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This study is aimed to measure the employees' job performance behavior via the entropy based TOPSIS methods. For this purpose, work behaviors; burnout, emotional labor, intention to leave, and job satisfaction scales are taken as assessment criteria and a questionnaire is applied on public university employees. Integrated evaluation of all criteria is vital for performance measurement. At this point multi-criteria decision-making methods present an appropriate framework. MCDM methods are very suitable decision tools for measuring employee's performance. This method is used in order to measure performance for not only the number of work but also the attitude according to business, enterprise, and people getting services. Considering the researches done via TOPSIS are few, this work contributes to the literature. Because of appropriate scales are in opposite directions, TOPSIS method accepted as a MCDM method is used to reduce all scales to only one value. As a result, applying TOPSIS method in terms of measuring employees' job performance can conduct to measure qualitative works converting into quantitative works. Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı, entropy tabanlı TOPSĐS yöntemi ile çalışanların iş davranışı performansının ölçülmesidir. Bu amaçla iş davranışlarından; tükenmişlik, duygusal emek, işten ayrılma niyeti ve iş tatmini ölçekleri değerlendirme kriteri kabul edilerek bir kamu üniversitesi çalışanlarına anket uygulanmıştır. Tüm kriterlerin bütünleşik olarak değerlendirilmesi performans ölçümü için hayati öneme sahiptir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri uygun bir çatı sunmaktadır. Çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri insan kaynakları alanında performans değerlemede kullanılmaktadır. Performans değerlemeyi sadece yapılan iş sayısına göre değil, işletmeye karşı, işe karşı, hizmet verilen kişilere karşı tutumlara göre ölçmek amacıyla bu yöntem kullanılmıştır. TOPSĐS yöntemi ile yapılan çalışmaların az olduğu dikkate alınırsa, literatüre katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Ölçeklerdeki en uygun durumlar, zıt yönlü olduğu için bu ölçekleri bir tek değere indirgemek için çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden biri olarak kabul edilen TOPSIS yöntemi uygulaması sonucunda, iş davranışları performans ölçümü konusunda, nitel çabaların nicel hale getirilerek ölçülmesi bağlamında katkı sağladığı düşünülmektedir. ISSN:1304-0278 Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Electronic Journal of Social Sciences Yaz-2016 Cilt:15 Sayı:58 (1046-1058) Summer-2016 Volume:15 Issue:58 EVALUATION OF UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES’ WORK BEHAVIOURS PERFORMANCE VIA ENTROPY BASED TOPSIS METHODS ÜNĐVERSĐTE ÇALI ANLARININ Đ DAVRANI I PERFORMANSLARININ ENTROPY TABANLI TOPSIS YÖNTEMĐ ĐLE DEĞERLENDĐRĐLMESĐ DOI:10.17755/esosder.67295 Ayhan KARAKA+1 Said KINGIR2 Ahmet ÖZTEL3 Abstract This study is aimed to measure the employees' job performance behavior via the entropy based TOPSIS methods. For this purpose, work behaviors; burnout, emotional labor, intention to leave, and job satisfaction scales are taken as assessment criteria and a questionnaire is applied on public university employees. Integrated evaluation of all criteria is vital for performance measurement. At this point multi4criteria decision4making methods present an appropriate framework. MCDM methods are very suitable decision tools for measuring employee’s performance. This method is used in order to measure performance for not only the number of work but also the attitude according to business, enterprise, and people getting services. Considering the researches done via TOPSIS are few, this work contributes to the literature. Because of appropriate scales are in opposite directions, TOPSIS method accepted as a MCDM method is used to reduce all scales to only one value. As a result, applying TOPSIS method in terms of measuring employees' job performance can conduct to measure qualitative works converting into quantitative works. Keywords: TOPSIS, Performance Management, Employee Evaluation Öz Bu çalı9manın amacı, entropy tabanlı TOPSĐS yöntemi ile çalı9anların i9 davranı9ı performansının ölçülmesidir. Bu amaçla i9 davranı9larından; tükenmi9lik, duygusal emek, i9ten ayrılma niyeti ve i9 tatmini ölçekleri değerlendirme kriteri kabul edilerek bir kamu üniversitesi çalı9anlarına anket uygulanmı9tır. Tüm kriterlerin bütünle9ik olarak değerlendirilmesi performans ölçümü için hayati