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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-03, Issue 04, May 2017 Wiring System in Solar Plant 1 1,2,3,4 Vijay Sonawane, 2Nilesh Kapure, 3Yogesh Gawai, 4Paresh Bhole UG, Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon-425002, Maharashtra, India. 1 Abstract- Solar panels the vital element of this SBCS makes use of exhausted energy. Compared to all other energy solar energy is abundant and free that can be used to charge batteries used for any module or electrical kits which are obvious for daily usage. The Smart Charge Controller will be designed such, so that the solar battery does not get over charged thereby ensuring no reduction of durability of the battery. This kind of system requires sensors to sense whether the battery is fully charged or not. After fully charged, detection safety can be achieved by designing a logic system in the charger, which will automatically disconnect or cut power to the battery when it is fully charged. When the solar batteries come into account, they get charged in a very short time period considering of the sunlight hours per day. The variability and non dispatch ability of today’s PV systems affect the stability of the utility grid and the economics of the PV and energy distribution systems. Integration issues need to be addressed from the distributed PV system side and from the utility side. Keywords- Grid connection, Equipments, Special consideration, Safety.  I. INTRODUCTION which no of unit minimize in using electrical energy This report is based on the wiring connection of PV Solar system in commercial buildings and residents. We will help to selecting considerations and planning to decide and design the solar plant fir subcontractor. It will help designer Providing boosting energy to grid system due to   from any state electrical board. Using a clean, reliable, priceless power 20-25 year. Helping to creating a jobs and business in solar system. to take some strict decision while design of Solar plant. The solar plant design presented to reviewing the various types Most solar systems will be provided by Indian government of electrical installations methods, including types of PV with concession, tax free, credits which give better choice models, inverters, charge controllers, lightning protection, to selecting solar system to the consumer. That means Grounding, power storage, battery sizing, backup system, consumer can enjoy free electrical system for 20-25 years. safety while installation and cable selection for wiring If consumer installs batteries to back up solar system, then system. this system provide emergency supply system. The The project is installed in our institute i.e. 5 KVA and the Appraisal Journal says, a solar system increases your topics are distributed in all groups with particular topic. home’s value by reducing all over cost of energy uses and The wiring system in solar power systems is our topic for installation of solar system to the homes. Solar power project study process. We will discuss this topic in detail. reduces foreign countries dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels for production of electrical energy. It helps to II. LITERATURE SURVEY reduce air pollution and production of greenhouse gases. It and makes the nations more secure and helps to increase the environmental aspects recall the solar system to use in now country currency value solar power system is setup such a day. A solar power system provides energy free of cost that they produced high amount of power in any whether and reliable source of supply system in a year. The condition. You can conclude no of panels required for advantages to the consumers using solar system: production of electricity. To obtain maximum power Day  by day rising energy Saving an electrical bill. 84 | IJREAMV03I042848 production cost generation from the system some considerations are © 2017, IJREAM All Rights Reserved International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-03, Issue 04, May 2017 required i.e. angle of PV module, shades, dust, panel specific technical expertise. Systems engineering of a solar conversion, losses in cable. In sunny climates an average 1- power system requires an intimate knowledge of all kilowatt system with optimal orientation and tilt will hardware and equipment performance and application produce between 1,400 and 1,700 kilowatt hours per year. requirements. In general, major system components such as Many consumers who install solar electric systems in their inverters, batteries, and emergency power generators, housing developments estimate that a 2.4-kilowatt system which are available from a wide number of manufacturers, will offset 40% to 50% of the electricity needs of an each have a unique performance specification specially energy-efficient home. That number may be depending on designed for specific applications. The location of a project, the amount of sunlight your home receives each year and installation space considerations, environmental settings, the energy efficiency