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S osyoe konom i Vol. 25(32) April, 2017 ISSN 1305-5577 Turk Kamu Yiilaeko9retlm Kurumlannda 6grtnd KatIas, VI Ogrmlm Ucretlnfn Ekonomlk Anallzl The EC()(1omicAnalylis of User Charge and Tuition Fee in TurIasIl ff.g,er EduGHion Mustafa Umur TOSUN Turkiye'de Sektorel Eptsizftkltr vt sayual BOllinme iliJkisl Sectoral In;equaJitiesand Relations With the Digital Divide in Turkey HUseyinROAN- Hall ~ The Relation between Work Family life ConftlC1.Job Performance and Job Stress: A RHearch on HoUI Employee i~AileVa~m ~a~tnaSI_ ~ ~onnat\Sl ve ~ Slresi Nasanoalci ilijld: Old ~ lizenne SirNa~rma Ayhan ~ - Nllufer~IN Vergl Bllindni Etklleym Demografik ve Siyasi Faktorler: Klfglzlstan Omegi Demographic PoliticalFactOfS Affectr1g Tax Conscic:Iustless: case a Kyrgyzstan Raziyahan J'.BON'eVA - Tollul CUMAJ(lJNOVA aoo Kamu Alacakla"n,n Tahsllalln. saglamaya Yontllk Blr Onlem: Tasarrvtun iptaU Davalan A Precaution to Eruure the Collection of Public RectMlllleS: cancellation of Asset CAses HakllnAASLANER Tu,k Turlzm Stktorilnun Flnansal Perfonnanslrun Dlkey Anallz YOnt.emlyle Incelmmesl: BiSTTurlzm ~Irketltrl ve TCMBStktor Blla~olan iizerlnde Blr Ar.1fbrma Investigation of Turkish Tourism $«tOfS' Fin¥lCial PerfOffi'lilllCe by VertlCal AnaIy5is Method: A Researdl on SlSTTounsm Comp;wlles andCBRTCompany ~1S Erdln<; KARAOENlz - MehmeI BEYAZGUt. - Selda OALAJ( - Fatih GlJNAV OECD Ulkelerlnde Vergl Rekabetf Tax Compe1ition In OECO Countlies VoIl<an YUROAOoG - MlJ'at AlBAY1WC Determinants of Prlvm SavIng Uvtl: EvIdence from Turkey Qzel TasaI'M OOzeyinln Bellrleyidlerl: Tiirlilye Ornegi Mevliit TATUYER MUllGeUrin Vergl Yuku Uzerlndekl ftkllerl: ARDL Slru, Tm! Yakl~ml fie Turklye iizeflne Blr !nceleme 11924-2014, EffectszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA of National Income ()(1Tax &JIden: An Inve~auonon Turkey WIth an AROI. BouncIs TestingApptoach 11924-20Hj Ferdl ~etlKAV Farkll GellJmllllk Duuylerlnde Kurumsa/ Kall1enln ~evre PerformanSi Uurlndekl ftkl": Amplrlk 81, Analil The Effect of Institutional Quality ()(1Enwonmental Perlormance at O"ferentl.evds 01 Development. An Empirical AnalysIs Men~ Hanefi TOPAL- PInal HAVALoGw The ImpaC1 of Air and Noise Pollution on Health Status In Turkey: A Willingness to Pay Approach TilrkJye'de Hava ve GiirUiIOKlr11~n 5agbk 0lJ'tmJ UzeltndeId EtkIsI:GOru RIzasI)1a bderne VaJda~ Oznul OzrJNNVl - EIefthe'lOs GfOV,&,N1S Karbon Emlsyonu ve EnHji Tuketiminln Bily(ime Uzerindekl Etldlerf: MIST Ulkelerl KarplatllrmllSi The I~ct" of ~arboo EmissIon and Energy C~ on E<onomic CilOWIh; II Compansona the MIST Counrries Mustafa GUllU - Han.rl VAKI~K (i) EconPa ers RePBc '*~ii.) IDEASzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX ~ ~'.JI.l.L..__ ULAKBiH SOSYOEKONOMİ Peer Reviewed, Scientific, Quarterly Hakemli, Bilimsel, Süreli Sosyoekonomi Society Sosyoekonomi Derneği April 2017, Vol. 25(32) ISSN 1305-5577 Publisher / Derginin Sahibi : On behalf of Sosyoekonomi Society Sosyoekonomi Derneği adına Ahmet Burçin YERELİ Editor-in-Chief / Yayın Kurulu Başkanı (Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü) : Ahmet Burçin YERELİ Co-Editor-in-Chief / Yayın Kurulu Bşk. Yrd. (Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdür Yrd.) : Mustafa KIZILTAN Co-Editor-in-Chief / Yayın Kurulu Bşk. Yrd. (Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdür Yrd.) : Emre ATSAN Co-Editor-in-Chief / Yayın Kurulu Bşk. Yrd. (Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdür Yrd.) : Anna GOLOVKO Title of Journal / Yayının Adı : Sosyoekonomi Journal Sosyoekonomi Dergisi Type of Journal / Yayının Türü : Periodical Yaygın, Süreli Yayın Frequency and Language / Yayının Şekli ve Dili : Quarterly, English & Turkish 3 Aylık, İngilizce & Türkçe Directorial Address / Yayının İdare Adresi : Sosyoekonomi Derneği, Cihan Sokak, 27/7 06430 Sıhhiye / ANKARA Tel: +90 312 229 49 11 Fax: +90 312 230 76 23 Printing House / Basım Yeri : Sonçağ Yayıncılık Matbaacılık Reklam San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. İstanbul Caddesi, İstanbul Çarşısı, 48/48, İskitler / ANKARA Tel: +90 312 341 36 67 Place and Date of Print / Basım Yeri ve Tarihi : Ankara, 30.04.2017 Abstracting-Ranking-Indexing / Dizin : Tübitak - ULAKBİM TR Dizin, EconLit, EBSCO, ProQuest, RePEc, EconPapers, IDEAS, Global Impact Factor, Google Scholar. Editorial Board / Yayın Kurulu Ahmet Burçin Mustafa Emre Anna Hakan Ayşen Basak Altuğ Murat Işıl Şirin Burcu Hale Sevilay YERELİ KIZILTAN ATSAN GOLOVKO AY ARAÇ DALGIÇ KÖKTAŞ SELÇUK FAZLIOĞLU AKBULUT GÜMÜŞ ÖZUYAR Hacettepe University, Turkey Hacettepe University, Turkey Omer Halisdemir University, Turkey Sosyoekonomi Society, Turkey Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey Hacettepe University, Turkey Hacettepe University, Turkey Omer Halisdemir University, Turkey Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey Hacettepe University, Turkey Hacettepe University, Turkey Editorial Advisory Board / Uluslararası Danışma Kurulu Abdilahi Barış Nunzio Shafiul Necmiddin Elshan Serdal Alparslan Abdurrahman Joanna Caterina Matthias Ömer Aleksandra Jafar Mubariz Katsushi Kamalbek Adalet Mehmed Maria Paola Uğur İbrahim Erdem M. Mahruf C. Biagio Bican Nevzat Erdinç ALI ALPASLAN ANGIOLA AZAM BAĞDADİOĞLU BAGIRZADEH BAHÇE BAŞARAN CHUDZIAN DE LUCIA FINGER GÖKÇEKUŞ GÓRECKA HAGHIGHAT HASANOV IMAI KARYMSHAKOV MURADOV MURIĆ RANA SADİOĞLU SEÇİLMİŞ SHOHEL SIMONETTI ŞAHİN ŞİMŞEK TELATAR Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey University of Foggia, Italy Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom Hacettepe University, Turkey Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Azerbaijan Ankara University, Turkey Hacettepe University, Turkey Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland University of Foggia, Italy Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland Seton Hall University, U.S.A. Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland University of Tabriz, Iran Okan University, Turkey University of Manchester, United Kingdom Kyrgyz Turkish MANAS University, Kyrgyzstan Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Azerbaijan University for Peace, Serbia Northumbria University, United Kingdom Hacettepe University, Turkey Hacettepe University, Turkey Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom Università degli Studi del Sannio, Italy Hacettepe University, Turkey Ahmet Yesevi University, Kazakhstan Okan University, Turkey Bu derginin her türlü yayım ve telif hakkı Sosyoekonomi Dergisi’ne aittir. 