öneme sahiptir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri uygun bir çatı sunmaktadır. Çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri insan kaynakları alanında performans değerlemede kullanılmaktadır. Performans değerlemeyi sadece yapılan i9 sayısına göre değil, i9letmeye kar9ı, i9e kar9ı, hizmet verilen ki9ilere kar9ı tutumlara göre ölçmek amacıyla bu yöntem kullanılmı9tır. TOPSĐS yöntemi ile yapılan çalı9maların az olduğu dikkate alınırsa, literatüre katkı sağlayacağı dü9ünülmektedir. Ölçeklerdeki en uygun durumlar, zıt yönlü olduğu için bu ölçekleri bir tek değere indirgemek için çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden biri olarak kabul edilen TOPSIS yöntemi uygulaması sonucunda, i9 davranı9ları performans ölçümü konusunda, nitel çabaların nicel hale getirilerek ölçülmesi bağlamında katkı sağladığı dü9ünülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: TOPSIS, Performans Yönetimi, Çalı9an Değerlendirme 1 Yrd.Doç.Dr., Bartın Üniversitesi, İİBF Turizm İşletmeciliği Bölümü, Prof.Dr., Bartın Üniversitesi, İİBF, 3 Bartın Üniversitesi, İİBF İşletme Bölümü, 2 2016, 15, 58 (1046-1058) Introduction Performance evaluation in companies is one of the important functions for Human Resources Management. Thanks to technological development and increase in competition, companies have to ideally prepare its human resources and to achieve the highest efficiency with these educated human sources in order to score over its competitors. In this aspect, Human Resource is mentioned as a strategic element of a company. In service industry, this strategic element has become more crucial (levy and Williams, 2004). Appreciate the high4 performing employees and the analysis on low4performing employees will increase the employees’ productivity together with companies’ efficiency. This study, after outlined emotional labor, job satisfaction, burnout, and intention to resign, focuses on the methodology of the research. From the perspective of the service sector, the satisfaction of the service recipients increases the interest on service quality; consequently, increasing importance of service quality boosts up the concern about the concept of emotional labor (Avci ve Boylu, 2010:4). In this context, emotional labor is accepted as a necessity of the employees’ role, and it makes important the effort to show certain emotions claimed by the organization or the struggle to hide some emotions which is unwanted by the organization (Secer and Tinar, 2004:272). Because universities are the institutions providing educational services, it is situated in the service industry. The purpose of this study is to define the emotional performance of university employees from the highest to lowest. Hence, after the hardness level of the jobs, labour grading, wage settings and so on can be formed with a more objective approach. Conceptual Framework According to Kaynak and others (1998), performance is the concept that defines what extent a person can use the potential and real knowledge and ability to reach the targets and expectations. Performance evaluation is appropriated as an auxiliary tool in terms of organization and employee. Performance evaluation has two major aims. One of these aims is the obtaining information about the performance of work to help taking administrative decisions. The decisions on the wage rising, bonus, education, discipline, promotion, career planning, and other administrative activities usually depend on the information getting from performance evaluations. The management team of an organization should not take critical decisions without the information obtained from performance evaluation. As with other policies related to human resources, performance evaluations are organized in accordance with legal standards which prevent the discriminations against any groups (Micolo, 1993). Second objective of evaluating the performance is the provide feedback on the extent to which closer to standards in job description and analysis. The feedback can be beneficial when supported with positive approach and vocational training. Most employees like such constructive and confidence enhancing feedback. Employees can see how they progress in their career thanks to this kind of feedback. For instance, the feedback can help on whether an employee can be ready to take bigger responsibility or should have training to keep on current level (Palmer, 1993). Furthermore, it is stated that two categories of job performance can be differed from many jobs. First category is to give clear directions of task and duties in job descriptions. Second category is aspects of performance occurred because of social orders of the job and work environment. Consequently, social effectiveness is an outstanding feature of social contextual performance (Murphy and Cleveland, 1995). For instance, the effectiveness can arise when employees can develop and keep pleasant relations with colleagues in job environment. 