of your home. choice of specific solar power module and application requirements, and numerous other parameters usually III. Overview Of Wiring System Of Solar dictate specific system design criteria that eventually form System the basis for the system design and material and equipment First of all by analysing the side where solar plant has to be selection. Issues specific to solar power relate to the fact installed the requirement of various components with that all installations are of the outdoor type, and as a result ratings and types. Solar system is installed by engineers and all system components, including the PV panel, support experts by using their experience and studies. structures, wiring, raceways, junction boxes, collector Some important components of grid connected solar boxes, and inverters must be selected and designed to systems with and without battery backup are: withstand harsh atmospheric conditions and must operate 1. Solar PV module Array under extreme temperatures, humidity, and wind turbulence 2. Charge controller and gust conditions. Specifically, the electrical wiring must 3. Batteries withstand, in addition to the preceding environmental 4. Inverter adversities, degradation under constant exposure to 5. Disconnects ultraviolet radiation and heat. Factors to be taken into 6. Surge protection consideration when designing solar power wiring include 7. Kilowatt hour energy meters the PV module’s short-circuit current (Isc) value, which represents the maximum module output when output leads The simple wiring connections are shown in below fig. are shorted. The short-circuit current is significantly higher than the normal or nominal operating current. Because of the reflection of solar rays from snow, a nearby body of water or sandy terrain can produce unpredicted currents much in excess of the specified nominal or Isc current. All feeder cables rated for a specific temperature should be derated by 80 percent or the capacity multiplied by 1.25. Cable ratings for 60, 75, and 90°C are listed in NEC. For derating purposes it is recommended that cables rated for 75°C capacity should use 90°C column values. Various Fig.1 Normal Solar system Wiring Connection device terminals such as terminal block over current IV. Wiring design in solar plant devices must also have the same insulation rating as the Essentially solar power installations include a hybrid of technologies consisting of basic ac and dc electric power and electronics a mix of technologies, each requiring 85 | IJREAMV03I042848 cables. In other words, if the device is in a location that is exposed to a higher temperature than the rating of the feeder cable, the cable must be further derated to match the © 2017, IJREAM All Rights Reserved International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-03, Issue 04, May 2017 terminal connection device. The following example is used guidelines. Some important safety precautions to be to illustrate these design parameter considerations. As necessary as follow: mentioned earlier, all PV array frames, collector panels,  Do not attempt to service any portion of the PV system disconnect switches, inverters, and metallic enclosures unless you understand the electrical operation and are should be connected together and grounded at a single fully qualified to do so. service grounding point. To obtain the lossless power from  Use modules for their intended purpose only. Follow all the module manufacturer’s instructions. Do not the system cable size and cable types are considered. V. Special Consideration in Wiring System While wiring installation of solar PV systems, there are at least two consideration that an electrical contractor or electrician may not have previous experience with. First, the system from the array side of the inverter must be    disassemble modules installed by the manufacturer. Do not open the diode housing and junction box placed on any factory-wired modules on back side. Do not use modules in systems that can exceed 600 V open circuit. Do not connect or disconnect a module unless the array designed for DC power generation, which needs wire sizes string is opening circuited. All the modules in the larger than for AC power at the same ratings. Second, array series string are covered with non transparent material. wiring must be in proper sized and selected to withstand particular temperatures. The current-carrying capacity of a wire must be adjusted to consideration for temperature conditions that present in solar systems. Worksheets on     Do not install in stormy and rainy season. Take care from falling any object on solar module. Do not stand or step on modules. Do not work on PV modules when they are wet. Keep wiring sizing are included in the solar system installation: in mind that wet modules when cracked or broken can Design and Installation Manual (Solar Energy International expose maintenance personnel to very high voltages. 2007).   