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A risk based core

In partition function form games the value of a coalition depends on the entire partition. As a result, a deviating coalition can only form expectations regarding its post-deviation payoff as the latter is a function of the induced residual partition. Existing literature approached the problem from the side of conservativism, assuming the worst often completely ignoring the interests of the residual players. We borrow the idea of risk from the finance literature and compare the risk of staying with the original partition with the risk of deviating. Employing this idea to the core leads to a new concept that we call the risk-based core. We introduce this concept and discuss its properties.

A risk-based core László Á. Kóczy MTA-KRTK & Óbuda University 12th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 1 / 14 The theory of the (coalition structure) core is well developed for characteristic function form games. In partition function form games the value of a coalition depends on the entire partition,. Core generalisations are bad or “ugly”: difficult to compute Here we take a risk and probability-based approach This approach generalises earlier approaches. L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 2 / 14 Partition function form games Characteristic function form game A pair (N, v ): a set N of players a characteristic function c : 2N → R Partition function form game A pair (N, v ): a set N of players a partition function c : E → R, where ◮  E = (S, P)|S ∈ 2N , P ∈ Π, S ∈ P the set of embedded coalitions Partition function form games can model the externalities of coalition formation. L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 3 / 14 Core Many core generalisations exist: The difference is in estimating the value of a deviating coalition. α-core: worst case (Aumann and Peleg, 1960; Rosenthal, 1971; Richter, 1974) γ-core: individually best responses (Chander and Tulkens, 1997) δ-core: joint response (Hart and Kurz, 1983) r-core, recursive core: response and residual partition is endogenously determined (Huang and Sjöström, 2003; Kóczy, 2007) probabilistic approach with payoff-dependent probabilities (Lekeas and Stamatopoulos, 2011) The r-core and recursive core are difficult to calculate, others ignore residual incentives. L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 4 / 14 Motivation from finance The expectations have two sides: How residual players react determines the probabilities of residual partitions The (usual) risk-aversion of deviating players: (usually) focus more on bad outcomes Finance view: deviation = investment of current payoff into a risky asset. The value of a risky asset is Xs in state s ∈ S What is the value of the risky asset? ⇒ Risk measures. Risk measure ρ : X → R how much cash must be added to make asset with realisation vector acceptable. (When negative: how much cash can be traded for asset.) L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 5 / 14 Quantiles and risk measures Quantiles qp : [0, 1] → R how much maximal payoff in worst p ∈ [0, 1] cases. monotone increasing right continuous Spectral risk measure (Acerbi, 2002) The measure Mφ : X → R defined by Mφ (x) = − Z 1 0 φ(p)qp dp is spectral if φ ∈ RS is 1 2 3 Nonnegative: φ(p) ≥ 0 for all p ∈ [0, 1], R1 Normalized: 0 φ(p)dp = 1, Monotone : φ is non-increasing, i.e. φp1 ≥ φp2 if 0 ≤ p1 < p2 ≤ 1. L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 6 / 14 Risk-based core Consider a partition function form game (N, V ) and a common spectral weight function φ. Simple risk-based (or φ-) core C payoff configurations (x, P) such that Pφ (N, V ) collects φ (C) for all C ⊆ N. x ≥ −M i∈C i L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 7 / 14 The risk-based core generalises old approaches I The α-core: Cα (N, V ) = limε→0 Cφε (N, V ) where p > 0 and ( 1 if 0 ≤ p ≤ ε φε (p) = ε 0 otherwise The optimistic core: Cω (N, V ) = limε→0 Cφε (N, V ) where p > 0 and ( 0 if 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 − ε φε (p) = 1 otherwise ε The γ-core: Cγ (N, V ) = C1 (N, V ) with φ(x) = 1 and n o ( 1 if P = {i} |i ∈ C pC (P) = 0 otherwise. L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 8 / 14 The risk-based core generalises old approaches II The cohesion-core: Cc (N, V ) = C1 (N, V ) with φ(x) = 1 and n o ( C 1 if P = pC (P) = 0 otherwise. Payoff proportional weights: Cpp (N, V ) = C1 (N, V ) with pC (P) = P V (C, {C} ∪ P) , Q∈Π(C) V (C, {C} ∪ Q) The pessimistic simple recursive core: RCα (N, V ) = limε→0 Cφε (N, V ) where ( 1 if RCα (C, V {C} ) 6= ∅ and ∃x : (x, P) ∈ RCα (C, V {C} ) pC (P) = c 0 otherwise, L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 9 / 14 The risk-based core generalises old approaches III c is the number of partitions P such that ∃x : (x, P)α ∈ RC(C, V {C} ) and ( 0 if 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 − ε φε (p) = 1 otherwise ε The optimistic simple recursive core: RCω (N, V ) = limε→0 Cφε (N, V ) where ( 1 if RCω (C, V {C} ) 6= ∅ and ∃x : (x, P) ∈ RCω (C, V {C} ) C p (P) = c 0 otherwise, c is the number of partitions P such that ∃x : (x, P) ∈ RCω (C, V {C} ) and ( 1 if 0 ≤ p ≤ ε φε (p) = ε 0 otherwise L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 10 / 14 Inclusion results Theorem 1 Consider a partition function form game (N, V ) a distribution p of the residual coalitions and two spectral functions φ and ψ such that φ(p) first order stochastically dominates ψ(p), then Cφ (N, V ) ⊇ Cψ (N, V ). Expanding the quantile functions state-by-state proves result. The theorem implies many of the usual inclusions between optimistic/pessimistic cores. Theorem 2 Consider a partition function form game (N, V ) a spectral function φ. Let also q1 and q2 denote two quantile functions such that q1 (p) ≥ q2 (p). Then Cq1 (N, V ) ⊆ Cq2 (N, V ). Unfortunately the condition does not hold in the ‘missing’ inclusion relations. L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 11 / 14 Inclusion results Theorem 1 Consider a partition function form game (N, V ) a distribution p of the residual coalitions and two spectral functions φ and ψ such that φ(p) first order stochastically dominates ψ(p), then Cφ (N, V ) ⊇ Cψ (N, V ). Expanding the quantile functions state-by-state proves result. The theorem implies many of the usual inclusions between optimistic/pessimistic cores. Theorem 2 Consider a partition function form game (N, V ) a spectral function φ. Let also q1 and q2 denote two quantile functions such that q1 (p) ≥ q2 (p). Then Cq1 (N, V ) ⊆ Cq2 (N, V ). Unfortunately the condition does not hold in the ‘missing’ inclusion relations. L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 11 / 14 What we get for (almost) free Quantile functaions can also be used to describe fuzzyness future contingencies in multistage games probabilistic payoffs due to external factors. The probabilistic approach allows us to model Cooperative fuzzy games (Aubin, 1981) Games with uncertainty and externalities (Habis and Csercsik, 2012) Network games with uncertainty and externalities (Csercsik and Kóczy, 2012) L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 12 / 14 Conclusions The risk based core can handle residual incentives and the deviators’ risk aversion (Spectral) risk measures are a very general means to deal with risk aversion The risk based core generalises known core generalisations to PFF games Many of the usual inclusion properties are generalised others turn out to be very special cases. Future work Applications with uncertainty ◮ ◮ ◮ Time dimensions Physical risks (e.g. power networks) Financial risks Implementation L. Á. Kóczy (KRTK & Óbuda) 12th SSCW Meeting 13 / 14 References Acerbi, C., 2002, Spectral measures of risk: A coherent representation of subjective risk aversion, Journal of Banking & Finance 26, 1505–1518. 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