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu hükümlerine göre, fotokopi, dijital ve benzeri yöntemlerle herhangi bir bölümü veya tamamı Dergi Sahibinin veya Yayın Kurulu Başkanının izni olmadan basılamaz ve çoğaltılamaz. Bilimsel etik kurallarına uygun olmayan alıntı yapılamaz. Dergide yayımlanan makalelerin fikri sorumluluğu yazarlara aittir. ©2017 2 Referees of This Issue / Bu Sayının Hakemleri Hale Cemil Serhat Murat Halil Ayşen Özlem Emre Hakan Yaşar Eda Alparslan A. İbrahim Nihat Júlia Mendonça Neslihan Başak İhsan Cemil Taylan Taner Erdem Utku Gökhan Zuhal Burcu Anna Aleksandra Gülsüm Aytekin Catarina Féteira Tuncay Hanife Deniz Ayşe Yusuf Mustafa Altuğ Murat Ömer Kutay Cemil Faruk Ahmet Cevat Mehmet Sedat Özgür İlter Hilmi Yaşar AKBULUT AKIN AKIN ALTINTAŞ ARAÇ ATAY ATILGAN AY AYYILDIZ BALIKÇIOĞLU BAŞARAN BAYAR BOUCINHA COŞKUN DALGIÇ DEMİR DOGAN EKE ÇOBANOĞULLARI ERGEN FAZLIOĞLU GOLOVKO GÓRECKA GÜRLER HAZMAN GÜVEN INÁCIO KARA KARAOĞLAN KAYA KILDİŞ KIZILTAN KÖKTAŞ LİMANLI OKTAY RAKICI ŞAHİN ŞAHİNÖZ TOSUN UĞUR UĞURLUOĞLU ÜNLÜKAPLAN ÜNSAL UYSAL Hacettepe University Mustafa Kemal University Omer Halisdemir University Erciyes University Hacettepe University Ankara University Trakya University Dokuz Eylul University Abant Izzet Baysal University Kirikkale University Hacettepe University TOBB University of Economics and Technology EDP Serviço Universal Cukurova University Hacettepe University Afyon Kocatepe University Kirikkale University Hacettepe University Erciyes University Cukurova University TOBB University of Economics and Technology Sosyoekonomi Society Warsaw University of Life Sciences Afyon Kocatepe University Abant Izzet Baysal University EDP Serviço Universal Duzce University Bahcesehir University Izmir Katip Celebi University Dokuz Eylul University Hacettepe University Omer Halisdemir University Artvin Coruh University Kastamonu University Karadeniz Technical University Mugla Sitki Kocman University Baskent University Hitit University Cankiri Karatekin University Hacettepe University Cukurova University Gazi University Dokuz Eylul University 3 4 Content Author(s) Title Executive Summary Editörün Notu pp. 6 8 Mustafa Umur TOSUN Türk Kamu Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Öğrenci Katkısı ve Öğrenim Ücretinin Ekonomik Analizi The Economic Analysis of User Charge and Tuition Fee in Turkish Higher Education 11 Hüseyin FİDAN Halil ŞEN Türkiye’de Sektörel Eşitsizlikler ve Sayısal Bölünme İlişkisi Sectoral Inequalities and Relations with the Digital Divide in Turkey 31 Ayhan KARAKAŞ Nilüfer ŞAHİN The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee İş Aile Yaşam Çatışması, İş Performansı ve İş Stresi Arasındaki İlişki: Otel Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma 51 Raziyahan ABDİYEVA Vergi Bilincini Etkileyen Demografik ve Siyasi Faktörler: Kırgızistan Örneği Tolkun CUMAKUNOVA Demographic and Political Factors Affecting Tax Consciousness: Case of Kyrgyzstan 71 Hakan ARSLANER Kamu Alacaklarının Tahsilatını Sağlamaya Yönelik Bir Önlem: Tasarrufun İptali Davaları A Precaution to Ensure the Collection of Public Receivables: Cancellation of Asset Cases Erdinç KARADENİZ Mehmet BEYAZGÜL Selda DALAK Fatih GÜNAY Türk Turizm Sektörünün Finansal Performansının Dikey Analiz Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi: BİST Turizm Şirketleri ve TCMB Sektör Bilançoları Üzerinde Bir Araştırma 105 Investigation of Turkish Tourism Sectors’ Financial Performance by Vertical Analysis Method: A Research on BIST Tourism Companies and CBRT Company Accounts Volkan YURDADOĞ Murat ALBAYRAK OECD Ülkelerinde Vergi Rekabeti Tax Competition in OECD Countries 121 Mevlüt TATLIYER Determinants of Private Saving Level: Evidence from Turkey Özel Tasarruf Düzeyinin Belirleyicileri: Türkiye Örneği 149 Ferdi ÇELİKAY Milli Gelirin Vergi Yükü Üzerindeki Etkileri: ARDL Sınır Testi Yaklaşımı ile Türkiye Üzerine Bir İnceleme (1924-2014) 169 Effects of National Income on Tax Burden: An Investigation on Turkey with an ARDL Bounds Testing Approach (1924-2014) Mehmet Hanefi TOPAL Pınar HAYALOĞLU Farklı Gelişmişlik Düzeylerinde Kurumsal Kalitenin Çevre Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Ampirik Bir Analiz The Effect of Institutional Quality on Environmental Performance at Different Levels of Development: An Empirical Analysis 189 Öznur ÖZDAMAR Eleftherios GIOVANIS The Impact of Air and Noise Pollution on Health Status in Turkey: A Willingness to Pay Approach Türkiye’de Hava ve Gürültü Kirliliğinin Sağlık Durumu Üzerindeki Etkisi: Gönül Rızasıyla Ödeme Yaklaşımı 213 Mustafa GÜLLÜ Harun YAKIŞIK Karbon Emisyonu ve Enerji Tüketiminin Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkileri: MIST Ülkeleri Karşılaştırması 239 The Impact of Carbon Emission and Energy Consumption on Economic Growth: A Comparison of the MIST Countries 81 Notes for Contributors Yazarlara Duyuru 5 ISSN: 1305-5577 DOI: 10.17233/sosyoekonomi.289385 Date Submitted: 07.04.2016 Date Revised: 10.11.2016 Date Accepted: 08.03.2017 Sosyoekonomi 2017, Vol. 25(32), 51-69 The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee1 Ayhan KARAKAŞ, Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Economics, Bartin University, Turkey; email: Nilüfer ŞAHİN, Department of Business Administration, Institute of Social Sciences, Bartin University, Turkey; e-mail: nilü İş Aile Yaşam Çatışması, İş Performansı ve İş Stresi Arasındaki İlişki: Otel Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma2 Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine if work family conflict affect to job performance and job stress. For this purpose, a three-scale questionnaire was prepared. First scale work family conflict experienced by employees, job performance in the second scale and the third scale measures job stress. The study was conducted on hotel management employees in the Western Black Sea provinces. The data obtained at the end of the study were transferred to the computer and analyzed with SPSS 22 packet program. In the analysis phase, frequency analysis, correlation analysis, t test, anova test and regression analysis were used. When we look at the findings, there is no significant relationship between work-family conflict and job performance; there is a moderate positive relationship between work-family conflict and job stress. According to some demographic variables, work family life conflict, job performance and job stress levels are different. Keywords : JEL Classification Codes : Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance, Job Stress, Hotel Employee. M120, M540, Z300. Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı, otel çalışanlarının yaşadığı iş aile çatışmasının iş performansı ve iş streslerine nasıl etki ettiğini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla üç ölçekli bir anket formu hazırlanmıştır. Birinci ölçek çalışanların yaşadığı iş aile çatışmasını, ikinci ölçek iş performansını ve üçüncü ölçek ise iş 1 2 This article is the revised and extended version of the paper presented in “Second International Annual Meeting of Sosyoekonomi Society” which was held by Sosyoekonomi Society and CMEE - Center for Market Economics and Entrepreneurship of Hacettepe University, in Amsterdam/The Netherlands, on October 28-29, 2016. Bu makale Sosyoekonomi Derneği ile Hacettepe Üniversitesi Piyasa Ekonomisini ve Girişimciliği Geliştirme Merkezi tarafından Hollanda’nın Amsterdam şehrinde, 28-29 Ekim 2016 tarihlerinde düzenlenen “İkinci Uluslararası Sosyoekonomi Derneği Yıllık Buluşması”nda sunulan çalışmanın gözden geçirilmiş ve genişletilmiş halidir. Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. stresini ölçmektedir. Çalışma Batı Karadeniz illerindeki otel işletmesi çalışanları üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonunda elde edilen veriler bilgisayara aktarılmış ve veriler SPSS 22 paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Analiz aşamasında, frekans analizi, korelasyon analizi, t testi, anova testi ve regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Bulgulara bakıldığında, iş-aile çatışması ile iş performansı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki yoktur, iş aile çatışması ile iş stresi arasında orta düzeyde olumlu bir ilişki vardır. Bazı demografik değişkenlere göre iş aile yaşam çatışması, iş performansı ve iş stresi düzeyleri farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler : İş Aile Yaşam Çatışması, İş Performansı, İş Stresi, Otel Çalışanları. 