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National Conference on Cost Effective Civil Engineering Practices for Rural and Urban Infrastructural Development In association with International Journal of Scientific Research in Civil Engineering © 2021 IJSRCE | Volume 7 | Issue 1 | ISSN : 2456-6667 Experimental Study on Utilization of Recycled HDPE Aggregate as A Partial Replacement for Coarse Aggregate in Conventional Concrete Ashwin M Joshi*, Ajay N, Pruthvi Sagar D S Infrastructure Construction and Management, RASTA-Center for Road Technology, VTU, Bangalore, Karnataka, India ABSTRACT Reuse and recycled plastic materials in concrete mix as an environmentally friendly construction material has drawn attention of researchers in recent times, and a large number of studies reporting the behavior of concrete containing waste and recycled plastic materials have been published. In present study trash bags plastics are used as polymer wastes HDPE for preparation of Recycled Plastic Aggregates (RPA). The ambition of this work is to study the properties and behaviour of RPA in the concrete as a replacement to Natural Coarse Aggregate (NCA). The RPA are produced under a controlled temperature 160°C to 190°C and crushed to 20 mm downsize aggregates. Develop the M25 grade concrete as per IS 102622019. Then partially replace the NCA by RPA by its weight (0,15%,20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, & 40%). The wide range parametric study was carried out to find the effects of RPA on the workability and strength of the concrete. The results shows that up to 15% of RPA is suitable for structural concrete and remaining is best for non-structural usage. Keywords: IS 10262-2019, Plastic material, Recycled Plastic Aggregates. I. INTRODUCTION application [1]. The natural aggregates can be replaced with the recycled plastic aggregates. It is Managing of discarded plastic is very puzzling for important to emphasize the cost, re-using of discarded municipalities to handle because the waste plastic is plastic or waste should be economical. not efficiently decomposable even after long-period The major constituents in Municipal solid waste of landfill action. Finding a new way to dispose of the (MSW) is plastic, it is non-biodegradable and cause a plastic in concrete would enhance the understanding severe difficult in landfill. Around 3% to 7% of plastic on how to incorporate the plastic in greater content in MSW (July 16, 2012, DHNS). At the engineering usage [1]. disposal zones landfill includes the buried plastic with Recycled plastic considered as a new material which other materials, it leads to ground water pollution due can be adopted in the production of concrete. This to seepage in landfill spread in large area of land, leads to solve the disposal problem of large quantity of sometimes risks factor is also more due to emission of recycled plastic. The best feasible option considered hazardous gas and explosion (July 16, 2012, DHNS). in the concrete industry is re-use of plastic Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited 08 © 2021 IJSRCE | Online ISSN : 2456-6667 | Published : 09/01/2021 | Page No : 08-14 Around 700 tons of the city’s waste (July 16, 2012, subjected to compressive, flexural and ductility tests. DHNS) is disposed of on a regular basis at the Mandur The results indicate HDPE fibres exhibits more almost garbage dump yard, The Palike is diverting the same compressive strength than the plain concrete, garbage to Mandur and Terrafirma on Doddaballapur but greater improvement in tensile strength and Road, (July 16, 2012, DHNS). flexural strength. The waste materials were collected by the Municipal Herki et al., [3] conducted an experiment on concrete solid waste (MSW) department, or by the approved with partial replacement of SPS as fine aggregate and body. The MSW were collected from residential, fly ash as cement. The density of the mix decreased institutional, industrial, and commercial sources. due to the increase in the replacement of SPS MSW contains plastic carry bag, milk bag, bottles, food packaging, clothing, office papers and plastics aggregates. The 28-days compressive strength was found to be 16 MPa for control mix and it was film etc. reduced to 8 MPa for 60% SPS with 20% fly ash. Also, The different types of plastics in MSW are PET, 28-days, the control mix resulted in 4 km/s of pulse HDPE, LDPE, PP, PS etc. The main consumers of velocity and 60% SPS with 20% FA pulse velocity plastic are packing industries, building construction, reduced to 3.2 km/s. It was concluded that proper industries, electrical and electronic, automotive, agriculture and other uses. The