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Relationship between Spirituality & Performance in Organization

The main aim of this research paper is to look in-depth the spirituality at workplace in the organization and the way spirituality enhances the mentality of employees and the effectiveness of the organization. How spirituality acts as a essential tool for the performance of any organization. The several talks have been present in the knowledgebase that spirituality supports for the welfare of the workers in the organization and the living standard for the same simultaneously the spirituality helps to offer a meaningful expectancy in the organization, a logic of onus in context to the organization. Spirituality also let the people in organization to get a mentality of being associated in a very organized manner towards the goal achieving strategy of the organization. This research paper would create a platform to analyze the maximum lucrativeness of the organization in the presence of spiritual acts for the employees.

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930 Relationship between Spirituality & Performance in Organization Sharma R#1, Bansal K*2, Jain M*3 #1Assistant Professor GLA University Mathura, *2Assistant Professor GLA University Mathura *3Assistant Professor GLA University Mathura Abstract: The main aim of this research paper is to look in-depth the spirituality at workplace in the organization and the way spirituality enhances the mentality of employees and the effectiveness of the organization. How spirituality acts as a essential tool for the performance of any organization. The several talks have been present in the knowledgebase that spirituality supports for the welfare of the workers in the organization and the living standard for the same simultaneously the spirituality helps to offer a meaningful expectancy in the organization, a logic of onus in context to the organization. Spirituality also let the people in organization to get a mentality of being associated in a very organized manner towards the goal achieving strategy of the organization. This research paper would create a platform to analyze the maximum lucrativeness of the organization in the presence of spiritual acts for the employees. Keywords: Spirituality, Employees, Performance, Benefits INTRODUCTION WHAT SPIRITUALITY TALKS AT WORKPLACE? Several work has been conducted yet but still the proper concept of spirituality has not come into picture there is no extensively established concept about spirituality (2005, Markow and Klenke). Indeed so many routes are there available to define the concept of spirituality at working environment. Spirituality is something which is somewhere related to the intrinsic property of an individual which is fully based on the personal experience along with the expose which the person has been exposed to. Spirituality of workplace does not mean management practices in a well developed hierarchy and in a very organized way or going through the basic concepts of religious books and literatures only by words rather spirituality at working place is all about the capability to gauge the place where workers are working in a population. Hence the firm which has an intension to apply the spirituality in the organization then they sense that the existing workers have well developed mind along with the sacred heart other way it can be stated as a soul/spirit which makes the demand for being associated to the people, there should be a type of expectancy in the organization regarding there well being and a good sense of working culture and the freedom of association rather than the conspiracy which is very often present in any organization based on caste culture and religion. REASONS OF SPIRITUALITY IN TODAY’S ORGANIZATIONS? In past there was not any space of religious mentality (Spirituality), in managing the people in any organization the employees were not being treated on the basis of their self esteem and their emotions . The employees were being treated merely a paid machine sans getting inside their own feeling and willingness to have something at work place but gradually we came to know that understanding of religion or spirituality which arm-twist to study about the intrinsic zeal of employees says it is a superior way to get an idea about the behaving pattern of workers in their Volume XII, Issue III, 2020 Page No: 21 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930 respective workplace. Spirituality in the organization involves the sense of being altogether no discrimination on any issues great value offering for others (2000, Gibbons), spirituality has also been stated as a type of experience of an individual along with the experience of the organization (2000. Duchon and Ashmos), spirituality in the organization has been discussed as a blueprint of the values of the firm which can be more profitable for the workers by the organizational procedure of working which offers a feeling of association to others among the employees in the organization, feeling of lighter moment of their life within the organizational premises (2003. Jurkiewicz and Giacalone). Promoting spirituality enhances the performance of the organization along with its profitability (1999. Hanson and Kriger). The company which lacks in spirituality in twenty first century is the best place for stress among the employees, the act of conspiracy making strategy, irregularity among the employees of the organization, very often they create a scene of conflict based on any easy issues for their self interest (2000. Neal). HOW SPIRITUALITY LEADS TO ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE Application of spirituality in any company and creating the lucrative environment in the organization is a