1. Introduction Family concept has been one of the important concepts that continue to exist despite undergoing various changes up to date. One of the most important values in human life, family life can conflict with business life which is necessary for sustainability of a quality life. Complication of the business life and the increase in individuals’ work loads affect the family life negatively. During the conflict in question, the stress is one of the striking factors. As to the studies previously completed; in the study of Aras and Karakiraz (2013), the relation of work-family conflict with low success feeling and job satisfaction based on time was analysed regarding the researchers doktora yapan, and a negative relation was determined between the variables. In the study of Turunç and Çelik (2010), the effects of perceived organizational support in defense sector on work-family and family-business conflict, organizational özdeşleşme and the resignation intention were analysed, and consequently it was detemined that perceived organization support decreases significantly the work-family conflict, family-work confllict and resignation intention and increases the organizational identification. Efeoğlu and Özgen (2007) analysed the relation of workfamily life conflict with the job stress in medicine sector, job satisfaction and organizational commitment and concluded that there is a positive effect of work-family life and workfamily conflict on the job stress and there isn’t any sigficant effect of family-work conflict on job stress. Özdevecioğlu and Çakmak Doruk (2009) analysed the relation of work-family and family-work conflicts with the life and job satisfaction levels of workers and concluded that there is positive relation between work-family conflict and family-work conflict, and similarly there is a positive relation between life satisfaction and job satisfaction. Çelik and Turunç (2010) analysed the effect of work-family conflict, job stress and organizational commitment on the job performance in defence sector and concluded that the family-work conflict levels of workers affect job performance negatively and organizational commitment affects job performance positively. Eren Gümüştekin and Gültekin (2009) analysed the effect of stress causes on career management and focused on the effects of stress causes on career life of the individual in their study. Eren Gümüştekin and Öztemiz (2015) analysed the interaction between the stress and the efficiency and performance in organizations, focused on stress concept and symptoms of stress in people in the study, analysed factors determining efficiency and performance in businesses, mentioned organizational stress concept and presented the effects of stress on organizations. In the consequence of stress management study on hotel businesses conducted by Akova and Işık (2008), it was 52 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. determined that the most important factors that put stress on hotel workers arise from organization structure and policy, and the reactions to the stress were described as the factors that affect the performance and efficiency negatively in general. Because of their study on the effects of motivating factors of workers on job performance and resignation intention, Yıldız, Savcı and Kapu (2014) concluded that salary, work conditions and cooperation of the workers among the motivationg factors affect the resignation intention negatively while the work itself, salary and work conditions affect job performance positively. In the consequence of the study conducted by Gül (2007) on the relation between job stress, organizational health and performance, it was presented that there is a relation between job stress, job performance and organizational health. In this study, unlike the other studies, the relation between work-family life, job stress nad job performance was tried to be analysed in another study field and in another area. The study is limited to a pre-determined area. The purpose of this study is to determine if work family conflict affect to employee performance and stress. Also in line with the demographic features, the determination of the variance between the work family conflict, job stress and job performance is one of the other aims of the study. The main aim of the study is to present the relation between the variables. 2. Job Stress It is generally hard to force the stress, a frequently used concept in our daily life, into a description. If this concept, which established itself in the life to such an extent, is to be described, it can be said that stress is the state of the body in which it gets into action with its mental and physical structure by creating special bio-chemical secretions to adapt to the conditions because of the individuals being affected by the environment and work conditions they experience (Eren, 2012: 292). In other descriptions, what stress is not being mentioned rather than what it is. For example, with descriptions such as “stress is not a simple concern” or “on the contrary, it is not a neural tension”, it is tried to be explained what stress is not. In the descriptions, there are mostly the negative effects and implications on people, negativity and uncontentment at the forefront. Like the positive aspects of the stress, some of its negative aspects can also be subject to some studies (Soysal, 2009: 18). Starting from the descriptions of stress, job stress can be described as the stress that workers encounter in the work environment. Variances between the expected performance and real performance in work environment are some of the factors that play a role in the emergence of stress. Job stress is important for all, whether it be workers or directors in a workplace. As the causes of this stress related to the work environment, working conditions and hardness of the job, organization disorder, defects in role-task delegation, workplace distance, fast changes and the most importantly, salary insufficiency can be shown (Eren, 2012: 295). Job stress arising from the organizational structure has negative effects on job satisfaction levels of workers as well (Kuşluvan & Kuşluvan, 2006). Primarily, this kind of stress relates to one’s perception of work and work environment. While a specific job 53 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. becomes a stress factorr for a specific worker, it can be simple and unimportant for another worker. Some causes of this stress can be described as role in the organization, career development applications, interaction in the organization and becoming a part of the organization. The part in relation to our study covers the “work-family relation” under nonorganizational conflict (Demir, 2007: 137). There are many effects of stress. These effects can be analysed as two groups, including individual and organizational effects. Individual effects of the stress are classified as psychological and behavioral effects (Örnek & Aydın, 2011: 203). Stress factor in the individual can also have an indirect effect on the organization. Direct effects on the success and sustainability of the organization are stated below. Stress can create negative effects on organizations such as decrease in organizational commitment, dissatisfaction