Table I provides some manufacture of SPS aggregate and suitable mix design may result in production of light weight concrete. detail about percentage of plastic in MSW. Lei Gu et al., [4], conducted a review on use of TABLE I. DETAILS OF PERCENTAGE OF PLASTIC IN MSW Percentage of plastic in MSW recycled plastic aggregate (PA) and plastic fibres (PF) in concrete. Praveen Mathew et al., [5] conducted a study on (Zoorob and Suparma, 2000) Partial replacement of Recycled plastic as coarse aggregate in the concrete. The study done on M-20 LDPE 23% grade of concrete by varying percentage of plastic HDPE 17.3% coarse aggregate (PCA) by replacing to the natural PP 18.5% coarse aggregate (NCA). PS 12.3% PVC 10.7% Youcef Ghernouti et al.,[6] conducted a study on recycled plastic material replaced the fine aggregate PET 8.5% in the ratio of 10, 20, 30 & 40 % of sand in the other 9.7% concrete construction. It was observed that the apparent density, specific gravity, fineness modulus Plastic exhibits many good features and are, was 1.45 g/cc, 2.56, and 2.5 for sand: 0.53 g/cc, 0.87, versatility, hardness, lightness, and good chemical resistance. For the concrete production these are the and 4.7 for the recycled waste. Batayneh et al., [7] investigated on use of waste suitable qualities. And plastic is not a biodegradable material in concrete mixes. He studied the effect hence its thought that plastic can exploited as inert partial replacement of plastic aggregates to the fine material in the cement matrix. Plastic can also be used aggregates of ground plastic of concrete in different for a partial replacement to natural coarse aggregate. proportion of 0%, 5%, 10, and 20% by keeping Publish literature shows the usage of HDPE fibers in concrete [2]. They conducted a study on usage of cement content as 446 kg/m3, water content as 252 l/m3, and coarse aggregate as 961 kg/m3. Keeping HDPE fibres of dia 0.25 mm and 0.40 mm with 0.40%, constant w/c ratio as 0.56. 0.75% and 1.25% by volume with concrete were Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February-2021 | 9 © 2021 IJSRCE | Online ISSN : 2456-6667 | Published : 09/01/2021 | Page No : 08-14 Zainab Z Ismail et al., [8] conducted a study on base concrete with partial replacement of sand by plastic Specific gravity = 1.08. wastes in the ratio of 0, 10, 15 and 20% respectively. 5 Recycled MSA = 20 mm Many researchers investigated on recycling of plastic; plastic Specific gravity = 0.90 some are concentrated in the behaviour of concrete aggregates Water containing recycled plastic as aggregate in the concrete industry. absorption = 0.05% 6 Water Potable Drinking water In present study replace the natural coarse aggregate confirming to IS: 456- by recycled plastic aggregate (RPA) by 0%, 15%, 20%, 2000. 25%, 30%, 35% and 40% by weight. II. EXPERIMENTAL WORK A. Materials The material properties are tabulated in Table II. The Collection of plastic Fig 1 shows the methodology of production of the recycled plastic aggregate and made them readily usable to produce concrete. The processed RPA were sieves through 20 mm sieve and 10mm downsize were used. Segregation of plastic TABLE III. MATERIAL PROPERTIES Sl. Materials Properties Cement Ordinary No. 1 Portland Cement of 53 grade conforming to IS Plastic Extruder machine 12269-2013. Specific gravity = 3.15. Specific surface = 285 m2/kg. 2 Fine aggregate Manufactured Sand confirming to Zone-II. (IS 383-2016) Plastic shredding machine Specific gravity = 2.65. Water absorption = 2.0%. 3 4 Coarse MSA = 20mm aggregate Specific gravity = 2.76. Water absorption = 1.25%. Plastic aggregate Superplasticizer Poly carboxylic ether FIGURE 1. PROCESS OF RECYCLED PLASTIC AGGREGATES (RPA) Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February-2021 | 10 © 2021 IJSRCE | Online ISSN : 2456-6667 | Published : 09/01/2021 | Page No : 08-14 B. Methodology III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION M 25 grade of concrete mix was developed as per IS A. Workability of Concrete 10262-2019. The primary objective being replace the natural coarse aggregate by recycled plastic aggregate The workability of concrete determines by standard (RPA) by 0%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40% by slump test method. The obtained slump values are weight. Details of mix proportion for various presented in Table IV. combinations of concrete are given in the Table III. Table IV. SLUMP VALUES OF CONCRETE MIXES Many trial mixes were carried out to get a medium Mix w/c Slump (mm) workability of 50 to 75 mm using the superplasticizer M1 0.44 85 (SP). The developed concrete mixes were tested for workability by slump test method as