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Observation of Two Important Angiosperm Tree Species of Gujarat College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Gujarat college has 30 Acers of land with historical important from botanical view point, because it endows valuable herbarium which is approximately 125 years old with total 2862 species belonging to 1220 genera and 155 families. The green treasure mine of the college is around 100 species stretched within the span of five

© 2018 IJSRST | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X Themed Section: Science and Technology Observation of Two Important Angiosperm Tree Species of Gujarat College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India R. S. Patel, Priyanka Panchal, Devangi Vaghasiya, Vipra Patel Biology Department, Maninagar Science College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India ABSTRACT Gujarat college has 30 Acers of land with historical important from botanical view point, because it endows valuable herbarium which is approximately 125 years old with total 2862 species belonging to 1220 genera and 155 families. The green treasure mine of the college is around 100 species stretched within the span of five Botanical Gardens in the campus. The ornamental trees conserved here in are Saraca asoca (Ashok), Murraya paniculata (Kamini), Swietenia mahogany (Mahogani), Bauhinia purpurea (Kanchnar), Cassia fistula (Garmalo), Caryota urens (Shiv Jata), Delonix regia (Gul Mahor), Peltoforum roxburghii (Peltoforum) etc. Some of the rare and valuable species like Adansonia digitata (Rukhdo), Melaleuca leucadendron, Crescentia alata (Top Golo), Haplophragrama adenophylum (Pali), Guiacum officinale (Gum Goaecum), Sterculia urens (Kadayo), Ehretia laevis (Vadh Vareli), and Jacaranda mimosifolia in the campus. Valuable collection of herbaria at the Biology Department is a gold mine of plant specimen: a collection dating back to more than 100 years. A rich and diverse collection of 2862 species belonging to 1220 genera of 155 families attracts many biologists looking for specific variety. The collection reflects the dedicated efforts made by the renowned plant taxonomists like Shri Marten, Shri Garade, Shri Gammie, Shri Bhide, Shri Saxton, Shri Sedgwick, Shri B. N. Dastur, Shri R. N. Sutaria and Shri G. A. Kapadia. Botanical gardenof this college have two main rare species that have Melaleuca leucadendron L which belongs to Myrtaceae family, is widely distributed in northern parts of Western Australlia. The flowers are cream, white or greenish-white and are arranged in spikes. Each spike is up to 35 mm (1 in) in diameter, up to 80 mm (3 in) long and contains between 7 and 22 groups of flowers in threes. Fruits which are woody capsules, 3.9-4.9 mm long in loose clusters along the stems. Cajeput is a member of the melaleuca group of plants which includes eucalyptus, niaouli, and tea-tree. All have strong antiseptic properties. Cajeput is most commonly used in steam inhalation because of its strong support for the respiratory system, and decongestive effect. It has a strong, camphor-like, medicinal scent. Keywords : Kamini, Mahogani, Gul Mahor, Rukhdo, Garmalo, Kadayo, Kanchnar, Gum Goaecum,Top Golo, Pali I. INTRODUCTION under the direct management of the Education Department of Government of Gujarat. Gujarat Arts & Science College, popularly and earlierly known as Gujarat College, is one of the oldest The first college building was constructed in the year educational institution of India and second arts and science college of Gujarat, near Ellis Bridge, 1897, which followed more buildings appearing on Ahmedabad. The institution was founded in 1845 as a Chinubhai Madhavalal, Bert, ICE, who again donated government-run another sum of ₹10 lakh (US$15,000) as patron of educational institute. It was established as regular college in 1850, and is now the land using the generous flow of donations by Sir College . IJSRST1738260 | Received : 10 March 2018 | Accepted : 19 March 2018 | March-April-2018 [ (4) 5 610-616 ] 610 R. S. Patel et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 610-616 II. METHODOLOGY After Independence of India, the college continued to expand and the New Science Building was built in 1948, Tutorial Building in 1965, and Science Workshops in 1965.The Department of Dramatics was established in 1970-71. The college is proud of our student Shahid Veer Vinod