feeling for the job, decrease in the quality level of properties and services owned, decrease in efficiency, decrease in the effectiveness of decisions, increase in workforce change, cold organizational atmosphere, continuous increase in personnel complaints and demands, continuous increase in customer complaints, decrease in cooperation between departments, accidents at work, increase in warnings and fines, increase in insurance payments, increase in the number of lawsuits aganist, increase in irregular attendance at work, tension in work relations, weakness of organizational communication, longer pauses for tea and meals, unexpected time losses, increase in compensations paid to personnel and weakening in organizational image (Uzun & Yiğit, 2011: 183). To minimize the effects of the stress, balance between business life and private life should be established. When this balance is established, individual’s life and psychological state can be kept at a much better level. The balance between private life and business life is ensured if the individual minimizes the conflict between the roles in business life and private life. Individuals should ensure the harmony between demands arising from their family needs and working field and their personal needs, and estabish a balance between them. When family, business life, the aim of the individual, target and demands do not limit the time spent for others, the balance will be established (Doğrul & Tekeli, 2010: 13). 3. Work Family Life Conflict There are some roles and characteristics that individuals have in the community. These roles have important effects on the the manner of life. The number of roles that individual has is determined by the simplicity or the complexity of social structure. While there are less roles in a simple social structure, the 54 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. number of roles is higher in a complex social structure. In the community, individuals have many roles such as lecturer in a university, a family member, father, mother, child or brother and a member of a sendika. Sometimes positions of these roles can be confused and the concept of role conflict can come about. This concept is the adaptation of an individual, who has to carry more than one role, to one of the roles more than others. So as not to face up with this conflict, the individual should adopt the role behaviour that his/her statutes require well (Güney, 2015: 179). Work family conflict is a special type of the stated role conflict. Work-family conflict and family-business conflict is çift yönlü (Aras & Karakiraz, 2013: 2). Therefore, while the family life of the individual can affect the work life, his/her work life can also affect the family life to a large extent (Turunç & Çelik, 2010: 212). This conflict results from the discrepancy between the role adopted as a member of an organization and the role adopted as a family member (Efeoğlu & Özgen, 2007: 238). Work-family life conflict can be analysed in two categories, which are work-family conflict and family-work conflict. Sometimes these two concepts can be used for each other. Work-family conflict is conflict resulting from the tension and insufficient time in which the roles individuals adopt related to their jobs obstruct the responsibilities they have for their families. On the other hand, family-work conflict is a role conflict resulting from insufficient time and tension, and that can also emerge between job expectations and family expectations. This type of conflict can be described as the family responsibilities obstructing the job requirements to be fulfilled. The studies conducted show that there is a relation between these two types of conflict (Çelik & Turunç, 2011: 229). There is a significant relation between work-family conflict and stress and depression health problems of individals. A stress cause in one area of life can also affect the other areas of life that an individual has. The states of individuals such as stress, tension, concern, sadness and weariness arising from their jobs or families make their roles in other areas even harder to be fulfilled (Çelik & Turunç, 2010: 22). Work-family conflict is classified into three categories in terms of basic characteristics and structural variances that cause the conflict. These categories are workfamily conflict based on time, work-family conflict based on tension and work-family conflict based on attitude (Özdevecioğlu & Çakmak Doruk, 2009: 72). We are now explaining these types of conflict in detail. Work-Family Conflict Based on Time: the main cause of this type of work-family conflict is the time constraint. The individual doesn’t have enough time to fulfill the roles required. The time spent by an individual to fulfill only one of the roles can obstruct all other tasks. As a result, the individual face with the work-family conflict. Variables related to this are excessive working hours, frequent overtime, irregular working hours and whether the working hours are flexible (Aras & Karakiraz, 2013: 3). This is inevitable if individuals use the time that they should spend for their family in order to compensate for their jobs. 55 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. Work-Family Conflict Based on Tension: this type of conflict results from the fact that individuals reflect their weariness, state of touchiness, anger, concern and tension caused by their jobs on their families. The main causes of this conflict can be described as undetermined roles in organization, excessive work load of the individual, work demands higher than that can be met, defect in the interaction between the leader and colleagues (Aras & Karakiraz, 2013: 3). Work-Family Conflict Based on Attitude: this type of conflict emerges when an attitude required by a role obstructs the attitudes of other roles. Individuals should show attitudes in accordance with the roles they have. While fulfilling these attitudes, the roles should be confused with each other (Özdevecioğlu & Çakmak Doruk, 2009: 73). When roles in family and work life are confused with each other, naturally there will be various problems. 4. Job Performance A benefit will come about as a result of a work completed. For this benefit to be realized, there should be a performance individuals must fulfill. The individual performance shown in the organization is an important concept for the consistency of both individuals in the organizations and businesses. Performance concept has become a concept we encounter often today. This is because whether and to which extent individuals fulfil the tasks given to them have become more important. It can be said that individuals have a high performance after they fulfill the tasks given to them correctly while they have a low performance in the event that they cannot fulfill their obligations or tasks and they get insufficient results (Özgen & Öztürk & Yalçın, 2005: 227). The same performance cannot be expected from all workers in a business. This situation may be caused by inherent characteristics of individuals or other characteristics acquired later. Job performance concept is the level of success individuals reach as a result of their efforts. If individuals are awarded for the success they reach, then their success level and satisfaction in their jobs increase. And this indicates a higher success (Yıldız & Savcı & Kapu, 2014: 236). After explaining basic