per IS-1199-1959. M2 0.44 65 M3 0.44 60 The curing of the specimen is done by immersion in M4 0.44 55 water and tested. The cube (150mm) and cylinder M5 0.44 50 (150 x 300mm) compressive strength of concrete M6 0.44 40 mixes tested at 7, 28 and 56 days as per IS: 516-1959. M7 0.44 30 Then also specimens are tested for flexural strength (100 x 100 x 500mm) and split tensile strength test and determine the modulus of elasticity as per Indian Standards. TABLE III. DETAILS OF MIX PROPORTIONS (BY MASS) Mi Ce fa Ca x RPA Wat SP w/ (kg/m3) er (%) c (l/m3 FIGURE 2: SLUMP VALUES VERSUS W/C RATIO ) M 335 749 1 M 335 749 335 749 73 8 (15%) 995 98 335 749 933 335 749 870 749 808 6 M 7 148 122 146 171 148 749 746 195 (40%) 0.4 148 0.4 0.40 4 148 0.4 0.40 4 148 Fig 2 show that as percentage of replacement of RPA increases slump values decreases. This is due to frictional force between the aggregate and paste. As an RPA content increases, the inter-particle friction between aggregate and paste is increases it tend to slump value decreases. 0.4 0.40 4 (35%) 335 0.4 0.40 4 (30%) 335 0.4 0.40 4 (25%) 5 M 148 (20%) 4 M 148 0.40 4 105 3 M 0 (0%) 5 2 M 124 0.4 0.40 4 Note: Ce-cement in kg/m3; fa-fine aggregate in kg/m3; Ca- coarse aggregate in kg/m3 B. Compressive Strength of Concrete The compressive strength for different proportion percent of plastic added concrete and conventional concrete were testes at end of curing periods as 7, 28 and 56 days, in a compressive testing machine. The test was conducted as per IS:516–1959. The compressive strength of concrete is found by testing both cube specimen (150 x 150 mm) and cylinder Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February-2021 | 11 © 2021 IJSRCE | Online ISSN : 2456-6667 | Published : 09/01/2021 | Page No : 08-14 specimen (150 x 300mm). The values are tabulated in 56 days. As percentage of RPA in the concrete mix Table V. increases the strength factor also reduces. The results Table V. AVERAGE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF were determined by testing nearly 100 specimens at CONCRETE the age of 7, 28, and 56 days. Fig 3(b) shows bar chart Mix w/c Average Compressive strength diagram of compressive strength of cylinder comparison for 7, 28, and 56 days. This also shows (MPa) Cube that as decrease in compressive strength with Cylinder 7 28 56 7 28 56 increases in of percentage of RPA. M1 0.44 16 35 39 13 29 31 M2 0.44 15 26 28 11 21 22 C. Split Tensile Strength of Concrete M3 0.44 10 20 21 8 15 16 The test was conducted as per IS:5816–1999. The M4 0.44 9 14 17 7 14 15 results of the test are presented in Table VI. M5 0.44 8 13 14 6 12 13 Table VI. AVERAGE SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH OF M6 0.44 7 12 13 5 10 11 CONCRETE M7 0.44 5 9 11 4 7 10 Mix w/c Split tensile strength (MPa) 7 days 28 days 56 days M1 0.44 16 35 39 M2 0.44 15 26 28 M3 0.44 10 20 21 M4 0.44 9 14 17 M5 0.44 8 13 14 M6 0.44 7 12 13 M7 0.44 5 9 11 (a) Cube compressive strength in MPa (b) Cylinder compressive strength in MPa. FIG 3. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE AT 7,28 AND 56 DAYS FIGURE 4: SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE AT 7,28 AND 56 DAYS Fig 3 (a) shows comparison bar diagram for cube compressive strength on vertical axis of the 7, 28, and Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February-2021 | 12 © 2021 IJSRCE | Online ISSN : 2456-6667 | Published : 09/01/2021 | Page No : 08-14 D. Flexural Strength of Concrete IV. CONCLUSIONS Specimens of size 100 x 100 x 500mm were tested under two points loading in accordance with IS 516 - Based on observations from experiments, following 1959. The results of the test are shown in Fig 5. conclusions can be made. The concrete containing RPA exhibits lower slump value than the normal conventional concrete. The higher the dosage of RPA in the concrete results less workable that is stiff and difficult to handle. This happened due to the rough texture and water absorption of the aggregate. The concrete consists of RPA lower will be the density than the conventional concrete. The density is indirectly related to the percentage of dosing of RPA in concrete. Higher the substitution of RPA gives lower will be the density. The compressive strength is FIGURE 5: FLEXURAL STRENGTH OF CONCRETE AT 28 also varying with the RPA substitution. AND 56 DAYS V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT E. Stress and Strain Behavior of Concrete In the present work, the stress strain behavior of the concrete was carried out to study the behavior of conventional and RPA added concrete under compression at 28 days. 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