Kinariwala born on 20-SEP-1924. Veer Kinariwala braced the martyrdom on 10-AUG-1942 inside the college campus and became the first student martyr of India over 'Quit India Movement'. Proud memorial erected inside the campus, speaks about the brave son of the institute. Lok Nayak Shri Jayprakash Narayan inaugurated the memorial in 1947. The road facing Figure 2. Collection Of Samples the memorial site named as "Shahid Veer Kinariwala The methodology and aproches for this two rare Marg' reminds every one of the stoty of great sacrifice species at Gujarat College was followed as and suggested by Dr. R.S.Patel. An intensive field work by the young man. undertaken with help by Shambhu bhai. Photos are taken and documented. Results: The valuable species like Melaleuca leucadendron L. And Guaiacum officinale Linn.Both are presently existing in the campus. However, special measures should be taken to protect these species. We recorded three species of Guaiacum officinale Linn. In this campus. In campus , botanical garden and other two behind Sydenham Library. Figure 1. Gujarat College, Ahmedabad Melaleuca leucadendra (Weeping paperbark) Family: Guaiacum officinale Linn. Belongs to Zygophyllaceae family. Small tree reaching about 10 m (33 ft) in height with a trunk diameter of 60 cm, evergreen throughout most of its native range. The leaves are compound, 2.5-3 cm in length, and 2 cm wide. It is the national flower of Jamaica.There are approximately 3,00,000 plant species on the planet earth comprising flowering plants (87%), nonflowering plants (0.32%), ferns (4.4%), mosses (5%) and red and greenalgae (3.3%) (World Conservation Union, IUCN online). Myrtaceae Paperbark; White Tea Tree; Weeping Tea tree; Weeping Tea Tree; Weeping Paper bark; Swamp Tea Tree; River Cadjeput; Paper bark Tree; Paper bark Tea Tree; Cajeput ; Cajaput Tree; Butterscotch Paperbark; Brown Tea Tree; Big White Paperbark; Broad-leaved Tea Tree Myrtaceae and is widespread in northern Australia, Southeast Asia, New Guinea and the Torres Strait Islands. It is a tree, sometimes growing to more than 20 m (70 ft) with a trunk covered with thick, white, papery bark and weeping thinner branches. It has a long flowering season, can flower at almost any time of the year and is often grown as a tree in parks International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( 611 R. S. Patel et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 610-616 and on roadsides. It was the first melaleuca to be arranged in five bundles around the flower and each described and was described from a specimen growing bundle contains 5 to 12 stamens. Flowerng can occur in Indonesia. at any time of the year and is followed by fruit which III. DESCRIPTION are woody capsules, 3.9–4.9 mm (0.15–0.19 in) long in loose clusters along the stems. Taxonomy and naming: Melaleuca leucadendra was first formally described in 1762 by Carl Linnaeus in Species Plantarum as Myrtus leucadendra. Linnaeus used a description of the species written by Georg Eberhard Rumphius in 1741, before the modern system of classification was devised by Linnaeus. Rumphius had described a plant growing in what is now Indonesia. Later, Linnaeus realised that this species had little in common with other species in the genusMyrtus and described the genus Melaleuca to accommodate this species.Thus, Melaleuca leucadendra became the first melaleuca to be formally Figure 3. Melaleuca leucadendra Growing in Botanical described. The description was published in 1767 in Mantissa plantarum.It follows that although nearly all Garden, Gujarat College melaeucas are found only in Australia, the first type specimen was from Indonesia. Melaleuca leucadendra is a large tree, usually less than, but sometimes more than 20 m (70 ft) tall. Its thick Traditional uses: Aboriginal people used strips of bark bark is papery, usually white but also pinkish or cream and it has weeping branches. Its leaves and young from this tree and tied them to a frame of Dodonaea branches to build huts that were waterproof. The bark branches are covered with fine, short, white hairs was used to wrap food before cooking in an when young but become glabrous as they mature. The underground oven called a kap mari. It was also used leaves are arranged alternately, 75–270 mm (3–10 in) to wrap the bodies of their dead. The bark from trunks long, 6.5–40 mm (0.3–2 in) wide, flat, narrow eggshaped or lance-shaped and tapering to a point. The of very large trees was used to make bark canoes.The leaves have 5 (sometimes as many as 9) longitudinal the flowers for making a sweet drinks. crushed leaves were used to resporatory infections and veins and are often curved or sickle-shaped. Horticulture: This species of melaleuca is often grown The flowers are cream, white or greenish-white and in parks and as a street tree in tropical and sub- are arranged in spikes on the ends of branches which continue to grow after flowering, sometimes on the tropical areas like Brisbane and as far south as Sydney.