concepts of performance, giving information about the performance measurement will be beneficial. Evaluation of the workers’ performances can give an opinion about whether the tasks are carried out correctly or not in the businesses. In order to have an opinion about to which extent workers are successful at their tasks, performance evaluation is used. 56 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. Performance evaluation can be described as the evaluation of the individuals in all perspectives such as works, activities, their defects, their extra abilities whatever tasks they have in an organization (Fındıkçı, 2009: 296). In performance evaluation, it must be remembered that the measurement is not the work itself, but the personnel performing the work, their success or failure at the work (Özgen & Öztürk & Yalçın, 2005: 227). Some of the aims of this evaluation are to determine the success level, show the individuals their own values and successes, give them the positions at which they are most efficient by determining personal features, organize various training activities for individuals incompetent at their jobs, determine the salary level that workers deserve and determine the personnel to be unemployed in the most correct way (Yılmazer, 2013: 109). In employee performance evaluation performed up to date, many different methods were tried and developed. In order to have workers that have efficient and effective performances, each organization should develop a performance evalıation system suitable for itself. One of the most important reasons of developing a suitable performance evaluation system for each organization is very different worker characteristics and variance of each organization. These variances make the use of same method in different organizations harder. The evaluation methods used should comply with the structure of the business and be dynamic (Ünsalan & Şimşeker, 2010: 125). In this process, businesses undergo some various phases. Firstly, a plan is created for performance evaluation and aims are determined. Performance standards are determined. Current success of the business is measured, evaluated and compared with the expected success level. Various analyses are performed. Design and development of the current information is actualised. Success evaluation is performed and sustainable success in the business is planned in line with the data acquired (Yılmazer, 2013: 109). Generally employee performance is of great importance in businesses. Each director wants to know abilities of workers under his/her control, the ratio of the works that should be performed by them to the works performed and whether they work according to the targets. Even when being accepted to the job, workers are accepted considering their performances. Therefore, their performances continue to be monitored afterwards. In order to reach the maximum efficiency in the businesses, employee performance should be monitored closely and continuous progress should be provided in line with the success (Sabuncuoğlu, 2009: 184). 5. Materials and Methods Questionnaire form method was used in the study to acquire the data. Quintile likert scale was used. In order to determine to which extent the participants in the questionnaire agree on the expressions in from, the answer options consisted of “I absolutely agree”, “I agree”, “Partially agree”, “I don’t agree” and “I absolutely don’t agree”. In line with the data 57 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. acquired, work-family and family life conflict, job stress and job performance levels of the hotel workers will be presented. Also there are 11 expressions used for determining the demographic features of the participants in the questionnaire. In order to evalute the work-family life conflict, a scales composed of 10 questions, which was developed by Netenmeyer, Boles and McMurrian (1996), and reliably adapted to Turkish by Efeoğlu (2006), was used. In order to evaluate job stress, a scale composed of 7 questions, which was developed by Huselid and Day (1991), and reliable adapted to Turkish by Efeoğlu (2006), was used. In order to evaluate job performance, a scale composed of 13 questions, which was developed by Choo (1986), and reliably adapted to Turkish by Yıldız, Savcı and Kapu (2014), was used. Structural Equation Model (SEM) to test the validity of all scalles using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) made and internal consistency were evaluated. CFA results are acceptable levels of goodness of fit values are obtained. Table: 1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis Results Factor Work Family Life Conflict Job Stress Job Performance ∆χ² 78,188 16,812 197,011 df 33 13 63 ∆χ²/df=1,96 2,369 1,293 3,127 GFI ,95 ,98 ,91 CFI ,97 ,99 ,92 IFI ,97 ,99 ,92 RMSEA 0,06 ,029 ,07 Population and Sample: Participants were accepted as the accomodation sector workers in Karabük, Bartın and Zonguldak provinces in Western Blacksea Region. 347 questionnaires were acquired from 57 accomodation businesses reached in this population. Data acquired by means of the questionnaires was transfered to computer and analysed with the help of IBM SPSS 22 packaged software. Frequence analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, T test and Anova test was applied to the data acquired. 6. Findings and Comments 6.1. Demographic Features Related to Study Sample As seen in the table 2, the sample of the study consists of males and females in the profession. 56,4% of the population consists of males and 43,6% of the population consists of females. When the marital status examined, we see that 44,2% are single and 55,8% are married. When classified according to the age, 24,9% range between 0-25, 36,7% range between 26-35, 28,3% range between 36-45 and ages of 10,1% are 46 or higher. 71,4% of the study, the majority of the sample, consists of workers, 7,2% consists of low level directors, 13% consists of mid level directors and 7,2% consists of high level directors. When the position in the business examined; it is seen that 23,1% consists of reception personnel, 19,4% consists of housekeeping personnel, 15,6% consists of service personnel, 14,5% consists of kitchen personnel, 15,3% consists of administrative units personnel and 12,1% consists of peripheral services personnel. When the number of children possessed by 58 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. the workers examined; it is seen that 48%, the majority, consists of those who don’t have any children, 15,6% consists of those who have only one child, 26,3% consists of those who have two children, 8,1% consists of those who have three children, 1,7% consists of those who have four children and 0,3% consists of those who have five children. When the education level of workers examined; it is seen that 26% are at the level of primary education, 38,4% are at the level of high school, 28% are at the level of bachelor’s degree, 6,6% are at the level of master degree and 0,9% are at the level of doctorate. When income levels examined; it is seen that 66,2%, the majority, consists of those whose income levels are between 1000-1499 TL, namely minimum wage level. On the other hand, 25,7% are between 1500-2499, 4% are between 2500-3499 and 4% are at the level of 3500 TL or more. When working hours examined; it is seen that 37,3% have regular working hours, 29,8% work in shifts and 32,9% have