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The Influence Of Spirituality In The Work Environment, Social And Organizational Culture On The Employees Of A Company Annisa Deviyania, Setyo Riyantob a Economics and Business Facultcy Student, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia b Associate Professor Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia Abstract: One very important factor for a company is its human resources, because of its contribution as a cog in realizing the company's goals. In the business world, there must be fierce competition, so that companies can not only increase their human resources, which is focused on developing the quantity and quality of work, but also increases spirituality within the company. Research from Petchsawanga & Duchon (2012) has shown that by paying attention to the spiritual side of employees, organizations help reduce stress, increase creativity, and improve problem solving (Tischler et al. 2002). Hewlett-Packard builds spirituality at work through a corporate philosophy that emphasizes the values of trust and mutual respect, which in turn are believed to contribute to cooperation and sharing a sense of purpose (Burack 1999). Keywords: Spirituality, Social, Organizational Culture INTRODUCTION Human resources is one important factor for the success of the company. HR is a human who has feelings, thoughts, self-esteem, desires, and behaviors that are very difficult to generalize in general (Kadarisman, 2013: 229). According to (Bakti and Setyo, 2020) Human Resource are one important component that cannot be separated from an organization or company. Ability, effort, and organizational support are needed to improve employee performance. To create high resources, it is necessary to increase optimal work and be able to utilize human resources. The workplace is now a place where humans spend most of their time 1 away. Employees often move alienation between individuals and move at work (Yogatama and Widyarini, 2015). Fry, Latham, Clinebell and Krahnke (2016) revealed that companies cannot develop within stressful work norms and demand that their employees work continuously for the benefit of the company. The existence of a company that often violates the rights and needs of employees. Companies need work norms with spirituality to encourage improvement in the work attitude of their employees (Fry et al. 2015). Spirituality in the workplace is needed because it can have an impact on individuals, the environment, and organizations (Ke, Zhang, Yan, and Fu, 2017). Interest in spirituality has experienced rapid growth since the last decade (Fry, 2007; Widyarini, 2008; Guillen, Ferrero and Hoffman, 2015; Ke et al., 2017). Understanding spirituality at work is to realize that humans are beings who have souls and can be influenced by their work (Ashmos and Duchon, 2000). There are many factors that cause spirituality to be an interesting topic to study. Spiritual values in the workplace are increasingly discussed and applied in the business ethics literature which can be seen from the perspective of individuals, organizations, or interactively (Milliman, Czaplewski and Ferguson, 2003). Karakas (2010) suggested that workplace spirituality has an important role in three points of view. First, the perspective of human resource management. Human resource management views that spirituality can improve the welfare and quality of life of employees. In this perspective, spirituality can increase morality, productivity, and commitment to the organization. Conversely, the absence of spirituality in the workplace can make employees become stressed, low attendance, and physical and mental fatigue so that commitment to work is reduced. The second point of view is the philosophical point of view. Philosophically, spirituality will give employees the deepest feelings about goals and meaning in work. Employees are no longer oriented to money or materials in work, so creativity will increase when employees find meaning from the work itself. Finally, the perspective of personal relationships. Spirituality gives employees a sense of attachment to the work environment community, loyalty, and a sense of ownership of the o Several studies in recent years appears relatively new in Human Resources Management areas that focuses on spiritual values at work or often referred as workplace spirituality. Workplace spirituality include the personal level (meaningful work), the level of community (feeling of being connected with the community/sense of community), and the level 2 of organization (enforcement and maintenance of personal value and compliance with organizational values/ alignment of values). The study of workplace spirituality inspired by the idea of the importance of the meaning of life in the working world. According to (Setyo, Supriyanto , Hapzi Ali 2017) Other factors that influence the level of employee engagement in the organization is organizational culture. Organizational culture in the company is divided into two concepts from the standpoint of the company's employees. The concept of the cultural point of view that is appropriate culture and expected culture in reality. Appropriate culture is the culture of the desired expectation by employees of the company and culture that is not as expected is a culture that is not desired by the employees of the company. The concept of organizational culture can influence employee engagement.rganization. LITERATURE REVIEW Spirituality According to Aman (2013: 20), Spiritual in a broad sense is something related to spirit, something spiritual has eternal truth that is related to the purpose of human life, often compared to something that is worldly, and temporarily, in which there may be a belief in power supernatural as in religion, but has an emphasis on personal experience. Therefore, Workplace Spirituality is not organizing religious events. Nor is it an organization that has religious products. However, Workplace Spirituality is more about the introduction of 'inner life' which further strengthens confidence in the world of work and society. Lots of employees are looking for meaning in life, life purpose and a sense of connectedness between their work and the world of work. Workplace spirituality is a concept that addresses aspects of spirituality in relation to the work environment. Robbins (2008: 282) delivered by (Winarto and Mustika Widowati) explains that: "Spirituality at work realizes that humans have an inner life that grows and is cultivated by meaningful work that takes place in a community context. Organizations that support spiritual culture recognize that people have minds and souls, seek to find meaning and purpose in their work, and a desire to connect with others, and become part of a community. Milliman et al 3 (2003) divide the workplace spirituality dimension into three parts. Each represents three levels of workplace spirituality, namely the individual level, group level, and organizational level. Social According to Lena Dominelli, Social is an incomplete part of a human relationship that requires an announcement of things that are fragile in them. Social work spirituality refers to the group level of human behavior and focuses on interaction between workers and coworkers. Social work spirituality consists of the mental, emotional, and spiritual relationships of workers in a team or group within an organization. The point is that there are deep relationships between people, including support, freedom of expression and protection. Organizational Culture Cultivating the values of spirituality in the company essentially builds corporate culture or even changes culture. Therefore, basic steps of change are often needed. A strong, relevant and professional company culture is needed so that the behavior of its members is directed to a way to achieve the company's goals which will ultimately improve company performance, therefore the corporate culture that is no longer relevant to the demands of change needs to be changed. However, changing cultures is not a simple matter. Employees with various characteristics of values that are inherent in each of them will not easily accept new values that are incompatible or in line with what is already believed and become a habit. The role of the leader in the process of instilling spiritual values is very important. The patronage aspect is still quite instrumental in the process of planting new values. Agustian (2005) said that there are five levels of leaders namely beloved leaders, trusted leaders, mentors, leaders with personality and eternal leaders. The leader at the fifth level is what is needed to do share value. The fifth level leader is a leader who can lead with his conscience and followed by the conscience of his followers, he is not just a human leader but a leader of all human hearts. Silverweig and Allen (1976) in Budihardjo (2004) state that there are four stages of a normative system model for changing corporate culture, namely: first, identifying company culture to find out the existing normative gaps; second, experiencing the desired culture (experiencing the desired culture) through the system, recognition and involvement; third, 4 modifying existing culture (modifying existing culture); fourth, maintaining and socializing the desired culture, evaluating and improving what is needed. The expected outcome of this process of cultural change is that people (employees) have a high level of spirituality, ie those with a positive motivation scale (Zohar and Marshall, 2005). 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