[16] It prefers a sunny location but will tolerate sides of branches or in the upper leaf axils. Each spike poor, waterlogged soils.It has also been used as a street is up to 35 mm (1 in) in diameter, up to 80 mm (3 in) tree in Hong Kong.[18] long and contains between 7 and 22 groups of flowers in threes. The petals are 3–4 mm (0.1–0.2 in) wide and Essential oils: The essential oils of leaves, twigs and fall off soon after the flower opens. The stamens are flowers of Melaleuca leucadendra L. grown in foothills of northern India were analyzed using GC–FID, GC– International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( 612 R. S. Patel et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 610-616 MS, and 1H and 13C NMR. Thirty-seven constituents yellow to orange color with red flesh containing black were identified constituting 94.28–98.84% of the total seeds. This flower is regarded as a national flower of essential oil compositions. The essential oils were Jamaica. composed of (81.23–93.50%), mainly oxygenated followed by sesquiterpenes sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (1.84–11.41%). The main constituent of essential oils was (E)-nerolidol (76.58–90.85%) which is reputed as a high value aroma chemical in foodflavor, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. Other major constituents of the essential oils were βcaryophyllene (1.52–4.49%), viridiflorol (0.19–2.79%), (E)-β-farnesene (≤0.10–2.67%), and α-humulene (0.22–1.03%). Comparison of the results with earlier reports revealed notable qualitative and quantitative variations in essential oil composition of M. leucadendra. Moreover, the examined essential oil of M. leucadendra may be considered as a novel source of (E)-nerolidol for commercial utilization for natural derived flavor, perfumery and pharmaceutical preparations. A range of essential oils can be distilled from this species, depending on where the trees occur. Two of the most common chemotypes are based on methyl eugenol and E-methyl isoeugenol.[1] Timber: The timber from M. leucadendra can be used for general construction. In Vietnam, it is used for poles, piles and woodchips. Guaiacum officinale L. (Roughbark) Family: Zygophyllaceae Roughbark lignum-vitae, guaiacwood or gaiacwood, is a species of tree in the caltrop family, Zygophyllaceae, that is native to the Caribbean and the northern coast of south America. Tree of life, Guaiacum is a small, slow growing and evergreen tree native to Caribbean Figure 4. Guaiacum officinale L. Discription: This tree is very slow growing, reaching about 10 m (33 ft) in height with a trunk diameter of 60cm (24 in.). The tree is essentially evegreen throughout most of its native range. The leaves are compound, 2.5-3 cm ( 0.98-1.18 in) in length, and 2 cm ( 0.79 in.) wide. The blue flowers have five petals that yield a bright-yellow-orange fruit with red flesh and black seeds. Lignum Vitae is the heaviest and densest wood in the world and will rapidly sink to the bottom when placed in water. It resists not caused by insects and moisture so effectively that remains of Lignum Vitae wood used as posts for dwellings by Taino Indians discovered in Tutu, St. Thomus were dated by carbon dating and found to be over 800 years old. The genus, Guaiacum, is taken from the tree’s Caibbian name. and Northern coast of South America. It was introduced to Asian subcontinent from the West Taxonomy and naming: Authors disagree on speling of Indies. The tree belongs to the Zygophyllaceae family Elis, 1980 ), Kartesz ,(1994) spells “Guajacum”, which and measures about 3 to 12 m tall with trunk diameter of 60 cm. It has croocked bole and dence crown. The plant has broadly oval leaves with rounded tip. Flowers usually have five petals of blue color. Flower gives way to the heart shaped fruits of genus name: some spell “Guaiacum” ( Little, 1978, and