1047 2016, 15, 58 (1046-1058) The attention on emotions has been growing in work environment, and certain studies show that the display of decent emotions cause the great success of employees and the distribution of rewards by others. Staw, Sutton, and Pelled (1994) discovered that employee’s remuneration is predicted by positive effects of emotions. Also, Staw and Barsade (1993) indicated that displaying positive emotions in the workplace tended to obtain supervisors’ higher performance evaluations. Performance evaluation is an arguable emotional experience. During the evaluation, employees’ jobs are directly evaluated by one or more evaluators. These evaluations have significant effects on employees’ psychological welfare, social status, continuity of employment in organization (Gerald, 2008). Emotional Labor: “Emotional labor is a form of labor exerted by the employees who are expected to have a close relationship with customers. Also, it comprises the conversion of the emotions”(Kalfa ve Topates, 2009: 425). The conception of the emotional labor is defined differently by scholars. According to Ozkaplan (2009: 19), “emotional labor is a part of pack which the companies sell”. In addition, emotions workers are selling their smiles like the selling the arm strength for industrial workers or the selling the brain power for information technology workers. Ashforth and Humphrey (1993: 90) inspected the Emotional Labor with the framework of social identity theory. In the frame, emotional labor is stated as an action to demonstrate proper emotion. Morris and Feldman (1996: 987) defines the emotional labor as effort, planning, and controlling for showing the emotion demanded by the company during interpersonal interaction process. Grandey (1999:8) states that the emotional labor is a regulation of both emotions and behaviors, which serve the company’s aims by emphasizing the rules of showing the emotions. It is claimed that there is a close relationship between emotions and business performance in the workplace (Cote and Miners:2006). Job Satisfaction: There is a mental attitude developed by employees over time about job and relations in the workplace. To form the mental attitude, the knowledge about the job, the approaches on the result of the job, the conditions of the business environment have a substantial role. These attitudes can be either positive or negative. If the attitude of the employee is a positive, the attitude can be considered as job satisfaction, or vice versa (Barutcugil, 2004:388). The satisfaction or dissatisfaction reflects a general attitude of employees to their jobs. In other words, these positive and negative attitudes can be evaluated as the products of the feelings and thoughts of employees about the jobs, colleagues, and business environments (Solmus, 2004:186). Moreover, there are considerable studies showing that there are any relations between job satisfaction and job performance (Judge and others, 2001). Burnout: In 1970’s, it had been stood out different responses to the problems of psychological, behavioral, and physical, which caused by organizational sources of stress, and these different reactions are called “Burnout”. The burnout was revealed after frequent and intense interactions with people encountered due to the job, and this feature distinguishes burnout from the other reactions originated organizational stressors (Torun, 1997). To determine the levels of burnout, it is benefitted a burnout inventory developed by Masclah. According to Masclah, burnout is defined as a status resulted from a long time working in the places demanded the intensive emotional requests. The emotional requests always stimulate physical wear, despair, hopelessness, and disappointment. Furthermore, after these attitudes appear, employees always tend to develop negative attitudes against the job, business environment, and life (Cokluk, 2000). 