very awkward question to be answered (2005) Wharff and Higgins. Spirituality does not mean placing the pictures of divine at work place and keep on saying to have the look of the same, organizational performance is enhanced on the basis of three predictive models based on the organizational performance due to the presence of spirituality in the organization. PREDICTIVE MODEL OF ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE AND SPIRITUALITY Fig 1: Spirituality in Organization Understanding the Workers and their Welfare Reduction in Nepotism Industrial Democracy Growth in Production and Performance 1. Understanding the Workers and their Welfare This includes the good sense of employers to gauge the welfare of the workers whether it is related to their motivation, morality, positive approach, expectancy of their life always striving to bring the reduction in the stress level of the employees in the organization can be the another name of spirituality in the organization. Volume XII, Issue III, 2020 Page No: 22 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930 At working places employees pay out maximum time of their lives, build up an associative environment which seems friendly in nature, form worth, and construct important assistance to humanity (1996. Fairholm). (1994) Conger, for employees their work place has taken the place of their family place where they share their feelings and emotions. Spirituality declines among the employees whenever they feel that they are persuaded to perform the task in the organization that particular working situation is denoted by a term called as (Workaholics), which means working under an intentional situation. (1997) Cooper and Cartwright brings into light that Workaholics at the work stations causes the high malingering intensions among the employees, worse output, and amplified fitness reimbursement claim. 2. Reduction in Nepotism Loyalty and self gratification among employees in any organization leads to increased performance of any company but in a few organizations the employers and the co- workers in a few situation tries to generate a sense of favoring there near ones based on their self interest. Establishing a type of positive faith equally on each employee as per the requirement of the time in organization causes the creativity along with the productivity of the organization. (Bolman and Deal, 1995, Cavanagh, 1999; Harman, 1992) maximum number of employees in organization feels themselves alone at their respective workstation. Though the person who is not capable of doing any task in the organization but the person is in contact to the upper management of the organization they are always covered by them the mistakes committed by these type of people is ignored hence these activities of nepotism creates a sense of insecurity, irritation, de-motivation among the other employees those who work actually for the emancipation of the organization rather than making any conspiracy. 3. Industrial Democracy Industrial democracy is also termed as the participative management in any organization which means the system is open for all the existing employees of the organization where they have the capability of “Put to Say”. In organization workers are supposed to have an environment where they can feel that they are the family member of the organization, they must have the sense of association to all the aspect of the organization as and when time accrues in organization. Most of the organization in 21st century is lacking in industrial democracy which hampers the emancipation of the organization at large extends. When the managers of the organization apply the industrial democracy it shows the importance of understanding the human intellects and seeks a steadfast attachment to their employees in the organization where the ideas, emotions, experiences , knowledge are shared up to some extends and the employee feel that they have been paid a positive platform in the organization which makes an intension of being self motivated and ultimately causes increase in the productivity and the decrease in the organizational conflicts too. Industrial democracy shows that in organization the employees are being treated equally no discrimination is conducted it also shows that the concept of nepotism does not have any place in the organization which again creates a positive working environment and makes the employees committed to the organization. Presence of Spirituality in organization shows the workers logic of the people and their association. The spirituality results in trust and association to the organization and its system (2005. Plowman and Duchon). Volume XII, Issue III, 2020 Page No: 23 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930 CONCLUSION Though organizations are not capable to have the orientation towards spirituality directly but other way managers are supposed to lodge and support spiritual requirements from the workers stated by Gray and Cash (2000). It is mandatory for the managers in the organization to understand the feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes of their employees. Managers should understand that importance of designation and money varies from person to person a few may need special attention, unique identity, self recognition, personal attention rather than incentives and higher designation hence spirituality in any organization says that it is obligatory to get in the shoes of employees to provide their own place to respect their self beliefs because they are from diverse area of spirituality. The perception of organization towards the spirituality must align with the perception of employees spirituality in the organization for the betterment of the organization. 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