follows rule in code of nomenclature: Linnaeus wrote “Guajacum” in his species Plantarum, and “Guaiacum” in his Genera Plantarum; according to the code of International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( 613 R. S. Patel et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 610-616 nomenclature the name in the species Plantarum American tree from the same family. Members of the supersedes. genus are grown in Florida and California as ornamental plants. Habitat and Ecology: A slow-growing species of Horticulture: Light Requirement: tree grows in part lowland dry forest, woodland and thicket, frequently shade/part sun; tree grows in full sun, Soil tolerances: growing in coastland areas, Systems: Terrestrial clay; loam; sand; acidic; alkaline; extended flooding; well-drained, Drought tolerance: High, Aerosol salt tolerance: High Essential Oils: Oil of guaiac is a fragrance ingredient used in soap and perfumery. It comes from the palosanto tree (Bulnesia sarmientoi). Oil of guaiac is prodused through steam distillation of a mixture of wood and sawdust from palosanto It is sometimes incorrectly called guaiac wood concrete. It is a yellow to greenish yellow semi-solid mass which melts Figure 5. Guaiacum officinale L. in Flowering Stage Uses: The genus is famous as the supplier of LignumVitae, which is the Heartwood of several species around 40-50*C. Once melted, it can be cooled back to room temperature yet remain liquid for a long time. Oil of guaiac has a soft rose like odour, similar to the odour of hybrid tea roses or violets. Because of this species in the genus. It is the 4th hardest wood that is similarly, it has sometimes been used as an adulterant measured using the Janka Hardness Tese, requiring a for rose oil. Oil of guaiac is prmarily composed of 42- force of 4,500 lbf (20,000 N) to embed a steel ball 0.444 in (1.13 cm) in diameter a distance half of that into the wood. The Spanish encountered guaiacum wood when they conquered San Domingo; it was soon brought back to Europe, where it acquired an 72% guaiol, bulnesol, , δ-bulnesene, β-bulnesene, αguaiene, guaioxide and β-patchoulene. It is considered non-irritating, non-sensitizing, and non-phototoxic to human skin. Oil of guaiac was also pre-Renaissance remedy to syphilis. immense reputation in the sixteenth century as a cure IV. CONCLUSION for syphyllis and certain other diseases. Paracelsus, a famous if controversial Swiss medical practitioner of the day, disputed its effectiveness and was censured for his criticism. Gum from the wood was usd to treat All syphills; for example, Benvenuto Cellini records this is directly linked with health of another. Humans are use of it in his memoirs. The 1955 edition of the directly or indirectly dependent of vegetation. Flora Textbook that: helps in planning conservation strategies. Floral “Guaiacum has a local stimulant action which is sometimes useful in sore throat. The resinis used in diversity might open new vistas in the field of the compound concentrated solution of sarsaparilla, investigations leading to new drug discovery . The which was formely much used as an alternative in present study has reported 2 species belonging to 2 syphills. A widely used derivative drug is the families and 2 genus 2 species and from the Gujarat expectorant known as guaifenesin. The soap fragrance college, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. of Pharmaciognosy also says the living and non-living things are interdependent in ecosystem. Existence of one species pharmacological, bio clinical and biochemical oil of guaiac comes from Bulnesia Sarmientoi, a South International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( 614 R. S. Patel et al. Int J S Res Sci. Tech. 2018 Mar-Apr;4(5) : 610-616 V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [6]. Brown, Roland Wilbur (1956). The Composition of The Authors are thankful to Principal Dr.A.S. Rathore and Other authorities of Gujarat College and Principal of Maninagar Science College for giving Scientific Words. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [7]. Calvert, Greg. "Bush tucker: White paperbark me (Melaleuca leucadendra)". Society for growing permission and opportunity. We are also specially Australian plants, Queensland. Retrieved 13 thankful to Dr. M.B.Patel, Head, Biology Department for very good facilities to complete this work. 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