1048 2016, 15, 58 (1046-1058) Intention to Resign: Job satisfaction and intention to resign are located at the center of interest for many industrial and organizational psychologists, administrative scientists, and sociologists. The reason of this concern is based on the findings of empirical researches proving that intention to resign negatively affects the strength and efficiency of the organization (Samad, 2006). The intention of the employees leads to a number of such practical problems as loss of ability, employing additional staffs, and administration cost. Environmental factors affecting their intention to leave the job are organizational culture and values , working relationships with colleagues, job / role demands and expectations, career development opportunities, and autonomy (Takase, et al, 2005). When determining the performance of business behaviors of employees, some cases (emotional labor and job satisfaction) are required to be high while expecting that the certain the situations like burnout and intention to resign are low. Research Methodology The Universe and Sample of Research: The research is a descriptive study. First of all, the questionnaire forms are allocated to administrative staffs in Bartin University, which the forms consist of particular statements such as emotional labor, burnout, intention to quit the job, and job satisfaction. Bartin University has 180 administrative staffs, and 76 of them accepted to attend the research by filling out the survey. The universe of the research is the administrative staffs employed by Bartin University. While determining the sample, it is made the total number sampling, and rate of return the survey is 45%. Data Collection Tool: the scales about emotional labor in questionnaire forms were prepared by benefitting from the scale of Chu and Murmann (2006). In addition, it is used the scales of emotional labor for tourism employees with 12 questions created by Pala and Tepeci (2008) and Boylu and Avcı (2010) adapted from Chu and Murmann Scale. Regarding burnout, the scale was used, which is developed by Maslach and Jackson (1981) and adapted to Turkish with 22 questions by Ergin (1992). The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire developed by Weis, Dawis, England, and Lofquist (1967) and its adaptation created by Baycan (1985) with 20 questions were benefitted for evaluating the job satisfaction. The scale is widely used in order to survey the job satisfaction the employees working for hotel companies, travel agencies, information technology businesses, and other industries. The statements about intention to resign were taken from a scale of Blau and Boal (1989) which adapted to Turkish by Zayas (2006) and Yalçın (2010) with 5 questions scale. While inputting the data to statistics software, the negative statements in the scales were inputted with reverse the coding. Data Analysis First, questionnaire forms obtained from administrative personnel are transferred to computer. Then, the order among workers is found by using ENTROPY weighting method and TOPSIS method. Weighting: ENTROPY Method: Now, we give the process of assigning weighting value for criteria via entropy method (Alp, Öztel, & M. Said, 2015; Hwang & Yoon, 1981; Islamoglu, Apan, & Oztel, 2015; Öztel, Köse, & Aytekin, 2012). Let mxn dimensional D be decision matrix with m alternative and n criteria as below; 1049 2016, 15, 58 (1046-1058) = ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ (1) … … … ⋮ … ⋮ … … … … ⋮ … ⋮ … ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ Here, is the success value of . alternative with respect to . criterion where = 1,2, … , and = 1,2, … , . Values at Ai row show the success value of i. alternative with respect to all criteria, values at Xj column show the success value of all alternative according to j. criteria. Since criteria have different scales, first we need to normalize them for evaluation. For this, below equality can be used; = (2) # ! "$% " , = 1,2, … , , = 1,2, … , . & = ' ( × normalized matrix is obtained with this equality. Measurement of uncertainty or entropy value for all criteria is found with the equality below: 1,2, … , * = −, ! . . - , = (3) Here k value is constant defined as , = 2 entropy value of j. criteria. and 0 ≤ * ≤ 1 is guaranteed. * is Now we can define degree of diversification dj, for each criterion by using entropy value. (4) 5 = 1−* , = 1,2, … , Weighting values of criteria is computed by dividing degree of diversification of each criterion with total degree of diversification. 1050 2016, 15, 58 (1046-1058) 6 = ! 