VI. Safety during the Installation Solar systems require that engineers and electricians work on the roof. It’s the builder’s responsibility to provide the   safe practices during the installation. Improper safety equipment can result in fines to the builder while  installation of solar plant. A main problem is occurring in solar systems is that solar modules generate DC electricity  Do not attempt to remove snow or ice from modules. Do not direct artificially concentrated sunlight on modules. Do not wear jewellery when working on modules. Avoid working alone while performing field inspection or repair. Wear suitable eye protection glasses and rubber gloves while working on panel. Do not touch terminals contacts (conducting parts) when exposed to sunlight. As well, solar systems may be of while modules are exposed to light without wearing multiple electrical modules, the utility grid and batteries. electrically insulated rubber gloves. Manufacturers of modules and other electrical components  will provide safety precautions by manual of safety precaution carefully followed. While installing the modules  on the roof, at least one safety eye must be installed. Work Keep the fire extinguisher always ready, a first-aid box while performing work on a solar plant. Do not install modules where flammable gases or vapours are present. should be done under some experts and experienced person VII. Experimental Result to supervising the installation of solar plant. Power arrays, when exposed to the sun, can produce several The solar plant is installed reliably by including the hundred volts of dc power. Any contact with an exposed or analysis, experiments and safety. The output from the plant uninsulated component of the PV array can produce serious is having very less amount of power consumption, good burns and fatal electric shock. The electrical wiring design power transfer ability, metering system, monitoring system and installation methodology are subject to rigorous with Wi-Fi and various protection systems. So the plant is 86 | IJREAMV03I042848 © 2017, IJREAM All Rights Reserved International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-03, Issue 04, May 2017 able to produce low lossless power, efficient and the long [5] Photovoltaic: Design and Installation Manual, Solar Energy life chances. The wiring system provided for plant is such International that very less amount of voltage drop is present. (SEI), 2007. installationmanual. VIII. CONCLUSION [6]K. Jairaj, Energy scenario in Karnataka, power point The emergent need for electricity has led to a countrywide presentation, Energy Department, Government of Karnataka. propagation of solar energy based electricity generation [7] 1999 National Electrical Code (NEC) Article 690 and Article systems that integrate battery storage through the use of 702. Solar Home Systems (SHSs) and a large portion of the [8] IEEE Standard 929-2000, Recommended Practice for Utility country’s population is dependent on a strenuous means of Interface of Photovoltaic (PV) Systems livelihood that is rickshaw (tricycle) pulling. To tackle the [9] IEEE Standard 1262-1995, Recommended Practice for problem, implementation of Solar Battery Charging Station Qualification of Photovoltaic (PV) Modules (SBCS) has emerged to the rural Bangladesh as well as in [10] Environmental benefits of PV systems can be found at the urban areas to change the scenario. Thereby, software following implementation of SBCS is vitally important to monitor the system and keep the batteries safe. While maintaining the batteries of the SBCS manually, there might occurs USEPA website: [11] Babuktsis, A., Karapantsios, T. D., Antoniadis, A., Paschaloudis, D., Bezergiannidou, A. and Bilalis, N. (2006), mistakes and batteries can get overcharged. But doing it „Sizing Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems‟, International Journal using software is not only safe but also time and cost of Photoenergy, A ID 73650, pp 1-8. effective. Thereby our motto is to make the cost-effective [12] Bhuiyan, M. M. H and Asgar, M. A., (2003), „Sizing of a software for monitoring the station from remote region Stand-Alone, Photovoltaic Power System at Dhaka, Renewable even-though. With the completion of our GUI we will be Energy, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp 929 – 938. able to screen multiple batteries concurrently under the same monitor and will allow for the real time visualization [13] Photovoltaic: Design and Installation Manual, Solar Energy International (SEI),2007 of all types of readings, such as the voltage and percentage charge of each battery. PV has a powerful attraction installationmanual. because it produces electric energy from a free [14] Download A Guide to Photovoltaic (PV) System Design and inexhaustible source, the sun, using no moving parts, Installation, prepared by Endecon Engineering, with Regional consuming no fossil fuels, and creating no pollution or Economic green house gases during the power generation. So, it is our, wish to make the P-V system more efficient so that it can guidebook provides design considerations. help for betterment of life. 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