call it what you may, this may only be interpreted as the Lower Astral Plane in the fourth dimension [61-63], which is utilized as the dumping ground of unresolved toxic emotions. • It is created by negative aliens [71-85] and not by God or agent of HIS/HERS. • It is the negative aliens that have created the mess. • Yet, it is humanity that is responsible for its cleanliness and clearance prior to Ascension to the higher grounds. • Again, the ALL Mighty God has nothing to do with its creation, usage, or its operation. • ‘Heaven’ may be considered as the realm of 5th dimension to 12th. • However, the fantastic stories often associated with the biblical “Heaven” such as man being rewarded with beautiful dark-headed beauties and such are simply just that; fantasies. • “Armageddon,” “End of Days,” and other doomsday prophesies are all purely conjecture. • “End of Days” is a valid period, namely the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new. • Every 26,556 years Earth undergoes through a new course of Ascension cycle. • These all denote the end of certain astronomical periods affecting Earth. • “Armageddon” has nothing to do with the battle between good and evil, or more precisely between “Lucifer” and Archangel Michael. • It may simply depict an event that may appear cataclysmic, even resulting in mass extinction, etc., but it is an essential event whose purpose is to cleanse and clear the futile circumstances or energies. • Although Earth has experienced several such events in the past culminating in near-mass extinction, the period ended in 2012 was no such event. • The 3-D Earth and physicality is destined to eventually come to an end within approximately 300-1,000 years depending on the diligence and efforts of humanity to want to Ascend, but this will not entail any extinction whatsoever. • On December 12, 2012 Earth traversed into 4th dimension, which may be considered as being in a transitory state. • Meanwhile, on December, 21, 2012, exactly 9 days after the Crystalline-Electric Grid on Terra Nova became operational, a 5th dimensional Earth appeared to those who had the requisite vibration rate to detect it. • The 5D Earth will no longer be a planet, but a highly bright Star with a much higher light quotient that shall be quite luminous in the distant sky thereafter. • It will be the realm of existence or domicile for higher consciousness humans who are ascending the 3-D planet Earth soon. • All inhabitants of the 5-D Terra Nova shall have the requisite vibrational natural frequency or light quotient threshold to be able to sustain life on the fifth dimensional Earth. • Others, who wish to attend and have lower but close enough vibration rate on 3-D Earth shall be transported to a 3-D Earth-like sphere in order to raise their consciousness, vibration rate, and light quotients before they can Ascend. • After this, they shall ascend to the 5th dimension and continue with their journey of life on Terra Nova Star. • Our All Mighty Creator has ordained that ALL shall eventually ascend should they spiritually awaken and enlighten themselves and thus are able to raise their consciousness adequately with the aid of deity and Divine Hierarchy, provided they choose to do so and demonstrate their will through effort and enthusiasm. • The concepts of “sin” “Armageddon” “End of Days” “Judgment Day” “Hell” and “Heaven” are invalid in terms of their biblical interpretations. • These are purposeful instigators of fear for humanity. • And, as such, any fear that results from their consideration is futile and must be clearly and utterly avoided. The Consciousness and Spiritual Science Institute Publishing 2014. This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a SERVICE to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for the sole purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their condemnation to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’ It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or any public forum. It is expected that when it is re-blogged or displayed, it is carried out without changing its content, preferably in its entirety, and without any paltering intent, and only if its content is not disseminated for the purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service to self only.’ References (added 5/11/22) 1. Essays on Humanity – Part IV: Emotion-Intuition versus Thought-Logic _Intuition_versus_Thought_Logic 2. Issues with Overthinking: A Slide Presentation sentation 3. “New Age of Spirituality” or ‘Service to Self Only’ – Part I: The Self-Proclaimed “Gurus-Channelers” and ‘Unconsciousness Consumerism’ o_Self_Only_Part_I_The_Self_Proclaimed_Gurus_Channelers_and_Unconsciousn ess_Consumerism 4. “New Age” Charlatans: The Unconscious or Possessed Self-Proclaimed“ Readers,” “Healers,” “Activators,” etc. us_or_Possessed_Self_Proclaimed_Readers_Healers_Activators_etc 5. Knowing versus Channeling 6. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ascension Earth 2012, Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Press, 2012. 7. Who are the Guardian Hosts? – The Updated Ascension Program (Plan B) dated_Ascension_Program_Plan_B 8. Individual versus Collective (Planetary) Ascension y_Ascension 9. The Several Stages of Awakening 10. Life Beyond 3-D 11. 20th Century Accelerated Technologies: Coincidence or Purposeful Strategy 12. On the Prophecy of the “144,000 Souls” and the “End of Times for Changing Everything” 13. Light-Time Acceleration and its Impact on Consciousness and Ascension 14. Crystalline Consciousness and the Dawn of Ascension 15. The Re-emergence of Crystallinity [Ascension] and the Need for Optimal Auric Circuitry 16. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions -Part I: Fundamentals of the Dimensional Time-Space Consciousness and Reality 17. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part II: The Illusion of Separation 18. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part III: The Mechanics of Collective (Unity) Consciousness 19. Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions – Part IV: Attaining Unity Consciousness (Oneness) 20. On the Energetic Window of Galactic Alignment, New Moon, Winter-Summer Solstice and Mercury Retrograde _Alignment_New_Moon_Winter_Summer_Solstice_and_Mercury_Retrograde 21. The Effect of Lunar Eclipses, Solar Activities, and Earth Magnetic Changes on Consciousness Evolution and Ascension tivities_and_Earth_Magnetic_Changes_on_Consciousness_Evolution_and_Ascens ion 22. The Winter Solstice Event of 12-21-2020: A New Beginning 20_A_New_Beginning 23. Who are the Fallen Melchizedeks – Part I: Coerced to Cooperate with the Negative Aliens rt_I_Coerced_to_Cooperate_with_the_Negative_Alien 24. Who are the Fallen Melchizedeks – Part II: The Astral Plane Connection rt_II_The_Astral_Plane_Connection 25. Who are the Fallen Melchizedeks – Part III: The False Ascension (5D) Matrix rt_III_The_False_Ascension_5D_Matrix 26. Criterion for continued “Life” and Ascension Part I: Negative Aliens and their Cabal Puppets ension_Part_I_Negative_Aliens_and_their_Cabal_Puppets 27. Criterion for Continued Life and Ascension – Part II: Humans and Non-humans Quarantined and Not Ascending upon Physical Death ension_Part_II_Humans_and_Non_Humans_Quarantined_and_NOT_Ascending_ Upon_Physical_Death 28. Negative Aliens (Draconian) Purported Spreading Mis-information Regarding Falsehood of the Golden Age of Gaia and Ascension 29. Consciousness Studies 101: Getting Prepared for a New Age of Expanded Consciousness 30. Further Insights into the Concepts of Time, Space, Innerspace, and Frequency of Vibration 31. On the Concept of Frequency: The Proposed Cosmological Law of Frequential Dimensional Shift roposed_Cosmological_Law_of_Frequential_Dimensional_Shift 32. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XIII: The Second Harmonic Universe eation_Part_XIII_The_Second_Harmonic_Universe 33. On the Quantum Reality of having the Status of a ‘Soul Aspect,’ ‘Soul Expression,’ ‘Oversoul (Monad),’ ‘Avatar,’ and becoming an ‘Ascended Master,’ ‘Guardian-Founder,’ and Beyond e_Status_of_a_Soul 34. The Reality of Soul Aspect, Soul Expression, and Oversoul (HIGHERSELF), and the Illusory Notion of the “Past, Present and Future” ession_and_Oversoul_HIGHERSELF_and_the_Illusory_Notion_of_the_Past_Prese nt_and_Future_ 35. On the Concept of Time and the Notion of “Past, Present, Future” on_of_Past_Present_Future_ 36. Modern Psychology 101: Future Timelines of Reality and the Proverbial: “You Reap What You Sow” lines_of_Reality_and_the_Proverbial_You_Reap_What_You_Sow_ 37. Parallel Dimensions 38. Parallel and Alternate Dimensions, the NOW, and the Holographic Nature of Time and Space e_NOW_and_the_Holographic_Nature_of_Time_and_Space_and_Reality 39. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part I: ‘Dimensions’ and the ‘Parallels’ the_Phenomenon_of_Holographic_Universe_Part_I_Dimensions_and_the_Parall els 40. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation- Part-XXII: The Third to Fifth Harmonic Universes and The Innerspace beyond The 9th Dimension eation_Part_XVII_The_Third_to_Fifth_Harmonic_Universes_and_the_Innerspace _beyond_the_9_th_Dimension 41. The Physical Domains: the “Seven Higher Heavens” or “Superuniverses” her_Heavens_or_Superuniverses_ 42. The God-SOURCE: The Prime Creator and the Foundation of Divine Creation and_the_Foundation_of_Divine_Creation 43. The Prime Creator 44. Trinity 45. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X: Consciousness eation_Part_X_Consciousness 46. Consciousness 47. Consciousness – Revisited: From 3-D Brain-Based Theories to understanding the TRUTH of Non-Local Aspect of Cosmic Consciousness rain_Based_Theories_to_understanding_the_TRUTH_of_Non_Local_Aspect_of_C osmic_Consciousness 48. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part I: Light of Consciousness eation_Part_I_Light_of_Consciousness 49. You Create Your Own Reality 50. Our Inner Cosmos: A Reader’s Digest of exactly what and who we are of_Exactly_What_and_Who_we_are 51. Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part III: The Inner Cosmos (Aura, Chakras, Nadis), Eden magazine, February 2017 52. Foundation of Spiritual Science 53. Fear: Mankind’s Worst Enemy 54. Ego 55. We are ALL Connected: The Principle of Local and Non-local Entanglement 56.Karma 57. The True Meaning and Purpose of Karma arma 58. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, A Course in Multidimensionality, Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Press, 2012. 59. A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part V: Multidimensionality the_Phenomenon_of_Holographic_Universe_Part_V_Multidimensionality 60. Multidimensional Vibration 61. On the Intricacies of the Physical and Astral Bodies 62. A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XIV: The Sub-planes of the Fourth Dimension eation_Part_XIV_the_Sub_planes_of_the_4_th_Dimension 63. Physical Death and Afterlife: the Astral Plane, Summerland [Purgatory], and the Onset of Reincarnation or Ascension 64. On the Genetic Structure of Earth Humans: The Fable of “Junk Genes” 65. Polarization versus Integration 66. Unconditional Love 67. Narcissistic-Psychopathic Tyrants in Service to Self Only, Part I of: Leadership or Chaos Effectuated by Avaricious Desire for Tyrannous Manipulation and Control? Service_to_Self_Only_Part_I_of_Leadership_or_Chaos_Effectuated_by_Avaricious _Desire_for_Tyrannous_Manipulation_and_Control_Modern_new_Psychology_1 01_Series 68. 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Reptilian Negative Aliens’ Interest in India and India and India’s Rise as a Superpower India_and_Indias_Rise_as_a_Superpower 83. The Mother Portal Aqua Portal and Negative Aliens 84. On the True Meaning of Evil and the Distinction between Good and Evil _Distinction_between_Good_and_Evil 85. Transcript of a Conversation with a Soul-Seeking Member of our Soul Family Regarding Channeling Good and Evil