irregular working hours. When the working time in the last organization examined; it is seen that 33,8% have worked for one year or less in the same organization, 31,5% have worked for 13-48 months, 12,1% have worked for 49-72 months and 22,5% have worked for 6 years or more. Table: 2 Demographic Features Related to Study Sample Gender Male Female Age 25 or lower Between 26-35 Between 36-45 46 or higher Number of Children 0 1 2 3 4 5 Education Primary Education High School Bachelor’s Degree Master Degree Doctorate Working Hours Regular In Shifts Irregular Person 195 151 Person 86 127 98 35 Person 166 54 91 28 6 1 Person 90 133 97 23 3 Person 129 103 114 Percentage (%) 56,4 43,6 Percentage (%) 24,9 36,7 28,3 10,1 Percentage (%) 48,0 15,6 26,3 8,1 1,7 0,3 Percentage (%) 26,0 38,4 28,0 6,6 0,9 Percentage (%) 37,3 29,8 32,9 Marital Status Single Married Title Worker Low Level Director Mid Level Director High Level Director Position Reception Housekeeping Service Kitchen Administrative Units Peripheral Services Income Between 1000-1499 Between 1500-2499 Between 2500-3499 3500 or more Working in Organization 12 months or less Between 13-48 Between 49-72 73 months or more Person 153 193 Person 247 25 45 29 Person 80 67 54 50 53 52 Person 229 89 14 14 Person 117 109 42 78 Percentage (%) 44,2 55,8 Title 71,4 7,2 13,0 8,4 Percentage (%) 23,1 19,4 15,6 14,5 15,3 12,1 Percentage (%) 66,2 25,7 4,0 4,0 Percentage (%) 33,8 31,5 12,1 22,5 6.2. Correlation Analysis Table: 3 Descriptive Statistics Related to Scale Questions Conflict Average Work-Family Conflict Family-Work Conflict Job Stress Average Job Performance Average Average 2,56 2,73 2,39 2,46 3,87 Standard Deviation 0,885 1,23 0,95 0,880 0,655 N 346 346 346 346 346 59 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. It is seen that averages of variables related to work-family life conflict is 2,56, average of variables related to job stress is 2,46 and the average of variables related to job performance is 3,47. When looked at the values, it is seen that their perceptions of job performance is high, their perceptions of conflict and stress have relatively lower values. Table: 4 Correlation Analysis 1 1 Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N 1)Work Family Conflict 2)Family Work Conflict 3)Work Family Life Conflict 4)Job Stress 5)Job Performance 346 ,609** ,000 346 ,905** ,000 346 ,549** ,000 346 ,050 ,351 346 2 3 4 ,889** ,000 346 ,467** ,000 346 -,027 ,623 346 ,568** ,000 346 ,015 ,784 346 ,019 ,728 346 Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).** As a result of correlation analysis, when the relation between work-family conflict, job stress and job performance examined; because the relation between conflict and stress is P<0,05, it can be said that there is a significant relation and there is positive relation of 56% between work family life conflict and stress. When work family life conflict increases, stress also increases. Because the relation between conflict and performance is P>0,05, it can be said that there is a significant relation between performance and stress. It is seen that this relation is at the level of 1% and this is not a significant relation. 6.3. Regression Analysis Table: 5 Regression Analysis Anova Test ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares Regression ,033 1 Residual 148,350 Total 148,383 Regression ,056 2 Residual 148,327 Total 148,383 a. Dependent Variable: Job performance b. Predictors: (Constant), Work-family conflict c. Predictors: (Constant), Work-family conflict and job stress df 1 344 345 2 343 345 Mean Square ,033 ,431 F ,076 Sig. ,784b ,028 ,432 ,065 ,937c It is seen that because the model in which we examined job stress and job performance explanation levels of work-family conflict is P>0,05, the model is not significant. It is seen that conflict and stress cannot explain the performance significantly. 60 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. Table: 6 Regression Analysis Model Summaryc Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate R Square Change ,000 ,000 1 ,015a ,000 -,003 ,65670 2 ,019b ,000 -,005 ,65760 a. Predictors: (Constant), Work-family conflict b. Predictors: (Constant), Work-family conflict and Job stress c. Dependent Variable: Job performance Change Statistics F df1 df2 Change ,076 1 344 ,054 1 343 DurbinWatson Sig. F Change ,784 ,816 1,426 In the analysis performed to examine the job performance explanation level, which is a dependent variable, of work-family conflict and job stress which are independent variables; when R2 value examined; it is seen that there isn’t a significant relation regarding the performance explanation of conflict and stress. Namely, conflict and stress cannot explain performance significantly. 6.4. Reliability Tests Table: 7 Work-family Conflict, Job Stress, Job Performance Reliability Statistics Cronbach’s Alpha ,902 ,883 ,858 ,845 ,864 Work-family Life Conflict Work Family Conflict Family Work Conflict Job Stress Job Performance Cronbach’s Alpha Based on Standard Factors ,902 ,883 ,859 ,846 ,867 N 10 5 5 7 13 The value of 0,902 arising from the reliability test performed for the work-family life conflict scale indicates that the scale gave highly reliable results and the used scale is reliable. The value of 0,845 arising from the reliability test performed for the job stress scale indicates that the scale gave highly reliable results and the used scale is reliable. The value of 0,86 arising from the reliability test performed for the job performance scale indicates that the scale gave highly reliable results and the used scale is reliable. 6.5. T Test Results Table: 8 Relation of Variables with Gender Conflict Average Stress Average Performance Average Variance Deemed Equal Variance Deemed Unequal Variance Deemed Equal Variance Deemed Unequal Variance Deemed Equal Variance Deemed Unequal Levene Test for Variance Equality F Sig ,441 ,507 9,280 ,002 ,000 ,999 t -,155 -,156 ,628 ,643 ,760 ,759 df 344 328,344 344 342,445 344 320,538 Sig.(2 tailed ,877 ,876 ,530 ,520 ,448 ,449 When the variance of work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the gender examined; because it is P>0,05, it is seen that conflict, stress and performance do not vary according to the gender. Namely, gender of the individuals do not affect their levels of conflict, stress and performance. 61 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. Table: 9 Relation of Variables with Marital Status Conflict Average Stress Average Performance Average Variance Deemed Equal Variance Deemed Unequal Variance Deemed Equal Variance Deemed Unequal Variance Deemed Equal Variance Deemed Unequal Levene Test for Variance Equality F Sig ,311 ,577 ,594 ,441 ,005 ,944 t -,802 -,804 ,327 ,330 -1,559 -1,565 df 344 329,812 344 335,812 344 330,709 Sig.(2 tailed ,423 ,422 ,744 ,742 ,120 ,119 When the variance of work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the marital status examined; because it is P>0,05, it is seen that conflict, stress and performance do not vary according to the marital status. Namely, marital status of the individuals do not affect their levels of conflict, stress and performance. 