5 7=1 5 , = 1,2, … , Wj is weight of j. criterion and ! . . (5) 6 = 1 is obvious. TOPSIS Method: Technique for Order Preference by Similarıty to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method improved by Hwang & Yoon (Hwang & Yoon, 1981) is based on to choose the alternative which is the closest to ideal solution and the farthest to anti4ideal solution. The steps of this method is given below (Hwang & Yoon, 1981; Islamoglu et al., 2015): Step 1: Obtaining normalized decision matrix: & = ' ( × normalised decision matrix is obtained with the following formula. = ; 9∑# "$%( " ) , = 1,2, … , , = 1,2, … , (6) Step 2: Building weighted normalized decision matrix: < = '= ( × weighted normalized matrix is obtained via = => (7) , = 1,2, … , , = 1,2, … , where > is weighting value of . criterion found by entropy method. Step 3: Defining ideal and negative4ideal solutions: Let two artificial ∗ (ideal solution) and @ (negative4ideal solution) be as below: = ABmax = | ∈ HI, Bmin = | ∈ H′I| = 1,2, … , (8) ∗ @ (9) = ABmin = | ∈ HI, Bmax = | ∈ HN I| = 1,2, … , where H = O = 1,2, … , | when the utility criteria} HN = O = 1,2, … , | when the cost criteria} Step 4: Computation of discrimination measure: 1051 M = A= ∗ , = ∗ , … , = ∗ , … , = ∗ M M = A= @ , = @ , … , = @ , … , = @ M 2016, 15, 58 (1046-1058) Discrimination measure from ideal solution and discrimination measure from anti4 ideal solution for each alternative are given below: X ∗ = 9∑ . (= − = ∗ ) X Y = 9∑ . (= − = @ ) , = 1,2, … , , (10) = 1,2, … , (11) Step 5: Computing relative proximity to ideal solution: Relative proximity to ideal solution ∗ of . alternative is defined as: (12) Z ∗ = X Y ⁄(X ∗ − X Y ) , 0 < Z ∗ < 1 , = 1,2, … , Step 6: Order of Preference: Preferences are ordered by sorting Z ∗ values from high to low. Application Table 1. Entropy weights for intention to leave Weights 1. question 2. question 3. question 4. question 5. question 0,160062 0,214923 0,202968 0,195537 0,22651 According to Table 1 above, 2th and 5th questions are the most important questions. Table 2. Entropy weights for emotional labor Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 Weights 0,041228 0,079838 0,059972 0,068571 0,102649 0,056611 Questions 7 8 9 10 11 12 Weights 0,078519 0,134896 0,068413 0,122489 0,124629 0,062186 According to Table 2 above, 5, 8, 10 and 11th questions are outstanding. Table 3. Entropy weights for job satisfaction Questions 1. Question 2. Question 3. Question 4. Question 5. Question 6. Question 7. Question Weights 0,053425 0,020866 0,049563 0,03373 0,043322 0,037093 0,05641 Questions 8. Question 9. Question 10. Question 11. Question 12. Question 13. Question 14. Question Weights 0,071918 0,045495 0,038815 0,061741 0,070155 0,075369 0,064993 Questions 15. Question 16. Question 17. Question 18. Question 19. Question 20. Question Weights 0,051837 0,055335 0,042997 0,05092 0,042412 0,033603 1052 2016, 15, 58 (1046-1058) According to Table 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, and 14th questions are the most important ones. Table 4. Entropy weights for job burnout Questions 1. question 2. question 3. question 4. question 5. question 6. question 7. question 8. question Weights 0,046233 0,036385 0,043914 0,015551 0,048415 0,039681 0,060276 0,055412 Questions 9. question 10. question 11. question 12. question 13. question 14. question 15. question 16. question Weights 0,055889 0,066364 0,06703 0,029619 0,048769 0,034749 0,048854 1,048854 Questions 17. question 18. question 19. question 20. question 21. question 22. question Weights 0,043325 0,019808 0,0414 0,040157 0,041356 0,076478 It is seen from Table 4 that 7, 10, 11, 16, and 22th questions are the most important ones. Table 5. Weighted total success values Survey Order No Burnout Job Satisfaction Emotional Labor Intent To Leave 1 2,727800285 2,863304458 3,908676217 1,480185432 2 3,669956538 3,247334347 3,056665147 2,054493123 3 2,180135064 3,579465772 3,789312207 1,640247243 4 2,675757656 2,992222373 2,898260953 2,695621076 5 2,072591988 3 3 3 6 1,650402892 4,167780917 4,052718641 1,640247243 7 2,186993008 3,325233379 3,936678095 1 8 3,158467284 2,385156534 2,817002796 4,405957559 9 3,507474163 3,053425036 2,659021553 3,210397629 10 2,490205563 2,964769509 3,12813716 3,066448485 11 3,070416407 3,261281187 1,936208747 2,394347686 12 2,374853653 3,856957203 4,030836375 1,160061811 13 2,445776244 3,21697998 3,487414862 2,320123621 14 2,439483511 3,819766723 3,86536493 1,480185432 15 1,468334053 2,844314231 3,012686558 1,20296754 16 2,794745702 3,36028409 3,481463581 1,933551515 17 1,535578238 3,898287547 4,274345077 1 18 2,557230183 2,453500633 3,398996285 1 19 3,07795089 2,963310839 2,739519114 3,382414803 20 3,874784187 2,04460572 2,936049093 3,968677856 21 2,533166672 3,083263173 3,533892404 1,160061811 22 3,306454178 1,39526066 2,691752447 5 23 3,287465476 1,822063043 3,162110791 4,839938189 24 1,737962313 3,520938547 3,298017776 1 25 3,262296906 3,53102296 2,767546369 2,577952253 26 2,964109647 2,736918734 3,515784473 1 27 2,256828624 2,736918734 3,233957168 1 1053 2016, 15, 58 (1046-1058) 28 2,812276163 2,959906164 4,121784285 1,640247243 29 3,685865831 2,013082277 3,847718883 2,702906393 30 2,69340004 3,095192683 2,875906078 3,441433199 31 1,588793755 4,232375378 2,997983375 1 32 2,752648348 2,475421115 2,536586929 1 33 2,869341635 2,553552822 2,497651074 1 34 2,150843666 3,388808723 2,642749486 1,718628612 35 3,35022852 2,062802939 3,12678782 4,18812984 36 2,309525485 3,517463072 3,068765452 1 37 1,989699242 4,00908301 3,086511609 1,640247243 38 1,989699242 4,00908301 3,086511609 1,640247243 39 2,061183771 2,583662002 4,419188967 1,320123621 40 2,072607195 3,31070861 3,277202415 1 41 2,948839561 2,769675021 2,355487313 1,374984713 42 3,090787907 2,776186005 3,127780648 3,09688611 43 2,12544686 2,706118882 3,402829998 1,160061811 44 3,033860192 3,790325665 3,340480317 2,285015951 45 2,226671122 3,234461667 4,821945358 1,855170145 46 2,895480053 2,796297979 2,926509025 4,804462549 47 2,608529193 3,616571834 3,218098264 2,019753421 48 2,02146903 4,256774758 3,065382826 1 50 2,931789797 1,984974018 3,771078389 4,191380146 52 1,80747647 2,731252358 2,972784874 3,320123621 53 2,586584059 2,302196618 2,899733112 1,620857982 54 2,574386452 3,519548481 3,322965497 1,320123621 55 3,601622473 1,6923927 2,890418458 1 57 2,035164791 2,550482122 3,179741677 1,160061811 58 2,393371625 2,768207213 3,584760716 1 59 3,21938535 2,302956709 3 1,640247243 60 1,629897976 4,012616346 3,390085326 1 61 2,02018399 2,561309395 4,155410991 1,480185432 62 3,231742894 2,741070089 2,920161728 2,53088922 64 2,66071225 2,757086011 2,160806244 1 65 2,074084606 3,697581068 3,289442504 1,160061811 66 2,754538441 2,684164099 3,156854279 2,210765598 67 2,994980792 2,634601276 3,4682976 2,210765598 68 1,900489939 4,529269876 4,151114243 1 69 2,126951265 3,72306329 3,835583795 1,160061811 70 2,110089402 2,443257098 2,951733441 4,160061811 71 3,544462228 2,320510425 4,065368244 4,367186655 72 2,875188299 1,637913225 2,996424131 3,773835194 1054 2016, 15, 58 (1046-1058) 73 2,858674963 2,491342376 3,101200603 3,160061811 74 3,310468656 2,006371925 3,333381845 3,320491591 75 2,782247106 2,709947799 1,564490766 4,351441957 76 2,06621623 2,6540566 3,622567549 1 Weighted average of participants’ statements about feelings is shown in Table 5. Table 6. The Performance Ranking Calculated by TOPSIS Survey Order No Ranking Survey Order No Ranking 1 31 37 33 2 43 38 34 3 35 39 26 4 51 40 8 5 53 41 29 6 32 42 55 7 7 43 17 8 69 44 46 9 57 45 40 10 54 46 70 11 48 47 42 12 11 48 5 13 47 50 65 14 28 52 58 15 18 53 37 16 41 54 25 17 2 55 27 18 19 57 21 19 60 58 14 20 63 59 39 21 16 60 3 22 72 61 30 23 71 62 49 24 6 64 22 25 50 65 12 26 20 66 44 27 15 67 45 28 36 68 1 29 52 69 10 30 61 70 64 1055 2016, 15, 58 (1046-1058) 31 4 71 68 32 23 72 62 33 24 73 56 34 38 74 59 35 66 75 67 36 9 76 13 Conclusions The productivity of human resources is measured only by observing the job4related performance of employees. The one of the best way to measure is to set up a regular performance evaluation system. Performance evaluation in businesses has been seen as an important issue. In this study, it is aimed to numerically measure a qualitative concept as the performance of job behaviors of employees. By using weighting method, the importance level of questions is determined, and scale values for each scale are separately and objectively defined. Since the most proper situations in the scales are in opposite directions, TOPSIS methods accepted as multi4criteria decisions making methods is used to reduce all scales to one value. Which criteria would be used to evaluate the performance and what rate of the criteria’s impact on the performance are decision points. TOPSIS is a widely known and benefitted technique in multi4criteria decision making. Together with, when the system is objective and self4consistent, a trusted application is occurred. TOPSIS can find the best option by evaluating multiple alternatives in terms of multi4criteria. To measure emotions numerically is a tough deal. So, this research offers an alternative way to measure emotions of employees. In the future studies, more comprehensive scale can be used by including the other concepts of job behaviors. 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