6.6. Anova Test Results Table: 10 Relation of Variables with Education Level Conflict Average Stress Average Performance Average Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Total of Squares 4,782 265,651 270,433 ,415 267,345 267,760 3,886 144,496 148,383 df 4 341 345 4 341 345 4 341 345 Average of Squares 1,195 ,779 F 1,534 Sig ,192 ,104 ,784 132 ,970 ,972 ,424 2,293 ,059 When the variance of work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the education level examined; because it is P>0,05, it is seen that there isn’t a significant variance according to the education status. Table: 11 Relation of Variables with the Position in the Organization Conflict Average Stress Average Performance Average Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Total of Squares 2,008 268,425 270,433 270,433 262,299 267,760 14,309 134,074 148,383 df 5 340 345 5 340 345 5 340 345 Average of Squares ,402 ,789 F ,509 Sig ,770 1,092 ,771 1,416 ,218 2,862 ,394 7,257 ,000 When the variance of work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the position in the organization examined; because conflict and stress values are P>0,05, it is seen that conflict and stress do not vary according to the position in the organization. On the other hand, because performance value is P<0,05, it is seen that the variance of performance level according to the position in the organization is significant. 62 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. Analysis reulsts show that this variance in performance is caused by the different perceptions of performance between administrative units and all other units. Table: 12 Relation of Variables with Title in the Organization Conflict Average Stress Average Performance Average Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Total of Squares 6,418 264,015 270,433 7,117 260,643 267,760 18,207 130,176 148,383 df 3 342 345 3 342 345 3 342 345 Average of Squares 2,139 ,772 F 2,771 Sig ,042 2,372 ,762 3,113 ,026 6,069 ,381 15,944 ,000 When the variance of work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the title in the organization examined; because work-family conflict, job stress and job performance are P<0,05, it is seen that there is a significant variance according to the title in the organization. Analysis results show that this variance in stress is significant between workers and low level directors and there is a significant variance between mid level directors and low level directors. On the other hand, the variance in performance is seen between workers and all directors. Besides, there is a significant variance between high level directors and mid level directors. These variances may be caused by perception variance between workers and directors in general. Table: 13 Relation of Variables with Income Level Conflict Average Stress Average Performance Average Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Total of Squares 3,429 267,004 270,433 4,591 263,169 267,760 11,640 136,743 148,383 df 3 342 345 3 342 345 3 342 345 Average of Squares 1.143 ,781 F 1,464 Sig ,224 1,530 ,769 1,989 ,115 3,880 ,400 9,704 ,000 When the variance of work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the income levels examined; because conflict and stress values are P>0,05, it is seen that there isn’t a significant variance according to the income levels. Besides, because performance value is P<0,05, it is seen that there is a significant variance of performance according to income levels. Analysis results show that this variance in performance is between those who have income levels of 1000-1499 TL and those who have income levels of 1500-2499 TL. Also 63 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. they show that there is a significant variance between those who have incomes between 1000-1499 TL and those who have incomes of 3500 TL or more. Table: 14 Relation of Variables with Working Hours Conflict Average Stress Average Performance Average Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Total of Squares 6.987 263,445 270,433 4,828 262,932 267,760 2,305 146,077 148,383 df 2 343 345 2 343 345 2 343 345 Average of Squares 3,494 ,768 F 4,549 Sig ,011 2,414 ,767 3,149 ,044 1,153 ,426 2,707 ,068 When the variance of work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the working hours examined; because conflict and stress values are P<0,05, it is seen that there is a significant variance according to the working hours. Besides, because performance value is P>0,05, it is seen that there isn’t a significant variance of performance according to working hours. Analysis results show that this variance in work-family conflict is significant between those who work irregularly and those who work in shifts. They also show that the variance in stress is between those who work regularly and those who work irregularly. Table: 15 Relation of Variables with Age Conflict Average Stress Average Performance Average Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Total of Squares 5,059 265,374 270,433 4,545 263,215 267,760 2,257 146,126 148,383 df 3 342 345 3 342 345 3 342 345 Average of Squares 1,686 ,776 F 2,173 Sig ,091 1,515 ,770 1,969 ,118 ,752 ,427 1,761 ,154 When the variance of work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the age examined; because it is P<0,05, it is seen that there isn’t a significant variance according to the age. Table: 16 Relation of Variables with Total Working Time in the Organization Conflict Average Stress Average Performance Average 64 Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Total of Squares 4,142 266,291 270,433 10,397 257,363 267,760 6,994 141,389 148,383 df 3 342 345 3 342 345 3 342 345 Average of Squares 1,381 ,779 F 1,773 Sig ,152 3,466 ,753 4,605 ,004 2,331 ,412 5,639 ,001 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. When the variance of work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the working time in the organization examined; because of performance and stress values are P<0,05, it is seen that there is a significant variance according to the working time in the organization. Besides, because conflict value is P>0,05, it is seen that there isn’t a significant variance of conflict according to working time in the organization. Analysis results show that this variance in stress is between those who have worked for 1 year or less and all other groups. They also show that the variance in performance is between those who have worked for 1 year or less and those who have worked for more than 6 years. Table: 17 Relation of Variables with Total Working Time in Tourism Conflict Average Stress Average Performance Average Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Intergroup Intragroup Total Total of Squares 4,224 266,209 270,433 4,813 262,947 267,760 9,014 139,369 148,383 df 3 342 345 3 342 345 3 342 345 Average of Squares 1,408 ,778 F 1,809 Sig ,145 1,604 ,769 2,087 ,102 3,005 ,408 7,373 ,000 When the variance of work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the working time in tourism sector examined; because conflict and stress values are P>0,05 , it is seen that there isn’t a significant variance according to the working time in tourism sector. Besides, because performance value is P<0,05 , it is seen that there is a significant variance of performance according to working time in tourism sector. Analysis results show that this variance in performance is between those who have worked for 1 year or less and those who have worked for 6 years or more in tourism sector. 7. Conclusion, Discussion and Suggestions There some factors like stress and work-family conflict which affect the performances of individuals striving to make a living and reach the future successfully. These factors can have varying effects of the performances of individuals. In this study, the relation between work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance and their effects regarding the accomodation sector workers in Bartın, Karabük, Zonguldak provinces were analysed. In this area, questionnaire was conducted and the data acquired was analysed for the results. As a result of the analyses based on general aim; When the relation between work-family conflict, job stress and job performance examined; it was concluded that there is a positive relation between work-family conflict 65 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. and stress, the stress level increases when work-family conflict level increases and there isn’t a significant relation between work-family conflict and job performance. When the job performance explanation levels of work-family conflict and job stress examined; it was concluded that there isn’t a significant relation between job performance explanation levels of work-family conflict and job stress. It was concluded that there isn’t a significant variance of business-life life conflict, job stress and job performance levels according to the gender, marital status and education status variables. When the work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the variable of position in the organization examined; it was concluded that there isn’t a significant variance of work-family and stress levels, besides there is a significant variance of job performance according to the position in the organization. When this significant variance examined; it is seen that it is between administrative units and all other units. This variance results from the administrative units’ workers’ different perception of job performance from the other workers. When the work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the variable of title examined; it was concluded that there is a significant variance according to all variables. It was observed that this variance in stress is significant between workers and low level directors, and between mid level directors and low level directors. It was concluded that the variance in performance is significant between workers and all other directors. This variance may be caused by the perception variance between workers and directors. When the work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the variable of income levels examined; it was concluded that there isn’t a significant variance of work-family life conflict and job stress according to income levels. It was also observed that there is a significant variance of job performance according to income levels. It was concluded that the variance in performance is between those who have income levels between 1000-1499 and those who have income levels between 1500-2499. It was concluded that income level is one of the factors directly affecting the job performance. When the work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the variable of working hours examined; it was concluded that there isn’t a significant variance of job performance according to working hours. It was also observed that there is a significant variance of work-family conflict and job stress according to working hours. It was concluded that the variance in work-family conflict is between those who work in regular hours and those who work in irregular hours. It was concluded that working hours directly affect the work-family conflict and job stress. When the work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the variable of total working time in the organization examined; it was concluded that there isn’t a significant variance of work-family conflict level. It was also observed that there is a 66 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. significant variance of job stress and job performance levels. It was concluded that the variance in job stress is between those who have worked for one year or less and all others, the variance in job performance is between those who have worked for one year or less and those who have worked for six years or more in the organization. When the work-family life conflict, job stress and job performance according to the variable of total working time in tourism sector examined; it was concluded that there isn’t a significant variance of work-family conflict and job stress levels. It was also observed that there is a significant variance of job performance levels. It was concluded that the variance in job performance is between those who have worked for one year or less and those who have worked for six years or more in the tourism sector. This data acquired for the relation between work-family conflict, job stress and job performance is significant for workers and directors in the sector, scholars and other groups interested in this subject. Individuals should keep their life balances at the ideal level and shouldn’t be involved in conflicts with business and family life. The arising conflict can also have some effects on other life balances over time. In developing competitive environment, individuals should continue to conduct their business with success away from the conflicts, show high performance and reach the life balance. One of the best ways to solve this conflict environment for individuals is to establish good relationships and communication with others in both family life and business life. It is possible to offer some suggestions regarding the results of the study:  Workers can be informed about performance from time to time in order to improve their perceptions of performance.  In order to prevent the stress and work-family conflicts of workers due to working hours, some changes can be made in working hours.  A more appropriate pricing system can be applied in order to increase the performance of workers.  In order to reduce the work stress of the employees and to increase the life balance, the employees need to take care that the working hours of the employees are not exceeded eight hours as much as possible. If this is not possible, an employee overtime of eight hours must be paid (Genç, Genç and Gümüş, 2016).  Some training can be provided to the workers in order to reach work-family life balances more easily.  Human Resources Management in the organizations should become more important. This way, need of workers can be determined earlier and they can reach a good life level.  This study can be repeated by reaching wider and more different areas.  By adding different variables to this study, their relations with others can be studied. Or the same variables can be applied to different sectors. 67 Karakaş, A. & N. Şahin (2017), “The Relation between Work Family Life Conflict, Job Performance and Job Stress: A Research on Hotel Employee”, Sosyoekonomi, Vol. 25(32), 51-69. References Akova, O. & K. Işık (2008), “Otel İşletmelerinde Stres Yönetimi: İstanbul’ daki Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma”, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1(15), 17-44. Aras, M. & A. Karakiraz (2013), “Zaman Temelli İş Aile Çatışması, Düşük Başarı Hissi ve İş Tatmini İlişkisi: Doktora Yapan Araştırma Görevlileri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”, Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(4), 1-14. Çelik, M. & Ö. 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